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The 10 Solo Kill Achievements


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Have any of you gotten these? If so, how?


I'd like knock out all the PVP achievements but I have yet to even come close to those ones. I think the most solo kills I've ever gotten in a match were 6, and they were the same two players that I killed three times each fighting over a node. I stole it from them and successfully defended the node twice from them with no help from my team, despite calls.


That match was the exception however and there are many matches where I have no solo kills at all or maybe just one or two. It's not that I struggle to kill other players. I usually rank at or near the top in player kills. It's just that I don't seem to come across the opportunity to even go for 5 solo kills, let alone 10. Even in matches where I've had 20 killing blows maybe 1-3 might be solo. If even one player had answered my incoming calls from the match I mentioned above, I'd have probably finished the match with 2 solo kills instead of 6.


How do you manage 10 in an 8 vs 8 warzone where it is very likely *someone* on your team is going to do at least some damage to most of the players you kill?


To be clear I'm not saying it can't be done, just that I haven't done it and don't know how I'd go about doing it.


If you've got tips on how to go about knocking this achievement down, please share. Is it possible to get the achievement while still playing objectives? I've considered just focusing on the achievement and not paying attention to anything else, but guilt has always won out in the end. lol

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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The problem with PVP achievements is that they were set in the past when class balance was different. Back then it was mostly possible but now its nearly impossible. There are very few ppl with 100% pvp achievements but they gained it via a special "arranged" way.


The best you can do here is get a friend on the opossite faction and kill him in the wz. Both be stealthers and do it in lowbies not in the lvl 70s. Just wait in stealth at respawn and keep killing him on cd. Some wzs like hypergate are a drag but its possible.

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You can not do this in a legit manner.


I once spend 2 months in lowbies doing nothing but pursuing this achievement. You have to completely sell out your team and ignore playing for the object. I managed to get the 10 kills something like 4-5 times during those 2 months, and the number you need to get is obscene (8 x 50? I forget the exact number). It would take more years than this game has left.


It can only realistically be done by cheating with a friend.

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You can not do this in a legit manner.


It can only realistically be done by cheating with a friend.


The question is what legit and cheating means. There is a trick in getting the stuff in 1 day but that requires either breaking the ToS or 16 players. Still, those ppl would be helping oneanother to these achievements so its legit but its cheating.

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It’s still possible to get them, but it’s situational and you can’t really plan it. I got 9 solos the other day and I guess I could have made it 10 if I was going for the achievement.

It was Nova coast and I went to east to stop the Imps capping at the start and I got my first solo and capped it. The same guy kept respawning and coming back to die again. I started to feel bad for him because none of his team bothered to come help him, they were all still busy trying to take south back from my team. In the end I left east and went to South so he could cap it.

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There's always that one random healer or dps who runs in and heals you or attacks your target when their hp is like 5% while yours is 75%+.


It'd be easier if that wasn't the case (maybe)

Edited by RACATW
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There's always that one random healer or dps who runs in and heals you or attacks your target when their hp is like 5% while yours is 75%+.


It'd be easier if that wasn't the case (maybe)


It's only fair you share your kill with the team though. Don't be greedy!

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There's always that one random healer or dps who runs in and heals you or attacks your target when their hp is like 5% while yours is 75%+.


It'd be easier if that wasn't the case (maybe)


And that is extremely annoying :rolleyes:


I think the hardest thing about getting any solo kills these days is people run in gank squads. So even if they see you are about to kill someone, 5 of them will come running to make sure you “can kill that one guy” ;)

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I had a lvl 70 yolo que match where I ended up with 7 solo kills a few months ago on my jugg tank. It was civil war and I defended my turret all game slowly accumulating those kills. It was close, if I haven't had left my turret (we were losing anyways) I think i may have gotten very close.


The match has to be one of those perfect storm matches where you get a stubborn baddie on the opposing team zerging you all match where you farm him. Or, you play assassin / operative and try to hunt 1v1 all game. That's the only legit way I can think of, otherwise you have to stage it.


Lowbies/midbies is also an alternative, I imagine a season operative trolling midbies que can pull of 10 solo kills pretty effortlessly since that class is so broken in midbies pvp. (one of the reasons I haven't played a pre-70 pvp match in years)

Edited by DenariusJay
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ILowbies/midbies is also an alternative, I imagine a season operative trolling midbies que can pull of 10 solo kills pretty effortlessly since that class is so broken in midbies pvp. (one of the reasons I haven't played a pre-70 pvp match in years)


That is exactly what I did, but getting those 10 kills is harder then it seems. If you go to their spawn you will often end up fighting 2. If you go their node, you will often have someone "helping" you. Nothing is more frustrating than getting 8-9 kills.

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The match has to be one of those perfect storm matches where you get a stubborn baddie on the opposing team zerging you all match where you farm him.


That is the only way I've ever got 10+ solo kills. Best one in a civil war were i capped there node and kept 2v1'ing the same guys i took it from, I've also had a few arena where i managed to get 3 solo kills in one round its kind of impressive how bad some people can be at pvp

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Conc ops hit like trucks in lowbies. Get to lvl 40. Find a lvl 15 sage and get an easy 10 solo kills.


Yes they hit hard in lowbies and yes sages and others below level 20 are easy kills. That still doesn't make this achievement possible in any legit fashion. Go try it for yourself if in doubt - and no cheating.


Part of the problem is the randomized warzones. In the beginning you use any warzone that pops, but at some points (months and years into your endeavor) you will be chasing very specific warzones as you already have the rest.


It's a dumb achievement that should be removed or updated.

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Yes by cheating. By killing their own bots or friends.


Sure, just stating. But the question arises that if you really want something and its mere impossible to attain, isnt it good to cheat? Based on that thread all those players should be banned then. There are like 4-5 players with 100% PVP achievos (not sure some has Yavin wz too).

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Sure, just stating. But the question arises that if you really want something and its mere impossible to attain, isnt it good to cheat? Based on that thread all those players should be banned then. There are like 4-5 players with 100% PVP achievos (not sure some has Yavin wz too).


It doesn't really affect anyone or anything, and it still take coordination to arrange this with others. You could almost argue that "cheating" is the correct way of doing it. The only thing that would annoy me, is for someone to claim they have done it legit.

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The problem with PVP achievements is that they were set in the past when class balance was different. Back then it was mostly possible but now its nearly impossible. There are very few ppl with 100% pvp achievements but they gained it via a special "arranged" way.


The best you can do here is get a friend on the opossite faction and kill him in the wz. Both be stealthers and do it in lowbies not in the lvl 70s. Just wait in stealth at respawn and keep killing him on cd. Some wzs like hypergate are a drag but its possible.


That explains it.


While I'm a founder I didn't do much beyond the class stories when I first started playing the game. I gave PVP a try but didn't stick around long enough to do much more than that. I quit SWTOR for other games and didn't really start PVPing regularly until I came back to the game in maybe late 2013 or 2014.


Conc ops hit like trucks in lowbies. Get to lvl 40. Find a lvl 15 sage and get an easy 10 solo kills.


That's the other issue. I haven't leveled up an alt in a long time. Maybe I should take a Conc Op through lowbies. I'd rather try to get the achievement legit first.

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Maybe I should take a Conc Op through lowbies. I'd rather try to get the achievement legit first.


The issue you face there is actually getting lowbies to Pop. Even in the middle of primetime it pops slowly.

I literally started 2 new Alts today at mid primetime. The first was a Sage and I sped through the starter planet and queued at lvl 10. By the time I got to lvl 19 2 hours later, I still had not had one pop.

So I created a Sorc because I thought maybe it’s cause I’m queuing rep. I get to lvl 10 and queue and end up logging off 2 hours later with zero pvp pops in lowbies on SF. That was about a 6 hour window from about 9pm EST till 3am EST.

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You could almost argue that "cheating" is the correct way of doing it.


Sadly thats how it is.


As you said, if they do it "the" way they dont affect anyone, just do their thing and are done in 1 night.


The issue you face there is actually getting lowbies to Pop. Even in the middle of primetime it pops slowly.


Oh Trixxie, you and your lowbie pops :) come play on Darth Malgus at 8 pm GMT and you get pops. However, due to ping the match would be over before you load :D :D :D

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Yes they hit hard in lowbies and yes sages and others below level 20 are easy kills. That still doesn't make this achievement possible in any legit fashion. Go try it for yourself if in doubt - and no cheating.


Part of the problem is the randomized warzones. In the beginning you use any warzone that pops, but at some points (months and years into your endeavor) you will be chasing very specific warzones as you already have the rest.


It's a dumb achievement that should be removed or updated.

You can't get the achievement, so everyone who has it is cheating. Sounds like a legitimate, throughly examined and entirely conclusive argument.

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Oh Trixxie, you and your lowbie pops :) come play on Darth Malgus at 8 pm GMT and you get pops. However, due to ping the match would be over before you load :D :D :D


LoL, if only I could. It would load, only I’d be more of a spectator than a participant ;)

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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