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New Trilogy vs Prequel - What Say You?


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I have to go with the Prequels. While neither Anaking Jar Jar or Padme are where interesting the rest is pretty good in my opinion. It not only expands the universe showing new worlds it also shows in a quite elegant manner just how the Republic fell and how it could be that a democracy could turn into a militaristic dictatorship.


Obi-wan is also considirably well developed and I you can really see the guy that would turn into old Ben in 20 years. Yoda is also a good develpment wise as he is he displays all the flaws rhat made the Jedi order fail in the end. Same with Mace Windu a great character as well.


The setting, tone, special effects and the LIGHTSABER FIGHTS are also where good and makes for awesome entertainment.

ITs by no means perfect but I never really saw the problems that many other people saw with it, its a question of taste I guess.


The new trilogy has no real bright spots for me. TFA was a good movie yes and when I saw it I thought that they made a finall tip of the hat to the olt stuff and aimed for expanding the new but that does not happen. TLJ is really a waste of time. Under a few days tey jump around doing dodging blaster bolts, throw in a forced romance and maybee throw in a few moral lessons. They kill of a villain they never bothered making interesting and then makes Kylo the same whiner he was in the beginning of TFA.


The new trilogy could have been a great film if they had just dared to go into unexplored waters but they did not do thatm and so in my opnion they failed to add anything to the saga. New or recreated old.

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The prequels are much better. Despite Jar Jar the pacing pacing was better, and even though we knew how the story would end, it held interest. These new ones are all over the place, making no single coherent story.


Seriously, the whole casino subplot looks to me like RJ forgot that Finn survived his fight with Kylo and turned in his completed script without him. Disney execs said “what about the other guy?” RJ responded “he can stay in that Bacta tank for all I care!”

Disney then forced him to write a part for Finn, no matter how little sense it made

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I don't have anything much to say, because the new trilogy isn't over yet. I thought the force awakens was meh (bland, just a movie to sell toys and reboot the franchise in a Episode 4 manner) , but thought the last jedi was pretty decent and it raised a bunch of interesting questions. The music in the prequels were awesome, 10/10, and even though some parts were botched or unnecessary, and the acting wasn't that great, it was a story that needed to be told and I'm not sure if this new sequel trilogy needs to be told.
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How odd. When I actually consider it, I enjoyed each of the prequels significantly less than I have the new films when first viewed; however, now looking back on the prequels I believe they made for an overall better experience (probably because I have mentally blocked out certain portions and not watched them for a while).


The Prequels had terrible acting, an overabundance of CGI, much of which was poorly done, and managed to create many things that I actively hated.


The new movies have failed in a different way. They have almost entirely failed to make me care about the new cast. As they kill off the classic characters in this passing of the torch, they give us characters like Finn and Poe and Rose that I really have not been able to muster anything more than indifference towards. The Prequels were filled with a lot of 'love 'em or hate 'em' characters, but the new run is so emotionally muted that it took two full movies for me to even begin to give a darn about Rey or Kylo. They are currently at a point where if they killed Kylo Ren, Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose, and BB8 all in a single scene, it wouldn't phase me as much as the death of Admiral Ackbar did in Last Jedi, and his death didn't even happen on screen.


When trying to make a replacement roster for some of the most beloved characters of all time, they have fallen far short. At least the Prequels managed to do a good job with characters like Count Dooku, younger Obi, and to a lesser extent General Grievous.


I'd say the newer movies are more 'popcorn' movies. They're more fun for a watch (like a Michael Bay film) but ultimately when you take a step back and really look at them, they're not that good (also like a Michael Bay film).

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IMO, the new trilogy (or what we've seen of it thus far) beats the prequels by a mile. More interesting characters, better storytelling, superior special effects (even accounting for advancements in CGI), stronger acting and directing, better humor, and more interesting action sequences.


That's not to say the new trilogy is without its flaws (e.g., repetitive plot beats in VII, Super!Leia scene in VIII), but even the original trilogy had plenty of those. And like the original trilogy, I think what's good about the sequels far, far outweighs their missteps. (Heck, overall, I think TFA and TLJ are both better than RotJ, too.) In general, I can't say the same about the prequels.

Edited by DarthDymond
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The prequels are a 1,000 times better then the garbage Disney is putting out with episodes 7, and 8. Disney's characters are uninteresting, the acting is blah, and the story telling is horrific, absolutely terrible story plots to both movies.


The prequels definitely had some things which I didn't like, however they were far superior to this nonsense we're getting now.

Edited by Toraak
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Ok, I see that your specific question is "better story". For me, it's easily the sequels. I'm not talking whether or not you, I or Timothy Zahn could have written a better sequel or prequel, just judging what is on the screen.


When AOTC ended, there wasn't that much left to ponder. That's the problem with the story in a prequel, it already has a set endpoint, so the 3 years in between movies was about figuring out the path from movie 2 to movie 3's known endgame. Most of the big points became obvious.


What's great about the sequels is they are telling a new story that I have no idea how it's going to end, yet they've made me excited to see it. The buildup has been exciting and most of it well done. The final movie has both a lot of room to be fun and exciting, yet also has a ton of big teaser threads it can pay off.


Simply put, I'm more stoked to see Ep9 than I was Ep3.

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The prequels were bad movies (mostly) but added to the lore in important ways and felt very much a part of Star Wars. They also gave us the Clone Wars series, the best non-movie iteration of Star Wars we've ever had.


The sequels are bad movies that add nothing at all to the lore, destroy existing characters, and serve as a mouth piece for a leftist political agenda that is dominating the media, with terrible anthology films sandwiched between (outside of the fanservice Vader and space battle sequences, Rogue One was utterly forgettable).


I miss George. He was well into "the emperor has no clothes" mode and I don't know if anyone could have reigned him in, but for as bad as his directing and writing was, his vision and ideas for the universe are miles ahead of anything Disney offers. Dave Filoni is the last competent person still involved with Star Wars left, beyond Rebels most of the new EU is trash and the video games, including this one, have ranged from mediocre to complete garbage since the days of Jedi Academy and KOTOR 2.


Until Disney and EA lose the rights, I think its time to declare Star Wars officially dead.

Edited by wadecounty
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I like all parts of the saga, some more than others, but still like them. With that being said, I do believe that Sequels flow better in terms of story, writing and character development than the Prequels. I consider TLJ being my favorite SW-film of all time.
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As bad as the prequels were in respects at least they have one major thing that the new ones don't have. DIRECTION. The new movies have absolutely zero idea where they are going and what they are doing.


Toss in forced diversity and social justice crap, just makes for terrible story telling.


I mean I can overlook a lot, but absolutely zero direction, no real plot development, horrible character arcs if any and just bad over all characters(yes 8 has TERRIBLE CHARACTERS) and completely destroying everything Luke Skywalker fought and gave for...


Yeah I'll take 1-3 any day. And I highly doubt JJ is going to save 9.

Edited by TalonVII
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100% the Prequels,

I just love the clones. The information and story of each individual clone is just massive, especially for the most known clones.

Idk why, but the clones are just the most interesting, Siths and Jedis are interesting too, no question, but... I don't know.

Clones are best.

#DeltaSquad, #RC1138Boss


Marr Aloysius

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100% the Prequels,

I just love the clones. The information and story of each individual clone is just massive, especially for the most known clones.

Idk why, but the clones are just the most interesting, Siths and Jedis are interesting too, no question, but... I don't know.

Clones are best.

#DeltaSquad, #RC1138Boss


Marr Aloysius


I'm pretty sure they didn't give any individual story to any clone in those movies. Just sayin'.


The prequels got progressively better, but left an awful lot to be desired, overall. The new trilogy is still a work in progress, but I can say that the quality of episodes VII and VIII is much higher than I, II, or III. Given the choice of what to watch, I'll always pick the new trilogy over the prequel trilogy... unless I want to watch a specific scene.

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Toss in forced diversity and social justice crap, just makes for terrible story telling.


Why do you think diversity is forced and not just, you know, diversity? Please explain the difference to me, as you see it.

Edited by AlienEyeTX
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For me, Episode VII is the worst SW movie, followed by Episode VIII. I thus prefer the prequels. Episode I is for kids, Episode II is for teenagers and Episode III is for adults. I always liked that approach, that's why Jar Jar and the romance arc doesn't bother me that much. Just wished Jar Jar would have been the secret evil mastermind as suggested by one popular fan theory.
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Why do you think diversity is forced and not just, you know, diversity? Please explain the difference to me, as you see it.


Forced diversity is when you could make Finn white, Rose black, Rey Asian and it really doesn't change anything.


Hell they all could be a bunch of sexless clay people and it wouldn't change anything.


Let's look at the addition of Billie Dee Williams as Lando. He brought some diversity to the screen sure? But could you imagine anyone else as Lando?


I can't. He brought that character to life and made it his own. All the characters, mostly 1 dimensional and lifeless. Totally plug and play.


That is what I consider forced diversity. You could make the entire cast of new characters in 8 (insert specific skin toned human here) of that same type and it STILL wouldn't of made a difference of how bad the characters and story telling is.

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Forced diversity is when you could make Finn white, Rose black, Rey Asian and it really doesn't change anything.


Hell they all could be a bunch of sexless clay people and it wouldn't change anything.


Let's look at the addition of Billie Dee Williams as Lando. He brought some diversity to the screen sure? But could you imagine anyone else as Lando?


I can't. He brought that character to life and made it his own. All the characters, mostly 1 dimensional and lifeless. Totally plug and play.


That is what I consider forced diversity. You could make the entire cast of new characters in 8 (insert specific skin toned human here) of that same type and it STILL wouldn't of made a difference of how bad the characters and story telling is.


So, in other words, they're people just like any other people and that bothers you.

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You don't have to play this dumb. This is like pretending to not see the Nazi parallels Lucas was going for with the Empire in the original trilogy.


It's a dead serious question. So many times people see diversity and then claim it is forced. I wonder why they see it that way. These characters all come from different places and different backgrounds... why should they all look the same? And what difference does it even make? And people who are against diversity for the sake of diversity are really just against diversity... like someone has to prove that they belong.


I'm not ok with that.

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It's a dead serious question. So many times people see diversity and then claim it is forced. I wonder why they see it that way. These characters all come from different places and different backgrounds... why should they all look the same? And what difference does it even make? And people who are against diversity for the sake of diversity are really just against diversity... like someone has to prove that they belong.


I'm not ok with that.


Why is diversity naturally a good thing? Someone pointing out its forced doesn't mean they're against it. Why are you so strongly for it?

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It's a dead serious question. So many times people see diversity and then claim it is forced. I wonder why they see it that way. These characters all come from different places and different backgrounds... why should they all look the same? And what difference does it even make? And people who are against diversity for the sake of diversity are really just against diversity... like someone has to prove that they belong.


I'm not ok with that.


Because they are being diverse for the sake of being diverse and it adversely affects the story. Though on the flip side the story is so bad I just generally hate the character.


Take Holdo. Make Holdo a man and I'd still hate the character for utter stupidity the character shows. Same for Hux. Make Hux a woman, Hux is still an irredeemable idiot.


See my over all general issue is that every single one of the new characters is just HORRIBLE. The best of the lot was Poe before 8 and my value in his character has just plummeted since 8 came out.


Being diverse when it works for the story is one thing. Being diverse just to show "hey look at how diverse our cast is, aren't we just so PC" then having TERRIBLE characters, is just bad.


Look at the prequels. Very diverse cast. Just look at the make up of the first Jedi council we see testing Anakin. Men and women of all shapes and sizes and it didn't feel forced. It naturally was.


Hell out of 1-3 my favorite character is Mace Windy. Why? Because he's a good character, who just happens to be a dark skinned man(I refuse to use African American or black man, it's just silly and asinine IMHO) who played a very interesting character.


Same with my all time favorite star trek captain(yes I'm going there just as an example). It's Sisko. Why? Not because he was a dark skinned man, it's becauae Avery Brooks did a damn good job showing a man of many depths and strengths. I knew off the bat as a young man I'd like Sisko when he punched Q right in the face, no fraks given.


I want good CHARACTERS. Like we have in this game. I could care less if they are male, female, zabarak, human etc.


All of the same sex and species or different. Just for god sakes give me good characters!


Being diverse just to be diverse without having a good ensemble of characters, is just flatly stupid.

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Because they are being diverse for the sake of being diverse and it adversely affects the story. Though on the flip side the story is so bad I just generally hate the character.


Take Holdo. Make Holdo a man and I'd still hate the character for utter stupidity the character shows. Same for Hux. Make Hux a woman, Hux is still an irredeemable idiot.


See my over all general issue is that every single one of the new characters is just HORRIBLE. The best of the lot was Poe before 8 and my value in his character has just plummeted since 8 came out.


Being diverse when it works for the story is one thing. Being diverse just to show "hey look at how diverse our cast is, aren't we just so PC" then having TERRIBLE characters, is just bad.


Look at the prequels. Very diverse cast. Just look at the make up of the first Jedi council we see testing Anakin. Men and women of all shapes and sizes and it didn't feel forced. It naturally was.


Hell out of 1-3 my favorite character is Mace Windy. Why? Because he's a good character, who just happens to be a dark skinned man(I refuse to use African American or black man, it's just silly and asinine IMHO) who played a very interesting character.


Same with my all time favorite star trek captain(yes I'm going there just as an example). It's Sisko. Why? Not because he was a dark skinned man, it's becauae Avery Brooks did a damn good job showing a man of many depths and strengths. I knew off the bat as a young man I'd like Sisko when he punched Q right in the face, no fraks given.


I want good CHARACTERS. Like we have in this game. I could care less if they are male, female, zabarak, human etc.


All of the same sex and species or different. Just for god sakes give me good characters!


Being diverse just to be diverse without having a good ensemble of characters, is just flatly stupid.


So, you're saying that you dislike the characters and that diversity has nothing to do with it? Then why bring it up at all? If their diverse looks aren't part of your judgment, then it wouldn't even be worth mentioning.


Yes, we do need to be diverse just to be diverse. The characters are what they are. It doesn't matter who plays them. Han Solo played by a talented woman is still Han Solo. Lando Calrisian played by an equally smooth Asian man is still Lando Calrisian.


The reason that we do have to be diverse just to be diverse is that there are some people and some communities in our country (or world) who are underrepresented and who are looked down on because of the way ignorant people portrayed them or treated them in the past.


When I walk out my door, if I walk for two minutes, I will encounter rich people, homeless people, white people, black people, Asian people, old people, college students, children and all sorts of things between them. That's the world I live in. It would seem weird not to see all of that represented appropriately on screen. It doesn't feel forced to me when I see it.


Would Rose be a different character if she were a white woman? No. So, why does it matter that she isn't? Would Finn be a different character if he were a white man? No. Then why does it matter that he isn't. It isn't "forced" diversity. It's people earning the role regardless of their ethnic background.


If that's troubling to you, you don't need to bother to respond. If you think I got something wrong for a reason, please discuss.

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So, you're saying that you dislike the characters and that diversity has nothing to do with it? Then why bring it up at all? If their diverse looks aren't part of your judgment, then it wouldn't even be worth mentioning.


Yes, we do need to be diverse just to be diverse. The characters are what they are. It doesn't matter who plays them. Han Solo played by a talented woman is still Han Solo. Lando Calrisian played by an equally smooth Asian man is still Lando Calrisian.


The reason that we do have to be diverse just to be diverse is that there are some people and some communities in our country (or world) who are underrepresented and who are looked down on because of the way ignorant people portrayed them or treated them in the past.


When I walk out my door, if I walk for two minutes, I will encounter rich people, homeless people, white people, black people, Asian people, old people, college students, children and all sorts of things between them. That's the world I live in. It would seem weird not to see all of that represented appropriately on screen. It doesn't feel forced to me when I see it.


Would Rose be a different character if she were a white woman? No. So, why does it matter that she isn't? Would Finn be a different character if he were a white man? No. Then why does it matter that he isn't. It isn't "forced" diversity. It's people earning the role regardless of their ethnic background.


If that's troubling to you, you don't need to bother to respond. If you think I got something wrong for a reason, please discuss.


I agree with this very much. Star Wars universe itself is supposed very diverse from its species, where humans are in the majority and the aliens in the minority, who on occasion are discriminated badly due them being very different to humans. Its only good imo that there are more people from various ethnic backgrounds portraying the characters, especially humans, since white people aren't the only humans in the galaxy as we first saw in the Original trilogy when there were almost none other colored humans (apart from Lando and maybe someone else?).

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