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Corso and Risha battle barks broken, will same happen to all dual returned companions


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Corso and Risha no longer have their battle barks since their return. Every other returned companion is working fine.


1. Right click works even if the mouth doesn't move but that affects all companions.

2. They speak if summoned or dismissed

3. They NO LONGER make a sound when running as a companion. Corso does not say: Yeeha, I've had enough, or Now you're dumb, ugly, and dead. He is totally mute. Same for Risha.


I have the feeling that this is related to the dual return, perhaps some deleted code or trigger. If this is so, will Mako and Akaavi have the same issue when they come back? Or Scourge and Kira?


It is immersion breaking to have Corso and Risha be completely silent. Please return their battle barks. PLEASE!


Yes, I did create a bug report.

Edited by MishaCantu
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Meanwhile, Master Ranos and Shae say their comabt barks over and over and over, the same three lines before and after every kill. It's so annoying that I don't use them anymore. At the very least, when it was Treek, she babbled away in non Basic, so it just became white noise.


There seems to be no middle ground for Bioware :rolleyes:

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Meanwhile, Master Ranos and Shae say their comabt barks over and over and over, the same three lines before and after every kill. It's so annoying that I don't use them anymore. At the very least, when it was Treek, she babbled away in non Basic, so it just became white noise.


There seems to be no middle ground for Bioware :rolleyes:


I agree about the constant babble being annoying also, but having them mute is very odd too. If the problem is tied exclusively to Dual Return companions, then future returns may suffer as well.


Middle ground really does not exist for Bioware, does it? Too much or nothing at all with a gaping chasm in between.

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These "Battle Barks" are the companions personality and its these Comps that SWTOR is still highly regarded for among the Review sites, Story and companions. I do miss these as well, Having their "Mouths not Working" for their Responses I did notice they do have the proper animations for "Gift Receiving" (Risha anyway). They're damaged, less then before they were taken away. "Pod People" similar to but lesser.

I Drew my Akaavi out early recently she works exactly the same as before the Zakuul story. I didn't care about 2 minutes worth knowing that is the event that causes the pod people defect, didn't want to decide about Mako so I just Preempted all that.

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The other day one mentioned Ashara is a Pod Person also, she was returned by herself; so not only a Dual return flaw.


I'm not speaking of their mouths not moving when you right click on them. That is a problem with ALL the companions whether it was a solo return or not.


I'm talking about the little things they say when running around with you: like Quinn says, 'didn't lose you', Andronikus says 'it's not your time', Vector says, 'enabling combat pheromones', etc. and so forth.


Corso and Risha say Nothing. They are completely mute no matter what stance they are in, and they were the only ones in a dual return to date.


I just wanted to make that clear as I know people label them pod people just for the fact that their mouths don't move anymore.

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I just checked, My Risha still has a String of Insults for the enemy on damage, and atleast one line for Heal. Corso doesn't seem to say anything at all combat wise. Bowdaar I think "Barked" once, Guss I don't remember, my Akaavi I got back early so she's perfect.
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I hope they fix Corso and Risha's battlebarks and I truly hope they don't break the rest. Hearing these little barks is important to me. I like to know they're there, fighting with me, I enjoy their quips. I also like hearing the bits of trivia they tell about given areas.


I also want the 'pod people' aspect of the companion returns fixed too. Their mouths need to move, like they did before.


Please devs, make sure they do their battle speeches for all the stances and also move their mouths when you click on them.

Edited by Lunafox
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I agree about the constant babble being annoying also, but having them mute is very odd too.


Yes, the companions repeat their barks a little too often for my taste, but I don't want them to be completely silent, either.

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There's another thing I noticed about our "new and improved companions." I decided to do one of those "on rails" space missions for the shiggles. And my IA was the only one talking on the comms because, you guessed it, none of the companions are on the ships anymore so none of their comm chatter was available. I don't get why THAT needed to change. If I have the flag that says I have XYZ companion then they should be talking on the comms.


It was just...eerie...listening to my agent talk to herself, asking "Did you see that?" and "Is everyone okay?"


It feels like this game is falling apart at the seams. NPC's with messed up zombie eyes, NPC quest givers whose mouths move but their lips don't (THAT was horrifying especially since she also had zombie eyes to boot), Karrels Jarvis (IA NPC on Hutta) eating his mustache whenever he talked, and watching characters glitch snap into their place during cut scenes. It's depressing.


But, hey, gotta fix conquest and all :rolleyes: (Conquest that THEY BROKE to begin with.)

Edited by AngFour
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There's another thing I noticed about our "new and improved companions." I decided to do one of those "on rails" space missions for the shiggles. And my IA was the only one talking on the comms because, you guessed it, none of the companions are on the ships anymore so none of their comm chatter was available. I don't get why THAT needed to change. If I have the flag that says I have XYZ companion then they should be talking on the comms.


It was just...eerie...listening to my agent talk to herself, asking "Did you see that?" and "Is everyone okay?"


It feels like this game is falling apart at the seams. NPC's with messed up zombie eyes, NPC quest givers whose mouths move but their lips don't (THAT was horrifying especially since she also had zombie eyes to boot), Karrels Jarvis (IA NPC on Hutta) eating his mustache whenever he talked, and watching characters glitch snap into their place during cut scenes. It's depressing.


But, hey, gotta fix conquest and all :rolleyes: (Conquest that THEY BROKE to begin with.)


I don't do any GSF but that would seem creepy to be talking to yourself.


I still have to assume that code is being deleted which makes me wonder just who is working in that department and what kind of QA, if any, is being done. Not much, evidently.


As for the cutscenes, I have also experienced the rubber banding of characters as well as having duplicates show up, the Rishi safehouse is particularly bad about this as well as Ziost.


It does often feel that the game is falling apart one strand at a time. They break so many things that should have never been touched in the first place.

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Yet another reason to keep my chars away from Kotfe/Kotet. :(


Too late for my main characters, but, I won't be taking any alts through for sure. In fact, my alts haven't been touched in ages, and this is definitely a deterrent for taking them any further story wise.


Bioware constantly says how they are aware of how important our companions are to us, but this is just further proof that they really don't. Or, they just don't care.

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