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Remove artifact equipment authorization


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They should remove this unlock from the game. It provides serious limitations on flashpoint loot for f2p players, and also prevents them from having really good gear. I know this has been suggested before, but please show your support for this to make the game more accessible to people with f2p status.
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They should remove this unlock from the game. It provides serious limitations on flashpoint loot for f2p players, and also prevents them from having really good gear. I know this has been suggested before, but please show your support for this to make the game more accessible to people with f2p status.


Alternatively, they could subscribe or purchase the unlock.

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Yeah, however, some people are f2p because they don’t get enough income to sub or buy cc. I don’t see why those people should not be allowed to get even a fraction of the full game content. However, I do see your point.
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This is working as intended.


If your budget is so tight that 50 cents a day for a sub would put your household in the red, you should be playing video games less and working or looking for work more.


If the truth is:


A) You don't think this game is worth paying for.

--- Then don't worry about the limitations. They want you to want to buy the "full version."


B) You don't have a credit card because of credit problems or age.

--- Then you can buy an Amazon prepaid card at a local store near you and buy your game time cards on Amazon. Once the transaction is confirmed you'll receive a code immediately that you can enter at SWTOR.com.

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