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Game feels dead


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The overwhelming majority of players are in the sub level 30 range of the game at this point, taking their time.


Rushing to level 50 comes with a price, and that is that it's pretty lonely at the top for a while.


Thank you for that piece of information! I was worried, that it was just me! I am trying to play this game moderately.. but some people like jumps 3 levels a day! :eek:

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High level planets have max 6 players, no one is doing world pvp in Illum. People don't talk in chat, and i takes around 3 hours to find a group to flashpoints. What is this, a single player game that i need to pay monthly fee for? No thanks.


Now that i'm 50 and i've finished the story i guess... that was it.


This is exactly what people like me that didn't rush to 50 warned about. You burned through lots of content to hurry to 50 just to be alone. Grats! :D

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Almost everyone is still below level 30. When I'm in the Fleet, I see a TON of LFGs for Mandalorian Raiders, Athiss, Hammer Station, and Esseles. I see a few for Cademimu, and Taral V/Maelstrom Prison. And I see NONE for Collicoid War Game, Red Reaper, or any of the Operations that require an Ops Group. There are a lot of people in the Republic Fleet, there were 125 at 1AM on my East Coast server last night.


I know what you mean about some planets being a bit bare; I'm 42 on Hoth and there were only about 15-20 people there last night. The thing is, most everyone has to work and can't play 6 hours a day like some of the really committed people on this forum. Now look at the lower planets like Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa; last night there were 50 or so people there. There was also quite a bit of good PvP going on there. I actually traveled around with some low leveled players for a little while to help them ward off Imperial attacks in Jundland.


Most people just aren't that high yet, give it some time.

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Oh yeah am far from 50. Spent a chunk of time leveling a BH to 20 then gave it a break and worked on my Sorc to 23 then working on getting my Imp Sniper to 20 before going back to my Sorc. Pretty much got a char for each class, each faction at this point.
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I love how all the powerlevellers are lonely at the top.


We TOLD you to take your time.


Did you listen? Nope.


Now you have to either reroll or wait.


Exactly my thoughts, lol..........................but I think they will be waiting longer than they think. I still have several other classes I want to play to enjoy their class storyline before I settle & focus on 1 character.

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Congratutalions OP you have BEATEN the game.


A truly stupendous achievement. I hope you didnt use any naughty exploits in Warzones though!


Your reward, go & do something else for a few weeks while the rest of us enjoy the journey to 50.

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The overwhelming majority of players are in the sub level 30 range of the game at this point, taking their time.


Rushing to level 50 comes with a price, and that is that it's pretty lonely at the top for a while.


i am amongst the mid lvl 30 characters currently 38 and my worlds have any were from 3-12 people online my server is black vulkars and is constantly full 20 min wait but there is still no one to be seen since i left narshadaa

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I have one lvl 28, currently just hanging at the Fleet. I have 4 lvl 10-12's. The early planets are so much more active than the mid level planets. At first the concept didn't seem so bad, "no more fighting for a node", but now I'd give some nodes away for some company. If there's not going to be any RL people, they should up the number of NPCs or something, to make it seem more active.
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I think it is a little one sided to just say all level 50 players are just powerlevelers that rushed through the game. I played it at my normal pace while working every day these past two weeks and still got my bounty hunter to level 50. I constantly grouped with my friends and I was working 8 hour shifts every day so far until these past two days.


I'm not complaining the game is dead, but to say that all level 50 players are just rushers that didn't just enjoy the game is wrong.

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i am amongst the mid lvl 30 characters currently 38 and my worlds have any were from 3-12 people online my server is black vulkars and is constantly full 20 min wait but there is still no one to be seen since i left narshadaa


this doesn't make sense. You haven't said anything even remotely understandable.

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The overwhelming majority of players are in the sub level 30 range of the game at this point, taking their time.


Rushing to level 50 comes with a price, and that is that it's pretty lonely at the top for a while.


It's also a problem at lower levels. I've tried for two consecutive nights to find even one other person on the Fleet that wants to do an Esseles run with my new level 10, and there have been no takers even after an hour waiting around (during two different time periods). I never had that problem during beta.

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The overwhelming majority of players are in the sub level 30 range of the game at this point, taking their time.


Rushing to level 50 comes with a price, and that is that it's pretty lonely at the top for a while.


I'm in the sub-30 level, and this game is the deadest I've played (and I've played a lot of them).


I wait 25 minutes to get into swiftsure (down from 4 hours a week ago), and see maybe a dozen people per night after I get in. I'm on a PvP server, and Ive had zero open world PvP encounters.


Are we ready to drop the shards yet? Because I'll be ready to drop the game if it continues to feel this dead.


I'd rather fight over mobs and deal with more lag than feel like I'm playing a SP game.

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I'm in the sub-30 level, and this game is the deadest I've played (and I've played a lot of them).


I wait 25 minutes to get into swiftsure (down from 4 hours a week ago), and see maybe a dozen people per night after I get in. I'm on a PvP server, and Ive had zero open world PvP encounters.


Are we ready to drop the shards yet? Because I'll be ready to drop the game if it continues to feel this dead.


I'd rather fight over mobs and deal with more lag than feel like I'm playing a SP game.



Over-under for someone to come in and say they are just swarming with other people? By swarming, they mean they've seen 15 people on the entire planet they are on.....

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A big prob is they have instanced the zones. They have spread people out and it makes the game look dead. On our server we had 4 zones of Tat going. Checked each out and they had about 150 per. Now that adds up, but the prob is Tat is large and when you split it up into instances of 150 it looks dead.


I am not sure why they have done this. If a zone can't handle more than 150-200 people per instance there is a major prob. What makes it worse is our guild gets spread out in diff instances and if we all want to get together we have to swap instances. Not that hard BUT!..


Also what does this do to world pvp if everyone is split up like this?

Edited by Badlander
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High level planets have max 6 players, no one is doing world pvp in Illum. People don't talk in chat, and i takes around 3 hours to find a group to flashpoints. What is this, a single player game that i need to pay monthly fee for? No thanks.


Now that i'm 50 and i've finished the story i guess... that was it.


maybe on your server, not having those issues on mine.

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@ Badlander - This was something I noticed as well when I started playing with mates the other night. We started both as Sith yet couldn't see each other even though we were standing in practically the same spot. Took me a while to realise the planet was split into about 3 different instances.


I don't know why this has been done, it doesn't make much sense as it really can drastically reduce your chances of grouping with other people for the heroic quests and Flashpoints unless you realise there's a more populated instance of the planet/zone in place and you switch.

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I think one of the huge issues with the game, and why this is happening, is the fact that so many people (star wars nerds especially) bought and started playing this game NOT because it's an MMO but because it's KOTOR 2 and can be a solely single player experience.


These players are basically anti-social and don't want to play with anyone else, when these players reach 50 they don't want to do FP's they don't want to PVP they don't want to really do much of anything except more quests or look for datacrons or whatever you'd do in a single player game.


IMO, the story, sound, fully voiced effect of the game is great but I think it's attracted a lot of players that will only be here for 1-2 months top level a character or two and quit.


I mean, since it only takes 2-3 days played to reach level 50 (half of what WoW took) you could basically roll one of each class and level them to 50 in 1-2 months or less.


IMO, leveling should be WAY slower in this game, it's so disappointing.


Vanilla WoW took an average 8 days played give or take to reach 60, TOR....2-3


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Vanilla WoW took an average 8 days played give or take to reach 60, TOR....2-3



Nonsense. Normal leveling through questing puts you in the lvl 30 area after 2-3 days.


If you really only took 2-3 days to get to 50 you applied fast leveling 'tricks'. Like constantly doing flashpoints, PvP, skipping dialogues. These tricks work the same as in every mmo, especially WoW. Currently, constantly doing dungeons to level a WoW char takes roughly 1h per level at least up to lvl 60.


Looking for the fastest ways possible to level, then complaining about leveling being fast is, well, ... :o

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