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Any update on when Satele Shan and Star Forge will merge?


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Satele is already showing signs of dying. Merge pls.


It will happen if and when BW deems it. And if it does happen and whatever your issue is still isn't fixed, what's next? Asking to merge with UK servers?

Edited by Nightblazer
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It will happen if and when BW deems it. And if it does happen and whatever your issue is still isn't fixed, what's next? Asking to merge with UK servers?


Exactly. What will the OP do when his problem isn't fixed and there's only one megaserver?

His problem isn't related to merging the servers further. He first must convince people like me who play on all the servers that PVP's worth doing.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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why are we even talking about this ?

IF it happens, it happens --- if not, not ..... just relax and wait it out --- play solo if you must ...

gee whiz .... do we have to bring this subject up -- again ?

we HAD mergers a while back --- why all the gloom and doom ? I LIKE low pop servers .....

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why are we even talking about this ?

IF it happens, it happens --- if not, not ..... just relax and wait it out --- play solo if you must ...

gee whiz .... do we have to bring this subject up -- again ?

we HAD mergers a while back --- why all the gloom and doom ? I LIKE low pop servers .....


Unfortunately, in various corporeal forms, the ghost of MCB/Maximum Ownage will haunt this forum...forever.

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It will happen if and when BW deems it. And if it does happen and whatever your issue is still isn't fixed, what's next? Asking to merge with UK servers?


Actually I think there will only ever be one more merge in this game and it will be when they are ready to merge the UK and US servers into one.

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why are we even talking about this ?

IF it happens, it happens --- if not, not ..... just relax and wait it out --- play solo if you must ...

gee whiz .... do we have to bring this subject up -- again ?

we HAD mergers a while back --- why all the gloom and doom ? I LIKE low pop servers .....


Lots of people play this game for the group content and those of us who have been around for a long time have done all the story and solo stuff to death.


The only thing that really keeps people around once all of that is done is group content.


Low pop servers are fine for solo games designed games, but not for MMO, with this is.


I’ve actually noticed a small down trend since this thread started. Maybe it’s a self fulling prophecy. People read the servers are dying and stop joining the game or don’t bother coming back or logging in.

The more casual players might start looking at other games when they see discussions like this. It’s a slippery slop that snow balls fast. We need to be careful we don’t inadvertently make the situation worse.

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I’ve actually noticed a small down trend since this thread started. Maybe it’s a self fulling prophecy. People read the servers are dying and stop joining the game or don’t bother coming back or logging in.

The more casual players might start looking at other games when they see discussions like this. It’s a slippery slop that snow balls fast. We need to be careful we don’t inadvertently make the situation worse.


This was certainly the case for me when I returned (as well as other persistent negative attitudes or people dictating how the game should be played/what is enjoyable), although I bit through it eventually. But I can imagine many others would have closed the door right behind them.


I'm not sure some realize how harmful their negativity towards the game/devs can be (even when in their hearts they might mean well for the game) and how easily it spreads.

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Also factor in things like big updates or expansions which usually sees a surge of players returning/trying the new content - will one East Coast server be able to meet the demand? :eek:


HAHAHAHA!!!!! @ You said "big updates" and "expansions" while referencing SWTOR in 2018... good one bro.


In all seriousness, those servers while being separated by name of server are probably running on the same box just using a VM manager/ host like KVM, VMware, Hyper-V, Xen, Oracle VM, VirtualBox and Parallels... just to name a few. People need to get the "single box = single OS" out of their minds. If you are talking about servers in today's world, especially servers hosted in a data center, most likely those are VMs where you have multiple server operating systems on a single box.


I would bet that both game servers are already hosted on the same physical hardware especially now that they are under the same roof.


So to answer your question about not knowing if the server can handle both; it is very probable that it already is.

Edited by NuSeC
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