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So it's either Lana or Arcann?


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Heh, gonna have to put your story on my reading list, just had you recommended to me by a friend as well but that does seem to sum your Theron up well and I can picture it.


Sounds like he's a bit of a Jessica Jones, minus the super strength. ;)


Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies. :p


...and Theron has tattoos. :cool:


I totally agree with your take on him. I write an rp fic with a friend and since she romances Theron I write him for her. I tend to approach him the same way. He's a good person, but he has his vices, and he does what the job requires. I find him to be a very interesting character. I'll be terribly sad if he departs the in-game story. We've already completely rewritten this entire traitor arc so that it isn't even actually him, but a clone.


Yeah, I have a friend who completely re-wrote it with the same sort of spin (tho not a clone). I don't know how I'm going to approach it yet. I'm still back on Ziost, so I have a loooong way to go! I'll probably change my mind about a zillion times before I get there, lol.

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Personally, I don't think Theron is a goody-two-shoes at all. He's a spy. He's responsible for the deaths of thousands (check out "The Lost Suns" and "Annihilation"). He's assassinated two Dark Councilors (one of them by a point-blank toxicity dart to the neck). He's not afraid to get his hands dirty. At all. But a lot of people tend to forget all that, because it's Imperials he's killed n' such, so whatevsies I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Probably even the shiniest Light V Republic characters are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Imperials? ;)

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This is why I love personal interpretations, I've read all his media over and over, approached the game many ways in interactions with him and got from it all the complete opposite to what you've written here. That casual sex is not something he does at all, even for his job. I do believe he's tried to be in relationships before, a few times at least - he's no virgin, but the interpretations I got was he relies on all his other skills, never his body, to get his missions done and rarely lets anyone that close physically or mentally.

This is a good summarization of how I see my Theron as well, and always have. But that's also the beauty in all this because despite the vast material, there is still room for varying takes on his character. Dracofish's vision I can see too and it's refreshing to read. I enjoy reading someone else's take unless they get too far from the character and it starts breaking my immersion. If someone were to write a Theron who's become thirsty for the Emperor's crown, I'd be scratching my head and walking away lol.

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Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies. :p


...and Theron has tattoos. :cool:




Yeah, I have a friend who completely re-wrote it with the same sort of spin (tho not a clone). I don't know how I'm going to approach it yet. I'm still back on Ziost, so I have a loooong way to go! I'll probably change my mind about a zillion times before I get there, lol.


We've had a lot of fun with it. We even created a backstory for his romance with her character, who is a Sith Warrior. I made an imp agent toon and we decided that he met the SW while undercover as an agent. So the relationship has been on and off for years. I even log on as my little Theron clone from time to time and bounce around the galaxy, lol. It's hilarious, he gets hit on a lot.

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This is why I love personal interpretations, I've read all his media over and over, approached the game many ways in interactions with him and got from it all the complete opposite to what you've written here. That casual sex is not something he does at all, even for his job. I do believe he's tried to be in relationships before, a few times at least - he's no virgin, but the impressions I got was he relies on all his other skills, never his body, to get his missions done and rarely lets anyone that close physically or mentally. I don't see him at all as a drunk either, the novel him isn't much different from the game him, when I'm reading it. There's a few disjoints but nothing worth noting.


I don't envision him stumbling around the promenade with a bottle in a paper bag, lol. But someone who quietly drowns his sorrows in alcohol, alone...sitting in an arm chair with a datapad on his knee because he never stops working...yes.


And yes, there are so many ways to interpret all of the NPC's in the game. That's what makes it so fun, because so much is left wide open. I tend to err on the darker side of things, but that's just the way I write.

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There is a lot of personal stuff for us to paint in. What we see is, for most part, still strictly business even with the occasional flirt and FTB. We don't see beyond the FTB, we don't see what goes on when they return home for a quick R&R so work aside, there is a lot of room for us to shape our own vision. I absolutely love that.
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We've had a lot of fun with it. We even created a backstory for his romance with her character, who is a Sith Warrior. I made an imp agent toon and we decided that he met the SW while undercover as an agent. So the relationship has been on and off for years. I even log on as my little Theron clone from time to time and bounce around the galaxy, lol. It's hilarious, he gets hit on a lot.


Yeah, I have a whole slew of OC's that will have varying parts in the story. A good example is my Knight. She's been Theron's best friend since they were both on Tython together. And now she's with Scourge. She's his mirror...tells him like it is and lays things out straight. And she totally gets what he's going through (falling in love with a Sith and whatnot).

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Yeah, I have a whole slew of OC's that will have varying parts in the story. A good example is my Knight. She's been Theron's best friend since they were both on Tython together. And now she's with Scourge. She's his mirror...tells him like it is and lays things out straight. And she totally gets what he's going through (falling in love with a Sith and whatnot).


Okay, seriously, we must just be on the same wave length with Theron, lol. In our story he trained with my Knight, in fact, we even have headcanon that the two of them were each other's first time, lol. She's with Doc now, something Theron could not fathom for the longest time, not out of jealousy but just because Doc initially comes off as such a sleaze.


Also, since the main female character I write is based off my female Imp agent, and is the cousin of the SW, we've decided that Theron and Vector have an epic bromance, lol. Once Theron got to know Vector he really came to respect and like him, loves Vector's sense of humor, lol.

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This is why I love personal interpretations, I've read all his media over and over, approached the game many ways in interactions with him and got from it all the complete opposite to what you've written here. That casual sex is not something he does at all, even for his job. I do believe he's tried to be in relationships before, a few times at least - he's no virgin, but the impressions I got was he relies on all his other skills, never his body, to get his missions done and rarely lets anyone that close physically or mentally. I don't see him at all as a drunk either, the novel him isn't much different from the game him, when I'm reading it. There's a few disjoints but nothing worth noting.


This is more how I interpret Theron as well.

The sense was that he didnt allow himself to get physically or intimately close to people often at all. Not that he hasn't just that it's not common place for him.


My personal fav is Theron with a JK or Counsular. I can imagine all of the inner demons he has needed to overcome after being abandoned emotionally by his mother in favor of the Jedi to then turn around and allow himself to fall head over heels for one. His slow development in game would suggest this as well. It takes him a long while to be comfortable openly showing affection and even longer to drop the L word. He definitely has layers of complexity as an LI that are entirely appealing to me.


My other fav is Theron with an imperial agent, although mine was a double agent but two spys together that were once on opposite sides does hold an appeal of its own.

Edited by Suzsi
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This is more how I interpret Theron as well.

The sense was that he didnt allow himself to get physically or intimately close to people often at all. Not that he hasn't just that it's not common place for him.


My personal fav is Theron with a JK or Counsular. I can imagine all of the inner demons he has needed to overcome after being abandoned emotionally by his mother in favor of the Jedi to then turn around and allow himself to fall head over heels for one. His slow development in game would suggest this as well. It takes him a long while to be comfortable openly showing affection and even longer to drop the L word. He definitely as layers of complexity as an LI that are entirely appealing to me.


My other fav is Theron with an imperial agent, although mine was a double agent but two spys together that were once on opposite sides does hold an appeal of its own.

Theron with the Jedi Knight or Agent are my favorite pairings as well, much for the exact reasons as you laid out. It adds this extra layer I find wholly intriguing.

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This is more how I interpret Theron as well.

The sense was that he didnt allow himself to get physically or intimately close to people often at all. Not that he hasn't just that it's not common place for him.


My personal fav is Theron with a JK or Counsular. I can imagine all of the inner demons he has needed to overcome after being abandoned emotionally by his mother in favor of the Jedi to then turn around and allow himself to fall head over heels for one. His slow development in game would suggest this as well. It takes him a long while to be comfortable openly showing affection and even longer to drop the L word. He definitely as layers of complexity as an LI that are entirely appealing to me.


My other fav is Theron with an imperial agent, although mine was a double agent but two spys together that were once on opposite sides does hold an appeal of its own.


The complexity and hesitations, having to work through many previous beliefs etc is what makes Theron and an SW my favourite match, also the only one of my characters romancing him in-game is my sith warrior but it's mostly how I built and grew my sith that just makes the growth in the pairing so interesting to me.

It's slow burn, unsure, enemies even though he says he's the enemy, never the other way around, and having to break it off a couple of times but never forgetting.

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Okay, seriously, we must just be on the same wave length with Theron, lol. In our story he trained with my Knight, in fact, we even have headcanon that the two of them were each other's first time, lol. She's with Doc now, something Theron could not fathom for the longest time, not out of jealousy but just because Doc initially comes off as such a sleaze.


Also, since the main female character I write is based off my female Imp agent, and is the cousin of the SW, we've decided that Theron and Vector have an epic bromance, lol. Once Theron got to know Vector he really came to respect and like him, loves Vector's sense of humor, lol.


Here's a blip from her into in my fic -


“I do know you. And you look like utter crap.” She sighed, shaking her head at his oh so predictable snark, a tactic he always tried to use against her, which always failed. She was not to be dissuaded. From inseparable childhood partner in crime, to kinda-sorta girlfriend and/or occasional *edit for swearsies* buddy, and finally to best friend, Raz had always been his mirror. Never one to sugar coat anything, she called things like she saw them, which usually meant she was about as subtle as a freight train, and she never stopped trying to take care of him as if it was her mission in life. “You've lost weight...have you been eating?”


They are totally Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis in "Friends with Benefits" before the actual falling in love part. Well, they love each other...but not *that* way.


In my case, Theron is in love with my Sith Inquisitor...who is also with Andronikos. Those two boys will have a long road to the bromance stage. My Inquisitor is best friends with my Warrior, who is with Pierce (hey, there needs to be more "Pierce Wins" fics, lulz). And Andronikos is buddy-buddy with Pierce. So those two are going to be downright awful to Theron, lol.


My piece is going to be broken up into three parts, in which I'm almost done with the first part...which ends right when my main character gets locked in carbonite. The second part is a whole development arc for Theron and Andronikos, as well as the other secondary characters, and the foundations of the Alliance...and putting my personal take on the five years we're given virtually no details about. I think it will be massively important, throwing them together like that when she's not around and forcing them to work together.

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This is why I love personal interpretations, I've read all his media over and over, approached the game many ways in interactions with him and got from it all the complete opposite to what you've written here. That casual sex is not something he does at all, even for his job. I do believe he's tried to be in relationships before, a few times at least - he's no virgin, but the impressions I got was he relies on all his other skills, never his body, to get his missions done and rarely lets anyone that close physically or mentally. I don't see him at all as a drunk either, the novel him isn't much different from the game him, when I'm reading it. There's a few disjoints but nothing worth noting.


I agree with your take, I don't see him using his body/sex to get a mission done. Charm yes, the right words, yes, but sex no. He actually had a pretty sedate take on things, given his training with the Jedi, he used to fast in the mornings like Jedi and meditate even though he wasn't force sensitive.


He's a lone wolf, doesn't let people in easy for worry of getting hurt, face it he's been hurt since he was a baby; his mum passing him off, the Jedi cutting him loose cause he's 'not one of them' and finally found a niche in the SIS. He forms reluctant 'relationships' like with the Twi'lek Teff'ith who was like a younger sister to him. Zho was probably the closest person in his life for a long time, a father figure to him, that taught him what it meant to be a Jedi and other things.


I don't see him as a big boozer either. The odd drink sure, and because of the stress of the Alliance work, he'd have a drink at night to get him to sleep, the wheels in his mind don't shut off easily.


Truly, I don't see him as man-whore. He's had relationships, but they've failed and because of this he's very reluctant to enter into any. He's 'married to his job.'


If the SIS needs seduction technique, they call on our man Jonas Balkar...he's the specialist in that dept. As for Copero, people are going to see what they want, some saw a closeness with Vaals (sp?) and some, like me saw a closeness with the Chiss woman (the boss in the WH, name escapes me atm). She was going on about how he used her...well, I don't take that as sexual using, I take it as in 'feigning a connection to gain other connections and get the job done.'


That's my take for what its worth and I've read everything out there about him several times and own the material. :)

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No quotes here since there are a few folks who mirror the same though, so consider yourselves quoted! :D


The way I see it is that he's a spy, and by definition, seduction can most definitely be a tool employed when one gets into the realm of espionage. That whole concept is kinda covered with the Imperial Agent story line. It's also mentioned many times how attractive Theron is, so I'd imagine it would come up. It would be a tactic just like anything else. Sex and intimacy are not mutually exclusive, especially for a spy...which is another reason why he's so closed off when it comes time to actually get down to brass tacks and let someone in.


Really, it's the perfect job for someone who has troubles connecting emotionally because of what he's been through with his mother and everything else. He gets to keep all that shut off.


Which is even more reason for him to go screeching off the rails if things go sideways once he does let someone in. He doesn't know how to handle it and copes in the only way he can.

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No quotes here since there are a few folks who mirror the same though, so consider yourselves quoted! :D


The way I see it is that he's a spy, and by definition, seduction can most definitely be a tool employed when one gets into the realm of espionage. That whole concept is kinda covered with the Imperial Agent story line. It's also mentioned many times how attractive Theron is, so I'd imagine it would come up. It would be a tactic just like anything else. Sex and intimacy are not mutually exclusive, especially for a spy...which is another reason why he's so closed off when it comes time to actually get down to brass tacks and let someone in.


No-one here is saying he couldn't, just saying we don't see his character as one who would. Even the Agent can do entire storyline not flirting with anyone.

I don't see him as someone who would go those routes for his job if he was with someone/in a relationship either - he's been hurt enough to not really want to do that to others I guess is my view on it.


No one here is even saying it's wrong to view him a different way, just discussing that some view him differently, like I said I love the discussions between people who view the same character completely different ways xD

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I agree with your take, I don't see him using his body/sex to get a mission done. Charm yes, the right words, yes, but sex no. He actually had a pretty sedate take on things, given his training with the Jedi, he used to fast in the mornings like Jedi and meditate even though he wasn't force sensitive.


He's a lone wolf, doesn't let people in easy for worry of getting hurt, face it he's been hurt since he was a baby; his mum passing him off, the Jedi cutting him loose cause he's 'not one of them' and finally found a niche in the SIS. He forms reluctant 'relationships' like with the Twi'lek Teff'ith who was like a younger sister to him. Zho was probably the closest person in his life for a long time, a father figure to him, that taught him what it meant to be a Jedi and other things.


I don't see him as a big boozer either. The odd drink sure, and because of the stress of the Alliance work, he'd have a drink at night to get him to sleep, the wheels in his mind don't shut off easily.


Truly, I don't see him as man-whore. He's had relationships, but they've failed and because of this he's very reluctant to enter into any. He's 'married to his job.'


If the SIS needs seduction technique, they call on our man Jonas Balkar...he's the specialist in that dept. As for Copero, people are going to see what they want, some saw a closeness with Vaals (sp?) and some, like me saw a closeness with the Chiss woman (the boss in the WH, name escapes me atm). She was going on about how he used her...well, I don't take that as sexual using, I take it as in 'feigning a connection to gain other connections and get the job done.'


That's my take for what its worth and I've read everything out there about him several times and own the material. :)


Like you I don't think for a second there was any sex involved in his current dealings. Friendships, yeah, maybe loosely. Bonds formed from whatever tough missions theyve done together but that's about it. Even friendship, real friendship isn't something Theron gives away easily but he does have morals. I think he would protest to anyone he had been working with, if he likes them or not, jumping into a fight that was essentially a suicide move. Thats just Theron, deep down good guy.


The chiss woman may have liked him herself as a potential romantic suitor, that could have played a part in her hurt but I doubt very much it was reciprocated. Not really Therons style.


Of course if thats how some want to see it they will, and that's okay. The fun part I guess is things being open to interpretation in all stories, they hold an appeal as much for the information they do give us as for what is open to an individuals interpretation which is more likely to be bent more towards ones own personal preferances on what makes a person appealing to them.

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I agree with your take, I don't see him using his body/sex to get a mission done. Charm yes, the right words, yes, but sex no. He actually had a pretty sedate take on things, given his training with the Jedi, he used to fast in the mornings like Jedi and meditate even though he wasn't force sensitive.


He's a lone wolf, doesn't let people in easy for worry of getting hurt, face it he's been hurt since he was a baby; his mum passing him off, the Jedi cutting him loose cause he's 'not one of them' and finally found a niche in the SIS. He forms reluctant 'relationships' like with the Twi'lek Teff'ith who was like a younger sister to him. Zho was probably the closest person in his life for a long time, a father figure to him, that taught him what it meant to be a Jedi and other things.


I don't see him as a big boozer either. The odd drink sure, and because of the stress of the Alliance work, he'd have a drink at night to get him to sleep, the wheels in his mind don't shut off easily.


Truly, I don't see him as man-whore. He's had relationships, but they've failed and because of this he's very reluctant to enter into any. He's 'married to his job.'


If the SIS needs seduction technique, they call on our man Jonas Balkar...he's the specialist in that dept. As for Copero, people are going to see what they want, some saw a closeness with Vaals (sp?) and some, like me saw a closeness with the Chiss woman (the boss in the WH, name escapes me atm). She was going on about how he used her...well, I don't take that as sexual using, I take it as in 'feigning a connection to gain other connections and get the job done.'


That's my take for what its worth and I've read everything out there about him several times and own the material. :)


You are so very spot on. ♥ I never for a second thought Theron had any romantic or sexual involvement with either the Chiss chick or that Valss guy. What she speaks of is him befriending the pair to use their connections, and he may have bonded with the kid as friends, closer to a Tiff'ith kinda deal, and loathes the idea of Valss dying on his behalf obviously because he's Theron. I never read more into it.


I do love reading everyone's interpretations of Theron and who they like him with and why, we're such a creative bunch. :D For me personally I love him with my SI.

This is so true, I'm quite chuffed at the way this thread's turned around to discuss the finer details of Theron, lol. And I love seeing everyone's take.


I am partial to Theron with a bh. Theron is a Greek name, which means Hunter. :p


Not that I knew that when I chose to romance him with my bh, just a funny coincidence that I found out way later.

That is pretty interesting, I had no idea his name means Hunter in Greek!

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No-one here is saying he couldn't, just saying we don't see his character as one who would. Even the Agent can do entire storyline not flirting with anyone.

I don't see him as someone who would go those routes for his job if he was with someone/in a relationship either - he's been hurt enough to not really want to do that to others I guess is my view on it.


No one here is even saying it's wrong to view him a different way, just discussing that some view him differently, like I said I love the discussions between people who view the same character completely different ways xD


Yeah, I'm just giving my reasons, just like everybody else.


It really all depends on the sort of character you play and how you interpret his character. My character wouldn't hold it against him, because she does the same thing. She's not a spy, but she's a Sith and why fight when you can...*giggles*...to get what you need?


Like in the Imperial line on Makeb, there's that lordling dude you can flirt with to get him to help with inciting the local revolt. She was standing right next to Andronikos at the time and yeah...it happened. She didn't like it...she wasn't being "intimate" with the guy, but she did it to get what she needed. And Andronikos understood that. It's just the sort of character I play and the relationship they have.


They've always considered sex to be part of the deal. Feelings...those are something else entirely. And I translate that over to Theron and his life as a spy, because it generally comes with that line of work.

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Yeah, I'm just giving my reasons, just like everybody else.


It really all depends on the sort of character you play and how you interpret his character. My character wouldn't hold it against him, because she does the same thing. She's not a spy, but she's a Sith and why fight when you can...*giggles*...to get what you need?


Like in the Imperial line on Makeb, there's that lordling dude you can flirt with to get him to help with inciting the local revolt. She was standing right next to Andronikos at the time and yeah...it happened. She didn't like it...she wasn't being "intimate" with the guy, but she did it to get what she needed. And Andronikos understood that. It's just the sort of character I play and the relationship they have.


They've always considered sex to be part of the deal. Feelings...those are something else entirely. And I translate that over to Theron and his life as a spy, because it generally comes with that line of work.


Hey, if it works for you and your characters! It's been really interesting to read your take here too, even if I see the opposite. I love reading further viewpoints and takes on things :D

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No-one here is saying he couldn't, just saying we don't see his character as one who would. Even the Agent can do entire storyline not flirting with anyone.

I don't see him as someone who would go those routes for his job if he was with someone/in a relationship either - he's been hurt enough to not really want to do that to others I guess is my view on it.


No one here is even saying it's wrong to view him a different way, just discussing that some view him differently, like I said I love the discussions between people who view the same character completely different ways xD


ITA with this. I don't see Theron as someone who sleeps around either in or out of his job.


My female Agent did the entire storyline without flirting or sleeping with anyone, including the guy in Nar Shaddaa. She asked the Three to look after her friends from the teahouse but did not sleep with the Voss man. On Nar Shaddaa my Cipher actually found the path to get what she needed from the guy without poisoning him or sleeping with him, and she was very good at talking her way out of various situations in the game.The only person she flirted with was the guy she wanted to be in a relationship with, which was Vector, and she didn't do that right away either.


Seduction's just one tool in an agent's toolbox, IMHO, and not all of them would employ it.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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No quotes here since there are a few folks who mirror the same though, so consider yourselves quoted! :D


The way I see it is that he's a spy, and by definition, seduction can most definitely be a tool employed when one gets into the realm of espionage. That whole concept is kinda covered with the Imperial Agent story line. It's also mentioned many times how attractive Theron is, so I'd imagine it would come up. It would be a tactic just like anything else. Sex and intimacy are not mutually exclusive, especially for a spy...which is another reason why he's so closed off when it comes time to actually get down to brass tacks and let someone in.


Really, it's the perfect job for someone who has troubles connecting emotionally because of what he's been through with his mother and everything else. He gets to keep all that shut off.


Which is even more reason for him to go screeching off the rails if things go sideways once he does let someone in. He doesn't know how to handle it and copes in the only way he can.


Your take is interesting to be sure, but I do feel that the SIS and Imperial Intelligence are two very different entities, even though both are spy agencies. I see Imp. Intelligence to be more ruthless in the acquisition of intel and will go any route to get it, using sex, using poison, I covered some of the training aspects of Imperial Intelligence in my story Spy Vs. Spy and what the Cipher when through in her education. Recently I saw a movie that mirrored my take on Imperial Intelligence--Red Sparrow, which is about the Russian spy agencies and their training, which I see as being akin to Imperial Intelligence.


I see the SIS as being a bit more honorable, and their agents are dispatched based on specialties...Theron is essentially a hacker, and that's what he does, he hacks coms, ships, any sort of system is his playground. If they require seduction they call a seduction specialist like Jonas, he knows how to party, hold his liquor and get the target into bed for info or to get them in a compromised situation. I suppose I see the SIS as more scrupulous and for this reason possibly less effective than their more ruthless Imp.Intell counterparts.


That's my take on the agencies anyway.

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