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So it's either Lana or Arcann?


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Especially if he gave up hope and didn't know if you were even alive or not. Though, I wish he'd come to see us on Dromund Kaas. I know he said he was afraid we didn't love him anymore, but omg, it was 5 years with us being frozen, then almost 2 years being away from him. Why would he think we stopped loving him? He didn't do anything to us in those 7 years (as far as we know, which doesn't seem like he would). I wish I had an option to smack him upside the back of his head for thinking we stopped loving him. If it had been right after the betrayal, THEN I could see him thinking we stopped loving him, but being frozen and then being busy with fighting Arcann and his crazy *** sister? No. Which is why I'm like if Bioware doesn't give us a cutscene or two with Quinn during 5.10 or 6.0 or whatever, I'm going to fly out to Texas and start kicking butts, bad knee or not. :mad:


Did you guys see Vector's response when we went to go grab him? People were saying he sounded different, but to me, it sounded like he was about to cry his eyes out after everything.


The way I made sense of Quinn thinking that we stopped loving him was that we didn't come for him. We left him to sit alone in prison. He isn't kept up to date on what is going on with you. But he has seen you tear apart a prison before to kill Baras's sister. And he is just sitting there, waiting for you to come and tear apart his cell and rescue him. And you never show. So he starts to doubt if you feel the same way he does. It is stupid of him to feel that way, once he is released, and he knows that you have been a little busy just trying to stay alive. But that seed of doubt is still there.


I thought Vector sounded the same too, just weary from all the death he has seen, and because he is finally reunited with his Cipher.

Edited by rachetsw
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None of the companions are worth 'romancing,' If you want to RP a romance or IC relationship, find a fellow player who' interested in exploring that subject and do it right. That said, the idiotic 'Ashara is my equal or she walks away unharmed despite the SI openly attacking her' BS is a travesty. Who at BW thought that was a good idea? We don't get to turn her fully darkside, she just bickers and complains no matter what, and when it's all said and done when you summon her as a in-game companion, she still calls you 'master' and 'my lord' flying directly in the face of the whole 'were equals' BS that BW forced on us in the first place.
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The way I made sense of Quinn thinking that we stopped loving him was that we didn't come for him. We left him to sit alone in prison. He isn't kept up to date on what is going on with you. But he has seen you tear apart a prison before to kill Baras's sister. And he is just sitting there, waiting for you to come and tear apart his cell and rescue him. And you never show. So he starts to doubt if you feel the same way he does. It is stupid of him to feel that way, once he is released, and he knows that you have been a little busy just trying to stay alive. But that seed of doubt is still there.


I thought Vector sounded the same too, just weary from all the death he has seen, and because he is finally reunited with his Cipher.


Funny thing about those letters, aside from one or two, they all (the male ones) make it seem like without actually saying it, they see you now as a see you next tuesday. Which I completely understand. They're all angry with you. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if they try to poison you out of spite angry.


Corso's reunion annoyed me a tiny bit. Mostly cause before we get him and Risha back, he acts like we're ho'ing around. I didn't, but it sounds like that and it makes me sad. :(

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None of the companions are worth 'romancing,' If you want to RP a romance or IC relationship, find a fellow player who' interested in exploring that subject and do it right. That said, the idiotic 'Ashara is my equal or she walks away unharmed despite the SI openly attacking her' BS is a travesty. Who at BW thought that was a good idea? We don't get to turn her fully darkside, she just bickers and complains no matter what, and when it's all said and done when you summon her as a in-game companion, she still calls you 'master' and 'my lord' flying directly in the face of the whole 'were equals' BS that BW forced on us in the first place.


That annoys me too. They say all this stuff in their cutscenes, but their stop clicking me dialogue is the same from Vanilla. Even Lana, Koth, and Theron's lines stay the same whether you romance them or not.


I don't RP with people, only my companions and my head canon.

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When it comes to companions whose original writers left, the new writers need to seriously sit down, pull up youtube and watch how the companions were in vanilla and even some of Makeb and Shadow of Revan. I've seen fanfiction writers who capture the companions 10000000000 times better than writers who are paid to write dialogue and personality.
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When it comes to companions whose original writers left, the new writers need to seriously sit down, pull up youtube and watch how the companions were in vanilla and even some of Makeb and Shadow of Revan. I've seen fanfiction writers who capture the companions 10000000000 times better than writers who are paid to write dialogue and personality.

This exactly. I've had this debate with others here on the forum in on our own little FB group and really, whoever's been writing the more recent stuff seems pretty darn clueless on the personalities and background of these characters. It's annoying and shameful, and like I'm getting strangers shoved in my face. I get people changing over time but not like that, nope. Hell even I watch YouTube vids at times of companion romances and class stories to make sure I'm not voicing them in an immersion breaking way when I write. Takes little effort to do and if you actually care about your job and work at all, you should make that effort.

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This exactly. I've had this debate with others here on the forum in on our own little FB group and really, whoever's been writing the more recent stuff seems pretty darn clueless on the personalities and background of these characters. It's annoying and shameful, and like I'm getting strangers shoved in my face. I get people changing over time but not like that, nope. Hell even I watch YouTube vids at times of companion romances and class stories to make sure I'm not voicing them in an immersion breaking way when I write. Takes little effort to do and if you actually care about your job and work at all, you should make that effort.


The ONLY character in the game or in fanfiction who should be totally and completely unique from class to class or fiction story to fiction story, is the player's own character. Maybe there's a reason why you're a sith warrior who is light 5 and loves bunnies and such. Or why you're trooper is a dark 5 killing machine who even hunts down children.


Are you a character who sleeps with anything with a pulse, or are you chaste to the point the companions are annoyed. Etc, etc.


The companions on the other hand have set personalities. Now, of course you can tweek them, make Quinn aggressive in the bedroom with his wife in private, make Corso sometimes drop his 'aw shucks' act when his wife or bro (if male player) get into danger, or maybe explain in detail why you would think Doc would stop chasing skirts to marry your JK.


That's all fine. But lately, some of the companions are turning into people I don't recognize. It's not the voice actors, they still capture their character pretty well even if they get meh scripts to read, but seriously. Are we, the players, and fanfiction writers, the ONLY ones who give a **** to research if we don't want to play through the story a second, third, tenth time?

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It's hard for me to judge. I don't know how I would write a conversation between two different characters and have it sound like anything but me talking to myself. Never mind a character I don't particularly like or feel much for, yeesh. Glad it's not *my* job. :o
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*sigh* There's always fanfiction I guess. I know I *********** love Phyreblade, I think is his/her name, they write a DAMN good Quinn who has a damn backbone and they just write fanfiction.


I love her writing too! She's one of my guild leaders and I'm too shy to say anything :o


This exactly. I've had this debate with others here on the forum in on our own little FB group and really, whoever's been writing the more recent stuff seems pretty darn clueless on the personalities and background of these characters.


We have a little Facebook group?

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The ONLY character in the game or in fanfiction who should be totally and completely unique from class to class or fiction story to fiction story, is the player's own character. Maybe there's a reason why you're a sith warrior who is light 5 and loves bunnies and such. Or why you're trooper is a dark 5 killing machine who even hunts down children.


Are you a character who sleeps with anything with a pulse, or are you chaste to the point the companions are annoyed. Etc, etc.


The companions on the other hand have set personalities. Now, of course you can tweek them, make Quinn aggressive in the bedroom with his wife in private, make Corso sometimes drop his 'aw shucks' act when his wife or bro (if male player) get into danger, or maybe explain in detail why you would think Doc would stop chasing skirts to marry your JK.


That's all fine. But lately, some of the companions are turning into people I don't recognize. It's not the voice actors, they still capture their character pretty well even if they get meh scripts to read, but seriously. Are we, the players, and fanfiction writers, the ONLY ones who give a **** to research if we don't want to play through the story a second, third, tenth time?

Current writers, or whoever wrote the recent stuff, are just clueless. I mean, Aric's return was him and I loved that. Between the scene and Timothy's VA work, my knees were buckling and my heart fluttered, brilliant stuff. But Corso's return for example? Nay, who the hell wrote that? Who hit that person with the silly stick and knocked their brain out? Who approved that work without demanding better for a character that's been in-game since vanilla? C'mon now

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We have a little Facebook group?

Nah just a few people I know from here in a groupchat and we have our own little Fanfiction Support group because most of us write our own stories and it's nice to bounce ideas and frustrations at times.

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I love her writing too! She's one of my guild leaders and I'm too shy to say anything :o


My favorite quote from her Sw/Quinn story, right before the hand comes after they're bombed to ****.


Quinn: Damnit, Luciel!


He goes on, but I was like 'hell yes! Quinn with a damn backbone!! About time!'


ETA: Also like after she uses some force heal on him and didn't do it before the incident and he gets pissed off at her. I can't say what HE says, NSFW, but damn, it made ME upset. In a good way though, cause again, BACKBONE!

Edited by Eanelinea
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I would caution against discussing any unreleased content. It will result in staff smack-downs.



My SI wouldn't ever date Theron or Koth, they are both too goody two shoes for her. And she doesn't trust Arcann any further than she can throw him. So she stayed loyal to Andronikos. He supported her darker tendencies through vanilla and she liked the whole not wanting to be tied down, but can't resist you thing that they had going on.



Personally, I don't think Theron is a goody-two-shoes at all. He's a spy. He's responsible for the deaths of thousands (check out "The Lost Suns" and "Annihilation"). He's assassinated two Dark Councilors (one of them by a point-blank toxicity dart to the neck). He's not afraid to get his hands dirty. At all. But a lot of people tend to forget all that, because it's Imperials he's killed n' such, so whatevsies I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I love putting him with a Sith. He seems to grow more as a person, forced to reconcile who he is and what he believes in. And to put him with a Dark Councilor...after knowing that he's already killed two of them? Yeah...yeah...totally yeah.


I imagine Theron, even if you didn't fully romance-lock him before KOTFE, stayed mostly faithful/single but that is in large due to his character. He doesn't open up easily, he doesn't connect with people easily, he makes it pretty clear during SoR that such things are uncommon for him and it makes your situation rather unique. I headcanon Jonas tried to set him up on a date or two, to get him out of the office and take his mind off of you but it didn't amount to a thing.



I imagine that as a spy, Theron's ideas of physical intimacy and mental intimacy are completely separate concepts. He can do whatever and whoever he needs to in order to get the job done, and I'd gather he's done that a lot. He's also into destructive behavior...he's restless...doesn't sleep enough...doesn't eat enough...drinks entirely too much. So, I'd imagine that casual sex for him is most definitely a thing. But that's just the way I write him.


Actual relationships? Those he has trouble with...


Getting his freak on? Not so much.


But again, this is just my interpretation after reading the companion media as well as seeing what little they give us in the game.

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My favorite quote from her Sw/Quinn story, right before the hand comes after they're bombed to ****.


Quinn: Damnit, Luciel!


He goes on, but I was like 'hell yes! Quinn with a damn backbone!! About time!'


ETA: Also like after she uses some force heal on him and didn't do it before the incident and he gets pissed off at her. I can't say what HE says, NSFW, but damn, it made ME upset. In a good way though, cause again, BACKBONE!


I'm glad that you found some fiction you enjoy, but that sounds nothing like Quinn. He has a backbone, but I can't ever imagine him express it like that. Though I can absolutely see him objecting the wording used is so far removed from his dialogue in game. But that just shows how different we see him and why the writers have a hard time accommodating expectations.


I thought the romance on Iokath was brilliant (though I of course wanted more). It wasn't about the betrayal, but rather that he realized many years had passed and his wife might have moved on. The letter we got was also sweet and fitted his character well.


The one after umbrara was also appropriate. Of course he can't help thinking of his own betrayal, when faced with that. And that letter shows backbone Quinn of really well. He is so pissed and even calls the sw "my love".


My major critique of the recent content is that his wife should call him " Malavai" and not Quinn. And they overdid the "my lord" part, where he should have said "my love" at least once.

Edited by Cowoline
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I would caution against discussing any unreleased content. It will result in staff smack-downs.




Personally, I don't think Theron is a goody-two-shoes at all. He's a spy. He's responsible for the deaths of thousands (check out "The Lost Suns" and "Annihilation"). He's assassinated two Dark Councilors (one of them by a point-blank toxicity dart to the neck). He's not afraid to get his hands dirty. At all. But a lot of people tend to forget all that, because it's Imperials he's killed n' such, so whatevsies I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I love putting him with a Sith. He seems to grow more as a person, forced to reconcile who he is and what he believes in. And to put him with a Dark Councilor...after knowing that he's already killed two of them? Yeah...yeah...totally yeah.




I imagine that as a spy, Theron's ideas of physical intimacy and mental intimacy are completely separate concepts. He can do whatever and whoever he needs to in order to get the job done, and I'd gather he's done that a lot. He's also into destructive behavior...he's restless...doesn't sleep enough...doesn't eat enough...drinks entirely too much. So, I'd imagine that casual sex for him is most definitely a thing. But that's just the way I write him.


Actual relationships? Those he has trouble with...


Getting his freak on? Not so much.


But again, this is just my interpretation after reading the companion media as well as seeing what little they give us in the game.


Fair enough, what we have in game then, he is too goody two shoes for my SI, he constantly sides with the Republic, wants to save everyone, except Saresh. My SI is a little bit insane, she is my only character that is irrationally dark. Most of my characters make choices that are for the better of the faction they belong to, or make sense for that character. My SI and my JC are exceptions. They are played to the extreme dark and extreme light respectively.

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I'm glad that you found some fiction you enjoy, but that sounds nothing like Quinn. He has a backbone, but I can't ever imagine him express it like that. Though I can absolutely see him objecting the wording used is so far removed from his dialogue in game. But that just shows how different we see him and why the writers have a hard time accommodating expectations.


I thought the romance on Iokath was brilliant (though I of course wanted more). It wasn't about the betrayal, but rather that he realized many years had passed and his wife might have moved on. The letter we got was also sweet and fitted his character well.


The one after umbrara was also appropriate. Of course he can't help thinking of his own betrayal, when faced with that. And that letter shows backbone Quinn of really well. He is so pissed and even calls the sw "my love".


My major critique of the recent content is that his wife should call him " Malavai" and not Quinn. And they overdid the "my lord" part, where he should have said "my love" at least once. I will not comment on the newest - forum rules.


I loved loved loved your take on Iokath. I wish that we had gotten just that little bit more that you added. And of course for him to say my love more often would have been nice too. I love the letter he sends after Umbara and how pissed off he is, I love angry Quinn, when he is mad on your behalf. He isn't overly emotive, so I love when you get those snippets of raw emotion from him.

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I imagine that as a spy, Theron's ideas of physical intimacy and mental intimacy are completely separate concepts. He can do whatever and whoever he needs to in order to get the job done, and I'd gather he's done that a lot. He's also into destructive behavior...he's restless...doesn't sleep enough...doesn't eat enough...drinks entirely too much. So, I'd imagine that casual sex for him is most definitely a thing. But that's just the way I write him.


Actual relationships? Those he has trouble with...


Getting his freak on? Not so much.


But again, this is just my interpretation after reading the companion media as well as seeing what little they give us in the game.

Interesting take. I have not read Annihilation yet, even while I have it laying around here but I've never seen Theron as that type of spy. I do appreciate your insight though, it's interesting and in some parts I can see that work and being true.


I'm, of course, basing my opinion solely on what I do know myself (in-game material and the blogpost stories that were posted on the website), how I have interpreted the in-game interactions we see from the words he speaks to the way he is animated.


He has his 'professional mask' where he is more easy going and appears to be more open, extrovert, to easily mingle with his contacts and get the job done. Utilizing a pretty common spy skill set on top of his own natural skills and instinct, and he's good. However, I don't think he ever takes his work into the bedroom, I think he draws the line at sleeping with someone for intel or whatever he needs. Sometimes a rebel with a cause, to his superior's chagrin taking matters in his own hands when he believes it's for the good of all but yeah, that's about it.


I think the real Theron, not the spy but his own self, is very different. Closed off, kept to himself, head buried in work to avoid social interaction. A set of walls around him that are difficult to penetrate and in ways even socially awkward. I don't see him drinking the night away or jumping into meaningless sex at all, not for his personal life and not for the sake of work.


Some of this stuff he even tells us himself during the preludes and during SoR, and they show in his reactions. Perhaps there is a disconnect between the novel version and who we meet in-game but he never struck me as the sort to sleep around and drink until he passes out. That's more Jonas imho lol.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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Yeah, this is why the moochers annoy me. They want **** but won't contribute to the ****. So us, the actual subscribers, who a good majority of us have been here since the beginning, gets shafted with good cutscenes we could get from our original companions, whether it's breaking up, or having more scenes in general, and it makes me sad.

I have no issue with having an ongoing subscription if I know I will get content I like. However, how do I know if I subscribe that my money (or part of my money) will go toward more and better companion content and story content in general? It is also about how priorities are set. Keith said in his Winter/Spring roadmap post "As we look back to 2017 and now beyond the conclusion of the traitor storyline, we are planning to continue delivering content in the same manner throughout 2018." To me this means they are not planning to focus on companions or story for 2018.

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Fair enough, what we have in game then, he is too goody two shoes for my SI, he constantly sides with the Republic, wants to save everyone, except Saresh. My SI is a little bit insane, she is my only character that is irrationally dark. Most of my characters make choices that are for the better of the faction they belong to, or make sense for that character. My SI and my JC are exceptions. They are played to the extreme dark and extreme light respectively.


My SI is kind of a "Mini Marr" of sorts. He's her mentor, and she has no patience for Sith Shenanigans and back-stabbing. She's a Darth Nox, but when she got the title, she was right over the line of Dark 1. She makes choices based on the need, so for example, while on Makeb, she saved the Republic soldiers because there was no need to fight. But, when push came to shove, she melted the planet, even though she went through all the trouble of trying to save it. She couldn't risk word getting out that the planet had been saved until Marr's fleet moved in. She's very practical, so Light...Dark...that doesn't matter to her. She operates on a spectrum of grey.


Her outlook and attitude surprised and intrigued Theron, and forced him to start questioning his "us" and "them" mentality.


Interesting take. I have not read Annihilation yet, even while I have it laying around here but I've never seen Theron as that type of spy. I do appreciate your insight though, it's interesting and in some parts I can see that work and being true.


I'm, of course, basing my opinion solely on what I do know myself (in-game material and the blogpost stories that were posted on the website), how I have interpreted the in-game interactions we see from the words he speaks to the way he is animated.


He has his 'professional mask' where he is more easy going and appears to be more open, extrovert, to easily mingle with his contacts and get the job done. Utilizing a pretty common spy skill set on top of his own natural skills and instinct, and he's good. However, I don't think he ever takes his work into the bedroom, I think he draws the line at sleeping with someone for intel or whatever he needs. Sometimes a rebel with a cause, to his superior's chagrin taking matters in his own hands when he believes it's for the good of all but yeah, that's about it.


I think the real Theron, not the spy but his own self, is very different. Closed off, kept to himself, head buried in work to avoid social interaction. A set of walls around him that are difficult to penetrate and in ways even socially awkward. I don't see him drinking the night away or jumping into meaningless sex at all, not for his personal life and not for the sake of work.


Some of this stuff he even tells us himself during the preludes and during SoR, and they show in his reactions. Perhaps there is a disconnect between the novel version and who we meet in-game but he never struck me as the sort to sleep around and drink until he passes out. That's more Jonas imho lol.


The companion media does delve much deeper into Theron's personality, for sure, so it paints a clearer picture. You get to see his neuroses...the drinking and whatnot. And even in-game, you get a letter after Iokath that makes mention of his habit of drinking before bed on a nightly basis. It is discussed enough to know that whiskey is his drink of choice. I wouldn't say there is a disconnect at all...it just shows much more because you actually get to see him being a spy.


I definitely agree that he does have two faces. The charismatic spy who can charm the pants off a mannequin...and then the nervous introvert who can't talk to a girl he really likes. But that's the separation of physical and mental for me. He can be the job...and when he is the job...he does what he needs to.


Honestly, I would take that as a compliment...that he's willing to take one for the team. He would do it without even thinking. He would put on Princess Leia earmuffs and a thong if that was what his target was into and it meant the difference between getting what he needed and going home empty handed. That's the job. He has to, in order to do it well. If that means sleeping with someone for intel, then that's what he's willing to do. I think we see a little of that on Copero with Valss (because let's face it, somthin' somthin' was going on there).


But yes, he definitely keeps THERON closed off and away from SPY. Once he lets someone in, that's it, but the SPY is still there. If that someone is taken away, or hurts him (which in my case, I head-canon'd that he did hook up with my Sith Inquisitor on Yavin Four, and even considered walking away from everything to be with her, and she told him "no".)...he'll spiral out of control onto an even greater path of destruction. More drinking. More meaningless sex. Etc. Etc. Because all he has left to fall back on is the SPY. He doesn't have that friend or family safety net.


There is a definite separation between who Theron is as a person on the inside, and who he is as a spy on the outside. But because of his training, he can lock away who he really is in order to be who has to. It's one of the things he has in common with my Sith Inquisitor. She wants more than anything to just be normal. To not be DARTH NOX. When she and Andronikos go out, she tries her very best to blend in, and even enjoys playing Eye Candy rather than Scary Sith. She has to shut who she really is away when it's time to be that Scary Sith who will do whatever she needs to, up to and including sex, in order to get the job done.

Edited by Dracofish
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The companion media does delve much deeper into Theron's personality, for sure, so it paints a clearer picture. You get to see his neuroses...the drinking and whatnot. And even in-game, you get a letter after Iokath that makes mention of his habit of drinking before bed on a nightly basis. It is discussed enough to know that whiskey is his drink of choice. I wouldn't say there is a disconnect at all...it just shows much more because you actually get to see him being a spy.


I definitely agree that he does have two faces. The charismatic spy who can charm the pants off a mannequin...and then the nervous introvert who can't talk to a girl he really likes. But that's the separation of physical and mental for me. He can be the job...and when he is the job...he does what he needs to.


Honestly, I would take that as a compliment...that he's willing to take one for the team. He would do it without even thinking. He would put on Princess Leia earmuffs and a thong if that was what his target was into and it meant the difference between getting what he needed and going home empty handed. That's the job. He has to, in order to do it well. If that means sleeping with someone for intel, then that's what he's willing to do. I think we see a little of that on Copero with Valss (because let's face it, somthin' somthin' was going on there).


But yes, he definitely keeps THERON closed off and away from SPY. Once he lets someone in, that's it, but the SPY is still there. If that someone is taken away, or hurts him (which in my case, I head-canon'd that he did hook up with my Sith Inquisitor on Yavin Four, and even considered walking away from everything to be with her, and she told him "no".)...he'll spiral out of control onto an even greater path of destruction. More drinking. More meaningless sex. Etc. Etc. Because all he has left to fall back on is the SPY. He doesn't have that friend or family safety net.


There is a definite separation between who Theron is as a person on the inside, and who he is as a spy on the outside. But because of his training, he can lock away who he really is in order to be who has to. It's one of the things he has in common with my Sith Inquisitor. She wants more than anything to just be normal. To not be DARTH NOX. When she and Andronikos go out, she tries her very best to blend in, and even enjoys playing Eye Candy rather than Scary Sith. She has to shut who she really is away when it's time to be that Scary Sith who will do whatever she needs to, up to and including sex, in order to get the job done.

Yeah, I knew about the whiskey. Never took him for a boozer though, or someone who goes out for drinks much. In one of the short stories posted on the web it rather sounds like he's not thrilled Jonas is dragging him away to come for drinks and once the drinks are in front of him, he's not too keen for having more. Perhaps I misinterpreted that as him not being much for the whole out, drinking and hookups thing but then again, the story snippet is just a single fragment fresh after the Yavin 4 stuff.


I like your perspective though and approach, and it sounds like it works for your story. In mine I actually struggle some times because I have him in my head as so very introvert and socially awkward, far from a bedroom tiger lol.


I may pick the book up at some point and continue reading it but I've been having far too much fun writing and reading fan fiction instead so it's just been sitting here.

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Yeah, I knew about the whiskey. Never took him for a boozer though, or someone who goes out for drinks much. In one of the short stories posted on the web it rather sounds like he's not thrilled Jonas is dragging him away to come for drinks and once the drinks are in front of him, he's not too keen for having more. Perhaps I misinterpreted that as him not being much for the whole out, drinking and hookups thing but then again, the story snippet is just a single fragment fresh after the Yavin 4 stuff.


I like your perspective though and approach, and it sounds like it works for your story. In mine I actually struggle some times because I have him in my head as so very introvert and socially awkward, far from a bedroom tiger lol.


I may pick the book up at some point and continue reading it but I've been having far too much fun writing and reading fan fiction instead so it's just been sitting here.


Yeah, I don't see him as a social drinker at all. He's a "drowning one's sorrows in solitude" sort of drinker...which in many ways is so much worse.


I actually have a "Post Yavin Four Fallout" chapter written from his perspective that sums everything up kinda perfectly. I'd post a link here, but my fic carries an "Explicit" rating. But here's a paragraph at least -


It was never difficult for Theron to find willing participants to spend the night with, some almost annoyingly willing. All it took, it seemed, was a smile and a few lines and he had them lining up, men and women alike. He knew he was attractive. Add to that his charmingly awkward facade, and it was like catnip. It was an asset he used to perfection in his line of work, a skill that had been fine-tuned over years spent in the field, and undercover. And up until Manaan, his life hadn't seemed so bad, and it still wasn't, on paper. Living on adrenaline and sex, no attachments...every bachelor's dream. Or was it? Now it just seemed hollow and...pointless.


But yeah, after he let Nox in and was pushed away, he kinda went off the rails entirely.

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Yeah, I don't see him as a social drinker at all. He's a "drowning one's sorrows in solitude" sort of drinker...which in many ways is so much worse.


I actually have a "Post Yavin Four Fallout" chapter written from his perspective that sums everything up kinda perfectly. I'd post a link here, but my fic carries an "Explicit" rating. But here's a paragraph at least -


It was never difficult for Theron to find willing participants to spend the night with, some almost annoyingly willing. All it took, it seemed, was a smile and a few lines and he had them lining up, men and women alike. He knew he was attractive. Add to that his charmingly awkward facade, and it was like catnip. It was an asset he used to perfection in his line of work, a skill that had been fine-tuned over years spent in the field, and undercover. And up until Manaan, his life hadn't seemed so bad, and it still wasn't, on paper. Living on adrenaline and sex, no attachments...every bachelor's dream. Or was it? Now it just seemed hollow and...pointless.


But yeah, after he let Nox in and was pushed away, he kinda went off the rails entirely.

Heh, gonna have to put your story on my reading list, just had you recommended to me by a friend as well but that does seem to sum your Theron up well and I can picture it.


Sounds like he's a bit of a Jessica Jones, minus the super strength. ;)

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Some people actually want honorable good looking partners, so they will never be with Arcann.

- BH


I don't know what your definition of "good looking" is but Arcann is hot. A perfect husband .. tall, very well built, disfigured, and a damn good fighter... "Hello daddy". :)


Probably gifted in every other way too.. :) So whats your problem?

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I would caution against discussing any unreleased content. It will result in staff smack-downs.




Personally, I don't think Theron is a goody-two-shoes at all. He's a spy. He's responsible for the deaths of thousands (check out "The Lost Suns" and "Annihilation"). He's assassinated two Dark Councilors (one of them by a point-blank toxicity dart to the neck). He's not afraid to get his hands dirty. At all. But a lot of people tend to forget all that, because it's Imperials he's killed n' such, so whatevsies I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I love putting him with a Sith. He seems to grow more as a person, forced to reconcile who he is and what he believes in. And to put him with a Dark Councilor...after knowing that he's already killed two of them? Yeah...yeah...totally yeah.




I imagine that as a spy, Theron's ideas of physical intimacy and mental intimacy are completely separate concepts. He can do whatever and whoever he needs to in order to get the job done, and I'd gather he's done that a lot. He's also into destructive behavior...he's restless...doesn't sleep enough...doesn't eat enough...drinks entirely too much. So, I'd imagine that casual sex for him is most definitely a thing. But that's just the way I write him.


Actual relationships? Those he has trouble with...


Getting his freak on? Not so much.


But again, this is just my interpretation after reading the companion media as well as seeing what little they give us in the game.


I totally agree with your take on him. I write an rp fic with a friend and since she romances Theron I write him for her. I tend to approach him the same way. He's a good person, but he has his vices, and he does what the job requires. I find him to be a very interesting character. I'll be terribly sad if he departs the in-game story. We've already completely rewritten this entire traitor arc so that it isn't even actually him, but a clone.

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I imagine that as a spy, Theron's ideas of physical intimacy and mental intimacy are completely separate concepts. He can do whatever and whoever he needs to in order to get the job done, and I'd gather he's done that a lot. He's also into destructive behavior...he's restless...doesn't sleep enough...doesn't eat enough...drinks entirely too much. So, I'd imagine that casual sex for him is most definitely a thing. But that's just the way I write him.


Actual relationships? Those he has trouble with...


Getting his freak on? Not so much.


But again, this is just my interpretation after reading the companion media as well as seeing what little they give us in the game.


This is why I love personal interpretations, I've read all his media over and over, approached the game many ways in interactions with him and got from it all the complete opposite to what you've written here. That casual sex is not something he does at all, even for his job. I do believe he's tried to be in relationships before, a few times at least - he's no virgin, but the impressions I got was he relies on all his other skills, never his body, to get his missions done and rarely lets anyone that close physically or mentally. I don't see him at all as a drunk either, the novel him isn't much different from the game him, when I'm reading it. There's a few disjoints but nothing worth noting.

Edited by Asmodesu
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