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So it's either Lana or Arcann?


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As they say, it would be a boring world if we all thought the same. I like to read different takes as long as a writer doesn't go so far around the bend that I can't follow.


Some stories about Theron and Quinn and even others make me cringe. Some are quite well written even though I may not agree with their take on a character. I try to keep an open mind unless a writer does something so incredibly crazy that no stretch of the imagination can take me there.


One of my pet peeves is when someone makes Theron a weeping ninny or so shattered he can't even function. Nope, he is stronger than that, regardless of his familial background.

Edited by MishaCantu
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Your take is interesting to be sure, but I do feel that the SIS and Imperial Intelligence are two very different entities, even though both are spy agencies. I see Imp. Intelligence to be more ruthless in the acquisition of intel and will go any route to get it, using sex, using poison, I covered some of the training aspects of Imperial Intelligence in my story Spy Vs. Spy and what the Cipher when through in her education. Recently I saw a movie that mirrored my take on Imperial Intelligence--Red Sparrow, which is about the Russian spy agencies and their training, which I see as being akin to Imperial Intelligence.


I see the SIS as being a bit more honorable, and their agents are dispatched based on specialties...Theron is essentially a hacker, and that's what he does, he hacks coms, ships, any sort of system is his playground. If they require seduction they call a seduction specialist like Jonas, he knows how to party, hold his liquor and get the target into bed for info or to get them in a compromised situation. I suppose I see the SIS as more scrupulous and for this reason possibly less effective than their more ruthless Imp.Intell counterparts.


That's my take on the agencies anyway.


I love how you differentiate the two agencies.

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Your take is interesting to be sure, but I do feel that the SIS and Imperial Intelligence are two very different entities, even though both are spy agencies. I see Imp. Intelligence to be more ruthless in the acquisition of intel and will go any route to get it, using sex, using poison, I covered some of the training aspects of Imperial Intelligence in my story Spy Vs. Spy and what the Cipher when through in her education. Recently I saw a movie that mirrored my take on Imperial Intelligence--Red Sparrow, which is about the Russian spy agencies and their training, which I see as being akin to Imperial Intelligence.


I see the SIS as being a bit more honorable, and their agents are dispatched based on specialties...Theron is essentially a hacker, and that's what he does, he hacks coms, ships, any sort of system is his playground. If they require seduction they call a seduction specialist like Jonas, he knows how to party, hold his liquor and get the target into bed for info or to get them in a compromised situation. I suppose I see the SIS as more scrupulous and for this reason possibly less effective than their more ruthless Imp.Intell counterparts.


That's my take on the agencies anyway.


Like you said, we all have our own ways of looking at it, but I see Theron as more than just a hacker. He's a field agent, an operative (007, La Femme Nikita, etc etc)...and he would be able to employ numerous tactics in order to do what he needs to do. Close-quarters combat, undercover work, intel, even the extracting of information should the need arise. We know that he's allowed himself to be captured (and beaten) in the past, only to put himself in a better position to get where he needs to go.


From the Sun Razer and the death of Darth Mekhis, to infiltrating New Adasta, to the Ascendant Spear and the death of Darth Karrid, Theron has shown us that he's *way* more than a hacker.


I can't imagine them going into a briefing saying "Alright boys, we're putting Jonas in on this one because secks might be involved." That's not the way it works. If it comes up, the operative does whatever he/she needs to do in order to do the job. It's harsh but...yeah. But again, that's just the way I see it. YMMV.


In terms of the two agencies, I see less of a distinction. They both do some heinous things. The SIS might not have the technology to employ mind control, but they sure jumped at the chance to use it. But that's neither here nor there since we're talking about Theron.

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In terms of the two agencies, I see less of a distinction. They both do some heinous things. The SIS might not have the technology to employ mind control, but they sure jumped at the chance to use it. But that's neither here nor there since we're talking about Theron.


Gotta agree with this. They used that mind control without blinking twice. The SIS also had no issues trying to sabotage a planet that was in a state of emergency at the expense of civilians (Ziost). I think they are just as ruthless as Imperial and Sith Intelligence when they need to be.

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I see the thread has moved on, good thing :)


My impression of Theron is that he is willing to do what is necessary to get the job done. If he thinks he would only achieve his goal by seducing someone I think he would do it. But I don't think that is what he is normally going for - this might be the usual approach for Jonas but I think Theron would first try to find other ways to get what he wants because I see him being more comfortable with that.


I mean if he has to seduce someone he might have to imply that he cares about this person more than he does and then let him/her fall afterwards. I don't think Theron would be comfortable with that seeing that he was left behind himself so many times. And I get the impression social interaction is not really his thing.


So while I think he does what is necessary for the greater good and to achieve his goal he would at least try to resort to methods he is more comfortable with.


And I don't see him as having casual sex/flings to relieve his stress. I can see him having a night alone drinking too much but not really that he is in general drinking too much. Maybe when he father dies or when the player disappears at the beginning of kotfe and when he is in love with him/her. But regularly? That would affect his abililty to work and with alcolhol you are losing control - something I don't think Theron would like to.


While I have nearly for every LI at least one character most of them (male and female) are for Theron. I think he has an interesting dynamic with every class.

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I do think there is a distinction between the SIS and Imperial Intelligence but also their individual Agents. Working for Intelligence doesn't necessarily mean that you utilize your seduction skills to get the job done, some do fine without going down that road and depend on their other qualities. People skills, a smart mouth or just having that type of face that puts people at ease and has them trusting you easily.


We see the SIS pull some nasties as well, especially if you play through the Agent story but that's also just one team of many. I don't recall how sanctioned Kothe's actions were or if he, through seniority and experience, has been given quite a bit of leeway in how he conducts his business. His behavior and that of his team don't necessarily represent standard protocol and practice for all of the SIS.


If you've encountered Balkar while playing a Trooper, or have played the IA story, you might be inclined to think Theron has streaks just like them. Quick with the drinking and having no trouble using his looks and body to get what he needs, having no trouble going through any length to achieve his goals but what works for one Agent, and for one organization, doesn't necessarily apply to every Agent or Spy you meet.


I'm just putting this out there in general, not at anyone specifically but I do think it's important to pay really close attention to the individual. I have actually met people who, by their own admittance, thought Theron was just another manwhore and player because "that's what spies do" and because of Balkar.


I actually like that, from my own perspective, Theron is not the sort to employ the more typical tactics to achieve his goals. It makes him unique, different and further highlights everything else in his toolkit that he does employ, his natural skills.


I also somehow cannot mesh the boy who was raised by the Jedi, was part of the Order until they kicked him out, with a man who'd carelessly sleep around and use his body to get what he wants. It doesn't quite seem to mix with his upbringing, with how Zho raised him and the values and principles he was taught even while there are plenty actual Jedi who may do similar things.


Sorry for the ramble, I think things and then I write them down and I'll shut up now. :rolleyes:

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Wow, i need to stop underestimating how much drama and heartache fictional characters in virtual worlds can stir up /facepalm.


I'm happy with the current options, the NPC development on origin stories were top notch and Lana/Theron were amazing to follow too. Arcann is a good character but his romance was jarring, if the team wans to continue I'll surely play his romance trough too though.


I'm sure it sounds weird to most people on this forum since there is so many threads about romance, but the dearest characters to me have always been the non-romance able ones. Sourge, Pierce, Zenith, Gault my badas bros in crime. Guss, Skadge, Tanno, Lokin, the good the bad and the ugly, great writing totally underappreciated characters just because they lack the *flirt* button and were not written to be mainstream mediasexy.

Only ever seeing people bicker about that *flirt* option just saddens me. It's like all the game ever was to them was some sort of dating simulator.


But to each their own I guess. Some people just live for that virtual romance. But lets try to remember SWTOR is a videogame first and foremost, and the content of playable kind comes first.

And before you argue flirting ingame is playable content, sure. But I'd like to see you repeat that same Arcann flirt scene as many times as you have qued to the same PVP/PVE content.

Edited by Kiesu
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Wow, i need to stop underestimating how much drama and heartache fictional characters in virtual worlds can stir up /facepalm.


I'm happy with the current options, the NPC development on origin stories were top notch and Lana/Theron were amazing to follow too. Arcann is a good character but his romance was jarring, if the team wans to continue I'll surely play his romance trough too though.


I'm sure it sounds weird to most people on this forum since there is so many threads about romance, but the dearest characters to me have always been the non-romance able ones. Sourge, Pierce, Zenith, Gault my badas bros in crime. Guss, Skadge, Tanno, Lokin, the good the bad and the ugly, great writing totally underappreciated characters just because they lack the *flirt* button and were not written to be mainstream mediasexy.

Only ever seeing people bicker about that *flirt* option just saddens me. It's like all the game ever was to them was some sort of dating simulator.


But to each their own I guess. Some people just live for that virtual romance. But lets try to remember SWTOR is a videogame first and foremost, and the content of playable kind comes first.

And before you argue flirting ingame is playable content, sure. But I'd like to see you repeat that same Arcann flirt scene as many times as you have qued to the same PVP/PVE content.


Vette and LS Jaesa are my all time favourite characters, when not romanced. I play a female SW. LS Jaesa isn't even on the return list yet, and Vette gives not a thing about my character because no romance, she lost the sister feeling. Seems Bioware writers only care about neutral or romance, there's no friendship stuff anymore.


I've done more romance content and character conversations in the game (not just one character, and now like 20 romance options, some with tons of conversations and growth, and another one coming soon) then I have queued for PvE. and I stalled PvP play when I suddenly had to deal with 400+ ms and rubberband lag in matches after the server merges. There's only so many times I'll run the same fp or play the same pvp zone.

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But to each their own I guess. Some people just live for that virtual romance. But lets try to remember SWTOR is a videogame first and foremost, and the content of playable kind comes first.

I guess some do but I see it as no different than engrossing yourself in, and becoming highly invested in a favorite book series, comic book, TV series or movie franchise. I see it as no different to the many, many people who were emotionally affected by Snape's story in the Harry Potter series or who lived vicariously through Hermoine and rooted for her since day one. As people who spend hours, heck, years so invested in Batman and his franchise they can tell you every little detail, explain his psychology in depth and have countless debates with those rooting for Superman.


Yes, in our case it involves romantic interactions as well because the game allows for it making the story even further immersive and it does, from my perspective, add another layer of depth. With many other things, you're a spectator no matter how captivated you are by the story but here we actually get to be a part of it. The romances do matter to me, I do prioritize them a touch above the other interactions because it's nice to just lose yourself in a fantasy environment sometimes and let it carry you away. But I care for my non-romanced favorites too.


Scourge, while he may soon become a LI, will always be at the top of my list, romanceable or not. Darth Marr is another at the top of my favorites even while I cannot date him. The same applies to Darth Vowrawn who I thoroughly enjoy. Lord Cytharat, who *I* cannot date without a sex change, is another much loved character in my eyes. I don't play male characters so I can't date them but I adore Vette and Kira, they're my little sisters and I miss them. I absolutely love Gault and while my BH married Torian, if she had to pick a buddy to kick the **** with and get up to no good, she'd be knocking on Gault's door, he's amazing.


So, yeah, while romance is highly important to me and much of my current frustration hangs on the lack of continued romantic interaction, I do care about many of my other companions and even those characters who are not a companion at all.


As for playability, well that rather depends on the person. While overall in terms of "what the game should be", you may be right, I'm not the sort of player who engages much in PvE content beyond story or who queues up for Flashpoints and the likes. So, yes, for me, added story and romance is content of the playable kind and as valuable as group ques and new Flashpoints may be to another.

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But to each their own I guess. Some people just live for that virtual romance. But lets try to remember SWTOR is a videogame first and foremost, and the content of playable kind comes first.

And before you argue flirting ingame is playable content, sure. But I'd like to see you repeat that same Arcann flirt scene as many times as you have qued to the same PVP/PVE content.


While I feel different people having different priorities for the game and think it's okay (some people don't do any group pvp/pve, and I'd assume they'd rather have more stories than a new dailies area to grind money in), I think you raise a good point. I feel that while writing stories for SWTOR, the actual story has to come first and romances need to take a backseat. I love the romance scenes as much as the next person, but i.e. cramming every LI to the main cast of the story would, in my opinion, only serve people who love the romances -- not the people who simply love the story.

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Wow, i need to stop underestimating how much drama and heartache fictional characters in virtual worlds can stir up /facepalm.


I'm happy with the current options, the NPC development on origin stories were top notch and Lana/Theron were amazing to follow too. Arcann is a good character but his romance was jarring, if the team wans to continue I'll surely play his romance trough too though.


I'm sure it sounds weird to most people on this forum since there is so many threads about romance, but the dearest characters to me have always been the non-romance able ones. Sourge, Pierce, Zenith, Gault my badas bros in crime. Guss, Skadge, Tanno, Lokin, the good the bad and the ugly, great writing totally underappreciated characters just because they lack the *flirt* button and were not written to be mainstream mediasexy.

Only ever seeing people bicker about that *flirt* option just saddens me. It's like all the game ever was to them was some sort of dating simulator.


But to each their own I guess. Some people just live for that virtual romance. But lets try to remember SWTOR is a videogame first and foremost, and the content of playable kind comes first.

And before you argue flirting ingame is playable content, sure. But I'd like to see you repeat that same Arcann flirt scene as many times as you have qued to the same PVP/PVE content.


Story IS playable content and SWTOR is a story based game, that math kinda calculates itself. Romances have always been part of the bioware game stories. This is very playable content that many enjoy here over other content because bioware games are the only games that offer them. Until that changes and it catches on in other games I guess people have to learn to deal with those of us here for that purpose.


Oh and Ive repeated the Iokath chapters that contain the adorable Theron flirts far more times then Ive ever queued for fps.

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You're not rambling, it can be good to share and you're not alone. I've heard stories similar to yours before and there are plenty examples of people playing this game as an escape. It's not uncommon and it is 100% understandable, it can offer a good distraction. Pretty cool that you got your therapist to play this game as well and I'm sorry to hear you've gone through such rough times.


Thank you for being so nice to me, given our past conflict, i still feel bad for that. Not sure what else to say, maybe something on topic?


Since the topic in original was about Lana & Arcann as the only two LIs possibly getting any future content , do you think there will be any future LIs for all classes?

By "you" i mean all of you, not just Jenny.

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I guess some do but I see it as no different than engrossing yourself in, and becoming highly invested in a favorite book series, comic book, TV series or movie franchise. I see it as no different to the many, many people who were emotionally affected by Snape's story in the Harry Potter series or who lived vicariously through Hermoine and rooted for her since day one. As people who spend hours, heck, years so invested in Batman and his franchise they can tell you every little detail, explain his psychology in depth and have countless debates with those rooting for Superman.


So, yeah, while romance is highly important to me and much of my current frustration hangs on the lack of continued romantic interaction, I do care about many of my other companions and even those characters who are not a companion at all.


As for playability, well that rather depends on the person. While overall in terms of "what the game should be", you may be right, I'm not the sort of player who engages much in PvE content beyond story or who queues up for Flashpoints and the likes. So, yes, for me, added story and romance is content of the playable kind and as valuable as group ques and new Flashpoints may be to another.

I can understand where you are coming from. I had my eternal crushes in some Dragon Age characters back in the day, still think of them fondly. But games end, and you cant expect a game with millions of characters with branching story-lines to be eternally accessible in a manner that still makes sense and doesnt take a huge portion of development time to implement. Hence my love for stories with a clear end, so you can make up the rest without having to fear the second part being a complete dud and ruin the immersion, kinda what i feel like happened to a lot of the very loud romance-demanders here, or who will eventually end up experiencing it after waiting what surely feels like an eternity for their favorite to return for two minutes.


Sometimes you just gotta let a story go, or make it up yourself as you go. Making up follow-up has never been an issue for me as an oldschool pen and paper D&D entusiast, roleplaying and making up stuff is what i do a lot. And I'll probably get some fist shakes when I say this, but some follow-ups are best left to the imagination. Heck, if DA2 would have been direct continuation to Origins with the same characters, I would have been a sore fanboy seeing how that turned out.

Plus, I really like hearing from my fellow nerds their alternate timeline and character stories. It's so cool to see what people come up with- even though many of them are pretty cliche mary-sue-love-me-alls. There's still a lot of gems.


As for what is considered "gameplay" argument... I'd take a look at the actual game genre. Strict storygames like singleplayer-bioware games, or telltale series or even just those klicker visual-novels can get away with DLC of adding just one companion character to the mix with some dialog and interactions for couple coins. But when the market goes to massively multiplayer mmo with overarching story and pve and pvp and raiding and dailies and conquest and starfighter and crafting and auction house and balancing and remeshing and voiceacting... adding those romance options ontop of managing all that is no simple task and people really need to realize that and stop being so upset when their virtual boy/girlfriend didnt get their hour of fame.


Indeed what everyone's "gameplay" mainly consists of is personal preference. I PVP a lot when theres nothing else to do, its easy and fast to just jump in and out and have a fool around with guildies. I get peoples love for story replays, I have over 50 characters myself so I'm guilty of replaying a lot too. But at the end of the day when I want to fire up a multiplayer game.. I'm expecting to get multiplayer stuff to do. If I fire up Dragon Age for the 100th time, I'm expecting to run trough the story solo for the 100th time. These I would say are completely realistic expectations. Not many games even continuously move their story forward after first release, and those that do usually dont either have that complex story model like Bioware like to make it, they might not even have a romance thing to begin with, or its with pre-decided characters. Because it's easier to write a book once, rather than twenty times with ten outcomes with ten different character options.



I've been informed this morning my ex-husband died in a car accident. He was an abusive ar**hole and back then, when he used me as a punching bag, this game was my only escape. Forgive me, but i desperately wanted a "Zenith" or "Lord Scourge" or "Theron Shan". My therapist started playing this game because of me,LOL. Sorry, i'm rambling, please ignore this post.

It is not uncommon for people to seek comfort in fictional worlds of books, movies or games from reality. You're not alone. Game-devs are not therapists though, this behavior is self-medicational.

// to bellow: Sure concider it forgotten.

Edited by Kiesu
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It is not uncommon for people to seek comfort in fictional worlds of books, movies or games from reality. You're not alone. Game-devs are not therapists though, this behavior is self-medicational.


Yes, i agree with you, no BW employee can help domestic violence victims, i never asked for that. Let's just forget about what i've said and move on, please? Thank you.

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My piece is going to be broken up into three parts, in which I'm almost done with the first part...which ends right when my main character gets locked in carbonite. The second part is a whole development arc for Theron and Andronikos, as well as the other secondary characters, and the foundations of the Alliance...and putting my personal take on the five years we're given virtually no details about. I think it will be massively important, throwing them together like that when she's not around and forcing them to work together.


Thank you for sharing that little blip, I enjoyed reading it. I hope Theron is around in the story for a long time, he's one of my favorite characters in the game.


I don't see him as drinking too much, but I do think that he sometimes drinks instead of dealing with his emotions. Emotions and attachment are uncomfortable for him, partially from being given up by his parent/Satele, and partially from growing up among the Jedi. So, I think he sometimes goes home and has just enough to drink to numb his emotions. Working all the time is another way he avoids bis feelings. I mean, he's also passionate about his work and driven to make the galaxxy a better place, but the workaholic even at home is partially to avoid things.

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I do think there is a distinction between the SIS and Imperial Intelligence but also their individual Agents. Working for Intelligence doesn't necessarily mean that you utilize your seduction skills to get the job done, some do fine without going down that road and depend on their other qualities. People skills, a smart mouth or just having that type of face that puts people at ease and has them trusting you easily.


We see the SIS pull some nasties as well, especially if you play through the Agent story but that's also just one team of many. I don't recall how sanctioned Kothe's actions were or if he, through seniority and experience, has been given quite a bit of leeway in how he conducts his business. His behavior and that of his team don't necessarily represent standard protocol and practice for all of the SIS.


If you've encountered Balkar while playing a Trooper, or have played the IA story, you might be inclined to think Theron has streaks just like them. Quick with the drinking and having no trouble using his looks and body to get what he needs, having no trouble going through any length to achieve his goals but what works for one Agent, and for one organization, doesn't necessarily apply to every Agent or Spy you meet.


I'm just putting this out there in general, not at anyone specifically but I do think it's important to pay really close attention to the individual. I have actually met people who, by their own admittance, thought Theron was just another manwhore and player because "that's what spies do" and because of Balkar.


I actually like that, from my own perspective, Theron is not the sort to employ the more typical tactics to achieve his goals. It makes him unique, different and further highlights everything else in his toolkit that he does employ, his natural skills.


I also somehow cannot mesh the boy who was raised by the Jedi, was part of the Order until they kicked him out, with a man who'd carelessly sleep around and use his body to get what he wants. It doesn't quite seem to mix with his upbringing, with how Zho raised him and the values and principles he was taught even while there are plenty actual Jedi who may do similar things.


Sorry for the ramble, I think things and then I write them down and I'll shut up now. :rolleyes:


This is just my take on it, so please do not take this personally...


But, the Jedi order has never preached chastity. Abstaining from attachments, yes. Chastity, no. If one wishes to play a monk Jedi, then by all means, that's entirely within a person's right to interpret that character however they see fit. But, even Lucas has confirmed that Jedi have never been told they can't get their freak on. (Now enter the image of Ngani Zho getting his freak on and... :/ ) In fact, I think I remember reading something somewhere that padawans quite frequently experimented with each other.


Now...where one places the realm of sex within or adjacent to the realm of morality...that boils down to personal interpretation...quite possibly sprinkled with a bit of real world sentiment and squick when it comes to casual encounters. For me...and this is just for me...casual sex does not equate to immorality. I've only ever been intimate with two people in my life, but still...my opinion is rather liberal when it comes to the concepts of sex as a whole as long as everybody involved is willing and is safe about it. It's no skin off my nose how many people the person next to me wants to sleep with, and it doesn't change how I view them as a human being.


And in a GFFA, the concepts of sex seem a bit more on the liberal side of things, but that's just my overall feeling.


Whew, ok...that's out of the way....


Next...Theron is not a "manwhore" to me. Nor is he a "player". I don't see him out there yelling things like "Hey baby...shake yo' boo'tay!!!" from the street corner. I see him as a complicated individual. Highly complicated. He suffers from abandonment issues. Piles of them. Everybody who he has ever loved has left him in the dirt, and he's looking for a way to connect. Any way he can. You don't come out of that without some sort of baggage, mental disconnects, and psychological effects. (Hell, my biological father was a drunk who beat me with a belt...and I know that had an effect on me).


I have a writer friend who has explained it to me (via her own personal experience) that Theron fits the classic definition of an adopted kid, to a tee. Issues with attachment. Predisposition for substance abuse. Destructive tendencies. Promiscuity. The whole nine yards. I'd always seen him that way, but she put it into perfect words for me. That is where I get my view on Theron...not from Balkar, who really does come off as a skeeve to me. (Kind of like Doc...and... *gags*)


Secondly, I believe Theron fell into the life of a spy quite perfectly, due to the above reasons. He is the way he is...not because of being a spy, but because of predisposed factors that have made him so good at being a spy.


I don't think he's ever gotten the chance to find out who he really is, deep down. He went from being the son of a Jedi to nothing. From a youngling to nothing. Who knows what he had to do in order to survive until he fell in with the SIS (at eighteen, if I remember correctly). He gets to wear a new face and play a new person every day. It's perfect for someone who has problems connecting on a personal level. And it's perfect for someone who doesn't want to face his inner demons, to just drown himself in his work and forget about everything else.


I see a definite detachment between who Theron presents himself as on a business level, and who he presents himself as on a personal level. On a business level, he's the job, and he's confident and bold and gets **** done. On a personal level, he's cautious and nervous, and keeps himself tightly closed off. On a business level, he can charm the pants off a mannequin without even blinking, because that's not him. It's the job. He's playing a role.


I see him as someone who would have jumped into the sack with my Sith the minute he saw her. For the same reason she would have...the job. Gain intel. Put the enemy off their game. But the moment they decided to wait, it became more. A year later, and she wasn't the job anymore. She'd gotten past the walls. He'd gotten past hers. And then there was nothing left but two really vulnerable people on the inside.


Anyways, I felt I just needed to put it out there...the reasons why I believe Theron is the way I see that he is. Not because I think it's sexy or something to think of him hopping from bed to bed. It all goes back to what he's been through, and how that effected the way he is able to interact with the world around him.


And of course, none of this means that he can't have a committed relationship down the road with someone. I'm only talking about who he is/was before meeting the Outlander.


But, as we've all stated...YMMV in all this. And of course, it's always a generalization, and not a rule. That's just how I see it.

Edited by Dracofish
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I've been informed this morning my ex-husband died in a car accident. He was an abusive ar**hole and back then, when he used me as a punching bag, this game was my only escape. Forgive me, but i desperately wanted a "Zenith" or "Lord Scourge" or "Theron Shan". My therapist started playing this game because of me,LOL. Sorry, i'm rambling, please ignore this post.


What a horrible thing to go through, I'm sorry. I've met a few people in this game who have suffered greatly in different ways, and I think it's quite fine to share these things and find comfort in whatever gives it to you, this game included.

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Thank you for being so nice to me, given our past conflict, i still feel bad for that. Not sure what else to say, maybe something on topic?


Since the topic in original was about Lana & Arcann as the only two LIs possibly getting any future content , do you think there will be any future LIs for all classes?

By "you" i mean all of you, not just Jenny.

I am not yet 100% convinced they will be the only two LIs moving forward. Naive as it might be, I'm holding out hope for Theron still. A part of me would even be tempted to think Bioware would not be so dumb as to leave Arcann and Lana as our only choices and I hope I'm right.


That said, I do think it is possible we might see someone new introduced with the expansion, akin to how Cytharat and Lambada were introduced in RotHC but hopefully this time they'd both be player sexual and there to stay. I wouldn't think that's too terrible but I would rather just hold on to Theron.

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What a horrible thing to go through, I'm sorry. I've met a few people in this game who have suffered greatly in different ways, and I think it's quite fine to share these things and find comfort in whatever gives it to you, this game included.


I agree, maybe we should start a "How SWTOR Helped Me Through Something" thread.

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What a horrible thing to go through, I'm sorry. I've met a few people in this game who have suffered greatly in different ways, and I think it's quite fine to share these things and find comfort in whatever gives it to you, this game included.


Thank you for your kind words, now everything is in the past, some said the devs cannot help, one of them ( E.M. ) actually helped me a lot by banning me at the right time. Yes i do find comfort in this game and i wish we all could find something nice here, some dream, some fantasy, no matter its name or form.

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