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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Conquest Changes in Game Update 5.9


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Ditto here as well. I think we can all agree that we all love swtor and we are a bit passionate about conquest. ;)


Your most recent post is exactly what the devs need to read. Actually, they need to go back and read all of your posts, tbh.


Please understand I was in no way trying to say that you got free points even though he who shall not be named believed it so. I was trying to point out the strategic and conquest focus of your former guild. Im a true believer in when you put in the work, you should get rewarded and you guys def put in the work.


On a side note, Im happy that you were able to experience the small family size guild experience as well. Its one that Ive always preferred. We still hang out in the swtor channel on ts, yet we all play different games now. lol


Thanks for this, Joy! I appreciate your kind words, also. It was my hope that they would read a LOT of the feedback from heavy conquest users and better understand the outcry as not just people being bratty about the game changing. I don't think any of us have ever minded the game changing, because it has done that a ton of times over the last nearly 7 years. It's when those changes make the game un-enjoyable in the way it was previously to us that we react this way... and because we love it and want to keep playing it we respond.


Minor tweaks to the way things happened in the old system would never have been met with this type of negative outcry. I think there were parts of the system that we could all understand changing up a little. But that isn't what happened, unfortunately. And it doesn't appear that even though they "hear us" (according to what they say in live stream interviews) that they intend to take the feedback and turn it into action. Until they do, we will remember conquest fondly, but be elsewhere giving other companies our money and free time.


By the way - I didn't take it that you were saying we got free points, I just wanted to make the point in general that NONE of us got free points. We all made effort, even with crafting, to earn those points. People act like crafting was some easy one and done affair and it always points to the fact that they've never done it on the scale required for winning a planet if they thought it was "easy". Those of us who actually were an active part of the conquest system every week know very well just what it took, and respect the effort that we ALL had to put into the system in order to win. But the difference between then and now was that it was FUN to do so back then. Not anymore.


I started this game in small/family guilds, was part of a heavily focused raid progression guild, and when they stopped producing raids and everyone there left, I joined BBB to become part of the "conquest casual" crowd (as we were often mockingly called). It was something that I look back on with mixed feelings. The guild had a bad reputation before I ever got there, and that didn't help... even though I did my best to soften the "only troll others" mentality of some of the older members there. It was a truly remarkable thing to run guild events with over 100 people in attendance on our flagship. It was an amazing exercise in big group effort, and in a lot of ways even though it was a truckload of work.


After that experience, many of us wanted something simpler and we created that in our new guild. Sadly, most of us have also tapered off and gone elsewhere now that our primary focus has been so obliterated. I would like to think that it will eventually be like Galactic Command: After a year of "fixing" it will be closer to what it was before the changes, if you can wait that long for it to be improved. I'm not sure how much the game can sustain this type of "break it and take a year to fix it" updates and "improvements"... and keep hoping we won't have to find out the hard way that this was one too many.


Either way, cheers my friend!



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Olag's already been shown that he's going off outdated assumptions. He said he hasn't watched Vulkk's interview with Musco and Charles. He claims he read the transcript that Porsa provided, but he's not even taking it into consideration. :rolleyes:

You are talking about 2 different things

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Here's the facts with 5.8:



1. Conquest is less fun due to being way too restrictive by forcing players to do things they don't like

2. Conquest discourages a player from playing alts

3. Conquest doesn't reward enough for the time invested

4. Conquest inactivity hurts all facets of the game

5. Less players are partaking in conquest now

6. Players have dropped subs due to 5.8 and the destruction of the old conquest system

7. Large guilds are indomitable and smaller guilds are even less competitive than before 5.8



All of these issues are bad for the game.


Here's to hoping they improve upon their 5.8 patch, seeing they have received the feedback they asked for from the players.

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So in the thread i made for Keith and Charles, Keith responded.


So, I'm a bit confused. Eric went on vacation just two days ago. Before he left, he provided updates about the changes we're making in 5.9 which is scheduled for release on May 1st.


We realize some of you are not happy with the changes we made to Conquests and the 5.9 adjustments will help. As we all know, Conquests were broken and preventing players from receiving rewards which caused a lot of unnecessary frustration, extra Engineering work and wasted time for you and Customer Service. It had to be replaced with a newer and maintainable system.


Although it'll take a few updates to get it exactly right, we have not had the same issues with rewards, a lot more guilds are receiving rewards, and there is higher participation overall. However, we also acknowledge that it's more difficult for alternate characters to complete their weekly goals which some of the changes in 5.9 will address.


We will continue to review the data and your feedback to determine if additional adjustments are needed. I'm not sure that gives you any additional insight, but we need to release 5.9 to identify further changes.




Not the words I'd like to read, but hey at least he responded.

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Here's the facts with 5.8:



1. Conquest is less fun due to being way too restrictive by forcing players to do things they don't like

2. Conquest discourages a player from playing alts

3. Conquest doesn't reward enough for the time invested

4. Conquest inactivity hurts all facets of the game

5. Less players are partaking in conquest now

6. Players have dropped subs due to 5.8 and the destruction of the old conquest system

7. Large guilds are indomitable and smaller guilds are even less competitive than before 5.8



All of these issues are bad for the game.


Here's to hoping they improve upon their 5.8 patch, seeing they have received the feedback they asked for from the players.


As usual +1 Lhance. Everything you say is what I have been trying to say all along.

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So in the thread i made for Keith and Charles, Keith responded.




Not the words I'd like to read, but hey at least he responded.


Yeah, it was pretty terse. I was kinda surprised by that frankly. But this whole thing is clearly frustrating for everyone, so I get it.

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Yeah, it was pretty terse. I was kinda surprised by that frankly. But this whole thing is clearly frustrating for everyone, so I get it.


Me thinks we might have irked Mr. Kanning a tad.

All wr want is feedback on our feedback :rolleyes:

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Me thinks we might have irked Mr. Kanning a tad.

All wr want is feedback on our feedback :rolleyes:


I hope he is irked. Or someone over him is irked and giving him grief to get it fixed (s*** rolling downhill, and all that). If that's what it takes. I know someone who actually sent messages to EA and Disney telling them what was happening and asking them if they knew how badly BW was screwing up the game. Of course they didn't respond. But just maybe it got someone's attention. One can only hope.


I hope there's still enough people playing to "enjoy" these upcoming "fixes." More than likely I won't be since my sub expires in a week, so 5.9 is coming too late for this customer. I may come back after it's all ironed out - if it's actually worth it. But then they'll find something else to break and we'll all be in the same boat again.


Think I'll probably go back to GW to unlock some more for my HoM for GW2, then on to GW2 (still have 2 expansions worth of content to play through). Pretty bad when a 13 year old game, and it's predecessor, can give more entertainment value, at no cost beyond purchase, than SWTOR does now.

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I hope he is irked. Or someone over him is irked and giving him grief to get it fixed (s*** rolling downhill, and all that). If that's what it takes. I know someone who actually sent messages to EA and Disney telling them what was happening and asking them if they knew how badly BW was screwing up the game. Of course they didn't respond. But just maybe it got someone's attention. One can only hope. SNIP


Sadly Disney and EA have been busy destroying the Star Wars franchise since George Lucas sold out, so I doubt they will intervene in the downfall of SWTOR or they would certainly have done so by now.

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Some Suggestions:



  • On Objective Point Values:

Invasion bonuses for planets were taken away, then the base points awarded were DECREASED instead of
them to compensate for the removal of guild invasion bonuses. These numbers need to be increased significantly to encourage players to have fun conquesting instead of grinding every day.




  • On 'Alt Conquesting':

We have been encouraged to create alts throughout the history of SWTOR and now the conquest mechanics encourage us to leave alts that we have grown to love to play with on the shelf.

Perhaps this is intentional because of character slot disparagement... some have 60 alt slots, some have 120 alt slots, etc... I can see how this could make for an unfair advantage if these people get on and someone with 20 or 30 alts tries to compete. That is certainly a concern.


If 'Alt Conquesting' is something that needs to be gated, I propose that you limit the amount of alts that can conquest on a legacy to 8 or 10 or 20. The alt disparagement will disappear because the amount of alts allowed to participate will be something people can aspire to and achieve if they are competitive.




  • On Tiered Objectives:

Please return to 2 classes of objective... 'Once per Legacy' and 'Repeatable', the 3 tier system doesn't work as you have stipulated in previous posts and only serves to confound rather than help.

Edited by Aderes
made more legible
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What part of 'it wasn't broken, don't fix it' do you not get? The last fun part of the game is gone as well now and 5.9 does didilly. Tons of posts have stated, get rid of the legacy crap, but it does not matter. Heroics and fp's were fun group things to run for cq (yes, even opposing guildies would run together)- now are worthless. Nothing of what you earned for cq was worth it, it was just the fun of goals and chasing. Ya didn't listen to us on the cxp mess, and ur not listening now. My countdown has been on and it's not changing - a bit over 20 days left of my sub - not re-subbing. Bummer, ya were killing, and now have dealt the death blow to what was a good game - grats, my money is going elsewhere. Thanx to the few friends left on the game, as most were smart enough to get out of Dodge way before myself. I will not become complacent yet again, ya really messed up!!!!!
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What part of 'it wasn't broken, don't fix it' do you not get? The last fun part of the game is gone as well now and 5.9 does didilly. Tons of posts have stated, get rid of the legacy crap, but it does not matter. Heroics and fp's were fun group things to run for cq (yes, even opposing guildies would run together)- now are worthless. Nothing of what you earned for cq was worth it, it was just the fun of goals and chasing. Ya didn't listen to us on the cxp mess, and ur not listening now. My countdown has been on and it's not changing - a bit over 20 days left of my sub - not re-subbing. Bummer, ya were killing, and now have dealt the death blow to what was a good game - grats, my money is going elsewhere. Thanx to the few friends left on the game, as most were smart enough to get out of Dodge way before myself. I will not become complacent yet again, ya really messed up!!!!!


Even though there has been a huge outcry of outrage about the new conquest, many ppl decided it wasn't even worth posting about it because of the way they handled the command/CXP debacle. I mean the tiny drip-drip-drip changes and it still sucks rather than listening to the community. So many people figured it isn't worth voicing, when the voices are not really considered.

In contrast, it is in the news currently how the leading MMO was planning to break the global cooldown in the upcoming patches, they alerted the community ahead of time of the proposed changes, listened to the public outcry, and reacted by changing it - BEFORE RELEASE. That's customer support, and I would love for that to happen on our beloved SWTOR. Coincidentally, that news right there, is why i'm also playing over there now. Splitting my time for now, not sure how much longer I can keep holding on to this one though.


Can we please have more transparency of upcoming changes. Not vague, but specifics. And if you think people in general will dislike it, even more specifics. And then react prior to release, rather than break and fix. This is my suggestion.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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  • We are going to introduce a new repeatable Daily Objective for completing 3 and 5 Activity Finder Activities (FP, Op, WZ, GSF, Uprising).


New Objectives

  • The “Complete 3 Activity Finder Activities” Daily Objective will be worth 400 points
  • The “Complete 5 Activity Finder Activities” Daily Objective will be worth 825 points


I must admit I got that wrong. I was under the impression that this means different group finder activities. As it turns out, one can earn both "Socialite I" and "Sociality II" for running the same activity five times.


I already had a flashpoint on the counter towards this achievement when I played a GSF match and lost. In order to complete the daily GSF mission objective (Play two GSF matches, wins count double) I did another one an completed "Sociality I" on that.


While I appreciate how easy that is, it does seem to be a bit unfair towards operations runners. Operations just take longer. Master Mode flashpoints can take relatively long, depending on which it is. A story mode uprising, warzone or GSF match in turn typically doesn't take longer than ten minutes or so.


On a side note: I have the feeling that the objective for conquering two satellites in a domination GSF match is counter productive, because people don't tend to defend satellites any more. It is, in fact, easier to achieve this goal for as many participants as possible, if you leave a controlled satellite undefended and let the enemy conquer a satellite, so you can conquer it back.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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In contrast, it is in the news currently how the leading MMO was planning to break the global cooldown in the upcoming patches, they alerted the community ahead of time of the proposed changes, listened to the public outcry, and reacted by changing it - BEFORE RELEASE. That's customer support, and I would love for that to happen on our beloved SWTOR. Coincidentally, that news right there, is why i'm also playing over there now. Splitting my time for now, not sure how much longer I can keep holding on to this one though.



That would never happen with the acting persons in place.


The changes are still a joke for PvP and GSF.

Heroic Missions are still missing

Small Guilds are slapped again in their face while there are no reward (Mats chest) on the small Planet

and 300 Points for 50 crafted pieces is <cencored>-

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This week's update is how I envisioned the Conquest changes. I've been able to hit on multiple characters by doing a wide variety of activities that are available and repeatable FOR EVERY CHARACTER that are worth a reasonable amount of points. I was really skeptical after last week's "Don't Raid? You're screwed!" fiasco, but this week feels to me to be the conquest they described to us going forward.
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This week's update is how I envisioned the Conquest changes. I've been able to hit on multiple characters by doing a wide variety of activities that are available and repeatable FOR EVERY CHARACTER that are worth a reasonable amount of points. I was really skeptical after last week's "Don't Raid? You're screwed!" fiasco, but this week feels to me to be the conquest they described to us going forward.


Yeah nice, I am curious to see what some of the hardcore conquesters have to say now.


I get tons of conquest from PVP tbh, so as a casual conquester that doesn't really focus on conquest it seems to work fairly well if accruing conquest is a goal to have.

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Yeah nice, I am curious to see what some of the hardcore conquesters have to say now.


I get tons of conquest from PVP tbh, so as a casual conquester that doesn't really focus on conquest it seems to work fairly well if accruing conquest is a goal to have.


Ok overall it is a huge step up from 5.8. Lingering issues I see:


- it is very solo / small group oriented now. There is nothing wrong with being able to cap easily from solo and small group activities but it does seem to have a negative effect on guild play (eg Ops) as it is now far easier to just solo objectives or pug fp's or warzones vs guild play which would be mostly operations, They take relatively much more time and effort to set up for a relatively much lower reward. As others already stated there also seems very little link between difficulty of an objective and reward, (eg master FP's and veteran hammer station giving same reward)


It is very early to tell and this is only one event but for guild play this seems a negative to me. I am in a conquest oriented guild and it was very hard to run even a single operation as most members found it much more efficient to just do some solo objectives and maybe a wz / fp to reach the cap.


- crafting now seems completely dead to me as a conquest activity. It may here or there help push a character over the personal cap but not any more than that anymore as it's relative reward went further down.

Edited by Morteistno
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Question: on the daily per legacy events that are gold now, I'm getting credit for doing the one gree mission per toon, not per legacy. Is this a bug?


Obviously the 2 world bosses are still bugged.


Its very difficult to judge how something is working when frankly, Im not sure whats a bug and what isn't.

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If it's working as intended this is a big leap forward from what it was.

Even if the legacy vs character thing is still broken and will be fixed its still a big improvement. We have more choice which compensates quite a bit for the (perhaps) less ability to repeat. (like Kendra I'm really not sure how this is actually meant to work)

The craft 30 items thing does improve the situation a bit for crafting but not to the point where I wanna swap back all the toons I made into biochemists and start making war supplies again. That is still a mugs game as far as I can tell.

The really big thing I feel is still an issue is that now there is not a hope for any but the very largest guilds to ever get any planet conquest achieves whereas before, with careful preparation, almost any guild could get at least some wins on the weeks with many planets available and that was a really good motivation for guild activities.

Moving in the right direction thanks! ......... keep going

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Yeah nice, I am curious to see what some of the hardcore conquesters have to say now.


Ist still not enough what they readjusted.


Not enough H2 -Missions

Crafting is still horrible because they Change not the recipes

Points for PvP and GSF still to low

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Ist still not enough what they readjusted.


Not enough H2 -Missions

Crafting is still horrible because they Change not the recipes

Points for PvP and GSF still to low



While i agree, I would also like to know how much is intended to be legacy vs per character. It seems to be bugged based ok the icons, and if it is, the spammable content is still atrocious.

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so first time posting in forums for me , but now that 5.9 is out, question I have concerning "infinitely repeatable" missions for conquest, i.e. Crafting; Inventor, says it infinitely repeatable xx/50 , but are we suppose to be getting 270 conquest per each item crafted ,or do we only get 270 cp for all 50/50 , the excuse for redoing conquest, was to make hitting the cap easier for "alts, but really 270 lousy point for having to craft 50 items, even if they are cheap items, doesn't sound like you guys care about alts at all. if its a bug, then once again, another patch fails to deliver. you ruined conquest, you gave us a crappy "galactic command with BS RNG that is broken" and you guys have been back pedaling on GC ever since, having to re-add unassembled token, components, etc. players would be better off, going back to comms/crystals over "GC" nonsense. it worries me that only a couple days into 5.9 (which was delayed twice already) that conquest still isn't up to par. something needs to change at BW.

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The "craft 50 items" objective is rewarded when you complete the crafting of any 50 items.

Also, if you didn't know, Crits count, meaning if you get a crit off 1 item and get 2 items in your inventory, 2 items are counted toward the 50.

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