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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Conquest Changes in Game Update 5.9


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The flawed logic is yours.


First, I am not wrong - the only competition point in the new system is first place. No other rank is relevant.

That supports one of the points I've made many times on these threads, in favor of the new system Thank you!


Second, those small guilds are still not able to compete with the large guilds for first place in the new system. You have been shown, many times, the gap between the first place guilds on each server and the next guilds. The factors that now make close competition impossible are as I and many other posters have outlined ad nauseum.

The math shows otherwise.

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They didnt win because of the old system. They won on all their alt guilds because they strategically moved conquest focused players to each guild that was on the board adding points then jumping to the next one. They recruited conquest focused active members and stayed on top of kicking inactive members or non conquesting members. This new system didnt hurt them, they were already down to two guilds and much lower on their member and conquest numbers before the new system was in play.

But you are forgetting one key component: they didnt win every planet on every week. They got beat just like every other large guild out there. The old system actually helped the smaller guilds go after these large guilds and win.


If youre in favor of this new system soley to show them up; you need to at least have your facts straight. This new system is not the even playing field you keep saying it is.

Thank you for supporting my argument. I'm not even sure you realize you did.


To get those points and wins, they used alts yo the maximum extent. Now they cant.

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Ok, With the possible exception of the white knight in the threads that seems to post 90 times aday (whom I cannot decide if he is just confused or a developer in disguise), everyone agrees the new system needs to either be removed or MASSIVELY changed. But to respect for the 1 person who likes the system I will list the good things of the new system too.



A.) Except for 2 guilds, no-one needs to prepare to try to win a planet anymore because it is impossible, this saves a lot of time and effort and credits.

B.) After Wednesday or Thursday of each week, you can sample and play other video games because there is nothing left to do for the week on SWTOR.

C.) Since queue times for everything is extremely slow now, this gives time to do other things. You can finish 6 or 7 planet heroics in between queues, or simply alt-tab out and surf the web or check email.

D.) Since most guild members either quit or have no incentive to log on now, this saves a lot of time as we no longer need to organize group content and stuff. No players means no group content.


Now, to be fair, I have actually enjoyed being able to play other games since it is not even worth trying on the new system, but really the goal is to provide feedback on the proposed changes in 5.9 and offer improvement ideas.



1.) People are quitting the game like mice from a sinking ship.

2.) Queue times are extremely slow on ALL queues.

3.) Alts are no longer a part of the game. Command killed them, Conquest put the nails in the coffin.

4.) Small/Medium/(and many large guilds) no longer can compete for planet titles.


Really if anyone wants to be a fan of the new system, that means they have to be fan of those 4 points. I realize there is 1 or 2 things that the new system does better, but it broke everything else and has wide spread negative affects on all aspects of the game.



1.) Repeatables need to be high enough points that you can finish PC on an alt in the same amount of time as before. 14 matches (currently 70, proposed 5.9 is like 41). This will massively increase participation.

2.) Eliminate the top 10 and make a "planet conquer threshold". You get 400k you take a small planet, who cares if 8 guilds take it in one week. Simple. This is really an extension of the 1 good thing the new system does with eliminating the top10. This gives people a reason to continue playing once the minimum threshold is met.

3.) Once guild has reached "planet conquer threshold", conquest goals should pay in addition to conquest also additional rewards. Maybe something like double CXP, or rare crafting mats for augs, or something. This gives people a reason to continue playing once the guild goals are met.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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everyone agrees the new system needs to either be removed or MASSIVELY changed. But to respect for the 1 person who likes the system I will list the good things of the new system too.



A.) Except for 2 guilds, no-one needs to prepare to try to win a planet anymore because it is impossible, this saves a lot of time and effort and credits.

B.) After Wednesday or Thursday of each week, you can sample and play other video games because there is nothing left to do for the week on SWTOR.

C.) Since queue times for everything is extremely slow now, this gives time to do other things. You can finish 6 or 7 planet heroics in between queues, or simply alt-tab out and surf the web or check email.

D.) Since most guild members either quit or have no incentive to log on now, this saves a lot of time as we no longer need to organize group content and stuff. No players means no group content.


Now, to be fair, I have actually enjoyed being able to play other games since it is not even worth trying on the new system, but really the goal is to provide feedback on the proposed changes in 5.9 and offer improvement ideas.



1.) People are quitting the game like mice from a sinking ship.

2.) Queue times are extremely slow on ALL queues.

3.) Alts are no longer a part of the game. Command killed them, Conquest put the nails in the coffin.

4.) Small/Medium/(and many large guilds) no longer can compete for planet titles.


Really if anyone wants to be a fan of the new system, that means they have to be fan of those 4 points. I realize there is 1 or 2 things that the new system does better, but it broke everything else and has wide spread negative affects on all aspects of the game.



1.) Repeatables need to be high enough points that you can finish PC on an alt in the same amount of time as before. 14 matches (currently 70, proposed 5.9 is like 41). This will massively increase participation.

2.) Eliminate the top 10 and make a "planet conquer threshold". You get 400k you take a small planet, who cares if 8 guilds take it in one week. Simple. This is really an extension of the 1 good thing the new system does with eliminating the top10. This gives people a reason to continue playing once the minimum threshold is met.

3.) Once guild has reached "planet conquer threshold", conquest goals should pay in addition to conquest also additional rewards. Maybe something like double CXP, or rare crafting mats for augs, or something. This gives people a reason to continue playing once the guild goals are met.

I'd recommend logging in to play the game! A lot of the problems you mention in your post have been resolved since 5.8.


And please refrain from namecalling in the future no matter who you are talking to. Edited out the name calling in the quote to report it.

Edited by olagatonjedi
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Blah blah blah....


I couldn't care less about your opinions on the matter. I've read through the thread. You provide arguments based on assumptions, a twisted perspective, flat out lies, and don't provide any factual evidence. You say you're "correcting people's opinions." That's a pretty damn arrogant stance. Who do you think you are to think that you have any right whatsoever to "correct" someone's opinion on anything? All you're doing here is being argumentative, and in my opinion that means you're trolling. And I won't waste my time on trolls.

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PSA: Please don't engage, respond to, argue with, attempt to reason with, chastise, or encourage, anyone on this (or other) thread that is clearly not interested in really getting to the core issues and instead is here to flame, irritate, and distract. Careful reading of the thread will help identify said individual(s)...
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I'd recommend logging in to play the game! A lot of the problems you mention in your post have been resolved since 5.8..


What is one of those problems that has been fixed? All the issues he listed are because of 5.8.

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I couldn't care less about your opinions on the matter. I've read through the thread. You provide arguments based on assumptions, a twisted perspective, flat out lies, and don't provide any factual evidence. You say you're "correcting people's opinions." That's a pretty damn arrogant stance. Who do you think you are to think that you have any right whatsoever to "correct" someone's opinion on anything? All you're doing here is being argumentative, and in my opinion that means you're trolling. And I won't waste my time on trolls.


Not sure what you mean, saying someone may be a developer in disguise an insult? You also do not know what you are talking about.


EVERYTHING I provide is not assumption, it is from my actual experience as a guild leader and player. These are facts. You may not like to hear them, or you may just be trolling, but the issues with this game that I have listed are my own personal experience, and this is echo'd by pretty much everyone in this thread and others. You obviously have no real perspective on the game. I hate to "feed the troll" but I'll give you the courtesy of addressing each of my points, to comfort you so you can finally realize these things are facts in the real world.


My guild both factions is a conquest guild. So I know exactly what I'm talking about, as you do not. I know exactly how many actives there are in my pub and imp guilds, I know how many are subscribers and I know how many do conquest each week. I record EVERY conquest point earned in my guild by hand and use this to provide top-10 lists and weekly rewards for getting PC. So EVERY thing is tallied and EXACT. These are REAL FACT THAT ARE TALLIED BY HAND. I'm sorry if that totally destroys your argument, but so be it.


1.) "People are quitting the game like mice from a sinking ship"

- Over a dozen actives people have unsubscribed, and about a dozen have out-right quit. This includes my top 2 highest conquest people. Reasons for each was the poor conquest system. Many more have voiced that they plan to quit if things do not dramatically change. Unfortunately I have the unhappy job of trying to convince them that it was all just a mistake and that the developers will save SWTOR if we give them time, but have a hard time believing it myself.

2.) "Queue times are extremely slow."

- My guild lives in the queues. This means all queues. We know exactly how much time on average it would take to get a queue pop during peak times and specific days. We also know that the queue times are now terrible. And late in the week are completely dead. My players have reported that there is no reason to log on anymore, so even those who haven't quit yet are not logged in anymore.

3.) "Alts are no longer part of the game..."

- There is no argument here as these are obvious facts and cannot be refuted. This is by design, the design of the old system included more points for repeatables, the current system does not. This is not in dispute.

4.) "Small/Medium/(and many large guilds) no longer can compete for planet titles.

- How can this be refuted. Lets just look at contests so far, the TGW used to have a lot of planets available, now each week 3 is the fixed amount. That alone means less ability for guilds to take planets. And from my personal experience my guild, we have taken numerous planets before, now we have no chance. This is just math. It is unfortunate when math itself refutes your claims, but I guess it happens huh?


So instead of being condescending why not try offering real suggestions to solve those 4 issues. There are many passionate players who really want to see this game repaired before it is too late. If you are as smart as you think you are you could probably come up with some real good ideas to contribute to this thread instead of just attacking people. I challenge you that, I dare you, offer solutions to solve 1-4. Ball is in your court.

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, everyone agrees the new system needs to either be removed or MASSIVELY changed. SNIP....


While we have to admit it's not everyone but I have no doubt the majority of swtor players dislike the revamp of conquest.


It was poorly done, massively bugged and just not entertain or fun as the old version was. They took something that needed tweaks and just wrecked it. It should have been removed but bioware is just incapable of that due to skill or ability I'm not sure.


So that leaves us with massively changed and the problem there is how long it will take to get those changes that make the new conquest acceptable. The sad truth is it will take months to nearly the rest of the year to work that out just like it did for galactic command and there is nothing good about know that.


biowares changes were a mistake that will continue on no matter the damage it does.

Edited by Quraswren
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1.) "People are quitting the game like mice from a sinking ship"

- Over a dozen actives people have unsubscribed, and about a dozen have out-right quit. This includes my top 2 highest conquest people. Reasons for each was the poor conquest system. Many more have voiced that they plan to quit if things do not dramatically change. Unfortunately I have the unhappy job of trying to convince them that it was all just a mistake and that the developers will save SWTOR if we give them time, but have a hard time believing it myself.

2.) "Queue times are extremely slow."

- My guild lives in the queues. This means all queues. We know exactly how much time on average it would take to get a queue pop during peak times and specific days. We also know that the queue times are now terrible. And late in the week are completely dead. My players have reported that there is no reason to log on anymore, so even those who haven't quit yet are not logged in anymore.

3.) "Alts are no longer part of the game..."

- There is no argument here as these are obvious facts and cannot be refuted. This is by design, the design of the old system included more points for repeatables, the current system does not. This is not in dispute.

4.) "Small/Medium/(and many large guilds) no longer can compete for planet titles.

- How can this be refuted. Lets just look at contests so far, the TGW used to have a lot of planets available, now each week 3 is the fixed amount. That alone means less ability for guilds to take planets. And from my personal experience my guild, we have taken numerous planets before, now we have no chance. This is just math. It is unfortunate when math itself refutes your claims, but I guess it happens huh?



I dont think the person you quoted was talking to you but to another more infamous person on this thread...


On your points i tend to agree. Ive had 2 drop subs recently.


2. Yeah queues are definately slower. See the convo i had with the sniper last week too, its depressing.


3. I agree and don't see why they kill alts in a game that actively encouraged it for so long. And before someone comes around, no you have not proven alts as unbalanced. No more so than simply having mkre players anyway, which is still a good thing. Because a large guild can put in literally 1/3 the effort I do and get more out of it.


4 this doesnt bother me too much as we never had a chance before, but they certainly didnt help small guilds either.

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Not sure what you mean, saying someone may be a developer in disguise an insult? You also do not know what you are talking about.




So instead of being condescending why not try offering real suggestions to solve those 4 issues. There are many passionate players who really want to see this game repaired before it is too late. If you are as smart as you think you are you could probably come up with some real good ideas to contribute to this thread instead of just attacking people. I challenge you that, I dare you, offer solutions to solve 1-4. Ball is in your court.


Excuse me? I in no way, shape, or form, said anything to, or about you. I never even mentioned anything about a developer in disguise. So before attacking me, take a look at who I was responding to and what I actually said in my post.

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Excuse me? I in no way, shape, or form, said anything to, or about you. I never even mentioned anything about a developer in disguise. So before attacking me, take a look at who I was responding to and what I actually said in my post.


Poster quoted the wrong post, that's all.

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Thank you for supporting my argument. I'm not even sure you realize you did.


To get those points and wins, they used alts yo the maximum extent. Now they cant.


Where exactly did I say alts? They moved active members to and from each guild to maximize points, sometimes at the loss of personal rewards for guildies who didnt keep up with their personal points. From my understanding, alts were very limited. They won with pure size and strategic planning.


Small guilds competed solely through utilizing alts. Removing easibility to alt around for conquest killed small guilds chances of competing for first place. My small guild went from placing top 5 about 99% of the time and actually winning planets on crafting weeks to barely being able to make the min points to get the guild rewards.


You are so focused on how this "hurt" large guilds, which it didnt at all that you dont see the fact that it killed small guilds.

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PSA: Please don't engage, respond to, argue with, attempt to reason with, chastise, or encourage, anyone on this (or other) thread that is clearly not interested in really getting to the core issues and instead is here to flame, irritate, and distract. Careful reading of the thread will help identify said individual(s)...


ugh... i know..... i fell for it again....

I wouldnt mind a scolding from dasty... js

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Where exactly did I say alts? They moved active members to and from each guild to maximize points, sometimes at the loss of personal rewards for guildies who didnt keep up with their personal points. From my understanding, alts were very limited. They won with pure size and strategic planning.

If they moved non-alts, the points would've moved as well, and only one of the guilds would've been capable of reaching those point totals. If the points stayed with the old guild AND also allowed them to build points in guild they moved to, then I think it's a no brainer why the old system failed misrrably.

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If they moved non-alts, the points would've moved as well, and only one of the guilds would've been capable of reaching those point totals. If the points stayed with the old guild AND also allowed them to build points in guild they moved to, then I think it's a no brainer why the old system failed misrrably.


When you leave a guild, the points stay there.... so if you have 500+ members moving from one guild to the next accumulating points in that particular guild then moving on to the next to help, its easy for them to keep all guilds in the lead.


The old system wasnt broken to begin with, however it did need a little re-tweaking. The problem listed above could have been completely rectified if they just added a conquest lockout timer once you leave a guild or have it where the points leave with you. In fact, going back through the multiple threads re: conquest revamp, there have been a number of great yet simple ideas of little changes that would have helped conquest change for the better for all involved.


What the dev's did to conquest is literally the complete opposite of what they claim they intended.

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When you leave a guild, the points stay there.... so if you have 500+ members moving from one guild to the next accumulating points in that particular guild then moving on to the next to help, its easy for them to keep all guilds in the lead.

That sounds broken to me. We may never agree, but by my count, BW did in fact change the system completely, so it's not out of the realm of reason that it was one of the reasons.

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That sounds broken to me. We may never agree, but by my count, BW did in fact change the system completely, so it's not out of the realm of reason that it was one of the reasons.


did they fix it though? I mean if gain 20k points on a toon, and then leave the guild does the guild still keep the points?


I haven't personally tested it, but I think its the same as it was. If so, then i'd say it either wasn't one of their reasons, or they failed at addressing it.

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Part of the problem is that the community likes to hear what they want to hear. Ask PennyAnn about "guarantees" for him vomg, as she (and others) misinterpreted statements by the debs. The community does this all the time, and dont wish to accept the blame for their lack of understanding.


Seriously, please stop invoking my name and then misquoting me. Point me to a single quote from one of my posts that said the developers guaranteed NiM versions of the new raid. Otherwise, quit talking about me and quoting me and then spewing garbage that isn't true.


I'm reporting this and every single time you mention my name and then misquote me from now on until you just stop doing it.



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Since my former guild is coming up a lot in this thread over the past few postings, I just wanted to clarify a couple of things:


We did not shuffle 500+ people from guild to guild in order to win. Most weeks, only about 30% of the members of the guild even got any conquest points at all. However, that was 30% of 1000 members, as we were close to cap in all guilds (3 Imperial and 3 Republic guilds) a fair majority of the time. We did not have members that were inactive, and in fact 14 days was the average limit of "inactivity" before we had to make room for those who were being recruited or asking to join. So it was only 30%, but that was pretty commonly 200 - 300 characters, and typically about 25 or more legacies.


Also... that 30% were super dedicated, had alts in all of the guilds and would use those characters to earn points where they were needed. This was the sole focus of the guild, so it was very closely watched, heavily participated in, and was the reason people came to us if they wanted titles. Members were also rewarded highly (we gave out 375 million credits every single week, divided among those with the highest legacy score in each of those 5 or 6 guilds that invaded). So there was a lot of incentive that had nothing to do with the rewards Bioware gave out, and there were a lot of deeply competitive people who didn't care about anything but having that guild name be in the #1 spot.


We didn't get "free points" - every single point that went on the board for the guilds was due to someone doing something in the game to earn them. Operations, PvP, Heroics... something was being actively done to earn those points. That's true of every guild though. Every conquest point in the game is the result of effort. The more conquest points, the more effort it represents. The late nights, long hours and the dedication of the people that put those guilds in first place every week shouldn't be diminished.


Organizing and running those 6 guilds was more than a full time job. It became borderline ridiculous, to be honest. There was nothing easy about it. That's one of the reasons it crashed and burned. It was too much work. That happened long before the new conquest system came to exist, and had nothing to do with these changes.


But here we are. All of us who used to participate heavily in Conquest have been faced with a choice:

Do we continue to try and succeed at it? and Do we still enjoy it like we used to? The answer for us (to both questions, sadly) was: No. We gave it a shot. We found it both before and after the "changes" they made to "improve it" insufficient in making it fun. And sorry, but that's why any of us is here: to have FUN.


I talk about the Conquest system from a place of knowledge. I was one of the biggest Conquest participants on Harbinger, and ran the guild that everyone hated to see on the board because we typically won and didn't sleep until we were sure we did everything to meet that goal. I know exactly what the old system was like, the good and the bad.


Yes, the lockout thing was something they wanted to fix. I understand why they wanted to "fix" it, but honestly Conquest was not the only reasons that last boss lockouts were happening. They still happen daily, even if not to the extent that they were before. So what they aimed to "fix" really just broke it for everyone instead. For conquest folks who would have happily killed every single boss in order to get the points on multiple characters, and for non-conquest folks who are suffering the slower queue pops and difficulty in finding someone to join a group on "the right character".


PvP queue pops have suffered also - because the nerf hammer bludgeoned the points for participation into a "not worth it" category. Then you limit based on legacy and you can't even switch factions to improve your outcomes in matches or just plain mix it up a little.


Yes, the crafting bomb thing was something they wanted to "fix". They didn't like seeing millions of points on the board in the first few hours of conquest. I would argue they didn't understand the effort it took to make that happen, but I'd say that was true of the entire conquest system in general. However, it's their game, and they didn't like this and wanted to "fix" it. Fine. Unfortunately, this is another area that they BROKE for EVERYONE instead of fixing for anyone.


Conquest isn't impossible now. A few guilds have proven it is possible to get the points for large and medium planets. But when only one or two guilds are being rewarded AT ALL at the end of the week on those two planets, and when it used to be 10 per planet per week... how is that improved for anybody but the one or two big guilds that would have won anyway?


Not to mention that it just isn't fun for enough of us that it is actively hurting the game in population, queue speeds, and overall enjoyment factor.


Even if every single person who posted their unhappiness here was the "only one" not playing the game anymore (or not as much), that's still more people than is healthy for this game at this stage in it's life, despite being a small segment of the population as a whole. I'm willing to bet for every one person posting, there are at least one or two more that didn't post at all, they just left. I know it's true for my guild. Then there are the additional 6 or 7 more that just aren't playing much anymore now that Conquest has been changed in this way. And that's in a guild with a fairly small number of active accounts due to it being mostly friends and family.


Anytime you make major changes like this there will always be unintended consequences. When you employ short sighted and inelegant solutions to problems, these consequences just get worse. That's what happened.


I have no problem with them wanting to make it so that guilds can't dominate conquest and lock others out from participating and sometimes even winning. I have no problem with them wanting to change the way parts of the game were being used to earn points in ways they didn't intend. All of this makes perfect sense to me.


What does NOT make any sense to me whatsoever is the way they went about it, the fact that they are doubling down on it, and the fact that they are going to take another year to fix a system that they made worse instead of better for anybody.


But what has become obvious is that the only response we will get to the feedback that Eric asked for is from those whom most of us would rather not hear from anymore. That's why I have given up posting here about any of this with any hope that it will make a difference.


Per the quote in my signature... this is me admitting defeat on this topic. It is going to change too slowly and too painfully for my taste, and I did that once with Galactic Command. Not going to repeat that frustration all over again because life is too short and this is supposed to be a fun activity to do in my free time.


For those of you who keep trying, God Speed. I hope anyone other than the trolls ever hears or responds, for the sake of the game that we all loved. May the force be with you.



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Everything you say in the long post is true, and im glad i took the time to read it (however much time i may have spent in discord cursing the fact that 6 planets a week were won by the same guild.


Our discussions here have proven you are a reasonable person, so hey thanks for the post.

Edited by KendraP
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I just came back to the game, and have found the changes to conquest bewildering. It is very frustrating to realize that so many of the more accessible objectives are legacy-wide, meaning I have to focus on a main character or two as opposed to cycling through my alts. From a game design perspective, it doesn't make sense to be so alt-friendly (and, to be honest, dependent upon alts for added longevity) and yet at the same time implement a system that forces players to limit their play to fewer characters if they want to be productive toward guild goals, and especially the personal objectives. I'm more inclined to log out for the day if those objectives can't be repeated across my alts, which means I have less reason to login throughout the week (which you don't really want in an MMO, right?).


It also doesn't make sense for certain objectives to be one-time or limited to once/daily across the legacy (heroics, rampage, critical missions, crafting, etc.) while only giving points to one character. If only one character can get credit for, say, Rakghoul Tunnels: Defeat the Catalyst, then every character on the legacy should get the credit for it in point value as well. Otherwise I'm being shoehorned into choosing ONE character (strategically based on how much time I want to spend on each character) in a game that heavily encourages alts to complete a high-value task. In the correct system, it would be repeatable on each character, for points on each character - because you want characters to have options; you shouldn't be limiting them. As a player, I should be encouraged to spend more time in-game, and by allowing those tasks to be repeated, it means the highlighted area (i.e., Rakghoul Tunnels) is more likely to have higher populations sustained for a longer period of time. Having maxed the rep, unlocked everything I want, etc. I basically pop-in for the available conquest objective and leave for the day. In the system I'm proposing, I'd be there longer across my alts as opposed to just logging out.


Again, I've just come back after a few years (since 2015? I think?) and my main motivation for finishing conquest is just to access the conquest vendor, and donate some engineering parts to my guild. This being the case, I'm not jumping into group finder right now (and honestly, the role-less uprisings are still absolutely awful - even though I understand it's necessary with a reduced player population) nor am I operation-ready, but I imagine doing those might make it a bit easier to complete conquest objectives on multiple characters.


So, in summary: You should consider making fewer of the objectives legacy wide, meaning that the majority of objectives should be repeatable on multiple characters daily. The current system feels annoyingly restrictive, and actually prohibits me from playing how I want to by making me feel like I need to focus everything on one character.


It all boils down to asking you to give players things to do. You shouldn't be discouraging alts, or avoiding tasks that could easily be repeatable (which, in turn, results in more people working together to accomplish those tasks).



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Conquest isn't impossible now. A few guilds have proven it is possible to get the points for large and medium planets. But when only one or two guilds are being rewarded AT ALL at the end of the week on those two planets, and when it used to be 10 per planet per week... how is that improved for anybody but the one or two big guilds that would have won anyway?.


This was one of the many surprising things coming back to the game, I hardly see areas claimed by guilds anymore.


I can think of several potential solutions (both mechanisms I've experienced before, and some speculative) that would have probably been more effective at "balancing" the competition between the massive, well organized guilds - which are able to succeed through both effort and scale - and giving the small and mid-size guilds (that put in the work) a chance. Without, you know, killing the utility of alts in a significant way. I think BW just took the easiest, most cost-effective route, and wound up undermining the system and reducing its efficacy as a game element meant to engage players.


Hopefully the changes restore Conquest as a fun, engaging system (if not fun or engaging, at least motivating players to interact with otherwise obsolete content). Although its probably better for me if I have fewer reasons to log on. :D

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Everything you say in the long post is true, and im glad i took the time to read it (however much time i may have spent in discord cursing the fact that 6 planets a week were won by the same guild.


Our discussions here have proven you are a reasonable person, so hey thanks for the post.


I appreciate that, Kendra. I have enjoyed discussing the game with you, too... and wish you and your guild nothing but the best. Thanks for taking the time to read my long winded post... I've never been very good at the brevity thing. ;)



Edited by PennyAnn
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did they fix it though? I mean if gain 20k points on a toon, and then leave the guild does the guild still keep the points?


I haven't personally tested it, but I think its the same as it was. If so, then i'd say it either wasn't one of their reasons, or they failed at addressing it.

Fair enough, and I haven't tested it either. I will say that having been in said guild, it wasn't the primary source of their point distribution.

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