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Unsubscriber rewards.


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As one who lived through that exclusive time, I can assure you, it was real.

You had to be subscribed through date x to get Nico's gun.

You had to continue to be subscribed through date x2 if you expected to get his hat.

And then subscribe through date x3 to get him.


Some combination there of. If you wanted the stuff, if you wanted Nico, it was made VERY clear at the time that the sub had to be continuous. Same with the HK bonus chapter. You had be subscribed from I believe February through October or November of that yearj to get the bonus chapter.


All out the window now. All that loyalty, pissed away.


I know this. I was there too, I have them both, but that was to get them then and you did. They never said they wouldn't be available again in the future, it was if you wanted them then, you had to do all of that. The fact that they're offering them again now doesn't mean you were lied to then. You got your companion, you've had him for two years. That's what they promised and you got it.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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I'm not so bothered about them giving them out rather that the ones that got them when there were requirements are now being ignored and given nothing. They can't really call them premium rewards because not every premium player is getting something.

Us that got the Nvidia codes got nothing when they decided to give the items out to everyone that didn't get them, and now this.

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I know this. I was there too, I have them both, but that was to get them then and you did. They never said they wouldn't be available again in the future, it was if you wanted them then, you had to do all of that. The fact that they're offering them again now doesn't mean you were lied to then. You got your companion, you've had him for two years. That's what they promised and you got it.




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If you subbed for Nico and/or Shae back when they originally came out then you got your reward. You got to have them as companions at the time you were promised them. People who weren't subbed were not able to play with them at that time. You got what you agreed to pay for. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they ever promised they'd be exclusive rewards FOREVER.


If you don't like that there is no other sub bonus now other than Nico and Shae then by all means don't subscribe. However if you're talking about unsubscribing that means you're already subscribed which implies that you're happy to sub even when there is no promised reward beyond the quality of life stuff you always get for subbing. So what's the problem?


That said throwing in something new even if it's just some cartel coins or a title or something would be cool too just so everyone does get something.


I agree with this. BW has never promised that they would burn the masters and never offer these things again.


It could be argued that those who are subscribing now are helping them keep the lights on as much as people did during the other drought.

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It's not about the shiny. It's about being lied too. It was a exclusive reward. They shot themselves in the foot. Because they no longer do exclusive rewards. They just "alleged" exclusive rewards. I like to call them unsubscriber rewards

I was mostly having a bit of banter in my response to Luna, who knew what I meant and how I meant it. :)


This does feel unfair toward those who previously earned Nico & Shae with their subscription, be it because they're not getting anything now or because the exclusivity has become null and void. I get that even if for me, personally, it doesn't matter one bit.


I made an effort to be subscribed for Shae at the time, and was happy to get her. I guess everyone gets to have her now, if they ensure their subscription is active by April 3rd. I'm not upset about that, I don't feel lied to and I'm no less happy with the Shae I've already got. Perhaps I've always just put less stock in the term 'exclusive' feeling most things in a game are fleeting and much get rehashed. I'm not even surprised by this, saw it coming since the whole voting/Facebook poll thing kicked off. In any case, it is at least still subscriber-only.


As for loyalty, while I can understand some of the points made in this thread, how much loyalty is there? Perhaps, while you were subscribed before, during and after the original Shae/Nico promotion, another person subscribed only to make the cut-off date and then walked out again. I'd say they're less loyal than you, in that case, but that didn't stop them obtaining the reward all the same so I don't feel the reward ever truly represented loyalty to begin with.


Question now is, when will Shroud of thingemajiggy be re-released? Dundundunnn.

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Where did they promise they'd be exclusive? I've looked over these old promotions, Nico's in particular, in the past when this topic came up and I haven't found any evidence that you were promised exclusivity. You were promised the chance to obtain a companion if you subbed by a certain date. You got that companion. You were not lied to.


They said it would only be rewarded to the players who subbed for three specific months. They didn't say it was a reward for. They made it clear only players who subbed for these months could get it.. You can try and twist all the words you want. They lied.

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I know this. I was there too, I have them both, but that was to get them then and you did. They never said they wouldn't be available again in the future, it was if you wanted them then, you had to do all of that. The fact that they're offering them again now doesn't mean you were lied to then. You got your companion, you've had him for two years. That's what they promised and you got it.


You are completely correct


This is a NEW reward and it is not rewarding ALL subs because the most loyal of us already have it.


Two kids go out on Halloween 2017 and get candy from #9.

Three kids go out on Halloween 2018 and only one kid gets candy from #9 because the other two got it last year.

See how ridiculous this argument is now?


We are those two kids and we are entitled to our candy from this reward.

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As for loyalty, while I can understand some of the points made in this thread, how much loyalty is there? Perhaps, while you were subscribed before, during and after the original Shae/Nico promotion, another person subscribed only to make the cut-off date and then walked out again. I'd say they're less loyal than you, in that case, but that didn't stop them obtaining the reward all the same so I don't feel the reward ever truly represented loyalty to begin with.


For some of us, years. And this is how I view it: For one month, one stinking month, I could not afford my subscription.

I missed out on the Oggrob holo. I could have kicked myself.


But you know what? I accepted it for what it was: a subscriber reward, and I was not, at the time, such.

So I don't receive Oggrob, and I'm fine with that, because I did not meet the stated conditions.


Subsequently, for those who did not meet the stated conditions at the time for Nico -- and the things surrounding DvL with HK55 bonus chapter, getting HK55, etc. etc., --- I was a loyal subscriber. I got my subscriber rewards because I made sure to remain subbed during the time specified. At it was a LOT of time to stay subbed to get all of it.


By reintroducing Nico, et alia, Bioware is basically saying, oh, sorry for all that loyalty you had to put in back then, and no, we are not doing anything to recognize that you've been a steady subscriber for years, but for the masses who rage quit and missed all those rewards... here you go. No prob.


Loyal subscribers have a reason to be upset, and it's far and away from simply not receiving a shiny.

We were lied to.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Shouldn't you be calling the new shae and nico give away "unsubcriber rewards"? In all fairness the only people being rewarded are the ones that weren't paying you during the worst content drought ever. How many months of nothing did we pay for to originally get these companions? The only thing "those" subscribers are being rewarded with is a reminder how dishonest you people are.


In my defense I was starting up a new branch office for my company.. I had to travel 6 hours one way, live there for 6 days and get to come home for 1, and then rinse repeat for 2.5 years. I had to do it that long because the people were not trained and we needed to ensure they were on the same page as my other branch office and company procedures.


So while you're upset and I'm sorry that you are.. I'm ecstatic to get Shae (I have Nico).

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I suppose, maybe that chiss speeder and the latest box of fugly armor count as a reward, which we got a couple of weeks ago. They should've maybe gave it at the same time as this promo.


I still want a new shiny though. *shrug*

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In my defense I was starting up a new branch office for my company.. I had to travel 6 hours one way, live there for 6 days and get to come home for 1, and then rinse repeat for 2.5 years. I had to do it that long because the people were not trained and we needed to ensure they were on the same page as my other branch office and company procedures.


So while you're upset and I'm sorry that you are.. I'm ecstatic to get Shae (I have Nico).


Enjoy your toy. I can't get myself to call it a subscriber reward. It's a toss-off. I'm sorry you couldn't subscribe during that time. For me, money's just tight in general. I know what it's like to lose out on subscriber rewards.


But don't, Bioware, cheapen the loyalty of those who do put in their time by then reintroducing something that was very, very hyped up during the original promo as exclusive to that time frame.

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They said it would only be rewarded to the players who subbed for three specific months. They didn't say it was a reward for. They made it clear only players who subbed for these months could get it.. You can try and twist all the words you want. They lied.


Did you get the reward at the time? If the answer is yes, they didn't lie. They never said it wouldn't be available again or that it was only way to get them ever. Only that if you wanted them then, you had to subscribe by those dates. I'm not twisting anything, you're putting words in their mouth that they never said. If you feel lied to, I'm sorry, but they did not lie.


I do agree that those that already have Nico and Shae should be rewarded here, no argument from me there, but I heavily disagree with the notion that you were lied to because they're offering these rewards again. They never said they wouldn't. They gave you the terms for that promotion and they stuck to them. They never promised exclusivity and this is a new promotion, so it has new qualification requirements. That doesn't mean they lied to you.

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You are completely correct


This is a NEW reward and it is not rewarding ALL subs because the most loyal of us already have it.


Two kids go out on Halloween 2017 and get candy from #9.

Three kids go out on Halloween 2018 and only one kid gets candy from #9 because the other two got it last year.

See how ridiculous this argument is now?


We are those two kids and we are entitled to our candy from this reward.


The problem with your comparison is as follows -- candy is a one time consumable. You eat it -- it's gone.


A far better comparison is fashion! :rak_03:


You got to wear two of the latest coolest shirts /outfits (whatever) for two plus years, while others were unable to do so. You can still wear that shirt (and unlike what you said in the other thread, it's not being taken away), it's just not the hot new item it once was and its exclusivity value has gone down. So, from a marketing perspective, why not add it?


I have friends who get upset when tv / cable / wireless carriers offer deals for six months to new subscribers. If it attracts long-term customers, why not do it? I can't really see people, as others have noted, unsubscribing over this. With that said, I can't imagine that many staying subscribed because of it either.





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Did you get the reward at the time? If the answer is yes, they didn't lie. They never said it wouldn't be available again or that it was only way to get them ever. Only that if you wanted them then, you had to subscribe by those dates. I'm not twisting anything, you're putting words in their mouth that they never said. If you feel lied to, I'm sorry, but they did not lie.


I do agree that those that already have Nico and Shae should be rewarded here, no argument from me there, but I heavily disagree with the notion that you were lied to because they're offering these rewards again. They never said they wouldn't. They gave you the terms for that promotion and they stuck to them. They never promised exclusivity and this is a new promotion, so it has new qualification requirements. That doesn't mean they lied to you.



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If you subbed for Nico and/or Shae back when they originally came out then you got your reward. You got to have them as companions at the time you were promised them. People who weren't subbed were not able to play with them at that time. You got what you agreed to pay for. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they ever promised they'd be exclusive rewards FOREVER.


If you don't like that there is no other sub bonus now other than Nico and Shae then by all means don't subscribe. However if you're talking about unsubscribing that means you're already subscribed which implies that you're happy to sub even when there is no promised reward beyond the quality of life stuff you always get for subbing. So what's the problem?


That said throwing in something new even if it's just some cartel coins or a title or something would be cool too just so everyone does get something.


Nico Okkar was the subsciber reward for July 2015. Every sub got him. Not just some. Every.

Shae Vizla was the subscriber reward for October 2016. Every sub got her. Not just some. Every.

Nico & Shae will be the subscriber reward for April 2018. Only some subscribers will get them. And that's a problem. A subscriber reward should reward EVERY subscriber, not just some.

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Did you get the reward at the time? If the answer is yes, they didn't lie. They never said it wouldn't be available again or that it was only way to get them ever. Only that if you wanted them then, you had to subscribe by those dates. I'm not twisting anything, you're putting words in their mouth that they never said. If you feel lied to, I'm sorry, but they did not lie.


I do agree that those that already have Nico and Shae should be rewarded here, no argument from me there, but I heavily disagree with the notion that you were lied to because they're offering these rewards again. They never said they wouldn't. They gave you the terms for that promotion and they stuck to them. They never promised exclusivity and this is a new promotion, so it has new qualification requirements. That doesn't mean they lied to you.



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Nico Okkar was the subsciber reward for July 2015. Every sub got him. Not just some. Every.

Shae Vizla was the subscriber reward for October 2016. Every sub got her. Not just some. Every.

Nico & Shae will be the subscriber reward for April 2018. Only some subscribers will get them. And that's a problem. A subscriber reward should reward EVERY subscriber, not just some.


They lied. The bought our loyalty on a lie.


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Did you get the reward at the time? If the answer is yes, they didn't lie. They never said it wouldn't be available again or that it was only way to get them ever. Only that if you wanted them then, you had to subscribe by those dates. I'm not twisting anything, you're putting words in their mouth that they never said. If you feel lied to, I'm sorry, but they did not lie.


I do agree that those that already have Nico and Shae should be rewarded here, no argument from me there, but I heavily disagree with the notion that you were lied to because they're offering these rewards again. They never said they wouldn't. They gave you the terms for that promotion and they stuck to them. They never promised exclusivity and this is a new promotion, so it has new qualification requirements. That doesn't mean they lied to you.


Honestly, it's all just a bit too much like 'lawyer speak'. I can see how people would take it to mean 'exclusive' when they say 'last chance' it does imply that we'll never have the chance again. And this sucks, they shouldn't do this because it turns the forum on its ear and we all start having a go at each other about it all, when it's THEM. I'm sure they must sit with a bowl of popcorn and drinks and watch the boards and say 'three, two, one...and cue the posts'


They showed early on that 'exclusive' or 'last chance' means squat with the first Life Day stuff. I bring it it up because it was one of the first instances they did that. They need to stop doing that to razz people up.


This is how they roll, they will say ANYTHING to get people to buy...and yes, odds are that it will likely come up again in the future, but they figure memories are short...which they're not.

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For all the people who are claiming this wasn't exclusive.


Here's the big poster With only the words "last chance to get"




Click the "visit" button on that image. That wasn't Bioware's image, that was the thumbnail for the Youtube video discussing the promotion.


Their actual image is shown

Last chance for the promotion to qualify for Nico, not the last chance to ever get Nico.


You were not lied to.

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Honestly, it's all just a bit too much like 'lawyer speak'. I can see how people would take it to mean 'exclusive' when they say 'last chance' it does imply that we'll never have the chance again. And this sucks, they shouldn't do this because it turns the forum on its ear and we all start having a go at each other about it all, when it's THEM. I'm sure they must sit with a bowl of popcorn and drinks and watch the boards and say 'three, two, one...and cue the posts'


They showed early on that 'exclusive' or 'last chance' means squat with the first Life Day stuff. I bring it it up because it was one of the first instances they did that. They need to stop doing that to razz people up.


This is how they roll, they will say ANYTHING to get people to buy...and yes, odds are that it will likely come up again in the future, but they figure memories are short...which they're not.


That's what "last" means. That was it: you get it during the promo period, or you never get it.

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That's what "last" means. That was it: you get it during the promo period, or you never get it.


I know it, you know it...but that's not how Bioware rolls I guess. I totally get what you mean, but I basically saw what it's like when they did it the first time around, so it's not exactly a shock to me.

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The problem with your comparison is as follows -- candy is a one time consumable. You eat it -- it's gone.


A far better comparison is fashion! :rak_03:


You got to wear two of the latest coolest shirts /outfits (whatever) for two plus years, while others were unable to do so. You can still wear that shirt (and unlike what you said in the other thread, it's not being taken away), it's just not the hot new item it once was and its exclusivity value has gone down. So, from a marketing perspective, why not add it?


I have friends who get upset when tv / cable / wireless carriers offer deals for six months to new subscribers. If it attracts long-term customers, why not do it? I can't really see people, as others have noted, unsubscribing over this. With that said, I can't imagine that many staying subscribed because of it either.






You are just missing the point entirely or trying to deliberately obscure it.

Its not about the companions.


Its about the fact that those of us that earned them originally get nothing this time around.

There is a reward for SUBS but not all SUBS benefit, and those of us missing out are the most loyal.

By all means give them away but give me something as well.

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