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This is unfair.


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Question : why was Zenith chosen to be sacrificed? Why not Iresso? Skadge? Guss Tuno? Rusk? Risha? Corso? Ashara? Drellik? Why the twilek? Is this some form of hatred against alien species? Don't forget, the newest "romances" are a HUMAN and a PUREBLOOD, this sounds awfully sithy to me.


:) No Idea. I just read their "Gold Posts" see what we have and try to use some kind of sense and how it all would fit together. The information is so limited, no wonder whenever they post anything the community immediately takes the sentences, overall sense, even what's *Possibly implied and the opinions, theories and rumors fly. :)

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What's wrong with wanting Zenith back? What's wrong with asking for "johnny come lately" arcann romance progression to be postponed?


What's Zenith got to do with anything? I'm talking about you creating a full thread kicking off about a passing comment I made regarding Arcann. If you misunderstood what I meant then I apologise, but you really need to chill out.


At this point, I honestly can't tell if you're just trolling for fun.

Edited by AbilityDrain
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:) No Idea. I just read their "Gold Posts" see what we have and try to use some kind of sense and how it all would fit together. The information is so limited, no wonder whenever they post anything the community immediately takes the sentences, overall sense, even what's *Possibly implied and the opinions, theories and rumors fly. :)


Honestly, if the devs hate the JC class that much they should delete it or at least delete the Balmorra part, there's no point in leaving the PC without any sort of closure when it comes to certain comps.

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What's wrong with wanting Zenith back? What's wrong with asking for "johnny come lately" arcann romance progression to be postponed?


Nothing wrong with opinions as long as it remains respectful towards others. Other companions should've been returned before bringing in a new LI (as others here have said too), but I don't think venting about it will help much at this point.


Has Zenith been asked to become companion? I do know that Scourge that has very active base of fans wishing that he could be romanced but I don't remember seeing one for Zenith.

Edited by Rebamcfan
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Nothing wrong with opinions as long as it remains respectful towards others. Other companions should've been returned before bringing in a new LI (as others here have said too), but I don't think venting about it will help much at this point.


Has Zenith been asked to become companion? I do know that Scourge that has very active base of fans wishing that he could be romanced but I don't remember seeing one for Zenith.


Over the years there have been requests for a Zenith romance, but I haven't seen one in awhile. It would be nice since females have a derth of alien lovers.

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OK, i'll say it. The only JC comp i ever liked was Zenith. Why was he pushed back at every single update? Why do i have to accept others getting more content with their LI while i cannot even have back a non-LI crew member? No im not gonna go for the Odessen terminal summon, trhey shouldn't have taken away all crew members if they knew some were not popular enough for " a large group of people" to want them back.


I'll be honest with you, because I had the exact same thinking for about a year and a half after 4.0--I think the Odessen companion terminal may be the best thing that has come out of 4.0 and beyond (if you like your companions). I was worried on a couple fronts--

When it was first available there were a lot of complaints about the companions becoming cardboard cutouts. There were complaints that pulling some of the KOTFE chapter companions broke the game or broke some part of the game for them, and they never told us which companions were and weren't coming back via chapters/alerts.

I broke down a couple times and went to pull a companion but was met by at least three warning messages from Bioware about pulling the comps before they came back through "story"--basically it amounted to "Are you sure?" "Are you SURE?" "ARE YOU SURE???????????" Like my game was going to break if I pulled a companion and they knew it. And I thought it would, so I kept not pulling the companions I wanted and stuck with the companions that were given to me, wasting time on them with ambient influence that I would have preferred gone to my favored companion(s).


I finally got tired of waiting and pulled Ashara and it was so great having her back--I could work on her influence, she was back on the ship, she talked ambiently like she used to in certain areas, and her mouth moved when I clicked on her.

I did the alert and now she's not on my ship, she doesn't talk unless I click on her, and her mouth doesn't move anymore. To add insult to injury--the 30 second cutscene was as horrible as the others have been--she may as well have been barrier rifle-guy on Alderaan for all the emotion that my Inq was shown to have upon seeing her best friend after well over half a decade.


I don't mean to pour salt in the wounds of JC's that have been waiting so long for their returns--but if you think they're going to handle their returns any better than the horrible Quinn/Elara returns and every return after that has literally been a downgrade from the previous return, you're going to be extremely more disappointed than just having waited for so long.


Do yourself a favor, bring your favorite companions out of the terminal and headcanon their returns--it will LITERALLY be better than anything you can possibly imagine Bioware cooks up for them.

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So long as he sings a
and makes everyone a fruit basket it should be all good :D


(The only actual clip is on Hulu which is riddled with ads, and YouTube only has a clip of the song. But you get the point. Unless people aren't as familiar with South Park as I am. Then...well here's a somewhat catchy tune...)


We need to cool his icy heart with a warm island song!


...Or was it warm his black heart with a cool island song?



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Should I "Take Akaavi Back now"? Would this avoid having her turned into a member of the "Pod People Club"? Back on the ship (wait... then she would be as lonely as I am in there)? I'd rather pull her out Early then watch a 2 minute story thinking she's being pod peoplized as I watched and still unsure about Mako. I wouldn't break up a friendship although it would add to the "Damaged Goods" factor.
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What's Zenith got to do with anything? I'm talking about you creating a full thread kicking off about a passing comment I made regarding Arcann. If you misunderstood what I meant then I apologise, but you really need to chill out.


At this point, I honestly can't tell if you're just trolling for fun.


After reading quite a few of this person's posts/threads .. I'm going with trolling.

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After reading quite a few of this person's posts/threads .. I'm going with trolling.


I don't take it as trolling. They're obviously very upset and you know, I can't blame them, JC has the fewest of returned companions and if that was my main, I'd be a bit ticked off too.


Zenith, in my opinion is the only JC comp worth returning, maybe Iresso, maybe Nadia, but the rest? Meh.


And I would love to see a Zenith romance, I know my JC liked him best. Iresso was dull, Cedrax and his holo girly grossed me out.


For whatever it's worth, I hope Zenith will be returned soon.

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The ones returned now who only got 2 mins of screen time also deserve more.


They all do really, no one likes a perm mute LI.


Koth had very few compared to Lana and Theron because people decided they should be able to kill him. I took the romance with Koth and his scenes while nice were very few compared to the other two. Now if they are going to add romance scenes with Arcann, even at the point he was able to be killed, then they should add more to Koth as well.


Sure the other romance characters have had more, with that I agree, but giving preference to one companion is going to create problems, due to the fact that some love him, others hate him and they will see him getting special treatment to the exclusion of the other romance characters and with the way things are right now this would not be a positive for BW to do as it could cause more people to leave.


I even said that more content for ALL companions would be amazing, meaning that is what I want and would prefer. I don't see why it comes across that either of you thought I didn't say that?

I 100% agree with both of you.

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I even said that more content for ALL companions would be amazing, meaning that is what I want and would prefer. I don't see why it comes across that either of you thought I didn't say that?

I 100% agree with both of you.


In my case its called reenforcing your comments with a hey I want that to happen as well.


Ive been dying for more Aric even since those amazing flirty moments Theron got throughout Kotet. Of course Theron deserved more screen time and romance build as well as he didnt get much in kotfe, but now I see what they can do after running the Iokath chapters with all the Theron flirts and banter id love to see similiar missions with other LIs also.


Even as alliance alerts with a side mission with the LI, maybe even especially that but repeatable would be far better. A console that lets you pickup and repeat certain alliance alerts or something.


It was thoroughly enjoyable, Ive even taken my Theron girls back through those chapters on repeat just to experience it all again multiple times.


After 5+ years apart you would think most of the LIs would need to relearn each other, lots change in 5+ years and be closer then ever after all they went through. Im sure its all just wishful thinking these days, doesnt mean I dont badly wish it would happen.

Edited by Suzsi
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In my case its called reenforcing your comments with a hey I want that to happen as well.


Ive been dying for more Aric even since those amazing flirty moments Theron got throughout Kotet. Of course Theron deserved more screen time and romance build as well as he didnt get much in kotfe, but now I see what they can do after running the Iokath chapters with all the Theron flirts and banter id love to see similiar missions with other LIs also.


Even as alliance alerts with a side mission with the LI, maybe even especially that but repeatable would be far better. A console that lets you pickup and repeat certain alliance alerts or something.


It was thoroughly enjoyable, Ive even taken my Theron girls back through those chapters on repeat just to experience it all again multiple times.


After 5+ years apart you would think most of the LIs would need to relearn each other, lots change in 5+ years and be closer then ever after all they went through. Im sure its all just wishful thinking these days, doesnt mean I dont badly wish it would happen.


Yeah there is so much I wish they'd do with companions, not just LI's but the friends as well (been peeved for years now that Vette no longer sees my character as a sister like she used to for example).

I'm still waiting for Iresso, LS Jaesa, Scourge and Doc to return, as patiently as possible. 2 are on the list for this year (and soon), the other two.. I fear LS Jaesa never will since DS Jaesa is returning only.

But I also dread what's going to happen with Theron, as my main and most attached character is with him.


I found I had to just enjoy stuff for the other companions coming first just to tide myself over while I continue waiting :(

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I'm definitely curious about the Zenith thing, if they do bring him back would they change his voice slightly? Cos as it stands Troy Baker used the same voice for both him and Theron... would be pretty entertaining in cutscenes though.


Believe it or not, there is a slight difference. Zenith's voice is tighter and if you listen closely, some of the pronunciations sound Imperial (British). It's not a really obvious thing, but it's there. Theron's voice is a slightly more 'heroic' take on Troy Baker's actual normal voice.

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Believe it or not, there is a slight difference. Zenith's voice is tighter and if you listen closely, some of the pronunciations sound Imperial (British). It's not a really obvious thing, but it's there. Theron's voice is a slightly more 'heroic' take on Troy Baker's actual normal voice.


I don't hear any British pronunciations in Zenith's voice at all, but being British myself it's easy for me to notice the subtleties in genuine UK regional accents when compared to an American doing a British accent (or pronouncing certain words with a slightly British twang). Theron's voice does sound slightly deeper when compared to Zenith's but overall I wouldn't say the difference in the two voices aren't distinctive enough for it not to be amusing in cutscenes listening to him talk to himself. (Not that I'm insulting his acting skills, those were the two voices BioWare wanted both characters to have and he delivered both perfectly).


I'm also not suggesting that they shouldn't bring Zenith back, the more the merrier 'n' all that, it'll just be interesting to see whether they'd have the two characters interact directly. (Just wanted to clear that up in case anyone else misconstrues what I'm saying lol).

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Believe it or not, there is a slight difference. Zenith's voice is tighter and if you listen closely, some of the pronunciations sound Imperial (British). It's not a really obvious thing, but it's there. Theron's voice is a slightly more 'heroic' take on Troy Baker's actual normal voice.


Makes you totally respect how much of a diva Jennifer Hale is with all her different voices huh?

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She's crazy talented, you can see why she's one of the most hired voice actors, so is Troy Baker.


Really any of them who can read lines for video games and make them all sound completely natural and not forced are super talented, not all of them can pull that off. Of course there are still those who rise above the rest by not only achieving that but also achieving a mirad of different voices for different characters so that each is unique. Mind boggling really, much respect for them all and love for bringing my chars to life.

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