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So....... the new augments


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When will we start getting info about this?


I know yall are wrapped around discussing conquest, but that's your own fault. Shouldn't of "fixed" something that wasn't broken, and was perfectly fine. I don't really care about conquest, not my cup of tea, but I do want to know about the new augments. Any timeline on when you guys will start giving us details about them?

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Here is my prediction for new augment.

*We currently have 236 version so either they will make new one with 248 stats to match T4 gears.

**Another change that they keep 236 stats but adding the special effect that only work in Master Mode OPS like 2%~5% damage up or whatever the special effect they wanted. So the mats required to craft will stay the same but the item only works in MM OPS, they can make a few version of special effects but player can only equip 1 at a time.

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Hmmm, I don't think those streams are for serious things.


And that my friend is part of of the long-term, ongoing problem.


The number one factor is retaining good relationships with your consumers is communication.


Bioware's communication levels have gone from bad under Ben, to utterly appalling under Keith.


All The Best

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And that my friend is part of of the long-term, ongoing problem.


The number one factor is retaining good relationships with your consumers is communication.


Bioware's communication levels have gone from bad under Ben, to utterly appalling under Keith.


All The Best


I don't think things were better under Ben. He only had 1 post on the forums iirc. Keith replied a lot more and even Charles was here for a time plus someone from the combat team or maybe it was GSF.

Not saying things are rosy, but they aren't worse in terms of communication.

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I too am very curious about the new augments. I have put off upgrading any more toons to the 236 augs in order to save rare mats.


They damn well should have far, far more important things to discuss on Friday than Augs.


All The Best


I don't think as many people care about Conquests as you think they do. That doesn't mean Conquests don't need to be properly implemented and/or fixed.


But I'm biased. I haven't completed a conquest on purpose since 4.0. And none of the 3 guilds I play in care about Conquests either.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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I don't think as many people care about Conquests as you think they do. That doesn't mean Conquests don't need to be properly implemented and/or fixed.

Hard to say how many players care (forum PvPers, that's another matter, and I include myself a bit in that category, thanks), BUT there are things they need to address that are neither the next augments nor conquest.



* "A new warzone" ==> ACW with a new fps-sapping (grassy) skin. Not even "something like ACW but a different layout", but just different colour scenery and lots of leaves and grass. Can we have an actual new warzone?

* There should be more PvE content. I use the "broad" definition of "PvE" that includes stories, FPs, Ups, Ops, etc.

* Bugs, bugs, bugs.

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You just got IZAX!!, and you're about to get another FP, you're not getting anything else soon, they already told you this. PVP, you already got the stupid cross faction map (hate cross faction pvp). There is not going to be much new of anything, again, they already told you this. Bugs, some of them have been around for 6 years, some less. Rather hear about the augments, myself. Don't need them saying what they already said.
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Bioware's communication levels have gone from bad under Ben, to utterly appalling under Keith.


All The Best


This game has better communication to the players than another game that supposedly has many more subscriptions.

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I don't think as many people care about Conquests as you think they do. That doesn't mean Conquests don't need to be properly implemented and/or fixed. .


I have completed just 3 Conquests, and I've been playing since the day the game went live; and ff this fiasco was JUST about Conquest I'd agree.


But what the changes to Conquest have done is reduce activity in GSF, PvP, OPs, FPs - because everything awards less Conquest Points, and so few things are repeatable now; and - like it or not - some of the people doing those things were doing them for Conquest Points.


So as long as Conquest stays as broken as it is we ALL suffer - whatever it is we do, and even if we 100% ignore Conquest.


All The Best

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You just got IZAX!!, and you're about to get another FP, you're not getting anything else soon, they already told you this. PVP, you already got the stupid cross faction map (hate cross faction pvp). There is not going to be much new of anything, again, they already told you this. Bugs, some of them have been around for 6 years, some less. Rather hear about the augments, myself. Don't need them saying what they already said.


Augs? Who cares about augs? I don't think nearly as many people care about augs as you seem to think. I am in three different guilds and no one cares about augs in any of them.


See what I did there?


fact of the matter is people actually will leave SWTOR over conquest whereas NO ONE will leave the game over augs.


When people stop pvping, stop doing FPs, stop crafting all due to conquest changes this lowers the quality of gameplay across the board for everyone, even you.


That being said, it's fine you care about augs, but did you really have to rub conquest changes and your apathy to them in the faces of those who do care about conquest?


I am just saying people need to stop being so selfish and obnoxious to others just for the sake of being mean.

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Augs? Who cares about augs? I don't think nearly as many people care about augs as you seem to think. I am in three different guilds and no one cares about augs in any of them.


See what I did there?


fact of the matter is people actually will leave SWTOR over conquest whereas NO ONE will leave the game over augs.


When people stop pvping, stop doing FPs, stop crafting all due to conquest changes this lowers the quality of gameplay across the board for everyone, even you.


That being said, it's fine you care about augs, but did you really have to rub conquest changes and your apathy to them in the faces of those who do care about conquest?


I am just saying people need to stop being so selfish and obnoxious to others just for the sake of being mean.


Uh.. this is a thread about augments. Thus we're trying to talk about augments. No need to ride the crazy train.

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That being said, it's fine you care about augs, but did you really have to rub conquest changes and your apathy to them in the faces of those who do care about conquest?


I am just saying people need to stop being so selfish and obnoxious to others just for the sake of being mean.


I mean this thread is named "So....... the new augments". Anyone coming here to comment they don't care about augments and should talk about conquest instead should expect people to disagree with them. I don't visit threads about conquest to tell them "Who cares I want augment info".


That being said, I totally agree with you that we could use less people talking trash and trying to twist others words into making them seem like what they are saying is stupid, and then starting a whole pointless argument (literally 50% of the forums comments).

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I have completed just 3 Conquests, and I've been playing since the day the game went live; and ff this fiasco was JUST about Conquest I'd agree.


But what the changes to Conquest have done is reduce activity in GSF, PvP, OPs, FPs - because everything awards less Conquest Points, and so few things are repeatable now; and - like it or not - some of the people doing those things were doing them for Conquest Points.


So as long as Conquest stays as broken as it is we ALL suffer - whatever it is we do, and even if we 100% ignore Conquest.


All The Best


This is off-topic, thanks for sharing your opinion in threads where this actually has it's place. This is a simple thread, asking for info about the new 5.9 augments (or at least a classic Eric anounception).

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There's actually an easy solution to the question about what to address in the next live stream. Eric, et. al., can start with a "We have a lot to talk about today so let's get started. First let's give an overview of the upcoming new augments ..." The give a brief synopsis of what it is, how it works (if different than any other augment we've ever had) and how they're acquired or made. Then move on to this past week, how they're evaluating conquest changes and what they're going to do next with and when. And so on until they've addressed every main issue. Then talk about 5.9 and hint at something in the future. Then go home.


It isn't rocket science or brain surgery. They can actually explain a lot of things, then let the players decide whether that was sufficient or not and move on. If they don't do this, they're like the guy walking down the road with his fingers in his ears so he doesn't hear the cars next to him. It's their choice not do so. Answer all the main questions.

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Augs? Who cares about augs? I don't think nearly as many people care about augs as you seem to think. I am in three different guilds and no one cares about augs in any of them.


See what I did there?


fact of the matter is people actually will leave SWTOR over conquest whereas NO ONE will leave the game over augs.


When people stop pvping, stop doing FPs, stop crafting all due to conquest changes this lowers the quality of gameplay across the board for everyone, even you.


That being said, it's fine you care about augs, but did you really have to rub conquest changes and your apathy to them in the faces of those who do care about conquest?


I am just saying people need to stop being so selfish and obnoxious to others just for the sake of being mean.


I have no idea how you gathered that I'm hating on conquest from that, whole lot of stretch there. I made a thread about the new augments, not conquest. There's plenty of threads to complain about conquest already going.

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