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People weren't kidding, the queues really ARE dead.


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Been sitting in GSF and Warzone queue for two hours now, level 48, and not a single pop. Been sitting here doing space missions waiting for one, nothing.


I didn't think a single patch could wipe out two of the games most prominent activities with one fell swoop, but...wow.

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Been sitting in GSF and Warzone queue for two hours now, level 48, and not a single pop. Been sitting here doing space missions waiting for one, nothing.


I didn't think a single patch could wipe out two of the games most prominent activities with one fell swoop, but...wow.


There is no queue because everyone is on forum bashing Theron Shan. Sad but true! * Metallica FTW*

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There is no queue because everyone is on forum bashing Theron Shan. Sad but true! * Metallica FTW*

Those that in forum bashing thing now are at work with luxury internet to use forum, facebook or any social media access right in front of them...I'm one of them LMAO.

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Lowbie PvP had always been slow. GSF is no different really. Then there is double exp/cxp I can only assume people want to do other things during this time.

Don't forget to pop a command consumable boost, I'm not sure its a bug come with 5.8 or its work as intended, it does stack with 2x CXP event, 1 round of Yavin dailies +Yavin weekly reward = 10 command levels up. If you do every zones you would gain more than 50 command level in 1 sitting with weekly bonus.


You gain even more CXP if you have other toon ranked 300 and unlock CXP bonus for other toons below 300

Edited by Xbladez
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Don't forget to pop a command consumable boost, I'm not sure its a bug come with 5.8 or its work as intended, it does stack with 2x CXP event, 1 round of Yavin dailies +Yavin weekly reward = 10 command levels up. If you do every zones you would gain more than 50 command level in 1 sitting with weekly bonus.


Ooouuu, that sounds great! :)

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Even so, I didn't think there were THIS many people that ran GSF/Warzones SOLELY for Conquest. A week ago I was getting a pop every 5 minutes at lowbie levels, now it's almost nothing.


Hmmm, well people are still at work If you're playing on N/A. in EU where I live it's around 6pm. 🤔 UK*

Not sure what time and day you played last time, but it's something to think about! :)

Edited by Eshvara
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Don't forget to pop a command consumable boost, I'm not sure its a bug come with 5.8 or its work as intended, it does stack with 2x CXP event, 1 round of Yavin dailies +Yavin weekly reward = 10 command levels up. If you do every zones you would gain more than 50 command level in 1 sitting with weekly bonus.


You gain even more CXP if you have other toon ranked 300 and unlock CXP bonus for other toons below 300

I haven't looked at the detailed numbers, but it is supposed to stack. The percentages add up:

* +100% for "double CXP"

* +100% for the big booster

* +25% for the first 300

* +25% for the next one that's eligible to add after the first one

* etc.


Total: +200% to +300% = times 3 to times 4.

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Lowbie PvP had always been slow. GSF is no different really. Then there is double exp/cxp I can only assume people want to do other things during this time.


Really? Last weekend they wouldn't stop popping at all.

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Removing conquest gain eliminated one more reason some people queued WZs. The problem is ever since they removed the old wz comm gearing system, there was little incentive for some to consider PVPing in the lower tiers.


The old gearing system gave you a reason to queue lowbies, as you accrued tokens which you could save to buy sets of armors and mods/enhancements/weapons etc. This system they removed was perfect. They even created boxes you could place your accrued comms into to move to your alts if you wanted to use them for other toons.


It was the perfect system imo because it gave you flexibility in gearing alts as well as an incentive to PVP any tier because you were rewarded comms for all tiers of activity in PVP.


By removing reasons and incentives to PVP they are thinning the WZ queues more and more as the game goes on. Some people need no incentive to PVP because they find it extremely fun.


I have learned over time that many people are not so fond of PVP, and only do it if they gain something from it other than the fun in killing other players.


Eric and Co. should recognize this and make changes that encourage PVP of all tiers, then players would be more apt to queue for lowbies and mids but as it stands now, there are hardly any reasons to do so.

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Last weekend was before 5.8 nuked Conquest, and in particular nuked Conquest-by-PvP.


That was my point, In that other thread I did the calculations that probably will prove that the next patch won't fix the lack of PvP now. As soon as 5.8 hit PvP queues died. Been able to get a few occasional matches but it's been negligible.


The real downside will be that people won't learn PvP before they hit max level, so when they'll get there and queues pick up there'll be a larger skill gap, and at max level there's even fewer people that want to explain things because you're supposed to learn that at lower levels.


And leveling in general is too fast.

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Been sitting in GSF and Warzone queue for two hours now, level 48, and not a single pop. Been sitting here doing space missions waiting for one, nothing.


I didn't think a single patch could wipe out two of the games most prominent activities with one fell swoop, but...wow.


And it’s double XP 🙄... What people are seeing in primetime is exactly what I normally see outside of primetime “Welcome to my world”


It’s one of the reasons I’m always bringing it up because I can’t play the game the way I want to. Everytime I bring it up I get trolled and told to play in primetime. Well guess what everyone, this is what it feels like for me when I want to play normally. It’s even worse if I play rep toons.


All I’ve ever wanted is for some small changes like cross faction to put everyone who is currently in the limited queue into one game. This should be in all pvp maps. But all I get is people telling me it’s not needed and all is fine, go play Imps, play in primetime. Or you get the RP people saying it’s not Star Wars if it’s not rep vs Imp. The problem as you can see is RP goes out the window if there are no matches at all. Even when you would get one in primetime before this patch and things were normal, about 9 out of 10 matches were imp vs Imp. So RP “feelings” become irrelevant if you can’t play.


So you’ll understand why Ive got zero sympathy for you all and my I’m saying “I told you so”....

Now I’ve got that off my chest. I know it sucks better than anyone and maybe now we can all get on the same page and have a united front to try and get Bioware to make the changes needed to fix this for ALL time zones and not just primetime.


It’s time for cross faction and it’s time they fixed the queue system so it recognises when there are limited people in the queue so it prioritises arena matches over 8 man or it limits team sizes in 8 man WZ maps to 4-5 per team (which is fun).


I’ve also asked repeated for them to add some really good incentives to get people to queue for the lower lvl pvp brackets. There are some great ideas from people on how to do that in this thread.




Edited by TrixxieTriss
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And all of this proves for umpteen time that PvP crowd itself is a very small (though very loud mouth) group. If you do not brutally force people to PvP they will not do it.


Yet, I bet the conclusion will be - we need to force them all back to PvP again.

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And all of this proves for umpteen time that PvP crowd itself is a very small (though very loud mouth) group. If you do not brutally force people to PvP they will not do it.


Yet, I bet the conclusion will be - we need to force them all back to PvP again.


Obviously you have no connection with PvP community in this game whatsoever if u post this BS.


People that used to do PvP in this game stopped doing that because you can do the same thing only for so many times. They moved to other games that offer better multiplayer experience.


Most of people that play this game are story-oriented, solo players not because this is the largest potential group for this game, but because other ones were alienated. In fact, I think that group/raid players came back after new bosses were introduced, although probably in much less numbers than those that left.


Lastly, I know people, that have played (and really enjoyed) warzones, but due to lack of new PvP content choose to play other content (like KOTFE/ET chapters), because of boredom/lack of incentive. Just to point out, that not every player declares himself as story/PvE/PvP player, and some would love to participate in the entire spectrum of activities, but at this point we approach the problem that everyone here knows- lack of any content.

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Obviously you have no connection with PvP community in this game whatsoever if u post this BS.


People that used to do PvP in this game stopped doing that because you can do the same thing only for so many times. They moved to other games that offer better multiplayer experience.


Most of people that play this game are story-oriented, solo players not because this is the largest potential group for this game, but because other ones were alienated. In fact, I think that group/raid players came back after new bosses were introduced, although probably in much less numbers than those that left.


Lastly, I know people, that have played (and really enjoyed) warzones, but due to lack of new PvP content choose to play other content (like KOTFE/ET chapters), because of boredom/lack of incentive. Just to point out, that not every player declares himself as story/PvE/PvP player, and some would love to participate in the entire spectrum of activities, but at this point we approach the problem that everyone here knows- lack of any content.


And this is an example of why even an attempt to satisfy PvP crowd is futile - it's never enough for them, they are always jumping from one game to another, yet, it's always game's fault that it can not keep them! And they will make sure every corner of internet heard about lousiness of the next game because "devs obviously ignore PvP!"

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Been sitting in GSF and Warzone queue for two hours now, level 48, and not a single pop. Been sitting here doing space missions waiting for one, nothing.QUOTE]


Personally, I believe this is due to 2 factors :


Newbies put against Champions


Champions sometimes farming Newbies.


Als long as this happens, nothing will change. I'm really speechless about the fact that they didn't even program brackets for GSF.


In a nutshell : GSF, as it is now, is far too effective in scaring fresh people away. Apart from those with THAT lot of stamina, though.

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Been sitting in GSF and Warzone queue for two hours now, level 48, and not a single pop. Been sitting here doing space missions waiting for one, nothing.QUOTE]


Personally, I believe this is due to 2 factors :


Newbies put against Champions


Champions sometimes farming Newbies.


Als long as this happens, nothing will change. I'm really speechless about the fact that they didn't even program brackets for GSF.


In a nutshell : GSF, as it is now, is far too effective in scaring fresh people away. Apart from those with THAT lot of stamina, though.


The Dev team doesn't understand their player base so they cannot predict the repercussions of the changes they make...


Rather than opening the gates and ramping the fun factor up..At this point what do they have to lose...They instead are still trying to use punishing/limiting design...lets remove this and lower that.."That will keep them grinding"...no it wont! Figure it out and let out the throttle!


These guys spend so much time fixing bad decisions its no wonder they struggle to develop content...

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Als long as this happens, nothing will change. I'm really speechless about the fact that they didn't even program brackets for GSF.


In a nutshell : GSF, as it is now, is far too effective in scaring fresh people away. Apart from those with THAT lot of stamina, though.


What kind of brackets do you want? Level? Level means nothing in GSF. They did put in a system to TRY and group people by ship upgrades, but after all this time that's still broken.


It first makes groups of 4 that are close to each other in upgrade tiers.

Then it tries to match these teams of 4 into teams of 8 or 12 again by upgrades.

THEN it tries to match two teams against each other...


Because it prefers rep vs. imp it means there's a chance to get a balanced match, depending if there's a lot of people in the queue. It can also mean you never get a match. If it's a wargame there's a good chance it's very one sided.


If it was first queue first serve it would have been more balanced.

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And all of this proves for umpteen time that PvP crowd itself is a very small (though very loud mouth) group. If you do not brutally force people to PvP they will not do it.


Yet, I bet the conclusion will be - we need to force them all back to PvP again.


Non pvpers giving commentary on pvp issues always makes me laugh. 1/10 for effort and a participation 🏆

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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