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Why is Arcann's story so undeveloped?


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What do we actually know about him? Very few: joined the knights of Zakuul, can craft stuff ( probably as a part of Knights training? ) , hated his father, killed his brother. But that's kinda all.. Nothing like ( for example) "as a kid i enjoyed reading stories about Scyva & Izax" or " one of my favorite things to do is hunting in the Endless Swamp". Edited by bluehufsa
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"running away and living in the Endless Swamp for a month"


But yeah, we don't know much-much.


That's not much. The story de-humanizes him, presents him as a sadist, homicidal and awful dude, with very very rare moments of showing regret or remorse. How about hobbies? Friends? Funny stuff from childhood? Rivals?

Take Vette's story for example, we find out a lot about her past,friends,stuff she did, people she knew.

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That's not much. The story de-humanizes him, presents him as a sadist, homicidal and awful dude, with very very rare moments of showing regret or remorse. How about hobbies? Friends? Funny stuff from childhood? Rivals?

Take Vette's story for example, we find out a lot about her past,friends,stuff she did, people she knew.


Arcann's favourite hobbies include killing family members, chain-smoking and adding to his carbonite-heroes collection... on the weekends he crafts armour. Quite the Tinder profile, 10/10 would bang!

Edited by AbilityDrain
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That's not much. The story de-humanizes him, presents him as a sadist, homicidal and awful dude, with very very rare moments of showing regret or remorse. How about hobbies? Friends? Funny stuff from childhood? Rivals?

Take Vette's story for example, we find out a lot about her past,friends,stuff she did, people she knew.


The difference is that Vette is a companion we spend five years running with. Arcann is our sworn enemy, so our characters really wouldn't know a whole lot about him...until he joined the Alliance, and even then he's quiet and withdrawn.


I get it...I'd love to know more about his background too. And I remember hearing someone say that his writer *did* write a lot of stuff for him...we just didn't get it for whatever reason.


Arcann Romance Spoiler -



It's the same thing with that sad excuse for a romance...




The one thing I would say is that I don't think the story necessarily presents him as a sadist or somehow less than human. Yes, he's a bad guy. But...I saw him presented more as a love-starved victim who is a product of his father's cruelty. More than anything he just wants his father's acknowledgement. Does that in any way justify his actions? No, of course not...but that is part of his character that BioWare let us see. So, he is presented as a more complex character than many give him credit for. Even bad guys can have hearts...and even bad guys can be human.


I'd say that Vaylin got the shorter stick. She's presented as positively mustache-twirly.

Edited by Dracofish
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The difference is that Vette is a companion we spend five years running with. Arcann is our sworn enemy, so our characters really wouldn't know a whole lot about him...until he joined the Alliance, and even then he's quiet and withdrawn.


I get it...I'd love to know more about his background too. And I remember hearing someone say that his writer *did* write a lot of stuff for him...we just didn't get it for whatever reason.


Arcann Romance Spoiler -



It's the same thing with that sad excuse for a romance...




The one thing I would say is that I don't think the story necessarily presents him as a sadist or somehow less than human. Yes, he's a bad guy. But...I saw him presented more as a love-starved victim who is a product of his father's cruelty. More than anything he just wants his father's acknowledgement. Does that in any way justify his actions? No, of course not...but that is part of his character that BioWare let us see. So, he is presented as a more complex character than many give him credit for. Even bad guys can have hearts...and even bad guys can be human.


I'd say that Vaylin got the shorter stick. She's presented as positively mustache-twirly.


The romance thing was poorly written or chopped. A relationship requests bonding, stuff done together, common hobbies.. I know,i know, i want way too much :(.

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Arcann's favourite hobbies are killing family members, chain-smoking and adding to his carbonite-heroes collection... on the weekends he crafts armour. Quite the Tinder profile, 10/10 would bang!




I used to be a smoker, so I'd pause for a moment, but then I would remember that I now vape (in my effort to quit smoking) so I'd swipe left (or is it right to decline? Been married for almost 15 years, loooong before Tinder existed). And it wouldn't be out of snobbery but because I'd succumb to the darkside and start smoking cigarettes again! Then a few days later his mention of a collection of carbonite superheroes would make me go back. I'd probably drunk text him at that point. And then buy a pack of smokes. In for a penny, in for a pound, amirite?


Oh man...you guys...we NEED to make Tinder profiles for all the companions, lol.

Edited by AngFour
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The romance thing was poorly written or chopped. A relationship requests bonding, stuff done together, common hobbies.. I know,i know, i want way too much :(.


I definitely feel that introducing him as a romance option would've been better to do during the next expansion (assuming there is one) or at the very least after a handful of flashpoints or a DLC where he'd join us so that we could at least flirt with him a bit (obviously they'd need to swap him out for one of the other companions for those that killed him).

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  • 2 weeks later...


I used to be a smoker, so I'd pause for a moment, but then I would remember that I now vape (in my effort to quit smoking) so I'd swipe left (or is it right to decline? Been married for almost 15 years, loooong before Tinder existed). And it wouldn't be out of snobbery but because I'd succumb to the darkside and start smoking cigarettes again! Then a few days later his mention of a collection of carbonite superheroes would make me go back. I'd probably drunk text him at that point. And then buy a pack of smokes. In for a penny, in for a pound, amirite?


Oh man...you guys...we NEED to make Tinder profiles for all the companions, lol.


LOL! That could get frightening rather quickly. Imagine Skadge or Tano Vik :D

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Well could be because he...


is a "Ten Trillion plus Murderer", Tried to kill his father (Killed his brother instead) then lured the Outlander to kill his father (For Him) and half of that ten trillion (cadavers) were not military reasons but "Frustration and Revenge" (Battered 5 planets Taris style back into the stone age, Imagine that death toll) of the Outlander. Allowed his Psychopathic sister to kill his own people at will (and for entertainment).


The BattleStations he placed around More then just the planets we saw (Story wise there were many more) that threatened to destroy all the life on that many more planets (Death tolls in the hundreds of Trillions). Sent the skytroopers and Zakuul Knights to kill everybody (Zakuul Citizens) living in the swamp (What were they guilty of??) and to stop our escape in the GraveStone (His Mother was there, hmm.....). If he's dead in one's story his mother had to die For His actions, and for those he's still alive, what has he done to Appease anybody for everything he's caused and tried to cause?


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Well could be because he...


is a "Ten Trillion plus Murderer", Tried to kill his father (Killed his brother instead) then lured the Outlander to kill his father (For Him) and half of that ten trillion (cadavers) were not military reasons but "Frustration and Revenge" (Battered 5 planets Taris style back into the stone age, Imagine that death toll) of the Outlander. Allowed his Psychopathic sister to kill his own people at will (and for entertainment).


The BattleStations he placed around More then just the planets we saw (Story wise there were many more) that threatened to destroy all the life on that many more planets (Death tolls in the hundreds of Trillions). Sent the skytroopers and Zakuul Knights to kill everybody (Zakuul Citizens) living in the swamp (What were they guilty of??) and to stop our escape in the GraveStone (His Mother was there, hmm.....). If he's dead in one's story his mother had to die For His actions, and for those he's still alive, what has he done to Appease anybody for everything he's caused and tried to cause?


I do not think the kill count is in trillions unless otherwise stated. That would be many Coruscants which has the population of over 1 trillion, being the most populated planet in galaxy.

Edited by Rebamcfan
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I do not think the kill count is in trillions unless otherwise stated. That would be many Coruscants which has the population of over 1 trillion, being the most populated planet in galaxy.


It's still an unimaginable number of people to slaughter for a temper tantrum...

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First the figures of 7-10 Trillion were the numbers used here in the forums back when the Arcann Romance first arose.

Considering The 5 Planets Arcann ordered Vaylin to take the fleet and pound as revenge for his not being able to find and kill the Commander/Alliance. Those five were chosen because of their high populations (Maximizes the effect, Higher body count). The other 4 Planets selected out of revenge and frustration I don't know if they were ever named

Heres all I found on Dubrillion 613,636,693



Arcann and Vaylin have more of the lives, Backstories presented here then anybody else. Curiosity in his story is fine just remember who he is and what he's done. Arcann's issue of "Being Healed" isn't as simple as its been described here lately. There were choices that the player could've made that would have left Senya dead but Arcann "Still Fighting". Apparently not many made that choice.





In Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin, player finds Arcann on Voss, where Senya begs for a chance to heal her son's rage. If player allows this, Senya sacrifices her life essence so that the Voss Mystics can heal Arcann's mind and body before he flees. If player refuses, Senya is killed, and the Voss Mystics are unable to heal Arcann, so he leaves still full of anger and vengeance.


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simple reason?

rushed story -- some of us killed. some of us didn't kill ... rushed story because he was wanted, but "one story fits all" and why put that much effort into a character not all of us have ? Just a thought ... and btw, I let him live and I like the character .. not enough to end my romance with Theron, but I like him

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