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Why NO KILL option on Ashara?


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BW has their precious? Nothing is fair. Nothing will ever be fair. They just wasted dev time and money doing a romance for a mass murderer AND everyone who did that scene got armor that goes for four-figures on the Cartel Market, do we really want to talk FAIR?


Why isn't there the same outrage among some posters about that? If we really want !!!EQUAL TREATMENT!!! why isn't there the same outrage that Vector, Corso and Andronikos didn't have kill options either? Andronikos's return is about him raiding Eternal Alliance ships. Not punishable by death, I guess? That's the Sith Inquisitor too, but that's fine, amirite? I'm sure every Dark V SI would let someone walk away for raiding their ships, right?


It's not about equality. It's not about parity. Can we stop claiming that? It's about them not getting to kill a female character they don't like, saying nothing about returned male companions without kill options, and then claiming it's not 'equal.'


Ashara is NOT a fan favorite. People who do like this character waited more than TWO years from the time of KOTFE's release to get her back. When they did get her back it was two minutes, and she will never be in the main story. Meanwhile Vette, Jorgan, etc, came back almost immediately and had full chapters.


Nothing's equal, guys. And if you're going to insist that everything's need to be equal and everyone needs a kill option I expect to see all of you posting "Why no kill option?" threads about the returned male companions as well., and applauding when Theron gets a kill option alongside Lana. Because fair is fair and maybe those precious male characters of yours should be included in this 'equality.'


And then when BW kills off every companion and we're expected to use an Akk Dog companion from the Cartel Market to play the two minutes of solo content they'll give us this year, I hope you'll be pleased.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Since definition of edgelord seems to be "someone who wants to kill companions", I'd check the mirror first. :p


I will never understand why wanting to kill a companion A is all fine and good, but wanting to kill a companion B is "being an edgelord".


The thing is, I haven't really wanted to kill anyone else, I fight on Quinn's behalf and Theron's and I'm fine with the other companions only other one I killed was Skadge.


I think it's ironic with so many people screaming for Quinn's and Theron's blood to name examples, but when I want to off someone I don't like, it's not okay. My Sith wasn't able to act within her nature and should've been allowed to. When I say where are all the edgelords I'm talking about all the people that were screaming for blood when it comes to Quinn and Theron and others.

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What are you bloodthirsty! I hope your favorite pixels are waiting for the same fate that you want for poor Ashara!:mad:

I promise to cut this degenerate Theron!:mad:


Nothing I haven't heard before. But I guess some pixels are allowed to be hated while others are precious.

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BW has their precious? Nothing is fair. Nothing will ever be fair. They just wasted dev time and money doing a romance for a mass murderer AND everyone who did that scene got armor that goes for four-figures on the Cartel Market, do we really want to talk FAIR?


Why isn't there the same outrage among some posters about that? If we really want !!!EQUAL TREATMENT!!! why isn't there the same outrage that Vector, Corso and Andronikos didn't have kill options either? Andronikos's return is about him raiding Eternal Alliance ships. Not punishable by death, I guess? That's the Sith Inquisitor too, but that's fine, amirite? I'm sure every Dark V SI would let someone walk away for raiding their ships, right?


It's not about equality. It's not about parity. Can we stop claiming that? It's about them not getting to kill a female character they don't like, saying nothing about returned male companions without kill options, and then claiming it's not 'equal.'


Ashara is NOT a fan favorite. People who do like this character waited more than TWO years from the time of KOTFE's release to get her back. When they did get her back it was two minutes, and she will never be in the main story. Meanwhile Vette, Jorgan, etc, came back almost immediately and had full chapters.


Nothing's equal, guys. And if you're going to insist that everything's need to be equal and everyone needs a kill option I expect to see all of you posting "Why no kill option?" threads about the returned male companions as well., and applauding when Theron gets a kill option alongside Lana. Because fair is fair and maybe those precious male characters of yours should be included in this 'equality.'


And then when BW kills off every companion and we're expected to use an Akk Dog companion from the Cartel Market to play the two minutes of solo content they'll give us this year, I hope you'll be pleased.


It's not about gender, for me it never was. It was about killing a mealy-mouthed indecisive brat of a character that defied and irritated my Sith and the fact that my Sith wasn't allowed to act on her nature. I enjoy plenty of female characters, I just don't treasure this one. I never have.


It's like I feel like asking the game, 'do you even Star Wars?' When a Sith isn't allowed to act like one? What isn't fair is that Sith Warrior can kill someone he/she hates, but SI isn't granted the same ability?

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The thing is, I haven't really wanted to kill anyone else, I fight on Quinn's behalf and Theron's and I'm fine with the other companions only other one I killed was Skadge.


I think it's ironic with so many people screaming for Quinn's and Theron's blood to name examples, but when I want to off someone I don't like, it's not okay. My Sith wasn't able to act within her nature and should've been allowed to. When I say where are all the edgelords I'm talking about all the people that were screaming for blood when it comes to Quinn and Theron and others.


While there might be people who just scream for any kill option at all, I'm willing to bet there is also loads of people who feel it's out of character for their characters to, in example, accept the betrayal from Quinn or Theron. I don't think you wanting Ashara dead is any different from many of those people. However, I don't feel there's anything wrong with it, either. You want Ashara dead? Yeah, I can see why. Other people want Quinn or Theron dead? Again, I can see why.


I just think it's a little hostile to call people names like "edgelord" for disliking and wanting to kill a different character than you.

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It's not about gender, for me it never was. It was about killing a mealy-mouthed indecisive brat of a character that defied and irritated my Sith and the fact that my Sith wasn't allowed to act on her nature. I enjoy plenty of female characters, I just don't treasure this one. I never have.


It's like I feel like asking the game, 'do you even Star Wars?' When a Sith isn't allowed to act like one? What isn't fair is that Sith Warrior can kill someone he/she hates, but SI isn't granted the same ability?


But you've said numerous times in this thread that it's about equality and everyone should get kill options because Companion X did. So why haven't you been this strenuously asking for kill options for the male companions who have come back, or Theron, if all things are equal?


And if this is about lore and characterization - are you really telling me that your Sith would kill someone for being snotty but would also shrug and walk away from someone who had been raiding her ships and thus messing with her Alliance? I think that she would have fried them on the spot. So why haven't you felt the same about Andronikos not getting a kill option?

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While there might be people who just scream for any kill option at all, I'm willing to bet there is also loads of people who feel it's out of character for their characters to, in example, accept the betrayal from Quinn or Theron. I don't think you wanting Ashara dead is any different from many of those people. However, I don't feel there's anything wrong with it, either. You want Ashara dead? Yeah, I can see why. Other people want Quinn or Theron dead? Again, I can see why.


I just think it's a little hostile to call people names like "edgelord" for disliking and wanting to kill a different character than you.


Thing is, there should always be the option to keep a comp and the option to kill a comp and something in between. I don't feel that way for all of them but for simplicity's sake I say do it for all then it's fair.


As for calling out the 'edgelords', plenty of them called me plenty of names and were hostile to me in the thread I was referencing a while back where I didn't want to see kill options, especially on Theron because I didn't want to see characters bricked. I feel strongly about things too, and it feels like some people are allowed to declare their hate on characters even act on it, but when it comes to ones I don't like I have to sit in the corner and keep my mouth shut. Nope, it doesn't work that way.


I think this quote from Animal Farm sums it up pretty well:



“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”


― George Orwell, Animal Farm

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But you've said numerous times in this thread that it's about equality and everyone should get kill options because Companion X did. So why haven't you been this strenuously asking for kill options for the male companions who have come back, or Theron, if all things are equal?


And if this is about lore and characterization - are you really telling me that your Sith would kill someone for being snotty but would also shrug and walk away from someone who had been raiding her ships and thus messing with her Alliance? I think that she would have fried them on the spot. So why haven't you felt the same about Andronikos not getting a kill option?


I ask for what I would like to see. I'd rather not kill many of the companions, male or female, but I realize it's not fair to choose some and not others so that's why in the 'Vector' thread I said, offer the option for all just to make it fair, even though I adore Vector. Keep, Kill, Dismiss options maybe. Bioware set the precedent for killing some comps, so why should only some get the axe? Why are others precious?


Yes, my Sith lord romanced Andronikos and she listened to what he had to say and his reasons for raiding the ships. If you listened to the romance version, you'd know he wasn't raiding them to make money, he was raiding them to search for the player character, because he loved and missed them. He didn't realize the crazy Empress was the PC, he thought it was Vaylin. There are plot holes in this too, like I'm sure Andronikos would have heard on the holonet about things...but this is what happens when you get a crappy noob writer and give them comp stories all of two minutes to resolve properly.


I romanced Andronikos so it's different for my character, she loves him, but if people wanted the option to kill him, I suppose they should've gotten one.

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Nothing's equal, guys. And if you're going to insist that everything's need to be equal and everyone needs a kill option I expect to see all of you posting "Why no kill option?" threads about the returned male companions as well., and applauding when Theron gets a kill option alongside Lana. Because fair is fair and maybe those precious male characters of yours should be included in this 'equality.'



Uh, ACTUALLY, and respectfully, you obviously didn't read the whole "Kill Vector" thread because a lot of the same people actually ARE saying that fair's fair and he should have had a kill option. (Which, to be honest, would have been a super confusing thing to add because he did absolutely nothing to warrant a kill option, ever, other than being a Joiner <-- a choice that was involuntarily thrust upon him I should add.)


If you READ the whole point of this thread, it's that it ISN'T fair that Ashara (and Vector) didn't get a kill option. Seeing as back when Quinn was going to come back people were calling for his head, the Devs gave him a kill option without a "How do you do?"


It's almost like a parody of calling for Quinn's head, with a little legit confusion as to why a Dark V Inquisitor is just allowed to let an insubordinate apprentice go without much of a fight. It's a bad characterization of the Inquisitor.


It's not about the sexism of the players. It's the sexism of the writers and Devs for adding these options (and disproportionately paying more attention to female love interests and adding the kill option to more male love interests than the female ones).


I'm not a fan of killing any of the companions. Reject them, banish them, sure, fine, whatever. Or maybe they should write the story better so there's no need to brick the companions at all.


It's not something to take personally, though, and it's starting to look like you are. Take a breath (hear that in Lana's voice, I know I did when I wrote it). Demand better from the Devs and writers. If they step up to the plate, then us players would be much happier :)

Edited by AngFour
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I ask for what I would like to see. I'd rather not kill many of the companions, male or female, but I realize it's not fair to choose some and not others so that's why in the 'Vector' thread I said, offer the option for all just to make it fair, even though I adore Vector. Keep, Kill, Dismiss options maybe. Bioware set the precedent for killing some comps, so why should only some get the axe? Why are others precious?


Yes, my Sith lord romanced Andronikos and she listened to what he had to say and his reasons for raiding the ships. If you listened to the romance version, you'd know he wasn't raiding them to make money, he was raiding them to search for the player character, because he loved and missed them. He didn't realize the crazy Empress was the PC, he thought it was Vaylin. There are plot holes in this too, like I'm sure Andronikos would have heard on the holonet about things...but this is what happens when you get a crappy noob writer and give them comp stories all of two minutes to resolve properly.


I romanced Andronikos so it's different for my character, she loves him, but if people wanted the option to kill him, I suppose they should've gotten one.


But see, this is the problem. One can't be excused if the other can't,. either. It's not about parity. I think any SI who would kill Ashara for being sassy would kill Andronikos for sheer stupidity of not knowing who was the Empress.


The "precious" you keep referring to is Quinn. He is the only companion in the class stories who orchestrates an elaborate scheme to murder the player which is a special case. What the devs did on Iokath was damage control. They wrote a class story where the companion tried to kill off your character (and yes, I know some people rationalize that too) and then gave the player no way to get rid of them. So when Iokath rolled around they did damage control. They made it even worse by *not* offering Imperial side players a way to dismiss Quinn without killing him. You either had to welcome him or kill him if you stayed with the Empire.


But because the devs tried to fix one mistake with another mistake, NOW every other companion needs to have a kill option? No. I'm sorry. Lashing out and thinking every other character needs to die because ONE character you liked died....no.


And again, when people pressure BW into actually doing this, and they kill off companions from the main story altogether, will that somehow be better?

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Uh, ACTUALLY, and respectfully, you obviously didn't read the whole "Kill Vector" thread because a lot of the same people actually ARE saying that fair's fair and he should have had a kill option. (Which, to be honest, would have been a super confusing thing to add because he did absolutely nothing to warrant a kill option, ever, other than being a Joiner <-- a choice that was involuntarily thrust upon him I should add.)


If you READ the whole point of this thread, it's that it ISN'T fair that Ashara (and Vector) didn't get a kill option. Seeing as back when Quinn was going to come back people were calling for his head, the Devs gave him a kill option without a "How do you do?"


It's almost like a parody of calling for Quinn's head, with a little legit confusion as to why a Dark V Inquisitor is just allowed to let an insubordinate apprentice go without much of a fight. It's a bad characterization of the Inquisitor.


It's not about the sexism of the players. It's the sexism of the writers and Devs for adding these options (and disproportionately paying more attention to female love interests and adding the kill option to more male love interests than the female ones).


I'm not a fan of killing any of the companions. Reject them, banish them, sure, fine, whatever. Or maybe they should write the story better so there's no need to brick the companions at all.


It's not something to take personally, though, and it's starting to look like you are. Take a breath (hear that in Lana's voice, I know I did when I wrote it). Demand better from the Devs and writers. If they step up to the plate, then us players would be much happier :)


Okay, the 'take a breath' comment made me laugh, gotta say. :) And it's probably a good idea in this case.


I read the Vector thread (which seems to have been started as a parody of this - I don't think anyone in that thread actually wanted to kill him), but I've seen people stumping far more strenuously for the killing of this character than others, and I've never seen people get disgruntled that Andronikos or Corso didn't have kill options either. That's my issue here.


The whole "Quinn died so everyone must die!" thing is misguided. That was the devs trying to fix one mistake (not giving players a way to dismiss Quinn in the class story) with another, and leaving out options that would have made sense (such as giving Imperial players a way to dismiss him without killing him). But insisting every companion from here on out must die because of that is not okay IMHO.


And again, when Bioware does kill everyone off and there's nobody left in the main story will that be great for everyone?

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Okay, the 'take a breath' comment made me laugh, gotta say. :) And it's probably a good idea in this case.


I read the Vector thread (which seems to have been started as a parody of this - I don't think anyone in that thread actually wanted to kill him), but I've seen people stumping far more strenuously for the killing of this character than others, and I've never seen people get disgruntled that Andronikos or Corso didn't have kill options either. That's my issue here.


The whole "Quinn died so everyone must die!" thing is misguided. That was the devs trying to fix one mistake (not giving players a way to dismiss Quinn in the class story) with another, and leaving out options that would have made sense (such as giving Imperial players a way to dismiss him without killing him). But insisting every companion from here on out must die because of that is not okay IMHO.


And again, when Bioware does kill everyone off and there's nobody left in the main story will that be great for everyone?


Except it was a mistake for Ashara not to be killable in the first place (Let's all remember that lovely KILL ASHARA option that goes ignored for ~reasons~) There's zero reason she ever should've been left alive for a DS SI so her death as a correction would've made as much sense as killing Quinn for a crime he did years ago.

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Except it was a mistake for Ashara not to be killable in the first place (Let's all remember that lovely KILL ASHARA option that goes ignored for ~reasons~) There's zero reason she ever should've been left alive for a DS SI so her death as a correction would've made as much sense as killing Quinn for a crime he did years ago.


If Ashara was actually killable in the beta the way Quinn was, I'd agree. But that still doesn't translate to "kill every companion because my favorite had a k/s option."

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Okay, the 'take a breath' comment made me laugh, gotta say. :) And it's probably a good idea in this case.


I'm glad that it did :) That was my intent when I wrote it.


I read the Vector thread (which seems to have been started as a parody of this - I don't think anyone in that thread actually wanted to kill him), but I've seen people stumping far more strenuously for the killing of this character than others, and I've never seen people get disgruntled that Andronikos or Corso didn't have kill options either. That's my issue here.


Because who actually likes or cares about Andronikos and Corso? I kid, I kid, I kid (sort of).


Ultimately, it's all bad writing. It's written by someone (some ones) who are OBVIOUSLY not at all familiar with the original source material. Have you played a full blown, Dark 5 Darth Nox? It's completely out of character for a Nox to allow anyone, ANYONE, to back talk to them and allow them to live. Darth Nox punts puppies with spiky, steel toed boots, bathes in the blood of the cutest internet kittens, and drinks the tears of the saddest, most pathetic orphans just for the shiggles (that's a combined word for s**ts and giggles). The only character who's probably tied for being Over-The-Top evil is DS Jaesa (Okay, to be fair, that's how I view MY Nox. YMMV). That's not even getting into the fact that the Inquisitor (being the protagonist) will ALWAYS be more powerful than pretty much anyone else in the story, which happens to include Ashara, no matter how much meditating she's done on Voss.


And then to let D5 Nox let her go without so much as a FIGHT? That's bad writing for the Inquisitor. Ashara's character development wasn't all that bad, to be honest. I actually believed her story progression. The real crime here is the insult to the Inquisitor, particularly a D5 one.


It didn't even need to be a "Kill" option (because I'm not a fan of them, period. I didn't even kill Kaliyo and I really, REALLY never liked her-she never fit with my agent. Instead I exiled her.) Let it be a FIGHT where Ashara escapes and the Inquisitor VOWING to find her and kill her someday (it doesn't even need to be followed up upon, to be honest). Just make the Player Character come out on top instead of looking like a chump who didn't even TRY to live up to those D5 points.


The whole "Quinn died so everyone must die!" thing is misguided. That was the devs trying to fix one mistake (not giving players a way to dismiss Quinn in the class story) with another, and leaving out options that would have made sense (such as giving Imperial players a way to dismiss him without killing him). But insisting every companion from here on out must die because of that is not okay IMHO.


BW set the precedent long before Quinn returned by allowing players the option to kill Aric or Kaliyo. Once they opened THAT floodgate, THAT'S what started the "Well, we should be able to kill Quinn for what he did years ago!" had they never added that dumb "Kill" option for Kaliyo and Aric, and maybe just only had the "exile" option and stayed consistent through out, then there would have been a lot less complaining when Quinn's return rolled around. A few people with their "Murderections" would have screamed, but not as much as people are now.


(That's not even getting into their whole desire to relive their past glory which in this case was the "Virmire" choice by making us choose a companion to live and die -Vette and Torian in this case. The WHOLE thing felt very forced because unless the Commander in that situation was a BH or SW they wouldn't care nearly as much as the ACTUAL PLAYER would. That's called Metagaming. Relying on the Player's knowledge rather than the Character's knowledge. That's just bad writing. But I think I've said that quite a few times already.)


What was even WORSE about that was Quinn gets killed pretty much before he says, "It's good to see you my-- *GAAAAAACK*" There wasn't any build up. We had a full chapter with Aric and Kaliyo, each, before that option came up. Quinn's bleeding on our boots before he exhales.


Man, that's not even getting into how badly Quinn's joining the Alliance was for anyone who WASN'T a SW. He says "Hi," and that's pretty much it. You never see him again. I wasn't even sure if he joined the Alliance until I checked my roster. Not even a letter of introduction. Quinn or Elara should have been your companion on Iokath instead of Theron. It's just TERRIBLE. I can COMPLETELY understand why people who like Quinn are super pissed about the "Kill" option. I don't care how much damage control BW was trying to do for mistakes they made six real life years ago, they didn't handle it well AT ALL and they just caved in to the vocal minority, frankly because the males over there at BW didn't like Quinn. They were GIGGLING about being able to kill Quinn on their announcement for Iokath Livestream. THAT'S NOT GOOD. THAT'S NOT FUNNY. THAT'S NOT ACCEPTABLE.


And again, when Bioware does kill everyone off and there's nobody left in the main story will that be great for everyone?


First, don't worry: BW LOOOOOOOOOOVES their female characters whose names start with "L" (Lana, Liara, Leliana). So Lana will always be safe and sound (which, TBH, is probably why a lot of people are becoming disgruntled towards her) :p. It has nothing to do with her being an option for lesbian players to romance. It has EVERYTHING to do with her being female. And dudes can romance her, too. And that's FAAAAAARRR more important to the dudebros at BW, who operate under the assumption than there are no females on the internet and if there are, they CERTAINLY don't play video games.


Ultimately I agree with you. I don't want BW to kill ANY of the companions. I want BW to live up to their former reputation of being the best story tellers in the business.


However they seem to lack the desire to do so, or to even make the attempt to TRY with their limited resources. So we're stuck with...whatever this is.




We might want to knock it off with these "I wanna kill so-and-so" threads, even if they are in jest. BW doesn't actually READ these threads (If they did, they wouldn't have pushed out these sad excuses they call companion reunions), they just see the topics and assume they're serious. All these threads are going to do is make the whole "Let's kill all the companions and force them to get companions from the Cartel Market! *congratulatory back slaps all around*" an actual thing.

Edited by AngFour
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But see, this is the problem. One can't be excused if the other can't,. either. It's not about parity. I think any SI who would kill Ashara for being sassy would kill Andronikos for sheer stupidity of not knowing who was the Empress.


The "precious" you keep referring to is Quinn. He is the only companion in the class stories who orchestrates an elaborate scheme to murder the player which is a special case. What the devs did on Iokath was damage control. They wrote a class story where the companion tried to kill off your character (and yes, I know some people rationalize that too) and then gave the player no way to get rid of them. So when Iokath rolled around they did damage control. They made it even worse by *not* offering Imperial side players a way to dismiss Quinn without killing him. You either had to welcome him or kill him if you stayed with the Empire.


But because the devs tried to fix one mistake with another mistake, NOW every other companion needs to have a kill option? No. I'm sorry. Lashing out and thinking every other character needs to die because ONE character you liked died....no.


And again, when people pressure BW into actually doing this, and they kill off companions from the main story altogether, will that somehow be better?


I'm not lashing out, I want to do right by my character and all other dark side Sith characters. If they were supposed to be fluffy kittens, they should've been written that way from the start, but they weren't. They are killers and they don't take crap from insubordinates. Why should some get to indulge their character's hate and not others? One Sith is better than another Sith?


I'm asking that my dark side V Sith not be mischaracterized. Not being able to kill Ashara is a gross character assassination of the Sith Inquisitor especially the dark side ones.


Quinn is not 'precious' because he was made killable (and it was done at a time that didn't make any sense and was done to cater to haters because the devs mistakenly thought they had greater numbers.)


Everyone that has been made killable is NOT 'precious'. But there are those that the dev's won't touch because it'll anger their male player base, so yeah, more male characters have been made killable than female ones and I see that trend continuing. Rest assured though, your 'precious' Lana is one of the sanctified ones that will never see death or hardship, so be happy.


Neither will Ashara, Nadia, Kira or Mako.

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What is funny, I spoke to a friend of mine, who all but plays dark side and he romanced Ashara and he went and saw the you tube (he's not playing anymore) and said that any sith worth their salt would have never let her walk out the way she did with that attitude. He went on to say the comment she made as being an equal was laughable. He said when she goes and defeats the Valkorion clan like the inquisitor did then and only then can she say that until then she is only mouthing off and the inquisitor should have at least been able to make her walk out with her tail between her legs realizing her mistake.
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I'm not lashing out, I want to do right by my character and all other dark side Sith characters. If they were supposed to be fluffy kittens, they should've been written that way from the start, but they weren't. They are killers and they don't take crap from insubordinates. Why should some get to indulge their character's hate and not others? One Sith is better than another Sith?


I'm asking that my dark side V Sith not be mischaracterized. Not being able to kill Ashara is a gross character assassination of the Sith Inquisitor especially the dark side ones.


Quinn is not 'precious' because he was made killable (and it was done at a time that didn't make any sense and was done to cater to haters because the devs mistakenly thought they had greater numbers.)


Everyone that has been made killable is NOT 'precious'. But there are those that the dev's won't touch because it'll anger their male player base, so yeah, more male characters have been made killable than female ones and I see that trend continuing. Rest assured though, your 'precious' Lana is one of the sanctified ones that will never see death or hardship, so be happy.


Neither will Ashara, Nadia, Kira or Mako.


Not being able to kill Andronikos is just as much of a gross character assassination. Any pirate who looted a DS SI's ships and didn't even know who the Empress was would be killed instantly.


And as to Lana staying alive? You're kidding, right? Bioware doesn't care about lesbian/bi women who play this game or that Lana's our only representative. I'd put money on the choice in the next flashpoint being killing her off to save Theron or vice versa. Cash money.


I mean, they've already given Theron books, comics, and forced players in both factions to spend way too much time with his parents. Lana's gotten none of that attention.. Theron is probably going to be the hero of the next flashpoint while they're making Lana seem like she's channeling DS Jaesa now. They gave Theron a decent customizable model but made Lana's look like a dope fiend. But sure, Lana's the protected one. :rolleyes:


And in KOTFE through Iokath, out of the returned companions, there were 4 women companions returned vs. 14 men. As of right now the total, adding in Temple and these Alliance Alerts, is 7 returned female companions vs. 17 men. You're worried about the treatment Nadia and Mako will get? They haven't even been back. How is it "special treatment" to not even have them return for more than 2 years? No, they wont' see hardship because they're not even included in the story.


But since you want all the companions killable, I hope you'll feel the same when Theron is killable and written out of the story along with Lana, and Bioware knocks off everyone else. And when there aren't any companions left, they'll turn away from story completely and focus on their favored group content players. Will that be better? That's what you're asking for. Hope you realize it, and realize that it ruins the game for everyone and helps nobody.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Not being able to kill Andronikos is just as much of a gross character assassination. Any pirate who looted a DS SI's ships and didn't even know who the Empress was would be killed instantly.


And as to Lana staying alive? You're kidding, right? Bioware doesn't care about lesbian/bi women who play this game or that Lana's our only representative. I'd put money on the choice in the next flashpoint being killing her off to save Theron or vice versa. Cash money.


I mean, they've already given Theron books, comics, and forced players in both factions to spend way too much time with his parents. Lana's gotten none of that attention.. Theron is probably going to be the hero of the next flashpoint while they're making Lana seem like she's channeling DS Jaesa now. They gave Theron a decent customizable model but made Lana's look like a dope fiend. But sure, Lana's the protected one. :rolleyes:


But since you want all the companions killable, I hope you'll feel the same when Theron is killable and written out of the story along with Lana, and Bioware knocks off everyone else. And when there aren't any companions left, they'll turn away from story completely and focus on their favored group content players. Will that be better?


Love changes a lot of things, and if the SI loves Andronikos she'd understand him and know that he was doing it to find/save her. That kind of loyalty is worth something. He didn't give up, he kept raiding ships to try and find her, so it's a completely different situation. Now if the SI is not romancing him, then whatever, kill him if it serves your purpose to do so.


Lesbian/bi women are fortunate in that they fall under the 'dudebro' umbrella. You're attracted to the same people, so Lana is safe. The only part where the Lesbian person gets rooked in the deal is choice (and I'm sure there will be more bi women in the game in the future because it caters to the dudebros, so by extension you may benefit)...I understand that you only have Lana and more choice wouldn't hurt, but more choice is needed for straight women and gay men too, as there is only one male force user romance and he does not appeal to all as you well know.


I hope for both our sakes that they leave Theron and Lana alone. I'm not sure where this rumor of having to choose one or the other came from, but I hope that's not the case.


I'll give you that Theron had a book and some comics from which he was inspired from. Lana only has a short story on the Dev thread. I don't much care for his parents either, so I hear you on that. Sure Theron HAD a nice model, but look at what they did to him too, they made him look like a complete idiot with that ridiculous hair and ugly outfit. I can only hope we'll be allowed to put him back to how he was before, so in that situation Theron lovers that like his classic look were screwed over just as much as Lana people were. For what it's worth I wish they'd give her a better model, as in her face looks like the one with the green suit, rather than that weird dolly looking version they give her with any other outfit. And quite honestly, sorry to say, Lana always looked to me a bit like a dope fiend, or someone that suffered from perpetual cold or allergies.


You also seem to have missed the part where I said I'd rather not kill anyone, but that ship has sailed thanks to Bioware, THEY set the precedent and in that way, if SW has the right to kill their subordinate for something he did YEARS ago in real time, SI should have the same right. They're Sith it's their nature.


You think I'm doing this out of spite because of Quinn, I'm not, I'm saying what I'm saying because SI's character was assassinated. My and other dark side SIs aren't respectable Sith anymore after that moment, very much like CrutchCricket said in their hilarious, but sadly all too true post.


As for the rest of what you said, I will say this: The day they don't have companions anymore and veer from Story as their focal point, will be the day I'm gone for good. Story and comps made the game what it is, unique...without them I could just go play Age of Conan or Witcher or B&S or other generic grinder.

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(snip) I'd put money on the choice in the next flashpoint being killing her off to save Theron or vice versa. Cash money.


(Snip) Theron is killable and written out of the story along with Lana, and Bioware knocks off everyone else. And when there aren't any companions left, they'll turn away from story completely and focus on their favored group content players.


Not going to get into the who should be killable, who should not, argument. It has become just another bone of contention in the player base that serves no purpose other than to cause everyone to snipe at each other. BW started this s.hitstorm with making companions killable in the first place, and it has not been a positive thing for anyone.


I've often wondered if BW has a whiteboard of 'daily jokes' where they post crap they've stirred up on the forums and just sit back and have a good laugh over doughnuts and coffee.


That being said, I do agree that BW is picking off companions one by one, or moving them to the background so that they no longer have any purpose in the ongoing story, and I am not holding my breath for more story beyond 5.9. I've said in the past, that Lana's "grr kill the traitor" attitude is way over the top and that it will come down to the choice of either her or Theron. This effectively writes both out of the game story, story being the operative word. I really hope to be proven wrong, but I don't think BW will be happy until ALL companions are relegated to just crafting mules or battle buddies.

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And as to Lana staying alive? You're kidding, right? Bioware doesn't care about lesbian/bi women who play this game or that Lana's our only representative. I'd put money on the choice in the next flashpoint being killing her off to save Theron or vice versa. Cash money.


I will take you up on that bet. Because Lana's in on it. Theron's playing Double Agent. She and Theron came up with the plan together. That's where MY money lies. And the Commander is going to be made to look like an effing moron while Theron and Lana slap each other on the back for being so clever (A Cipher Nine Commander won't even have the option to be like, "Duh, I did the same thing in Act 2 of my personal story.") No. Lana and Theron will be made to look SUPER DUPER CLEVER and we won't even have the option to say "boo" to them about it.


And in KOTFE through Iokath, out of the returned companions, there were 4 women companions returned vs. 14 men. As of right now the total, adding in Temple and these Alliance Alerts, is 7 returned female companions vs. 17 men. You're worried about the treatment Nadia and Mako will get?


Of COURSE more male companions have been returned because almost 75% of the companions are male. Why the huge disparity is a completely different argument, as is the lack of LGBTQ companion choices.

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Lesbian/bi women are fortunate in that they fall under the 'dudebro' umbrella. You're attracted to the same people, so Lana is safe.


Um. I actually agree with you on most of this post but I want to point out that I am not a dudebro. LGBT women are actually not generally attracted to the exact same things as straight men, overall. There may be some exceptions but yeah. Not. The. Same. I know you weren't trying to be insulting here but you may wish to avoid this comparison in the future.


I hope for both our sakes that they leave Theron and Lana alone. I'm not sure where this rumor of having to choose one or the other came from, but I hope that's not the case.


I'll give you that Theron had a book and some comics from which he was inspired from. Lana only has a short story on the Dev thread. I don't much care for his parents either, so I hear you on that. Sure Theron HAD a nice model, but look at what they did to him too, they made him look like a complete idiot with that ridiculous hair and ugly outfit. I can only hope we'll be allowed to put him back to how he was before, so in that situation Theron lovers that like his classic look were screwed over just as much as Lana people were. For what it's worth I wish they'd give her a better model, as in her face looks like the one with the green suit, rather than that weird dolly looking version they give her with any other outfit. And quite honestly, sorry to say, Lana always looked to me a bit like a dope fiend, or someone that suffered from perpetual cold or allergies.


Fair enough. But you can at least run around with your normal looking Theron, right (I haven't checked the terminal because I don't need mine back right now, but I hope so, so you can at least use him for heroics and whatnot)?


I feel like given everything over the last few flashpoints and story arcs they are making Theron and Lana both unsympathetic as possible and that they might very well want to be all edgy and force another Torian/Vette choice. i don't think much of the writers anymore so I wouldn't put this past them.


But as you said, for everyone's sake I hope neither has a kill option. Because then they'll be gone for everyone.


I think Bioware is really veering as far away from story as they can, and they'll take any fan excuse to keep going. So I think one of the very dangerous things about insisting on all these kills is that they'll do it - and then there will be nobody left. I've only resubbed far enough to see the next flashpoint because I have zero faith they will do better than they are right now.

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This Ashara event breaks another Sith Issue (They do Star Wars right)?

There's No Way any Sith would let their *Apprentice be an equal (or better) knowingly. Ashara's quip about "I woulda used my new moves on you" is an "Existential threat or Boast" its still an act of "Insubordination" nonetheless. A Sith (Especially council member and Hero of a list too long to mention) would see this as a weakness (Or shameful) and would not be allowed to exist.

As I stated before a Welp and thanks to the Zakuul story (from which most of the problems started) a Galactic Size Welp and Petty Sith.

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I will take you up on that bet. Because Lana's in on it. Theron's playing Double Agent. She and Theron came up with the plan together. That's where MY money lies. And the Commander is going to be made to look like an effing moron while Theron and Lana slap each other on the back for being so clever (A Cipher Nine Commander won't even have the option to be like, "Duh, I did the same thing in Act 2 of my personal story.") No. Lana and Theron will be made to look SUPER DUPER CLEVER and we won't even have the option to say "boo" to them about it.




Of COURSE more male companions have been returned because almost 75% of the companions are male. Why the huge disparity is a completely different argument, as is the lack of LGBTQ companion choices.


Bioware made it possible to kill Leliana in DA:O and she was their bae, so I think anything is possible, really.


I wouldn't put that scenario past the devs in all honesty. I'm hoping Theron's been corrupted/controlled/cloned and Lana has nothing to do with it, but that would be another excellent way to shatter trust and make people dislike *both* of them, wouldn't it? And then you banish them both or walk out of the Alliance, back to the Republic or Empire and they're both gone. Game, set, match.

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Bioware made it possible to kill Leliana in DA:O and she was their bae, so I think anything is possible, really.



You DO know that Leliana was brought back to life by the Maker and is at the end of DA2 and is one of your character's main advisors in DA:I, right? Right?


So MY point still stands that BW will keep Lana safe. FFS, BW waved THE HAND OF GOD over their Bae and brought her back to life.

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Maybe, while we may disagree with someone's wishes or opinion, we can just try and at least understand their motives for feeling that way; frustration, disappointment, a sense of feeling like the things you care for are being ripped away one by one. Maybe we can try that instead of judging, instead of making assumptive (and at times wrong) claims toward their motivation. Instead of trying to attack them and companions you know they do care about which is just as spiteful and wrong as you think the OP's post may be.


These boards disgust me lately and it feels more and more like it's turning into a cliquey high school playground. One of the other threads is full of assumptions and claims regarding jealousy as a motivation, among others, while no one bothers to listen to the actual reason (whether just or otherwise) someone feels that way. Nope, go ahead, stick to your assumptions about someone you don't even know, your judgment without actually knowing, talk **** about their reasons, mock it, enjoy your childish gossip about haters and 'some people'.


Maybe I should start claiming Arcann fans are psychopaths who only want to date him because his disfigured face wets their knickers? Will that make me cool, judging everyone that way, based on nothing but assinine assumptions? Or claim that every guy who wants Kira back must have a fetish for gingers? That those who want Nadia back must love the idea of younger girls with daddy issues? That anyone who dislikes Jaesa must be jealous of her rack? That any man who hates Quinn must be jealous of his firm butt cheeks? :rolleyes: (No, none of the above is how I actually think, at all, it's merely examples.)


Or maybe it's just time for me to walk away from the forums. It used to bring enjoyment to engage in decent discussion here while awaiting new content updates and kept me revived, tied to the game, but now even that no longer seems possible.



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