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Why NO KILL option on Ashara?


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Holy sweet Jeebus on a stick.


They did it.


They've really outdone themselves.


They actually did it.


I've seen bad. I thought I knew bad. I lived through the ME3 ending folks. I've seen The Room. I sat through the entirety of the last Transformers movie in a semi-conscious stupor. These were... different levels of abysmally, horrifyingly awful. From natural disasters bordering on the biblical, to tactical nukes, to carpet bombings that produce some amusing side effects, I thought I'd see an fair bit. But this...


This is a very unique thing. This is deliberately defecating in a hobo's Big Gulp of gunpowder (and somehow not ruining the explosive properties of the contents), using said contents to make a dick-shaped bullet, loading it into a Hello Kitty Desert Eagle (pictured here, for convenience) to be fired at Inquisitor players center mass after you've removed their shirts, drawn additional phalluses (phali?) on their chests in urine-stained ink, inflicted several paper-cuts over the area with an old photo of the Chimpanzee Emperor ( you know, the one before they Special Editioned Ian McDiarmid into Empire) previously used as a snot rag; after which the now prone target is teabagged with actual teabags and aforementioned Big Gulp residue hanging from the nether regions... all because they called a coin flip wrong.


Writers.... do you even Star Wars? Do you understand what a Sith is? What the dark side is? I won't ask about player choice because that dead horse has done a 720 going from funny to tragic to Will Wheaton rolling a d20. I'm real happy for you writing a character that's listened to the anti-smokring tape from Friends a few times, and Imma let you finish....


But a dark side Force-ghost-eating-crazier-than-Vaylin-just-destroyed-a-Mario-style-your-Emperor-Is-In-Another-Body-wanna-be-Galactus-Eldritch-Abomination Dark Lord of the Sith whose original class design was at least partially inspired by the archetype of Palpatine, the greatest Sith Lord in all that far far away galaxy and is pretty much the Space Devil *large gasping breath*... who chooses to dominate a snot-nosed Ashoka Tano stunt double, fails!! and lets her walk away?!?!..... is the worst Sith Lord of all time.



Of. All. Time.


RIP Sith Inquisitor Respect 2012-2018


And that's my drink coming outta my nose. Absolutely brilliant comment, you win the day.

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It is dreadfully out of character for a DS V Sorcerer to just let her walk out. No way my Sorc would allow it to go down that way. If I can't have her as a smoking husk on the floor, and if they're hell bent on keeping one of their fav waifus alive, they could have done it the way you suggested, escape within an inch of her life or something.


Bioware started the mess by giving in to haters and allowing a kill option, but it's not fair to allow some to be killed while others remain untouchable. I don't like the idea of companions getting bricked and the only way I can see out of it now is to give people little cutscenes with their comps that they chose to keep alive. Like one month, say if they have a cutscene coming out for Quinn (yay for those who love Quinn) and another would have to come out for those that didn't like him with someone they chose to let live that they liked, so everyone gets a cutscene. Not sure how practical that would be either, because not everyone likes/hates the same ones.


I'd say it's dreadfully out of character for most companions to follow a DS V anyone. They'll whine about what Arcann is doing, but accept a DS V Alliance Leader?


I really couldn't imagine the likes of Hylo following a psychotic, kill happy, leader really. Theron wouldn't make since either.


Also, Ashara not getting a kill option, because Quinn got it? Not even comparable. It's more than just Ashara, who didn't get a kill option. Andronikus didn't get a kill option. What about those who hate him?


I'm going to guess the only ones really upset with not being able to kill her, are DS Vs. When we recruit her, we're doing it for her power as well. She wasn't a weak apprentice and other than the fact that Xalek beat his training group, nothing in the story shows he's even more powerful than Ashara.


Not that I would be upset if they had a kill option for people, just don't think she deserves it. For what? Being loyal, even if snotty. Then searching for you. Then after not finding you, working on herself? Andronikus, Talos and Xalek didn't exactly go looking for you more than Ashara :p Infact, Xalek and Talos don't mention even trying, and we don't exactly get an option of "Why didn't you look for me?!" with them :p Andronikus, I don't recall him trying to find you for years either.


Also, the comments made by the SI are just terrible. "You left me in carbonite?"


To which Ashara should've replied, "Oh yes. Like I knew you were in carbonite. Don't be so dense. I looked for you for years, why didn't your precious Lana come find me to join her in looking for you? I wasn't exactly the hardest to find." :p

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I'm more angry she can't be brought to heel as an apprentice once more like Xalek. I don't care how long a sojourn shes been on, the pc's strength in the force is near godlike. They are not and never will be 'equals.' Even Lana for all her power in the force is still a subordinate. The inquisitor has more than enough power to teach a single Jedi her place, and yet she fends him off as if it was child's play. And if her fending you off with a lightsaber isn't bad enough, you just sit there looking stupid with your hands crossed while she walks out after disrespecting your authority.

That silliness just made me Angry. Angry enough to want to cancel my sub. The only reason I haven't cancelled my sub despite my smoldering on the issue is because I'm wondering if she's unkillable because she still has a part to play in the story. If that's the case, I'm good. If not and this was a serious attempt at resolution, that's a different story.

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I'm more angry she can't be brought to heel as an apprentice once more like Xalek. I don't care how long a sojourn shes been on, the pc's strength in the force is near godlike. They are not and never will be 'equals.' Even Lana for all her power in the force is still a subordinate. The inquisitor has more than enough power to teach a single Jedi her place, and yet she fends him off as if it was child's play. And if her fending you off with a lightsaber isn't bad enough, you just sit there looking stupid with your hands crossed while she walks out after disrespecting your authority.

That silliness just made me Angry. Angry enough to want to cancel my sub. The only reason I haven't cancelled my sub despite my smoldering on the issue is because I'm wondering if she's unkillable because she still has a part to play in the story. If that's the case, I'm good. If not and this was a serious attempt at resolution, that's a different story.

No point waiting--that was your resolution, the one and only bit of Ashara content you're likely to get going forward. That was your reunion, all of it.

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I'm definitely "Not" an Advocate for the "Kill/ No Kill" option especially concerning LI's But the idea of the S.I. not being able to kill Ashara is totally Ridiculous (Consistency matters). After everything the SI does, the force ghosts they may still have (or not but still capable) what the council said about our abilities , now that "Younger", "Less Experienced" character comes along and is *Stronger* then Thanaton, the Thanaton Zash, The council members spoke of that Marr was a part of and even spoke highly of, She's stronger then that? This is Nonsense, really. Considering the amount of time they were separated/ Ashara's training in that time, The accomplishments the SI achieved before if Ashara *Surpassed* the SI in that short time she would have to be a "Bigger" Prodigy then Anakin. They just *Seemingly turned the most gifted Sith in the game into a welp. Once again this "Shortsightedness" and lack of Effort has resulted in real damage and *Disillusioned player (Customer $) favorite, a Welp.
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The funny part of this thread, is when I went to Arcann and he made a pass at me, I was all (because of this thread) "Where's my kill option for him hitting on me?" :p


When I was walking to the meeting place I was wondering what I would do, the moment I got to the first dialog option "Senya's" face flashed through my mind. I carried on and then walked away thinking "There's my Good deed for the year"

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When I was walking to the meeting place I was wondering what I would do, the moment I got to the first dialog option "Senya's" face flashed through my mind. I carried on and then walked away thinking "There's my Good deed for the year"


Well, this thread reminds me of such things as killing Arcann. The reason Arcann is even alive for my LS SI, is because how evil killing him makes you out to be.


You also have to kill Senya.


It was just terrible.

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The funny part of this thread, is when I went to Arcann and he made a pass at me, I was all (because of this thread) "Where's my kill option for him hitting on me?" :p

One thing I actually liked about the Arcann conversation is that (in my opinion) he really didn't hit on us. If you take supportive but non-flirty options, to me it just seems like a general friendly, respectful, affectionate moment, without an overtly romantic tone. And I think that makes sense from the point of view of him not thinking he's actually worthy of the main character's love.


But sure, why not another "Why no kill option" thread? :D

Edited by Estelindis
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One thing I actually liked about the Arcann conversation is that (in my opinion) he really didn't hit on us. If you take supportive but non-flirty options, to me it just seems like a general friendly, respectful, affectionate moment, without an overtly romantic tone. And I actually think that makes sense from the point of view of him not thinking he's actually worthy of the main character's love.


But sure, why not another "Why no kill option" thread? :D


Well, I didn't say I wanted one of those. :p If I can get a kill option for Arcann, I'd like it done better and done as a LSer bring him to justice and not written as a DS going for a blood thirsty public kill.

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If I can get a kill option for Arcann, I'd like it done better and done as a LSer bring him to justice and not written as a DS going for a blood thirsty public kill.

One thing we could always do with more of in this game is choice. Rarely do we get a story with so many dizzying options (and consequences) as the Agent storyline. If only we saw more stuff like that today...

Edited by Estelindis
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Holy sweet Jeebus on a stick.


They did it.


They've really outdone themselves.


They actually did it.


I've seen bad. I thought I knew bad. I lived through the ME3 ending folks. I've seen The Room. I sat through the entirety of the last Transformers movie in a semi-conscious stupor. These were... different levels of abysmally, horrifyingly awful. From natural disasters bordering on the biblical, to tactical nukes, to carpet bombings that produce some amusing side effects, I thought I'd see an fair bit. But this...


This is a very unique thing. This is deliberately defecating in a hobo's Big Gulp of gunpowder (and somehow not ruining the explosive properties of the contents), using said contents to make a dick-shaped bullet, loading it into a Hello Kitty Desert Eagle (pictured here, for convenience) to be fired at Inquisitor players center mass after you've removed their shirts, drawn additional phalluses (phali?) on their chests in urine-stained ink, inflicted several paper-cuts over the area with an old photo of the Chimpanzee Emperor ( you know, the one before they Special Editioned Ian McDiarmid into Empire) previously used as a snot rag; after which the now prone target is teabagged with actual teabags and aforementioned Big Gulp residue hanging from the nether regions... all because they called a coin flip wrong.


Writers.... do you even Star Wars? Do you understand what a Sith is? What the dark side is? I won't ask about player choice because that dead horse has done a 720 going from funny to tragic to Will Wheaton rolling a d20. I'm real happy for you writing a character that's listened to the anti-smokring tape from Friends a few times, and Imma let you finish....


But a dark side Force-ghost-eating-crazier-than-Vaylin-just-destroyed-a-Mario-style-your-Emperor-Is-In-Another-Body-wanna-be-Galactus-Eldritch-Abomination Dark Lord of the Sith whose original class design was at least partially inspired by the archetype of Palpatine, the greatest Sith Lord in all that far far away galaxy and is pretty much the Space Devil *large gasping breath*... who chooses to dominate a snot-nosed Ashoka Tano stunt double, fails!! and lets her walk away?!?!..... is the worst Sith Lord of all time.



Of. All. Time.


RIP Sith Inquisitor Respect 2012-2018


I just did that on my quizzy and yep this is perfectly how I felt. My word.

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Basing the future on events of the recent past (because the class stories of SWTOR don't seem to be important to BW anymore). I *Predict....

1, Lana will *Always be there. She's the only Comp. todays Dev's seem to think about. We all have her (I have nothing against Lana but enough is enough :)

2, We will be stuck with Arcann "Forever"... (because his Mother is always watching). They will never offer a "Kill, "Move on", "Go away" or "Don't you have a Galaxy to apologize to? option".

3, Ashara following the "Rule of Two" has become so powerful and *Lonely she has taken an Apprentice and soon the SI will get a Light Sabre through the back. (Well you couldn't beat her anyway), this way its just "Sithier".

4, Theron is Back, he was on a secret mission and we all save the galaxy however he still has the "Kill/ No Kill" option so he just hangs around helping Jollo sweep the base and no further part in the game.

5, Big News..........6.0 is All about bringing "Vaylin" back...to everybody, she's as strong as ever, hates you even more now, can haunt your mind as well plus best part......you cant "Kill her either because......She's already *Dead*.

Edited by MikeCobalt
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Why do we always want to kill companions -- what did Ashara ever do to the Iquis that was so terrible ?

sheesh guys .... Kill kill kill --- remember the choices some of you made about killing all those Zukuulians -- and it came back to bite you later on ? Just saying.....

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Why do we always want to kill companions -- what did Ashara ever do to the Iquis that was so terrible ?

sheesh guys .... Kill kill kill --- remember the choices some of you made about killing all those Zukuulians -- and it came back to bite you later on ? Just saying.....


Well, Bioware were the ones that started on this path of offering to kill companions (Arik, Kaliyo, Vette/Torian) and they validated it further by giving in to haters that wanted to kill Quinn years after the betrayal which makes no sense. Had they done it immediately after, it would've made sense for some Sith to do that, where others who loved him could choose to keep him. Now there are people screaming for blood when it comes to Theron...they want to be the big bad edgelords and kill him for betraying them too, (even though it seems he really didn't). Why should some characters be unconditionally protected? My big bad evil sithlord didn't appreciate Ashara's attitude, nor the fact that she didn't really seem to be searching all that much for her and even after didn't even deign to come see her or communicate with her.


Sith Inquistor, a dark V like mine should've been able to do more than just zap her. The Outlander defeated some of the most powerful force users in the galaxy so why can't she kill off Ashara? My SI never wanted that mealy dimwit aboard her ship, she couldn't ever decide if she wanted to be Jedi or Sith and was therefore useless to both factions.


Why should some people get to indulge their hate, and not others? It's not fair. But what it breaks down to is that Bioware has their precious waifus that no one can touch ever.


A few months ago there was a knock down drag out fight thread about a kill option on Theron, some edgelords wanted to kill him off so bad they were smacking their lips without even having the whole story. They just wanted to kill him, just cuz they don't like him for whatever reason.


Well, I want to kill someone I don't like and who defied my Sith Sorceress, why am I not permitted the chance? My Sith is a big bad as much as anyone's so she should be able to indulge her Sithly urges.


Where are the edgelords now?


(clinging tight to their precious waifus and hissing in my general direction no doubt.)

Edited by Lunafox
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As someone who likes Ashara, i have to say this reunion was kinda... meh? and i understand why you guys feel cheated for not having a kill option. It feels like it was written by someone who either doesn't really know Ashara or didn't really liked her as a character themselves. It was quite a while since i played through the inqy story, so correct me if i'm wrong but...



wasn't Ashara's personal arc is that she realizes that she doesn't need to follow the Jedi code to the letter or have to become Sith to find her own path? In the end she besically becomes a *gags* gray jedi so to speak like Guss no? I also remember that she was quite confident in this "in between light and dark" thing and even thanked my LSV inqy helping her realize this. Now, you telling me that during our absence she had to go through the whole process again? What? Why?

Also i think the worst part, that made even me go "lul wut" is the "i'm your equal" thing. I mean.... girl, i like you, but what have you brought to the table so far that makes you my equal? Yes, my inqy is LSV but not even Arcann is my equal. Or Senya. Or motherf-ing Lana who breaks you out of carbonite ffs is my equal. So... huh? I have to admit, at that point even my fingers were itching to chose the "shock her" option :D just for old times sake's...:D



I don't know, this whole thing was just screaming "hey, i should have deserved a whole chapter cuz i'm a complex character and a 1,5 minutes cutscene can't really explain my motives and actions, but here, i'm gonna barf all this information at you in the shortest time possible, do with it what you will, also isn't it wonderful that all you going to get now regarding returning companions are these half-assed alerts? CAN'T WAIT for Scourge's or Kira's half-a-minute monologue, don't you??!"

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2, We will be stuck with Arcann "Forever"... (because his Mother is always watching). They will never offer a "Kill, "Move on", "Go away" or "Don't you have a Galaxy to apologize to? option".

4, Theron is Back, he was on a secret mission and we all save the galaxy however he still has the "Kill/ No Kill" option so he just hangs around helping Jollo sweep the base and no further part in the game.

5, Big News..........6.0 is All about bringing "Vaylin" back...to everybody, she's as strong as ever, hates you even more now, can haunt your mind as well plus best part......you cant "Kill her either because......She's already *Dead*.


My thoughts:


2: You can break up with Arcann when Felix Iresso/Nadia/Kira/Jaesa will be re-introduced.

4. Any meatbag touching Theron will DIE HORRIBLY! :D . Now seriously, if he's "killed", the main story is empty, they either re-introduce old comps or create new romances ( no more zakuulan royals, please!)

5. That will suck big time, but hey, MY MIND, MY RULES

Edited by bluehufsa
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Also i think the worst part, that made even me go "lul wut" is the "i'm your equal" thing. I mean.... girl, i like you, but what have you brought to the table so far that makes you my equal? Yes, my inqy is LSV but not even Arcann is my equal. Or Senya. Or motherf-ing Lana who breaks you out of carbonite ffs is my equal. So... huh? I have to admit, at that point even my fingers were itching to chose the "shock her" option :D just for old times sake's...:D


I agree when she said my equal I was like umm no you're not, you're not even close. She's in some serious off-her-head dream state if she thinks she's anywhere near my DS SI's equal, I used [shock] and she blocked it and then we just let her walk away with her thinking she's my equal. :rolleyes:


RIP Sith Inquisitor Respect 2012-2018


+1 to this and your whole post from my DS SI.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Where are the edgelords now?


Since definition of edgelord seems to be "someone who wants to kill companions", I'd check the mirror first. :p


I will never understand why wanting to kill a companion A is all fine and good, but wanting to kill a companion B is "being an edgelord".

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*I don't think they should have ever started the "Kill/ No Kill" companions to begin with.

They have Complicated this horribly and writing Future content would have to be...

1 A Preset Comp "Everybody Has" (This rules out Most, Including the ones we have now LI's included).

2 Characters we don't have yet (So they haven't been Optioned out).

3 Lana (we all have her) (Again, I like Lana but "Gimmie some Air :)" ).

4 Killing some for ambiguous reasons (Popular Important comps for many)

5 Leaving others Alive with rock solid reason to "disappear", We don't decide who's who.

6 The "Kill/ No Kill" option is a tool (weapon) that apparently requires a higher degree of sense or Responsibility or preplanning then witness so far (Its a Big Mess).

7 My Favorite...Stop Killing years long Comps.

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Zapping her really should have led to an actual fight scene. Letting her walk because she can block lightning with a lightsabre? Lame. If she'd blocked it with her hand like Yoda, then that would be more impressive.

I agree there's no way a brutal DS V Inquisitor would let her walk after that. They'd try to beat her into submission.


A smarter Sith wouldn't have shocked her at all (Light, Dark, or Neutral) instead they would have tried to manipulate her - much more fun than *zap* "I still own you, not-Ahsoka".

But then I'm never taking an Inquisitor through the Valkorion family soap opera, so I'll never lose her and thus never have to play out the badly-thought-out reunion.

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