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Why NO KILL option on Ashara?


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LOL, it's ok. Not even close. I won't even set foot into their fan thread. :p


I accidentaly set foot there and quickly retreated, it was like facing ALL ops bosses at once, i was searching for camping fans and the only result sent me there.

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Why should she have tried to stay with the Inquisitor? She didn't really voluntarily go with her in the first place. Especially if the SI was a jerk to her in the class story, of course she ran. And if she was the Inquisitor's BFF, the part about not trusting the Jedi or Sith makes sense. Voss was probably a safe harbor.


Quinn was a bootlicker in the class story and started in on the flattery again the moment he saw the SW again. He probably only tried to look for the SW for his own gain and he can't be trusted within 100 feet of my Alliance. I will always kill him. It makes perfect sense.


HOW many have died on Iokath, Umbara and Copero because of Theron's actions? He could have been working with Hylo to give that transmission to the Alliance to lead them into another trap.


But you will kill a female character because she's 'insuboordinate?'


Point being that if you can justify killing someone else's fave (like Ashara), be aware that others can justify killing yours, just as much. Perhaps it's best to stop wanting to kill characters for the heck of it and steer BW away from that unless it's a villain like Arcann.


I'd like things to be a little more fair. If they can slap a kill option on Quinn and others, they can slap one on their precious Ashara too. There are plenty enough people calling for death for my favs (Quinn, Theron), so I'm merely stating my point of view and will continue to do so. SI is supposed to be so awesome and bad *** and they're not even allowed to control their apprentice? Can't break her like SW did with Jaesa? Can't even kill her when she does't go along with SI. Yeah, that doesn't fly with me.


You're allowed to like her, and keep her, that's fine. But I should've been allowed to kill her, because that's the precident they (bioware) set. If everyone else can demand the deaths of my favs, I should be able to ask the same for the ones I don't like.

Edited by Lunafox
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See, Luna, on this we agree. :) I peeked in there a few times, and the logic being used to fangirl Arcann...was very disturbing.


I know lol. I'm not mad at you or anything like that, I'm just testy because I didn't think it was fair that I didn't get to kill someone I don't like, when others got that chance. So on a few things we disagree, doesn't mean we can't be friends.:)

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I don't think she should be able to walk over SI after what she did. I'm sorry, it's not fitting with my character to her be alive after what she did. The vid below is my Sorc.



This is where you and I agree. The way they did Ashara was wrong. They have allowed us to kill numerous companions in the past for less than what Ashara did. My sorceress would not have let her walk out like she did.


Regarding those that make comments about Quinn, remember this there was an option to kill him so you had the option to do so, so not giving people that wanted an option to kill Ashara was wrong due to the reason a true sith would not have let her walk out like that. Just a note on this for me personally- My warrior killed him so I had the option to do so, but the way they handled this return was wrong.


I am beginning to believe that the devs have favorites and those can't be touched.

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I'd like things to be a little more fair. If they can slap a kill option on Quinn and others, they can slap one on their precious Ashara too. There are plenty enough people calling for death for my favs (Quinn, Theron), so I'm merely stating my point of view and will continue to do so. SI is supposed to be so awesome and bad *** and they're not even allowed to control their apprentice? Can't break her like SW did with Jaesa? Can't even kill her when she does't go along with SI. Yeah, that doesn't fly with me.


You're allowed to like her, and keep her, that's fine. But I should've been allowed to kill her, because that's the precident they (bioware) set. If everyone else can demand the deaths of my favs, I should be able to ask the same for the ones I don't like.


But you're not getting my point. Sure, we can keep asking Bioware to kill off every character, and people have (I know some would throw a party if there were a kill option for my fave). But this "they killed X so I want them to kill Y" results in not having any characters left and having the remaining ones bricked.


Will you be happy and still support kill options if Theron's bricked after next month because others want to kill him? Maybe it's time to ask Bioware to step away from this trend.

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I know lol. I'm not mad at you or anything like that, I'm just testy because I didn't think it was fair that I didn't get to kill someone I don't like, when others got that chance. So on a few things we disagree, doesn't mean we can't be friends.:)


Sounds good to me. :)

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. There are plenty enough people calling for death for my favs (Quinn, Theron),


If everyone else can demand the deaths of my favs, I should be able to ask the same for the ones I don't like.


1.Advisory ( for the ones requesting the death of Theron ) : keep your hands off him, meatbags!

2. Fair enough, there should have been an option to kill Ashara.

Edited by bluehufsa
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I don't think she should be able to walk over SI after what she did. I'm sorry, it's not fitting with my character to her be alive after what she did. The vid below is my Sorc.



I don't really care if she got a kill option or not, but that could have been done better.




Ashara just calmly walking out, while clearly ds SI watches and does nothing, feels out of character for the SI. Have her escape, fine -- but imo they could have made her work for it. Have her barely escape and SI decide it's not worth it to chase her all over Voss, or something.


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To be fair, they should have kill option on every companions, they can not do RANDOMLY on some companions. So, whose hate the them can kill them, and whose love them can keep them....Everyone happy!


LOL not to all comps, why would anyone ( for example) want to kill Zenith? Cause of that lame Darth Lachris? Marr doesn't seem heartbroken about her death, actually he doesn't give a f**k about his " apprentice".

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This is where you and I agree. The way they did Ashara was wrong. They have allowed us to kill numerous companions in the past for less than what Ashara did. My sorceress would not have let her walk out like she did.


Regarding those that make comments about Quinn, remember this there was an option to kill him so you had the option to do so, so not giving people that wanted an option to kill Ashara was wrong due to the reason a true sith would not have let her walk out like that. Just a note on this for me personally- My warrior killed him so I had the option to do so, but the way they handled this return was wrong.


I am beginning to believe that the devs have favorites and those can't be touched.


That's the thing, it has to be fair. Do it for some, they should do it for all. But like you say, I'm thinking the Bioware devs have their favs and those can't be touched. :(

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I wouldn't ask for or recommend a kill option for any companion, period. However, that ship has long sailed. Bioware decided to make several of them kill-able and since they have done so, they need to quit playing favorites. Apply the accept/deny/kill method to all, or to none, but stop cherry picking at who does and does not warrant a kill option in the writer's eyes.


Ashara's behavior is not something the Sith Inquisitor, or most Sith, would let slide. First she decides she is our equal suddenly, then we don't even get to continue the duel with her basically dismissing us and waving us off? No, it shouldn't have ended that way. We're basically rendered pansies standing there letting her preach and spout her arrogance and then we're sent off like cowardly dogs who don't even get to kill her or put her in her place at all? :rolleyes:


Good riddance though. I never cared for Ashara, I tend to forget she even exists and I kept on forgetting she was due to return.

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Her power has grown exponentially since you last met thus she is your equal rather than the other lackeys you offed. Any duel with Ashara would be a 50/50 fight at best and bioware opted to save you the embarrassment of getting your backsides handed to you :p Edited by EVO_D
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Her power has grown exponentially since you last met thus she is your equal rather than the other lackeys you offed. Any duel with Ashara would be a 50/50 fight at best and bioware opted to save you the embarrassment of getting your backsides handed to you :p


I think 50/50 duel would have been interesting (though I'm sure many people would disagree, saying SI should be much more powerful). However, they apparently just had her walk away while SI did nothing.

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I don't really care if she got a kill option or not, but that could have been done better.




Ashara just calmly walking out, while clearly ds SI watches and does nothing, feels out of character for the SI. Have her escape, fine -- but imo they could have made her work for it. Have her barely escape and SI decide it's not worth it to chase her all over Voss, or something.


It is dreadfully out of character for a DS V Sorcerer to just let her walk out. No way my Sorc would allow it to go down that way. If I can't have her as a smoking husk on the floor, and if they're hell bent on keeping one of their fav waifus alive, they could have done it the way you suggested, escape within an inch of her life or something.


Bioware started the mess by giving in to haters and allowing a kill option, but it's not fair to allow some to be killed while others remain untouchable. I don't like the idea of companions getting bricked and the only way I can see out of it now is to give people little cutscenes with their comps that they chose to keep alive. Like one month, say if they have a cutscene coming out for Quinn (yay for those who love Quinn) and another would have to come out for those that didn't like him with someone they chose to let live that they liked, so everyone gets a cutscene. Not sure how practical that would be either, because not everyone likes/hates the same ones.

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Her power has grown exponentially since you last met thus she is your equal rather than the other lackeys you offed. Any duel with Ashara would be a 50/50 fight at best and bioware opted to save you the embarrassment of getting your backsides handed to you :p


But the Outlander got more powerful as well and defeated some of the most powerful force beings in existence. Sorry, Ashara is not comparable to Vaylin or Arcann or Valkorion in prowess. If my SI Outlander could take them, they could take that mealy little squeak.

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Her power has grown exponentially since you last met thus she is your equal rather than the other lackeys you offed. Any duel with Ashara would be a 50/50 fight at best and bioware opted to save you the embarrassment of getting your backsides handed to you :p


Ashara's power may have grown but so has my sorceress. My sorceress destroyed Valkorion and killed Valiyn and took down Arcann, 3 force users more powerful that Ashara. Ashara is no where the equal to the inquisitor. The inquisitor is now the empress of a powerful faction, so I seriously doubt it would have been a 50/50 fight more like the inquisitor destroying Ashara for her incompetence and leaving her fried corpse for someone to come and clean up.

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But you're not getting my point. Sure, we can keep asking Bioware to kill off every character, and people have (I know some would throw a party if there were a kill option for my fave). But this "they killed X so I want them to kill Y" results in not having any characters left and having the remaining ones bricked.


Will you be happy and still support kill options if Theron's bricked after next month because others want to kill him? Maybe it's time to ask Bioware to step away from this trend.


I get your point, but BW opened that Pandora's box with the Kaliyo/Jorgan thing and it's gone downhill from there. To me, it's the devs lazy way to whittle down companion involvement to being nonexistent because the constant interaction is unsustainable financially long-term. How they found the resources for Arcann is beyond me, however, now that it's done, how much can be seen of him in the ongoing story? Not much I'd wager. It will be the same if Theron has a kill option, and on it goes to the point where the story will include no companions at all.


Will Lana be next? Maybe Kira? Maybe Nadia? Or Scourge? Or Doc? Even if a kill option is not available, I see companions fading into the background little by little. I hope I'm wrong, but the road seems to be heading that way.


And the devs need to stop this giggling frat boy, edgelord wannabe crap. They should never have gone there in the first place.

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It is perhaps unrealistic for a character so egotistical that they'd take Ashara's character development as a personal affront to just let her walk away. But I tend to see it more as a correction for the way the class story inconsistently lets the DS inquisitor make Ashara believe they're improving the Empire (something she should really only believe from a LS inquisitor). It's not the only return where some class story issues were corrected, e.g. letting people who'd wanted to kill Quinn all along finally get that option.


It is also perhaps unrealistic for a character who defeated Arcann and Vaylin to be unable to defeat Ashara. If she's capable of meeting the main character punch for punch, well, why didn't she go up against the galactic tyrants herself? This aspect of the DS reunion I find a bit harder to fathom. For all the people complaining about "what Ashara did" - she didn't do anything. But in the cases of main characters who, for whatever mad reason, believe she committed some terrible crime, it's difficult to see why they wouldn't be able to hold her accountable.

Edited by Estelindis
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I haven't taken my S.I. through the Zakuul story yet and never will (It wouldn't end pretty and I'd have to *Break the character 's persona created by the ReaL SWTOR to not make the Eternal crisis worse). To me Ashara was a bothersome kid that ended up being the Least taken on missions, But If I did, I'd send her away maybe not Kill just "Its time for you to move on". As for the lack of "Kill/ No Kill" option, we all know how that ends (Zakuul story Choices) it would "Deaden" other peoples L.I.'s (same with the other Comp. currently in the same situation), its a crappy process, policy yes, but again this is what's happened since that story started and the repercussions of the "Zakuu" Story will be plaguing this game until the end.
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I get your point, but BW opened that Pandora's box with the Kaliyo/Jorgan thing and it's gone downhill from there. To me, it's the devs lazy way to whittle down companion involvement to being nonexistent because the constant interaction is unsustainable financially long-term. How they found the resources for Arcann is beyond me, however, now that it's done, how much can be seen of him in the ongoing story? Not much I'd wager. It will be the same if Theron has a kill option, and on it goes to the point where the story will include no companions at all.


Will Lana be next? Maybe Kira? Maybe Nadia? Or Scourge? Or Doc? Even if a kill option is not available, I see companions fading into the background little by little. I hope I'm wrong, but the road seems to be heading that way.


And the devs need to stop this giggling frat boy, edgelord wannabe crap. They should never have gone there in the first place.


They should have never gone there. You're right. It is one thing to kill an enemy like Arcann and another to kill a companion because stuff. They did open that Pandora's box but IMHO they will never stop it unless we ask them again and again to stop.


They seem to completely ignore everyone's requests for more companion time (unless you want a genocidal monster of course) but IMHO asking for kill options on everyone will just facilitate the process of fading them all out. We already know that all they want in the game now are PvP and raiders. Not people interested in story. Why make it easier by insisting everyone should be killable?

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Holy sweet Jeebus on a stick.


They did it.


They've really outdone themselves.


They actually did it.


I've seen bad. I thought I knew bad. I lived through the ME3 ending folks. I've seen The Room. I sat through the entirety of the last Transformers movie in a semi-conscious stupor. These were... different levels of abysmally, horrifyingly awful. From natural disasters bordering on the biblical, to tactical nukes, to carpet bombings that produce some amusing side effects, I thought I'd see an fair bit. But this...


This is a very unique thing. This is deliberately defecating in a hobo's Big Gulp of gunpowder (and somehow not ruining the explosive properties of the contents), using said contents to make a dick-shaped bullet, loading it into a Hello Kitty Desert Eagle (pictured here, for convenience) to be fired at Inquisitor players center mass after you've removed their shirts, drawn additional phalluses (phali?) on their chests in urine-stained ink, inflicted several paper-cuts over the area with an old photo of the Chimpanzee Emperor ( you know, the one before they Special Editioned Ian McDiarmid into Empire) previously used as a snot rag; after which the now prone target is teabagged with actual teabags and aforementioned Big Gulp residue hanging from the nether regions... all because they called a coin flip wrong.


Writers.... do you even Star Wars? Do you understand what a Sith is? What the dark side is? I won't ask about player choice because that dead horse has done a 720 going from funny to tragic to Will Wheaton rolling a d20. I'm real happy for you writing a character that's listened to the anti-smokring tape from Friends a few times, and Imma let you finish....


But a dark side Force-ghost-eating-crazier-than-Vaylin-just-destroyed-a-Mario-style-your-Emperor-Is-In-Another-Body-wanna-be-Galactus-Eldritch-Abomination Dark Lord of the Sith whose original class design was at least partially inspired by the archetype of Palpatine, the greatest Sith Lord in all that far far away galaxy and is pretty much the Space Devil *large gasping breath*... who chooses to dominate a snot-nosed Ashoka Tano stunt double, fails!! and lets her walk away?!?!..... is the worst Sith Lord of all time.



Of. All. Time.


RIP Sith Inquisitor Respect 2012-2018

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