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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Conquest System: First Impressions


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UW are the biggest Conquest Guild.


No matter what changes Bioware made UW would always come up smelling of roses.


The changes were supposed to help smaller guilds stand a chance of getting some reward for their effort - in that regard these changes are an absolute fail.


All The Best


So this guild is the SF equivalent of BBB.

I agree these changes are just plain dumb in light of their stated goal.

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How do you know that's not a few people clearing out old inventory of Invasion Forces saved up from grinding out previous craftquests? I understand someone on a Lv1 toon hit their personal goal just right clicking them 10 at a time. That is *not* a viable solution for long-term success in Conquest - the stockpiles *will* wear down, and the treadmill trudging will begin in earnest, for Unchained Wrath and everyone else.


bioware is very lucky to have such a handy "yes-man" participating. :p

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Im paying for a service. I want to play what i want to play, and had gotten accustomed to being able to conquest cap toons however i chose. Not to have to do some boring grind fest on ilum becsuse thats where the bug is.


Again im a pvper on SS, those guild names mean nothing to me. Doubly so if theyre the BBB equivalent on SF. If youre unaware BBB is a huge guild that previously dominated conquests on SS. I run a 10-15 person guild.


I pay for the service too, and I'd like to play the way I want to play, but gee whiz, I can't romance Corso at a male character and I can't shoot rainbow lighting from my fingertips, gosh golly darn. I hate PVP, and on PVP weeks, my few guildies who like it aren't enough to keep us on the boards. We maybe have 10 legacies a week who contribute.


But you know what? 30 guilds on Star Forge have figured out how to make this new system work, and I bet if I flip over to SS, I'll see 30 guilds competing just fine over there, too.

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The larger bulk of players are busy making conquest points right now.


Ok enough of your condescending, holier than thou garbage. I DO all the things your say as far as change goes IN MY JOB where I GET PAID! I "game" for fun. What you're asking me to do is not fun for me. Sure I can meet the personal conquest goals, but do I want to with the new system, no.


I live in America. Sure if we get bombed like Syria I can cope with eating grass and concrete. But I don't want to. There's a difference. I don't care what guild is DOING IT! I'm also seeing many NOT doing it. Funny, let's just see what Bioware thinks in the coming days. Let's see who has the better ideas.


Oh and I'm gen X too. Again, stop the condescension.

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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




Sure Eric,


Let me do just that, from a long time Subscriber, this new system, simply put, sucks. You all need to do a patch, revert back to the pre 5.8 way it was and rethink the whole revamp getting feedback from your subs prior to any changes. This was a Colossal waste of time. I can not even believe that you would take a great part of the game and trash it the way you did. Let's talk about all of the changes that have negatively impacted this part of the game:


1. Crafting: Obliterated - now five levels of components are needs for a single war supply?? That is just plain Stupid! And You all changed the definition of the Stronghold Bonuses exciting some people that they had a better chance at higher bonuses just to destroy the values.


2. Warzones: All you have done to PVP is repeatedly trash it, first removing PVP Ranked gear,

basically destroying lower PVP and Solo Ranked and now there is no Participation points for Conquests. Thanks.


3. Operations: What is so bad about Lockouts?? Or if there is a problem with them so be it,

just make it a requirement that for credit a character must complete the whole Op for credit, but, no you ruined the opportunity to do Operations for Conquest on Multiple Characters. If you all have such a problem with duplicate characters than why on earth have you increased the number of characters that a person can have on an account by so much.


Let's Go On!!!


4. Flashpoints: A great idea, fun idea, allowing groups of four to experience different aspects of the game with various challenges at various levels. Prior to 5.8 there were Groupfinder and Hardmode selections which were available offering challenges with nice rewards if people were game enough to take them on. Now you all have basically said to us, pardon my French but, F/U, no more of these rewards for challenges for you.


You know what I am done, because, I doubt that you or anyone else in Bioware gives a damn or that any changes to this once great part of a game that it feels like you all are trying to destroy will be taken seriously enough that something will be done.


A truly disgusted Subscriber,



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Ok enough of your condescending, holier than thou garbage. I DO all the things your say as far as change goes IN MY JOB where I GET PAID! I "game" for fun. What you're asking me to do is not fun for me. Sure I can meet the personal conquest goals, but do I want to with the new system, no.


I live in America. Sure if we get bombed like Syria I can cope with eating grass and concrete. But I don't want to. There's a difference. I don't care what guild is DOING IT! I'm also seeing many NOT doing it. Funny, let's just see what Bioware thinks in the coming days. Let's see who has the better ideas.


Oh and I'm gen X too. Again, stop the condescension.


Pride yourself on being able to think as smartly as the successful people currently on the boards, figure out what they're doing, convince yourself you're as smart as they are, and figure out what they're doing.

Were this system complete garbage, there'd be 5 guilds on the boards higher than 100k and the rest strugglying with 10k. That's not what's happening.


You Ain't Sith, second place on the big board, I just sit here with the guild invasion window open watching their points increase. SOMEONE rubbed a few neurons together and figured this new system out.


You can, too.

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"I'm an optimistic guy, so I'll start with the good" - Theron Shan


I like the Guild Invasions tab, all the information is there in a nice, clear way and I don't have to dig through drop-down menus to see how things are going on other planets. It looks good.


So, now the bad... "Needs work, a lot of work!" - Tora

The conquest, not just the tab itself, but the whole thing. Jesus Tapdancing Christ, it's even more of a grind than ever.

I can see how limiting some things to a daily legacy lockout might make it harder for the same guilds to win planets over and over, but you've applied the limits to the wrong stuff. This week, for example, Ilum: Heroic Missions can be completed once per day over my whole legacy? That one can only be done once a week anyway, so what's the point? Event missions are the same; daily legacy lockout. Winning a PvP match? Oh look, once per day over my whole legacy! What brainiac thought that was a good idea?


Some of the conquest points are... well, I don't have the words, to be honest. Run through Battle of Ilum solo mode and get it done in ten minutes for 325 points, or queue for an Uprising with the strong chance of being grouped with at least one crayon eater for 325 points. Decisions, decisions. But hey, at least I can do that all evening, on all my toons, right?


From the patch notes: In addition to one-time and repeatable, there are now also daily objectives. Forgive me if I'm being dense, but how do I tell what these are? As it's been pointed out in posts above this one, there needs to be much more information on the right side of the window.


I have several toons in different guilds, I used to try to complete conquest on at least four of them, All these changes mean that I've pretty much got to pick one guild to concentrate on each week.


And finally, please, please, for the love of all things holy and some that are not, put the daily and weekly flashpoint objectives back in there.

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Sure Eric,


Let me do just that, from a long time Subscriber, this new system, simply put, sucks. You all need to do a patch, revert back to the pre 5.8 way it was and rethink the whole revamp getting feedback from your subs prior to any changes. This was a Colossal waste of time. I can not even believe that you would take a great part of the game and trash it the way you did. Let's talk about all of the changes that have negatively impacted this part of the game:


1. Crafting: Obliterated - now five levels of components are needs for a single war supply?? That is just plain Stupid! And You all changed the definition of the Stronghold Bonuses exciting some people that they had a better chance at higher bonuses just to destroy the values.


2. Warzones: All you have done to PVP is repeatedly trash it, first removing PVP Ranked gear,

basically destroying lower PVP and Solo Ranked and now there is no Participation points for Conquests. Thanks.


3. Operations: What is so bad about Lockouts?? Or if there is a problem with them so be it,

just make it a requirement that for credit a character must complete the whole Op for credit, but, no you ruined the opportunity to do Operations for Conquest on Multiple Characters. If you all have such a problem with duplicate characters than why on earth have you increased the number of characters that a person can have on an account by so much.


Let's Go On!!!


4. Flashpoints: A great idea, fun idea, allowing groups of four to experience different aspects of the game with various challenges at various levels. Prior to 5.8 there were Groupfinder and Hardmode selections which were available offering challenges with nice rewards if people were game enough to take them on. Now you all have basically said to us, pardon my French but, F/U, no more of these rewards for challenges for you.


You know what I am done, because, I doubt that you or anyone else in Bioware gives a damn or that any changes to this once great part of a game that it feels like you all are trying to destroy will be taken seriously enough that something will be done.


A truly disgusted Subscriber,




Whole-heartdly agree.

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Conquests were one of the last things that kept me motivated and playing. Now the points awarded are so low that it's a grind even on one or two characters, and my very small guild has little or no chance of even making the "Small Guild" total.


Even crafting--the one equalizer that gave us a chance some weeks--is ridiculous now.


Well, I guess that's it for me. Thanks for 5 years Bioware.

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Conquests were one of the last things that kept me motivated and playing. Now the points awarded are so low that it's a grind even on one or two characters, and my very small guild has little or no chance of even making the "Small Guild" total.


Even crafting--the one equalizer that gave us a chance some weeks--is ridiculous now.


Well, I guess that's it for me. Thanks for 5 years Bioware.


This system is so bad...

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I pay for the service too, and I'd like to play the way I want to play, but gee whiz, I can't romance Corso at a male character and I can't shoot rainbow lighting from my fingertips, gosh golly darn. I hate PVP, and on PVP weeks, my few guildies who like it aren't enough to keep us on the boards. We maybe have 10 legacies a week who contribute.


But you know what? 30 guilds on Star Forge have figured out how to make this new system work, and I bet if I flip over to SS, I'll see 30 guilds competing just fine over there, too.


Pretty sure i saw a thread requesting retroactive gay romances on original companions somewhere.


And we have the same issue with crafting weeks as we have one crafter. Thats why going into this i was actually looking forward to getting encryptions without having to make the top 10.


And im sure there are guilds on the board on SS. Probably BBB amongst others. My guildies are not going to go along with doing something they dont enjoy doing for conquest (i.e. boring ilum bug grinds) and will continue to complain we've maxed decos on our guild ship until i can figure out how ti expand it. With limited playtime and a refusal to buy into the credit scammers, i cant afford to buy hundreds of encryptions off the gtn.


In other words, if they were trying to make this work for smaller guilds, they objectively failed.

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No, it isn't a matter of throwing a rifle into someone's hand and barking 'toughen up young soldier,' at them to make them accommodate with these changes. It's unrealistic, because larger guilds dominate populations and their spaces on leaderboards and other game content will be significantly greater than other guilds in the game. It's mathematically unsound to draw that conclusion. It isn't plainly a matter of 'figuring out' how it works, when another guild would one way or another dominate boards purely because of its size and activity base. Players join these guilds and collect inside of them purely because of that scale and the way that it benefits them, dropping down the player count in other guilds. Unchained Wrath currently has 40+ players farming, and it takes 50 players at max points to hit 1mil. With a bug that rewards 10k, you can automatically assumed that this guild instantly hit half 500k purely because the game is glitched, and purely because of their numbers. The rest wouldn't be too much harder. It's the numbers game; you have it, you win it. Period. It will look like immense effort from someone who wants to look at it that way, but it really isn't.


A guild this size can top that in a sniff of its nose. A realistic assessment is that this guild is bigger and therefore will be better. That won't change, no matter how many hours we put into the game, trying to 'figure it out'.

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Sure Eric,


Let me do just that, from a long time Subscriber, this new system, simply put, sucks. You all need to do a patch, revert back to the pre 5.8 way it was and rethink the whole revamp getting feedback from your subs prior to any changes. This was a Colossal waste of time. I can not even believe that you would take a great part of the game and trash it the way you did. Let's talk about all of the changes that have negatively impacted this part of the game:


1. Crafting: Obliterated - now five levels of components are needs for a single war supply?? That is just plain Stupid! And You all changed the definition of the Stronghold Bonuses exciting some people that they had a better chance at higher bonuses just to destroy the values.


2. Warzones: All you have done to PVP is repeatedly trash it, first removing PVP Ranked gear,

basically destroying lower PVP and Solo Ranked and now there is no Participation points for Conquests. Thanks.


3. Operations: What is so bad about Lockouts?? Or if there is a problem with them so be it,

just make it a requirement that for credit a character must complete the whole Op for credit, but, no you ruined the opportunity to do Operations for Conquest on Multiple Characters. If you all have such a problem with duplicate characters than why on earth have you increased the number of characters that a person can have on an account by so much.


Let's Go On!!!


4. Flashpoints: A great idea, fun idea, allowing groups of four to experience different aspects of the game with various challenges at various levels. Prior to 5.8 there were Groupfinder and Hardmode selections which were available offering challenges with nice rewards if people were game enough to take them on. Now you all have basically said to us, pardon my French but, F/U, no more of these rewards for challenges for you.


You know what I am done, because, I doubt that you or anyone else in Bioware gives a damn or that any changes to this once great part of a game that it feels like you all are trying to destroy will be taken seriously enough that something will be done.


A truly disgusted Subscriber,




Basically agree.


Also, your signature was just about the first thing I saw after getting my new glasses. Thanks for the heart attack... :p

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OK just confirmed like someone else said on another thread: Conquest is completely messed up. The points are wrong. Just got 10k point for killing one NPC on ILUM.


SO that's how the guilds are coping and making points right now. Seriously, just go start the ILUM Heroic. This is amazing.

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There are 30 guilds on Star Forge occupying all available slots that are somehow earning points toward conquest on this new system. While you're here bellyaching, they're earning points.


SOMEBODY has figured it out. In fact 30 guild leaders have figured it out.

Look at Unchained Wrath on Star Forge, biggest planet, number 1, hit 1.028,930 points, second place is You Aint Sith at 435,538 points. THEY FIGURED IT OUT and they're rolling with it.


Get your footing in this new system and run with it. If this was an employee test to see how versatile you were with changing conditions, most of you, based on your whining, would score very poorly.


My recommendations to the DEVs: Let this play out for 2 weeks worth of conquests before doing any tweaks whatsoever. What you're seeing is a small subset of players who aren't patient enough to work with the new system.


Players on this thread saying the new conquest system sucks, etc., etc., roll it back, etc., etc., talk to the leader of Unchained Wrath. They have figured it out, and they're smoking you.


He was also here talking about how much it sucks

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I'm going to give them until tomorrow to acknowledge how badly they screwed up and there better be a fix before the weekend. If not, I'm out. I've had enough of this crap.


Last time there was this much universal hatred for a change Bioware got rid of Ben and gave us Keith.


Maybe, if this gets as bad, we'll afinally get a Lead Producer who actually gives a damn.


All The Best

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@xordevoreaux, did you do any conquest yourself today?


I hope you're aware that everyone gets 10k conquest for free, on every single char, just for doing any FP or operation due to the bug. People in our guild got the 10k without setting foot on Ilum.

If you craft an Invasion Force and 10 war supplies, do Battle of Ilum and kill the bonus boss... and then do some GSF, then you get ~10k. With the 10k from the bug you can finish conquest on a single char in a few hours.


But what's next? All the easy stuff has been done already, so all the other chars in your legacy will struggle now. And let's not forget that 10k weren't earned.


This isn't about huge guilds still coming out on top today. This is about everyone dealing with the new circumstances over the next few weeks... months... or perhaps even years.


You can forget that it'll ever be this "easy" as it was today. In the future there will be no bug doing half the work for you. There won't be a massive stockpile of invasion forces you can burn for points.


What happens then?

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Well well well, one of the top 3 conquest guilds on my server landed on a small yield planet. Big surprise. There is not enough difference in guild rewards to prevent a conquest juggernaught from parking on these small yield planets to have an easy week. This prevent a the smaller guilds, the ones who should be targeting small yield planets, from having a shot at the title and achievement.
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Pride yourself on being able to think as smartly as the successful people currently on the boards, figure out what they're doing, convince yourself you're as smart as they are, and figure out what they're doing.

Were this system complete garbage, there'd be 5 guilds on the boards higher than 100k and the rest strugglying with 10k. That's not what's happening.


You Ain't Sith, second place on the big board, I just sit here with the guild invasion window open watching their points increase. SOMEONE rubbed a few neurons together and figured this new system out.


You can, too.


Idk if you're slow at understanding this.. but the new system is actually better for the bigger guilds.. something all of those guilds that have **** ton of points are..


What's being discussed are the smaller guilds.. and what they have an issue with. My guild is nearing 100k point as well already within the last 2 hours. That ain't our issue.


Our issue is the actual way to earn points.. So try reading **** without the holier than thou attitude.. and going on some white knighting bs for the Devs.

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Well well well, one of the top 3 conquest guilds on my server landed on a small yield planet. Big surprise. There is not enough difference in guild rewards to prevent a conquest juggernaught from parking on these small yield planets to have an easy week. This prevent a the smaller guilds, the ones who should be targeting small yield planets, from having a shot at the title and achievement.


but its sooooooo shiny and new. its good anyway. lol :D

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I used to love conquest, primarily because I could play on multiple alts and still work towards it - both for each alt and for the guild overall.


Now? With the removal of repeatable objectives such as Flashpoints and Warzones, I'm done with it. This is a serious '**** the bed' moment that I'd liken to Galactic Command when it was originally introduced.


Before today, any of us could run a Vet FP, then hop into a MM FP and get points towards both - once a day. You could then hop on another alt and do the same (still needing to put the time/energy into running each). Now? You don't even get credit for running them. What the hell?


I don't PvP much, but now I never will. Many matches are losses on the Republic side of Star Forge and getting zero credit (or even horribly low amounts for a win) is beyond rediculous.


I rarely post the 'I'm unsubbing because of X' thing, but this is really an issue. Ya'll need to do something to address this, and this week. I've yet to see or hear a single person happy with the overall changes. Every person I've asked has stated they hate how the points were, well, FUBAR'd.

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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.



Hi Eric,


I find it really unacceptable to change one of the dark project recipes so it no longer uses exotic isotope stabilizers. You didn't put this in the notes, meaning we had no chance to use our stockpiles before they became useless for dark projects. That's really unfair. Please change back the recipe. You can make it use Iokath recombinators too if you want, that's fine, but don't essentially rob us of our hard-earned materials. (Materials that, incidentally, some people paid real money to get, considering that they could be obtained for blue jawa junk.)

Edited by Estelindis
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Pride yourself on being able to think as smartly as the successful people currently on the boards, figure out what they're doing, convince yourself you're as smart as they are, and figure out what they're doing.

Were this system complete garbage, there'd be 5 guilds on the boards higher than 100k and the rest strugglying with 10k. That's not what's happening.


You Ain't Sith, second place on the big board, I just sit here with the guild invasion window open watching their points increase. SOMEONE rubbed a few neurons together and figured this new system out.


You can, too.


What they are doing is having their massive amounts of active players do their ONE PER DAY PER LEGACY items in You Ain't Sith. Figured it out! Thanks for that advice. Now, we just have to get a crapton of players in the guild. You are amaxing.


Perhaps, you should actually read a little about what the issue is... the issue is that small guilds with few active players are not helped by this as was first indicated, they are actually hampered because the limitation of so many things being ONE PER DAY PER LEGACY. But.... I don't know why me trying to ezplain that to you will make a difference when others have already told you.

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