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New Conquest System: First Impressions


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It was a lot worse with the older system.


That said, you have given it less than 2 days. Im certain that a lot of guilds need to feel out which tier they will truly be competitive and where they wont. The learning curve eith the new system may be a big part of this.


but there are also those that solo conquest for personal rewards

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2. I completely understand wanting to give more opportunities to different sized guilds, but I don’t see how the current system with just three planets does that. The same 3 guilds that won before are winning now. To me the fault is in just having 3 planets for a very large number of guilds in a server. When Iokath first came out and it was just 1 planet per server the same guild kept winning it each week. I think there should be more planets as a way to create more opportunities. If six planets was the standard then that would double the amount of guilds winning and would allow others to compete. Maybe even more planets in some week, not rarely when the Total Galactic War week happens.


Exactly! The way to help small guilds was not this separation into small, meduim, large with minimal rewards differences. The way to do it was to have a larger number of planets each week. Spreads guilds out more to give a better chance of winning, as well as gets more guilds wins so they won;t go all out for it again next time.

Edited by ptwonline
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I am glad to see that conquest is getting a revamp; however I do have a few advice on the new set up. First, restrict guild/planet invasions more. While I applaud your efforts to make conquest fair and trying to encourage large guilds to invade the large planet it is apparently isn't working; and honestly something like that isn't going to fully work anyways. If the large planet's rewards is big enough most of the larger guilds will go after the large planet but there are always going to be the guilds that either want an easy win or just likes to kick the smaller guilds around and will go for the smaller planet. I think you should do something like guilds with 100 or less active players can invade small planets, guilds with 300 or less active players can invade medium planets and guilds with 600 or less active players can invade large planets. I know this may sound un-fair due to the smaller guilds being able to invade all three types of planets while the other guilds can only invade one or two types, but it isn't. The reason is; if a small guild invades a large planet that guild has maybe a 10% chance of not only reaching the guild invasion goal but of getting on the board, but if a large guild invades a small planet they have a 100% chance of reaching the invasion goal and of getting on the board. So restricting the invasion this way would make conquest fair by giving small guilds a fighting chance. However, I would keep the larger planets having bigger rewards over the smaller planets as that will encourage small guilds to grow their guilds so that they can get the bigger rewards.


Second, bump up the point values. Most players have more then one character and a lot of us like to get our personal goals on more then one character. Before I didn't have much trouble getting my personal on more the one character. This week I have only one character that is close to her personal goal. So obviously the point system needs vamped up badly.


Thirdly, split non repeatable missions into pub side and imp side much like you did for Balmorra. Some players have both imp and pub characters and they have to choose which side to give the points too. If they are split then both that player's pub guild and imp guild will have a chance.




That is all I can think of right now. If I think of more I will let you know. Thanks.

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So, day two...I logged into my Shadow and decided to make an attempt at getting a few Conquest points by doing the Ilum Heroic. The number of points is low, but I thought I should give it a try anyway. Found myself shocked that I got credit for a different Conquest goal with a much higher point value for killing yard trash. That's obviously a bug, and it's one that gave me 10,000 points :eek:.


I also took another look at crafting as a method to gain Conquest points and confirmed that I wouldn't do it. The resource costs are too high.


I also confirmed that I gained no additional points for winning a PVP Warzone match. So, it does appear that it is once per legacy. Unfortunately yesterday before I completely understood that I won a WZ match on one of my Imperial toons, who has no guild, so that was essentially a waste in that regard.


A guild mate and I discussed the number of points required for the small tier planet and the Conquest goals in relationship to our guild we agree that it will be at best very challenging if not impossible for us to achieve that number.


Between yesterday and today we lost two more guild members.

Edited by Lilarienne
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My first impression was cool. Everything was looking promising to me, until I looked at crafting war supplies. I have crappy internet and was unable to contribute to my guild conquest much. I lag so badly that I refuse to ask anyone to wait for me or put others in jeopardy of wiping, because of me. So I was only able to do the soloable objectives.

During the crafting weeks, I was really able to excel and help out my guild. Well, now that has been basically rendered impossible, unless I go to every single planet and farm mats, just to make one stinking war supply.

Thanks Bioware for taking away any fun that I used to look forward to. Tears.

Take care, fellow players.:(

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I just did a lockout on a character for the day. I had not done the lockout yet today on any character. I got the lockout points. I then did the Ilum Heroic. I had not done it obviously. Since it is a weekly and I could pick it up! I did not get points for the Heroic.


We are having to log on every fracking character and make sure we are not bugged showing complete on OBJECTIVES WE HAVE NOT DONE <that are not fracking legacy> And then just not do that objective for that character!!!


I honestly wonder if there was ANY testing of this thing at all. The bugs are haphazard and completely random and change throughout the day randomly resetting. It is BEYOND frustrating.


I honestly do not think there is a <insert your favorite invective> point to even attempting to do conquest this week.

Edited by Kyrra_T
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Well at this rate I hope someone makes a new Star Wars MMO because Keith, Eric and Bioware and driving this game quickly to its grave.


Unfortunately EA has the SW IP and no one else is allowed to make SW games until the IP license expires.

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Some players are willing to work hard for conquest, and some are not.


Wrong those guilds are clicking invasion forces something that will not be sustainable given the currently model. You know this and you continue to offer no advice or suggestions whatsoever on it, aka you are trolling.

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I will start with the preface that I have ywt to spend any consideravle time on conqiest since the update, but the first thing I thought of whej I read your post is that you are disappointed and/or frustrated with the conquest system because you immediately went i to it with the same mindset from the old conqiest knowing full well that it had been changed.


When a system is restructured, it is your responsibility to restructure your understanding of how it works, your approach, and the expected outcome.


Give it more than one day.


Furthermore, if your guild was affected quite a bit using multiple toons to improve chances of completing and/or competing, then much larger guilds were affected exponentially more.

Your last point is completely wrong.


Smaller guilds had/have people with more alts on the norm, because they're able to compete with the top guilds in that manner, who have many times the more people than the smaller guilds.


Restricting the effectiveness of alts is a bigger stab at the smaller guilds than it is at the bigger guilds. Coming from somebody who was able to hit top 3/5 on a consistent basis with simply 3-4 people, due to alts.


Not to mention the restrain on lockouts is only good for the larger & really small guilds.. the ones that are medium size, pretty much get a big FU.. We had 1 group running for lockouts able to do about 10 of them a day, due to alts, which was a good counter to bigger guilds we competed against, who were doing many lockouts due to having more people. Idk, why they listen to the small amount of people that complained about the lockouts.. when Lockouts were one of the fun things imo about conquest, much more funner than doing a complete operation.

Edited by KingGolDragon
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OK, Here is my 2 cents:


Crafting Changes: this we unexpected by doable. However, we shouldn't have to pay to re-learn some of the recipes that were removed. Example: One alt knew both Armored vehicles and Starship Weapons, and Starship Weapons was Removed. Vice versa for another, Armored Vehicles was removed.


Using alts: Seems that in order to reach the 20,000 I'm only able to do it on one toon because the objectives are by legacy now not by character. I understand it will over all go toward the guild, but now I won't win the personal goal this week.


Repeatable vs Non-repeatable: You can't tell anymore.


OK, thanks for letting me put in my two cents my way even though others have mentioned them too. I do like to layout of the mission log though. I thought it was going to be hard to keep track of guild vs personal contribution but this layout shows it very well. It will make my job as the Conquest manager a lot easier.

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"Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better." ~ Sydney J. Harris

"Changing whats not broken, is the epitome of stupidity & wasting time" - some guy


Swtor has constantly revamped things and changed things that don't need to be changed.. while not changing things that do need to be changed. But I suppose they like their wasting their time on changing things that don't need to be changed.

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Hey folks,


Keep the feedback coming! Seeing your thoughts on the revamp is very helpful to the team. My plan is that tomorrow I want to get the following information into this thread: a breakdown of our intention around the Conquest revamp and a list of the feedback points that all of you have raised. This will allow you to see our thoughts on Conquests and then to highlight the feedback you have stated that we are actively reviewing internally.


Thanks everyone!


And this was his last post. Yesterday?

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I had been debating buying a ship for our very small guild. Since alts have been disabled for this, there is now absolutely no point as we will never ever be able to unlock anything.

I have always dabbled with conquests just for myself.. I really am the only one in the guild that does. Now there is simply no point.. Since I am solo 99% of the time, the whole thing is just too hard, expensive and frustrating.

I did complete on 2 character on different servers, but doubt I will bother again.. this was one of the few things I still enjoyed.. well done.. making it easier to back away from my addiction. I am finding it hard to even log in today :( Seems pointless.

And no, I have no interest in joining a big guild.. you guys really don't get it that so many of us like it solo, like it quiet and really don't want or need to be forced into content we hate.

P.S.. Ashara Reunion was horrid too.

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This was the worst game update since Galactic Command was introduced (and one of the worst in the game's 6+ year history).


Some minor tweaks to how many points were rewarded for various activities would have done the job of updating Conquest, particularly on crafting weeks, alongside some new Conquest events.


Not only has the update ruined Conquest for the foreseeable future, but it is also affecting how folks play the endgame, including FPs, WZs, ranked arenas, Operations, GSF, basically anything anyone actually plays aside from space barbie.


Whoever approved this either wants players to quit or is completely disconnected from why players engage in Conquest activities and how the endgame community generally plays its characters, particularly where those intersect.


If it takes a year to fix Conquest like it did Galactic Command, you'll have a lot of subscribers leaving again for an extremely poor and preventable reason. First it was a gearing system that was poorly thought out and implemented, now it's a system that previously kept endgame players engaged and now does almost exactly the opposite, while at the same time making it more difficult for smaller guilds and individuals to win, finish or participate in Conquest and frustrating those in large Conquest guilds to the point of not participating or leaving the game.


I think you already knew before this went live that the changes were half baked at best, objectively terrible for the most part. That they were developed to the extent a patch had to be deployed with them in it anyway is staggeringly bad management.

Edited by arunav
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This was the worst game update since Galactic Command was introduced (and one of the worst in the game's 6+ year history).


Some minor tweaks to how many points were rewarded for various activities would have done the job of updating Conquest, particularly on crafting weeks, alongside some new Conquest events.


Not only has the update ruined Conquest for the foreseeable future, but it is also affecting how folks play the endgame, including FPs, WZs, ranked arenas, Operations, GSF, basically anything anyone actually plays aside from space barbie.


Whoever approved this either wants players to quit or is completely disconnected from why players engage in Conquest activities and how the endgame community generally plays its characters, particularly where those intersect.


If it takes a year to fix Conquest like it did Galactic Command, you'll have a lot of subscribers leaving again for an extremely poor and preventable reason. First it was a gearing system that was poorly thought out and implemented, now it's a system that previously kept endgame players engaged and now does almost exactly the opposite, while at the same time making it more difficult for smaller guilds and individuals to win, finish or participate in Conquest and frustrating those in large Conquest guilds to the point of not participating or leaving the game.


I think you already knew before this went live that the changes were half baked at best, objectively terrible for the most part. That they were developed to the extent a patch had to be deployed with them in it anyway is staggeringly bad management.


This is a good post. ^


Pretty much exactly how I feel about what they have done with this patch as well as the Galactic Command one. I quit shortly after the last big patch where they gutted the gearing system and added the Galactic Command RNG system.


I don't have a lot of emotion invested this time, but marvel at how out of touch this game is with it's players and what they enjoy/like in the game. They truly seem to do more work ruining what is decent in the game, to the point it has to be purposeful and by design.


Tanking the game on purpose I'd say.

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Synthweavers and armortechs can still use them with some armor designs. A few of the schematics require Exotic Isotopes.


On that note it would be foolish to vendor them because you'll still get a lot more than their vendor price from the GTN, they just won't be worth as much as they used to be when they were needed for Dark Projects.


That all said considering they now only have a use in a handful of crafting schematics Bioware should consider removing them from the game entirely, replacing them with Refined Isoptopes in both drops and crafting schematics.


And for those of us that spent millions of credits on them? What about us? That's seriously stupid on several accounts. We don't like the increased cost, it punishes, which is never a good thing to have when you are trying to INCREASE participation.

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One thing that has not been considered is how this affects the light vs dark meter. On star forge imp side has a lot of pvp'ers. But its been dead now theres less incentive to do pvp. so now the light side is always winning. haven't seen a dark 5 yet in double xp
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Hey folks,


Keep the feedback coming! Seeing your thoughts on the revamp is very helpful to the team. My plan is that tomorrow I want to get the following information into this thread: a breakdown of our intention around the Conquest revamp and a list of the feedback points that all of you have raised. This will allow you to see our thoughts on Conquests and then to highlight the feedback you have stated that we are actively reviewing internally.


Thanks everyone!


Imagine if you guys decided to do this say a month before the changes? Oh that`s right. you guys aren't a month ahead!


*spoiler* major underlying issue

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General feedback?


The new system is almost worse than galatic command BEFORE you put drops back in ops.


You've screwed my ability to expand my guildship without millions of credits i dont have.


You've screwed me over for running alts (again).


You've screwed me over for having a small guild since there's no point going to a larger planet


You've screwed me over for being primarily a pvper.


Need i continue?


If you keep this system, I am out. I will cancel my sub and never come back. My girlfriend will do the same. We are a small, PvP guild, and you are basically telling us to go f*ck ourselves!

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My impressions:


The new interface is terrible. There was nothing wrong with the previous one. This one isn't it for me. It feels confusing. I find it hard to track what Im doing. Maybe I'm just too green with it to get where and why this is here now.


Rewards: Still gutter trash. No matter the yield of planet why would I want those rewards? Seriously. 20 purple jawa junk that I can get from the mass of command crates? The crafting decos...nah I have a billion from prior conquests. The 50k x 3 or however many credit chips? I could make 150k in a second in this game. Those aren't bad but not really something that says "hey play this content" to me. Superior thingie mabob? Meh.


The static totals to complete the conquest? I don't get it. What's the point of the leaderboard? Just make it "hit x points and get your shiny title" or something. At this point who cares. It's not like this system is going to change anything in the landscape.


I do like the change from per character to legacy. I think that does help small vs large guilds. But...why would a large guild go after a large yield planet? The rewards?


Just seems like this is an idea that looked really good on paper. But, in practice the idea doesn't translate as well.

Beef up the rewards...like change them significantly. . Make the sacrifice of doing conquest on multiple toons down to one or so mean something greater. This just feels like a waste currently. I'll do my conquest on one character, get the junk rewards and generally not give two thoughts to conquest again.

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Taking the raw average of objective efficiency losses under the 5.8 system, completing the personal goal for the week takes 8.76 times more time and material investment than it did pre-5.8.


THIS. Thank you so much for doing the math. My spreadsheet-loving heart salutes you. I definitely felt like there was quite a lot of not properly doing the math involved in the 5.8 changes. Most of the concepts behind the changes seem very good, but man the math, the math... it must be revisited!! Starting with those invasion thresholds and all the way up and down the line... and sideways and every which way...

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3) Make it so you earn points for participating in Player vs. Player (PvP) and Galactic Star Fighter (GSF). Win or lose, you should earn points to encourage people to que, but winning should award more points.


But the difference in points has to be enough to get people to try. There is a real problem in GSF with CXP farmers, and Starfighter CXP bonus days on a Starfighter conquest week ... well, it's ugly.


4) Bring back conquest points for doing a random flashpoint, with more conquest points for doing a random Hard Mode (HM) flashpoint, to encourage progression.


Actually, something that encouraged people to actually run the flashpoints instead of always zerging to the non-skipable bosses would be great. Zarahemla's suggestion for OPs is a good starting point.



Here are some suggestions that would also improve conquest.


1) My suggestion #27: TL;DR - Give points for killing a Story Mode (SM) Boss, more points for killing a Hard Mode (HM) Boss, and even more points for doing a Nightmare Mode (NiM) Boss, with bonus points awarded if it is the daily operation. This will encourage progression.


And it would make give the serious raiding guilds a fun way to compete.


3) Change PvP and GSF to be "Repeatable Objectives" (by the definition in this post).


Repeatable but not spamable. Maybe change to complete the daily for conquest points?


Again, great job nerfing raid lockouts that was an exploit that needed to be squashed.


I don't agree that lockouts are an exploit. They are built into the raid system and served a purpose before conquest.


A lot of work by some very good players goes into getting those lockouts. It is neither free nor easy nor an exploit. I do like trying to bring their points in line with the effort expended by those who just show up for last boss kills in the evening, but this isn't an exploit.

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