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Double CXP


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I sincerely HOPE we do...we need it...the game needs it. CXP grinding sucks.


I sometimes wonder if they set the CXP rates to discourage "grinding," if I'm feeling cynical. OTOH, I have one character at Command Rank 198 or so, and that only because I ground out a good 120 of those throwing snowballs. I'm making a bit more of an effort now, but still can't really bring myself to behave "optimally." (I mainly ground out the Command Ranks to get LS/DS tokens, which I've mostly maxed on the two characters I was doing it on). So I'm clearly not interested in grinding out those Command Levels.


Since I don't do anything more strenuous than SM Raiding and unranked PvP, I don't strictly need anything more than tier 1 set gear. I like some of the cosmetic drops, but if I cared that much I could get them on the GTN.

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I sometimes wonder if they set the CXP rates to discourage "grinding," if I'm feeling cynical


Hmm, maybe I'm mistaking your point, but I'd say the cynical (and IMO correct) view is that it is totally set up to encourage grinding. They want us playing (and more important subbing) continuously while awaiting new content. The ridiculously slow rate of CXP, when introduced (now much better) meant you'd go a looong time before ranking up.

OTOH, I have one character at Command Rank 198 or so, and that only because I ground out a good 120 of those throwing snowballs.
:eek::eek: how many snowballs was that?!?
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Hmm, maybe I'm mistaking your point, but I'd say the cynical (and IMO correct) view is that it is totally set up to encourage grinding. They want us playing (and more important subbing) continuously while awaiting new content. The ridiculously slow rate of CXP, when introduced (now much better) meant you'd go a looong time before ranking up.


They don't want us playing, they want us subbing - the one may lead to the other, but grinders burn out quick, casuals sub and don't demand new content NOW DANGIT! I'm reading tea leaves, but the whole CXP hoopla sounded a lot to me like "look what else you can get for just playing the game like you did before." There were a LOT of choices in the 4.x and 5.x development and implementation cycles that seemed to cynical-me as, at best, not caring if the grinders and content locusts went elsewhere. The after-implementation changes suggest that they didn't realize quite how much of their base was there, but they're still not going out of their way to encourage long-play-session grinding (outside of PvP, anyway, where long session plays are a way of life)


:eek::eek: how many snowballs was that?!?


A fair number, but: I had a snowball cannon from the first time they were put on sale, so I had close to triple the rate of fire of anyone with just the basic snowball, and Nar Shadaa had a high density of gift droids, so I rang the "mission complete" bell a LOT. Plus I ran a boost the entire time I was doing it, and immediately consumed any CXP packs that were dropped (and ran my back supply dry, for that matter). 30% drop chance is pretty high when you're firing a snowball every roughly 5 seconds (the cannon's CD is 6 seconds and the regular snowball launcher is either 12 or 15, I forget which).


I was selling holotrees to vendors by the end, because I had so many trees!

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:eek::eek: how many snowballs was that?!?


No idea really on mine but the poster you quoted wasn't even trying hard if he/she only got 120 ranks. I got 3 chars from 1 to 300 throwing those puppies, and more than that finished to 300. Snowballs on the Promenade. Good times. ;p

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No idea really on mine but the poster you quoted wasn't even trying hard if he/she only got 120 ranks. I got 3 chars from 1 to 300 throwing those puppies, and more than that finished to 300. Snowballs on the Promenade. Good times. ;p


Nah, I wasn't really trying at all. Double XP, plus the fully-bought-out per-character CXP boosts, plus the consumable boosts. (I don't have any of the legacy boost unlocks, since I don't have anyone at 300). If I did snowballs for 8 hours all up, I'd be surprised.


Don't forget the DvL CXP boost, too. I was LS and Star Forge is mostly Light-Side-Controlled.

Edited by IanArgent
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Double CXP events are usually listed here and the hard-to-find events page: http://www.swtor.com/info/in-game-events


I have been on record many times that double the current cxp rate should be the default, with potentially removing CXP boosts from vendors and drops for balance purposes.


CXP is extremely new player unfriendly and is solely responsible for the current state of the game.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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Double CXP events are usually listed here and the hard-to-find events page: http://www.swtor.com/info/in-game-events


I have been on record many times that double the current cxp rate should be the default, with potentially removing CXP boosts from vendors and drops for balance purposes.


CXP is extremely new player unfriendly and is solely responsible for the current state of the game.


New players don't care about CXP - to them this is the way it's always been. To the extent that veteran casuals care, CXP represents a way for them (me) to get high-end gear without having to raid.


The people who are most affected by low CXP rates are PvPers for whom the difference between tier 4 and Bolster is their edge against similar-skilled players, and raiders operating at the edge of their skill envelope (high-end progression raiders, mostly, who I have often said got "set back" by the gear tier advance and the unpredictable drop rate in command crates), likewise. For everyone else, Set Bonus is the big deal, not BiS. Between UC for disintegrating, and the normal drop rate, I haven't done too badly for the characters I've been working on.


And for the edge-of-the-envelope raiders, I was under the impression that CXP was not their primary method of gearing up; ever since they put fixed drops back into raids. That's how the one character I've done significant raiding on geared up, anyway (tier 1, since it was all SM).

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Just logged in...and we have double cxp for 188 hours and 37 minutes...giddy-up.








"I don't always drink alcoholic beverages, but when I do...I drink Sith Pale Ale...stay evil my friends"

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How does the Double CXP work for a person that is rank 300? I just did Czerka on a 300 rank char, and didn't seem to have the double bonus, got the same amount of CXP for it that I got last week on that char. But now I'm looking at Czerka on a rank 13 char, and definitely am seeing the double CXP on that char.
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