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Izax Veteran Progression Rankings

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November 28th, 2018 was the day that Nahut, Son of Shadow was released. This was also the day that Onyx of <Failure> ended it’s reign as the greatest raiding team in the game. The final cherry had fallen off the tree and into the pit beneath Nahut. Bail and Jay as our tanks, Laet and Rogeff as the healers, and Marvin, Yolo, Veldix, and Nestle-- who had to be subbed out for Sion so he could study for a physics test that day--as the dps. Some of us stopped playing. Some of us unsubbed. One of us magically lost access to his account. Most of us didn’t even kill Scyva. None of us thought we were going to return for Izax.


On the fateful day of March 16, 2018, after a month of playing nothing but Rainbow Six: Siege, with the exception of Jay’s UNO adventures and a great survival experience that you can have for only $14.99, Rogeff, Bail, Jay, and Veldix decided that they had to make their triumphant return. With Laet as the new leader of Onyx, and Yolo ready to rejoin the team as we were reforming, we still needed two more dps. We needed Marvin back, but he was unable to help us in our hour of need. He uttered but two statements to us: “Find a fill for me, good luck my dudes!” and “May the memes be with you.” And so we wondered if we would be able to raid again. However, like shooting stars from the heavens, Nestle and Jimi came to fill the remaining spots. And this time, Nestle had no physics test.


And so, Onyx was reformed, but we still had to make our return to greatness. Bail, who had magically lost access to his original account through what can only be described as a sudden amnesia where he only forgot his swtor account details, had no gear, no companion bonuses, and no datacrons. He had to rigorously grind to level a powertech from 1 to 70 while getting his companion bonuses and datacrons along the way. Our plan was to spend our first week regearing Bail, who was under his new alias, Montagne the Shield Tech Powertech. However, Bail had slept through the first 30 minutes of our first raid night, which left us still behind in the race to kill Izax.


Our return was not pretty. It was a story of mistakes, betrayal, and even more betrayal. Eventually we had to return to the Valley of the Machine Gods and progress through Scyva to get to what probably is the last “Nightmare” (

) boss this game may ever see: Izax. After a hard fought five and a half hours of progression, Izax had fallen, and our fallen team member had been honored in his grave.




Additional Screenshots for proof of kill:





Edited by AjentWashington
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November 28th, 2018 was the day that Nahut, Son of Shadow was released. This was also the day that Onyx of <Failure> ended it’s reign as the greatest raiding team in the game....

Best kill submission I've seen!


Updated and congrats to the latest clears!

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I know this doesn't meet the original strict requirements of 5/8+ clears, achievements shown in group chat, time and date, etc but still happy to post our success here.


Team **** It - <Sniper Science> - Empire - Satele Shan - Link


Kill screenshot:



Kill video:



Kill stream:



First kills for Glor'findel, Rutheren, Ayix and Ozio. Yolo killed in a group just before this. (rip 5/8)


Congrats to those who killed prior and good luck to those killing soon including our friends in Lightning Masters.

Edited by SmartAbyss
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Team <Carried by Cryria> - Imperial - Darth Malgus


Pug run. Members from: The Third Static, Fatassitude, Vengeance Covenant, Rotten Mangos, Stroke my Wookie. Two people had achievement for Izax 8vm.







twitch stream 1


twitch stream 2


kill date and time - 31/03 8:27:55pm UTC0 if that matters considering we dont have proper screenshot:)

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Hi There, <Addicted To Nightmares>


Down Izax HM 8m on Monday


Date - 2/4/18 time - 7:37PM GMT. on the Darth Malgus Server!


Thank you to my team for doing soo well in progressing this boss.


as well as thank you to Bioware for giving us a new challenging Boss!


Screen Shot - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403299955457916947/430435701985640469/Screenshot_42.png


Youtube Video -

Edited by XVAAyrton
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Hi !


With some delay... I got the great pleasure to post our achievement because no one else in our group raised the hand. ;-)


Guild: Koosai - Imperial

Group: Profilacktisch

Server: Tulak Hord


Kill date/time: 2. April 18 - 20:27:08 CET/GMT+2


Screen: http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=73b875-1522846305.jpg

Achievement: http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=a23c7a-1522846510.jpg



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