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Seriously, level 12?


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The saddest part is that I still see people asking for help with class missions. Especially if their companion is disabled. They just can't seem to grasp the concept of interrupts, dcd's and medpacks.


I had a level 70, legendary player, in a lfg last week who didn't even know he had an interrupt. :rolleyes:


Also they dont get the concept of side missions etc. This few extra minutes earn them tons of bonus ep scrolls. Stackable with events. Same for.. i believe the 1st starship battle(not this queque thing) a day.

Edited by Bladeofhonour
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Then you do that. People won't shriek in horror when someone says they're going to quit, and a week from now, no one will remember. You've already admitted to quitting once, so you're not loyal to the game, anyway.


Sorry snowflake. They might give participation awards where you're from, but I don't spend my money rewarding failure.


What's the solution? 2 million more hp so it's just as easy but it takes 10x more? Asking for harder story fights makes as much sense as asking for more dialog options in pvp.


Solution is as others said- turn off level scaling in instances. They're instanced, after all.




I will say what I always say on these threads--If people want to campaign for a Hard-PVE instance to go along with PVE and PVP, you might have some hope there. If you want to campaign for some other version of "Hard Mode" for the old content, then you might get it.


But they are certainly not going to go back and retool the 1-50 stories, not even the sad boss fights with enemies that have been so nerfed that they literally pose no threat whatsoever, not even if you take all the abilities off your bar, dismiss your companion, and fight naked.


It's just how it is.


So if some of you want to campaign for a hard mode for old content, have at it. Who knows. You might get it. But the story mode content is going to stay on what I call "auto-play" mode, since that's what the paying customer demands.


Unfortunately, I don't much enjoy "auto-play". Too bad. This game was really good at one point.

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While I agree that just the idea of level 12 final bosses is hilarious, the call for "challenge" in these things is equally lol.


The final bosses of the class story have never been challenging. And not just in the "hardly anything solo in this game is actually challenging, without some ******** involved" either. But the tuning itself has also been off.


Consider the Knight. Valis, that was a tough fight. The Emperor himself on the other hand? Total pushover. And let's not even get into Krannis. Or the Consular- I don't know how many times I died to Stark the first time. But the First Son? Again, a wimp. I beat Thanaton and Fatass on my first try, the former with a hybrid, back when they were still possible. The other classes are even less memorable for gameplay.


Let's be real. Gameplay wise, the grand climactic fights were anything but.

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While I agree that just the idea of level 12 final bosses is hilarious, the call for "challenge" in these things is equally lol.


The final bosses of the class story have never been challenging. And not just in the "hardly anything solo in this game is actually challenging, without some ******** involved" either. But the tuning itself has also been off.


Consider the Knight. Valis, that was a tough fight. The Emperor himself on the other hand? Total pushover. And let's not even get into Krannis. Or the Consular- I don't know how many times I died to Stark the first time. But the First Son? Again, a wimp. I beat Thanaton and Fatass on my first try, the former with a hybrid, back when they were still possible. The other classes are even less memorable for gameplay.


Let's be real. Gameplay wise, the grand climactic fights were anything but.


Inquisitors final cutscene where you kill Thanaton was powerful though. but all the others were really meh.

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Inquisitors final cutscene where you kill Thanaton was powerful though. but all the others were really meh.


I never really had any trouble with Thanaton. He always cast his heal puddle (that healed you, too) before casting force storm. I do remember putting a bubble on him accidentally one time, though. :eek:


I remember the first time I fought the Emperor (knight). That was pretty intense. But since level sync, it's a joke.

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While I agree that just the idea of level 12 final bosses is hilarious, the call for "challenge" in these things is equally lol.


The final bosses of the class story have never been challenging. And not just in the "hardly anything solo in this game is actually challenging, without some ******** involved" either. But the tuning itself has also been off.


Consider the Knight. Valis, that was a tough fight. The Emperor himself on the other hand? Total pushover. And let's not even get into Krannis. Or the Consular- I don't know how many times I died to Stark the first time. But the First Son? Again, a wimp. I beat Thanaton and Fatass on my first try, the former with a hybrid, back when they were still possible. The other classes are even less memorable for gameplay.


Let's be real. Gameplay wise, the grand climactic fights were anything but.



I believe this to be untrue. I can remember fights with the JK that were quite difficult right after launch. After the first chapter you had to defeat the bad guy with a DPS companion without any legacy boosts or nothing. It was actually challenging to me. Same with the JK bossfight which used to have a 1 hit kill ability, again without a healer.


In the beginning, the difficulty was actually quite ok. It was very tough to solo Heroic4's back in the day.

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It was very tough to solo Heroic4's back in the day.


Not actually true unless you were on level with them. If you were 10 or more levels above them, they were very easy since the NPCs could not even damage you (of course you got no xp for killing any of them either and the gear/cred drops were mostly useless - only the completion reward was significant enough to matter).


You did point out the difference though, everyone now has a healer companion starting out at first level. The JK story was balanced based on when you acquired the various companions (as were all the other class stories). That no longer being the case, there are sections of all stories that are extremely easy even if you keep you gear and abilities comparable to what they were at launch. Using an ability you don't gain until level 30 on a level 15 planet is going to be overpowered no matter how much level sync is involved.


Fast leveling was a result of PVPers and raiders complaining about how long it took alts to level (Story players eventually got in on that push when they moved to main story arc leveling). It is fast leveling that creates all the problems because it creates a very wide range of abilities. You have to balance the game for a slow leveling inexperienced player against a speed leveling complete legacy MMO pro, which is almost impossible to do.

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I believe this to be untrue. I can remember fights with the JK that were quite difficult right after launch. After the first chapter you had to defeat the bad guy with a DPS companion without any legacy boosts or nothing. It was actually challenging to me. Same with the JK bossfight which used to have a 1 hit kill ability, again without a healer.


In the beginning, the difficulty was actually quite ok. It was very tough to solo Heroic4's back in the day.

Yeah, Valis. I already mentioned him. My point was the final boss of the class story was not the most difficult fight you had to face, not by a long shot. That's part of the problem, and part of the reason why this complaint feels hollow. And I don't remember any oneshot ability from the Emperor. All he ever did was clonespam.

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Yeah, Valis. I already mentioned him. My point was the final boss of the class story was not the most difficult fight you had to face, not by a long shot. That's part of the problem, and part of the reason why this complaint feels hollow. And I don't remember any oneshot ability from the Emperor. All he ever did was clonespam.


Regardless of the end chapter fights being a dark souls boss difficulty or not, the simple fact is their too easy now, and require no mechanics to pay attention to, in fact the entire game is like this. It's a bit much to ask for the entire game to be retuned for two difficulty modes or more, but it would be nice if they at least fixed end chapter boss fights to have some semblance of mechanics requiring a interrupt, dps check, line of sight, or something to spice it up.

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Regardless of the end chapter fights being a dark souls boss difficulty or not, the simple fact is their too easy now, and require no mechanics to pay attention to, in fact the entire game is like this. It's a bit much to ask for the entire game to be retuned for two difficulty modes or more, but it would be nice if they at least fixed end chapter boss fights to have some semblance of mechanics requiring a interrupt, dps check, line of sight, or something to spice it up.

Most didn't require mechanics before. That's (part of) my point. Having bosses be bullet sponges or just do insane damage with every hit isn't challenging, it's just tedious (and some cases ********). The things people keep bringing up (interrupts/not standing in stupid etc) were never a part of class story bosses. At best some were part of rando mobs. The overall design philosophy was never "challenge" but grind grind grind. Challenge and mechanics are almost entirely the domain of group content.


Now some mechanics for solo stuff wouldn't be unwelcome, going forward. But you run into other issues trying to apply them retroactively, especially if you believe in the "we don't know how the base game code works" story.

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Welcome to level sync. Yeah, they screwed up big time with the way they did it. Class missions in instances should scale UP to your level, not down to the planetary level. This, along with godbots, are the reason people don't L2P, and others feel so underwhelmed when they finish what was supposed to be an "epic" battle. But people complained that "it's too hard." So this is what we got.


Baras used to be such a great fight too. And the Jedi Consular end fight was as well once they fixed his launch bugs. Now? Meh. Why bother.

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They really need to revisit level sync.... I really think that the way our stats are determined needs to be tweaked, and probably even our respective level should shift... and, heck, maybe even make it region specific rather than planet specific.

...even in some of the ways Level Sync is buggy, because using a Stim doesn't increase your stats, or even abilities that temporarily boost your stats don't do anything (because your stats are already at the Hard Cap).


...and, absolutely instances shouldn't be level capped. Or... maybe... they should be level capped in the opposite way different way; if YOUR level is 57 and you're facing off against Baras on Dromund Kaas, maybe his level should be 59. How about that?? I mean, nothing worse than fighting a boss, and you are slapping them silly... and you get to an interlude in the fight, and the boss does some powerful move to show how much more dominant it is... and you're like "but... I was beating you like a rug...?"

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I popped into WoW the other day. I actually hadn't played there since before their first expansion and that was also pre Battlenet. Anyway, they seem to have done their level sync the other way around. Mobs sync to you. Just because it's done elsewhere isn't necessarily a reason to not consider it.


Just a thought.

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I popped into WoW the other day. I actually hadn't played there since before their first expansion and that was also pre Battlenet. Anyway, they seem to have done their level sync the other way around. Mobs sync to you. Just because it's done elsewhere isn't necessarily a reason to not consider it.


Just a thought.


So you're saying "Look, Blizz and Bioware both did the same thing again, except Bioware screwed it up and Blizz didn't."

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Then you do that. People won't shriek in horror when someone says they're going to quit, and a week from now, no one will remember. You've already admitted to quitting once, so you're not loyal to the game, anyway.


Please ignore this comment. I would prefer to see you remain a subscriber.

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So you're saying "Look, Blizz and Bioware both did the same thing again, except Bioware screwed it up and Blizz didn't."


Nope not at all. Just saying that just because it's done differently elsewhere isn't a reason to not consider that method as useful in your game. Nothing more.

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hahaha I remembered I have to ask my friend to help out my story fight with Zack in Kaas cause she kicked my butt at level 30 and she was level 32 boss. I came back to the game for new story and decided to make a new character to enjoy the Sith Inquisitor story again and I pretty much 2 shots Zach with the level sync. Same for Jedi consular final boss fight in Corrillia I 3 shoted him and I was died and died many times before new changes, I eventually found the strategy to counter his attacks and win the fight, it's feel good back there but now it's just a disappointment and no feeling of an epic fight at all.
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Remove the leveling in this game and just have the Galactic Command levels. Then all the bosses can be scaled to projected tiers. Your chapter 3 final boss could be adjusted for full tier 2 geared player characters. Then we don’t have to worry about level sync and we could still have decent enough boss fights.


I wouldn’t have too many tier changes to the single player expansions until you get to the KOTFE stufff.

Edited by kirorx
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It does seem a little anti-climactic. I wish it could be scaled to your current level at least. Then there might at least be a danger of dying, if you did not keep up your gear or your companion influence or both. I think asking for a Veteran or Master Mode is a pipe dream though.
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It is easy to increase your difficulty yourself. Just take those pesky abilities off your bar and your companions bar. use a influence 1 companion or no companion at all. Bingo!!!! difficulty restored. All it takes is a little effort on your part.


Well what is the point in that? I kill the mob with basic attack only anyway. Its like if you tell Superman to not use flying and super strength against enemies cause they don't stand a chance and so that its challenging.

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Nope not at all. Just saying that just because it's done differently elsewhere isn't a reason to not consider that method as useful in your game. Nothing more.


Its not that they "considered it to be useful" it had to be introduced to save the game! Or at least make it kind of playable. Imagine being level 70 now and having nothing to do in the out-leveled planets! Im no fan of level sync, but the way its implemented is silly indeed.

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What some people here say is that the content wasnt challenging before, well I would like to disagree. Sure it depends on the point of view (like everything in Star wars :) ).


It depends on if this is your first MMO or not. For me it was, I remember starting my Jedi Knight, running around Tython with Willpower gear, having trouble killing the boss to get my lightsaber etc. I remember being on Taris, finding the Heroic 4, Fall of Locust, not knowing what it is a died horribly in the H4 area. I remember not speccing in Force Exhaustion in my Skill tree for the Focus discipline (most important skill in that discipline) and many more. I know people were asking for help with some fights on fleet, which were part of story cause it was too hard to beat.


Yes for a new player stuff was very very hard. What did I do? Uninstal? Go to forums and whine? No, I learned from my mistakes, I checked stats, ask around etc, now, I am a decent player, but that wasnt always the case. How come I became one? Well, the game made me one BY OFFERING HARD CHALLENGES!

Edited by merovejec
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What some people here say is that the content wasnt challenging before, well I would like to disagree. Sure it depends on the point of view (like everything in Star wars :) ).


It depends on if this is your first MMO or not. For me it was, I remember starting my Jedi Knight, running around Tython with Willpower gear, having trouble killing the boss to get my lightsaber etc. I remember being on Taris, finding the Heroic 4, Fall of Locust, not knowing what it is a died horribly in the H4 area. I remember not speccing in Force Exhaustion in my Skill tree for the Focus discipline (most important skill in that discipline) and many more. I know people were asking for help with some fights on fleet, which were part of story cause it was too hard to beat.


Yes for a new player stuff was very very hard. What did I do? Uninstal? Go to forums and whine? No, I learned from my mistakes, I checked stats, ask around etc, now, I am a decent player, but that wasnt always the case. How come I became one? Well, the game made me one BY OFFERING HARD CHALLENGES!


I agree. This isn't my first MMO. I've been around the block more than a few times. In beta, and early release, strong (silver) mobs were pretty tough (there was a time that strongs were tougher than elites). Fighting a group of mobs with just one was pretty tough. Toss in a second, and if you managed to survive the fight, it was a close thing. Elites (gold star) were just flat out difficult and tested your abilities. Champions (white/gold star) required at least 2 players to kill, if not more. All of this is taking into consideration that you were on level with the content (if the mobs con'd white). And so many people tried to short-cut through their stories and ended up in Alderaan places at level 20-25, only to find that even trash mobs would destroy them.


But yeah, the only way to really excel at something is to be challenged by it. But for some people logging on is challenge enough it seems. :rolleyes:

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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