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Seriously, level 12?


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How did this not get fixed yet?


Nothing like going through the entire class story, gaining 50 levels worth of abilities, facing off against the Dark Council, prepared for what should be the most epic fight in the class story...


And the level 12 "boss" dies in one hit.


Seriously. How is this not fixed?

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How did this not get fixed yet?


Nothing like going through the entire class story, gaining 50 levels worth of abilities, facing off against the Dark Council, prepared for what should be the most epic fight in the class story...


And the level 12 "boss" dies in one hit.


Seriously. How is this not fixed?


Welcome to level sync. Yeah, they screwed up big time with the way they did it. Class missions in instances should scale UP to your level, not down to the planetary level. This, along with godbots, are the reason people don't L2P, and others feel so underwhelmed when they finish what was supposed to be an "epic" battle. But people complained that "it's too hard." So this is what we got.

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Sure, I remember when they added level sync, I was still playing at the time. But I swore I had read that instances were bugged and were going to get fixed 3 years ago.


If this is intentional, I'm gonna have to cancel my sub again, since Bioware has clearly abandoned and given up on this game.

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Sure, I remember when they added level sync, I was still playing at the time. But I swore I had read that instances were bugged and were going to get fixed 3 years ago.


If this is intentional, I'm gonna have to cancel my sub again, since Bioware has clearly abandoned and given up on this game.


Then you do that. People won't shriek in horror when someone says they're going to quit, and a week from now, no one will remember. You've already admitted to quitting once, so you're not loyal to the game, anyway.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Sure, I remember when they added level sync, I was still playing at the time. But I swore I had read that instances were bugged and were going to get fixed 3 years ago.


If this is intentional, I'm gonna have to cancel my sub again, since Bioware has clearly abandoned and given up on this game.


It isnt Bioware anymore it is the slave master EA...if you haven't been paying attention to what started last October with EA then you are truly lost.

EA is the biggest problem of all EA games. 1. Once they go live they pull 50% support and either move or fire half the staff.

EAs thinking once its live we dont need much to run it into the ground.

Right now there cant be more then 10 AT best still working with this game.

I seen what a good gaming company can do and EA might turn out good titles...but whats it is out

thats about it...FIFA though is making near a billion a year but you have to pour a lot of cash into that game


WIsh DISNEY would remove STAR WARS from EA and they could with great ease.

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Sure, I remember when they added level sync, I was still playing at the time. But I swore I had read that instances were bugged and were going to get fixed 3 years ago.


If this is intentional, I'm gonna have to cancel my sub again, since Bioware has clearly abandoned and given up on this game.

By all means, go ahead.


Level sync has been one of the best things to happen to this game. Not having to worry about doing side missions or heroics for the gazillion time is actually preeetty good. Yea they should have made the instances to have a different level, a proper level, but you know, every light casts a shadow somewhere.

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Well its not only that, they whole leveling experience is too easy. I am playing the warrior story now and my companion kills everything before I get a chance to leap to it, its ridiculous.


Then people que for lvl 70 pvp, get wrecked and ask for nerfs :D

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WIsh DISNEY would remove STAR WARS from EA and they could with great ease.

E-A-S-E is a very strange way of spelling "expense". It would cost Disney an enormous amount of money to unilaterally break the Star Wars game license agreement, because EA would invoke every single detail of the penalty clauses.

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How did this not get fixed yet?


Nothing like going through the entire class story, gaining 50 levels worth of abilities, facing off against the Dark Council, prepared for what should be the most epic fight in the class story...


And the level 12 "boss" dies in one hit.


Seriously. How is this not fixed?


Thats one of the biggest screw ups in this game. The fights against final bosses on korriban/other planets must be epic but instead of this they die like no-name randoms from hokuto shinken techniques. Rip classic stories

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Thats one of the biggest screw ups in this game. The fights against final bosses on korriban/other planets must be epic but instead of this they die like no-name randoms from hokuto shinken techniques. Rip classic stories

The Trooper and Consular are less stupid since the fights actually happen on Corellia, but it's still a bit pathetic.


(The power gap between a 70 clipped to 12 and a level 10 Baras is way bigger than the power gap between a 70 clipped to 52 and a level 50 Rakton or First Son.)

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Well its not only that, they whole leveling experience is too easy. I am playing the warrior story now and my companion kills everything before I get a chance to leap to it, its ridiculous.


Then people que for lvl 70 pvp, get wrecked and ask for nerfs :D


It is easy to increase your difficulty yourself. Just take those pesky abilities off your bar and your companions bar. use a influence 1 companion or no companion at all. Bingo!!!! difficulty restored. All it takes is a little effort on your part.

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What's the solution? 2 million more hp so it's just as easy but it takes 10x more? Asking for harder story fights makes as much sense as asking for more dialog options in pvp.


Why doesn't it make sense? Your whole story builds up to the final encounter of one of your greatest rivals and you can kill him with a feather, how does that make sense???? If he was that easy to kill all along, how was he still alive???

Edited by beattlebilly
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Why doesn't it make sense? Your whole story builds up to the final encounter of one of your greatest rivals and you can kill him with a feather, how does that make sense???? If he was that easy to kill all along, how was he still alive???


It doesn't make sense because over the years BW has managed to chase off just about everyone who wants to see any gameplay challenge in SWTOR.


They didn't just level sync the encounters.


The nerfed the daylights out of them and then level synced them.


It was by customer request, by the customers who were reaching level 50 without any clue how to play their class, or MMORPGs in general.


The guiding principle in design here is that it's easy for a skilled player to handle dumbed down content, and they might not like it, but as long as there's challenging content somewhere in the game they'll find it and cope.


For the players that want to just press play and have the game play itself though, "for the story," there's really no way to force that player to learn how to actually play the game. They'll just throw a tantrum and quit, which wouldn't be a problem except that if they quit they're probably not going to be subscribing or making cash shop purchases.


So if you don't have the time and budget to make an actual gameplay version and a story book version (no player input required), you go for the storybook version because your overall customer retention should be higher.


That's the theory at any rate.

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It is easy to increase your difficulty yourself. Just take those pesky abilities off your bar and your companions bar. use a influence 1 companion or no companion at all. Bingo!!!! difficulty restored. All it takes is a little effort on your part.


They still die in relatively a few hits, and for the most part, having a level 1 companion won't change things to much unless you have them tanking, as their dps output is going to relatively be the same. Not to mention it just makes things more tedious, not harder since their are no mechanics and its just a big giant health pool to knock down. This game shouldn't be catering to the lowest common denominator requiring no effort for them to succeed, it should cater to a casual level that requires people to use their brain to overcome a obstacle now and then.

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They still die in relatively a few hits, and for the most part, having a level 1 companion won't change things to much unless you have them tanking, as their dps output is going to relatively be the same. Not to mention it just makes things more tedious, not harder since their are no mechanics and its just a big giant health pool to knock down. This game shouldn't be catering to the lowest common denominator requiring no effort for them to succeed, it should cater to a casual level that requires people to use their brain to overcome a obstacle now and then.


Sorry, I hate puzzles, like "The Claw" or whatever that chapter is in KOTET when you have to run around the hotel or whatever that palace-thing is to feed the guards, make everyone happy...

...not a puzzle person.

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How did this not get fixed yet?


Nothing like going through the entire class story, gaining 50 levels worth of abilities, facing off against the Dark Council, prepared for what should be the most epic fight in the class story...


And the level 12 "boss" dies in one hit.


Seriously. How is this not fixed?


This was.. old news..... more then two years go. Where have you been?

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Why doesn't it make sense? Your whole story builds up to the final encounter of one of your greatest rivals and you can kill him with a feather, how does that make sense???? If he was that easy to kill all along, how was he still alive???


Even before level sync and the great retooling of the game with 4.0...... they were never really heroic encounters in my view. Some actually required a little thought and tactics.... but nothing major and certainly not worthy of preserving for all perpetuity. Yes yes.. some veterans will argue that they want the old vanilla flavoring of launch.... yet these same veterans also generally complain about the time it takes to level up a new character because of some form of "been there done that" syndrome.


You are confusing the story arc theme (done in pretty true SW style) with the fact that mechanics in a 6 year old MMO get simplified to make it easier for newer players to fully on-ramp with the game in a reasonable time period.


You also seem to think that the class story arcs that were part of release of the game are some sort of holy grail of SW saga. They are not. They are good stories in most cases, but they also have to be embedded into an MMO framework that works for a wide range of players of the game (and as such.. will never perfectly meet the needs of all players).

Edited by Andryah
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Even before level sync and the great retooling of the game with 4.0...... they were never really heroic encounters in my view. Some actually required a little thought and tactics.... but nothing major and certainly not worthy of preserving for all perpetuity. Yes yes.. some veterans will argue that they want the old vanilla flavoring of launch.... yet these same veterans also generally complain about the time it takes to level up a new character because of some form of "been there done that" syndrome.


You are confusing the story arc theme (done in pretty true SW style) with the fact that mechanics in a 6 year old MMO get simplified to make it easier for newer players to fully on-ramp with the game in a reasonable time period.


You also seem to think that the class story arcs that were part of release of the game are some sort of holy grail of SW saga. They are not. They are good stories in most cases, but they also have to be embedded into an MMO framework that works for a wide range of players of the game (and as such.. will never perfectly meet the needs of all players).


You sure did read a lot into that little bit I wrote LOL I'm not in any way thinking it's some holy grail that needs to be preserved, or anything like that. I was just wondering how having a more challenging time beating a guy we are led to believe is some great challenge doesn't make sense according to the story(context matters, it helps to read the quote along with the post :D ). I pointed out that we are being led up to a fight with a challenging rival, and we kill him like he's a new recruit. Why wouldn't it make sense to have a bit of challenge? Making the fight itself close to what it used to be(as you pointed out wasn't that big of a deal any way, but was still a fun challenge) won't in any way lengthen the leveling experience.

Edited by beattlebilly
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Level sync has been one of the best things to happen to this game.


absolutely, it was such a great decision to take all the rpg elements out of the game, pay no attention to the millions of subs that dropped off right around the same time...

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absolutely, it was such a great decision to take all the rpg elements out of the game, pay no attention to the millions of subs that dropped off right around the same time...


Please note.. you forgot to use the common accepted notation for sarcasm here ---> { text }


As for the millions of subs comment by you ... actually those dropped off way before the great 4.0 retooling that included level sync as one of it's key components.

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I remember the good old days when things like this were a challenge. You had to actually us an interrupt and certain timed abilities to get through a fight. Now you can literally, walk away from the keyboard, go take a shower , cook dinner, and the companion will have completed the fight for you. You literally have to do nothing. Whats the point?? This is the reason why PVP is filled with horrible players that don't know anything ,and pugging into a sm op can be a bad experience. Nobody knows how to play anymore, because they never had to learn! I'm about to follow my former guild members who have abandoned this game because they were not having fun anymore. Its so dumbed own its sad really.
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They didn't just level sync the encounters.


The nerfed the daylights out of them and then level synced them.


It was by customer request, by the customers who were reaching level 50 without any clue how to play their class, or MMORPGs in general.


The guiding principle in design here is that it's easy for a skilled player to handle dumbed down content, and they might not like it, but as long as there's challenging content somewhere in the game they'll find it and cope.





I will say what I always say on these threads--If people want to campaign for a Hard-PVE instance to go along with PVE and PVP, you might have some hope there. If you want to campaign for some other version of "Hard Mode" for the old content, then you might get it.


But they are certainly not going to go back and retool the 1-50 stories, not even the sad boss fights with enemies that have been so nerfed that they literally pose no threat whatsoever, not even if you take all the abilities off your bar, dismiss your companion, and fight naked.


It's just how it is.


So if some of you want to campaign for a hard mode for old content, have at it. Who knows. You might get it. But the story mode content is going to stay on what I call "auto-play" mode, since that's what the paying customer demands.

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What's the solution? 2 million more hp so it's just as easy but it takes 10x more? Asking for harder story fights makes as much sense as asking for more dialog options in pvp.


Yes. But a to easy storryline also is junk. And i never ahd seen a 1 hit boss as i made new characters up to 70. Never.

I think the truth is between this to easy and that suggested to hard content.. just a balance.


ps: for just farming up to 70 it is quiete ok.

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I will say what I always say on these threads--If people want to campaign for a Hard-PVE instance to go along with PVE and PVP, you might have some hope there. If you want to campaign for some other version of "Hard Mode" for the old content, then you might get it.


But they are certainly not going to go back and retool the 1-50 stories, not even the sad boss fights with enemies that have been so nerfed that they literally pose no threat whatsoever, not even if you take all the abilities off your bar, dismiss your companion, and fight naked.


It's just how it is.


So if some of you want to campaign for a hard mode for old content, have at it. Who knows. You might get it. But the story mode content is going to stay on what I call "auto-play" mode, since that's what the paying customer demands.


The saddest part is that I still see people asking for help with class missions. Especially if their companion is disabled. They just can't seem to grasp the concept of interrupts, dcd's and medpacks.


I had a level 70, legendary player, in a lfg last week who didn't even know he had an interrupt. :rolleyes:

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