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Well, I guess Kotaku gave us their own Producer's Note. SWTOR could Shut Down


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Your enthusiasm is laudable.

I wonder how loud the SWG crowd was the 30 days prior to Sony shutting it down.


Or The Matrix.

Or Archlord.

Or Vanguard.

Or WarHammer Online


I played them all.

All dead.

All had their fans.

Didn't matter.


But...I laud your enthusiasm.


Well, I'm trying. I'm not ready to throw in the towel. It may not matter, but I'd rather live with the knowledge that at least I tried rather than passing a hammer to the people nailing in the nails on the coffin.

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Well, I'm trying. I'm not ready to throw in the towel. It may not matter, but I'd rather live with the knowledge that at least I tried rather than passing a hammer to the people nailing in the nails on the coffin.


As a guild leader, I'm not throwing in the towel either. I'll be there for my player association to the end.

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I hope you're not suggesting I'm a white knight lol. Far from it, if I'm unhappy about a thing, I usually give them a good verbal thrashing over it. That doesn't mean I don't love it, I just want them to do better for all of us. But I think a concerted effort toward Disney to show that we love the game couldn't hurt, as you say 'make noise'. Organized noise, like dedicated a day or a week toward twittering about the game even once a day at Disney.


Allowing people another chance to get things they missed out on like The Shroud and Nico and Shae might also help draw some people in.


Not at all, I was just giving examples. Not accusing anybody of that. In my opinion only serious commitment will bring new players and retain old ones. Another scraps or shiny things wont work anymore. We have had one year with almost nothing, how many such years do you think will work...At this point only new expansion, a clear-cut communication with the player base. Commitment, commitment and the same again. Nothing else.


I was honestly not expecting such a foolish thing to sacrifice SWTOR for a potential flop like Anthem, but the possibility of such short-sightedness will boggle my mind.

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As a guild leader, I'm not throwing in the towel either. I'll be there for my player association to the end.


Well, that's something. And I do get that we can only do so much, a lot depends on if we're heard, and then if we're heard what the response would be.


It's not easy to stay positive. I stayed away from here most of yesterday and a good part of today because I was angry.


I was angry about the lame returns, but that doesn't mean I don't love the game, I just want better for us. And if it comes down to it, crumbs are better than nothing at all, but just so that they know that we can't dine on crumbs forever. That's something that can be done for a short while to save the game at a crunch time, but it would be nice to know that if we dine on crumbs we can have something to look forward to once the lean times are past.

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Well, I'm trying. I'm not ready to throw in the towel. It may not matter, but I'd rather live with the knowledge that at least I tried rather than passing a hammer to the people nailing in the nails on the coffin.


Heh, you should make a thread for the devs to read with links to other threads and ideas for them to chew at.

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What saddens me most i think is the fact that my only MMORPG and SW fix is being sidelined for a shooter... Is Fifa and online shooters (which let's be honest are all the same in different skins) the pinnacle of gaming these days?! Is that really what the market is after?! I dunno, maybe it's just me but I could never really get into that type of game. Are those of us that played RPGs from Baldur's Gate to Gothic to Kotor to The Elder Scrolls to Pillars of Eternity and enjoy proper RPG elements in out online gaming so few and far between?! Hell, I'd rather play MOBAs personally then Destiny, Overwatch or Anthem... Sigh... Edited by Valceanu
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From the article:




So not definite, but it looks like if this is being discussed, this is not good news for us.


Anthem has been in development from 2012, that is 6 years, it is more than likely that the game engine will be very out dated, when it finally releases (2019). And havcing been in development such a long time, it may be vapor ware, as it is competing against Destiny, which is well established now.


Similar SWTOR was direct competition to WOW (which it failed), as it was similar tab style targeting static combats.

Also SWTOR engine choice was very bad, as it did not deliver any of the promises, i.e. live patching, live content pushes, handling large scale combat (aka Ilum open world PVP, slide show).


Since the development was started in 2012, no DX 12 support, unless the engine/client is capable of adapting to this.


Since it is FPS, it holds no interest to me.

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From the article:

"BioWare has also discussed ending development on the multiplayer online game Star Wars: The Old Republic, those sources said, although one person familiar with the studio told me recently that plans are still up in the air."

So not definite, but it looks like if this is being discussed, this is not good news for us.

Not really a surprise to me. After Galactic Command (even with the changes), KotFE/KotET and everything since, BW would have to put significant resources (money and people) into turning the game into something that matches the original story-based game AND also adds plenty of true MMO group options to keep the various types of player happy and paying. It was good while it lasted, but in fairness, they cannot compete with upcoming Classic WoW and other games without some huge spending - this game is not good enough to keep paying players on the Star Wars name alone. I expect once they finished dragging out the Theron story, there will be an announcement on the game going into maintenance mode or shutting down completely. I don't know if the financial year is the same in the US as it is in the UK (April) however I think they will announce something then.

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What saddens me most i think is the fact that my only MMORPG and SW fix is being sidelined for a shooter... Is Fifa and online shooters (which let's be honest are all the same in different skins) the pinnacle of gaming these days?! Is that really what the market is after?! I dunno, maybe it's just me but I could never really get into that type of game. Are those of us that played RPGs from Baldur's Gate to Gothic to Kotor to The Elder Scrolls to Pillars of Eternity and enjoy proper RPG elements in out online gaming so few and far between?! Hell, I'd rather play MOBAs personally then Destiny, Overwatch or Anthem... Sigh...


I don't get it either. Shooters don't interest me, sports games don't interest me. Smart, intruiging single player adventure/RPG games that engage you emotionally and intellectually interest me. BioWare used to make those, but even Dragon Age may change now with these "live" elements. I will not play Anthem, I will not play Dragon Age 4 unless it's a single player game. :mad:


I've played SWTOR since the beta even though what I really wanted was a single player KotOR 3. Still, I stayed subscribed and I enjoyed the stories over the years. It'll be horrible if EA decides to end development of SWTOR. I just hope that the current storyline with Theron is wrapped up at least and we get all our companions back, as well as the Arcann romance (for both genders!).

Edited by RevansSoul
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No new development doesn't necessarily mean lights out ... they can keep SWTOR in maintenance mode for as long as folks keep spending money on it. And if Anthem tanks ...


Still, I think some folks who may have since moved on did not feel the love for this game that was necessary or listen to the right group of players and we had all the KOTFE kock-ups that really started to line up the nails for the coffin.


Totally unnecessary. And sad. And I guess I'm gonna record stuff like a madwoman from here on out, just in case. :(

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Not at all, I was just giving examples. Not accusing anybody of that. In my opinion only serious commitment will bring new players and retain old ones. Another scraps or shiny things wont work anymore. We have had one year with almost nothing, how many such years do you think will work...At this point only new expansion, a clear-cut communication with the player base. Commitment, commitment and the same again. Nothing else.


I was honestly not expecting such a foolish thing to sacrifice SWTOR for a potential flop like Anthem, but the possibility of such short-sightedness will boggle my mind.


Oh ok lol. Just making sure. ;) I agree with you, that only a serious commitment will do what needs to be done. The reason I suggested the 'scraps and shinies' is that they already exist, and it would be a cheap way to lure back some who have left that might've missed out on that stuff. I realize that a full expansion with new story, maybe a new class, new stronghold, new pvp and ops stuff would energize the game, but I'm not aware of how much they have in resources ...not much if they've pulled everything to work on Anthem, which btw, I fail to understand why yet another game of this genre is being worked on, they all suck and their players are transients. They don't stick around.


I wasn't expecting that either, it's Star Wars!? I'm like does Bioware EA not even realize what they have here? They ignore it like a runt puppy, so I think they're the ones that are failing in vision. I can't see Disney appreciating them kicking Star Wars aside for another FPS trash clone. If Bioware doesn't' listen to us, then we have to go to whoever will.


Heh, you should make a thread for the devs to read with links to other threads and ideas for them to chew at.


I could, if I actually thought the devs here would bother to read it. I'm thinking maybe it's time to address our concerns to those who would listen. How many threads have their been voicing our discontent with some of the directions the game has taken, like this RNG box armor grind and GC and stuff like that. If I were to link all the threads, well, I'd be linking the whole forum to the post.


I already went on Twitter and posted this: SW:TOR is loved, it's an excellent game. It deserves more attention than the mere crumbs we're getting. EA has pulled staff of SWTOR in favor of Anthem. Please, get more people and work on SW:TOR. We love this game and don't want it to die. #Disney #EA #Bioware #LucasArts #Gaming

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Your enthusiasm is laudable.

I wonder how loud the SWG crowd was the 30 days prior to Sony shutting it down.


Or The Matrix.

Or Archlord.

Or Vanguard.

Or WarHammer Online


I played them all.

All dead.

All had their fans.

Didn't matter.


But...I laud your enthusiasm.



There was a petition going around during the time SWG was scheduled to be closed to keep it open. That didn't work (but there are SWG emulators now) so I doubt even petitions would work.

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No new development doesn't necessarily mean lights out ... they can keep SWTOR in maintenance mode for as long as folks keep spending money on it. And if Anthem tanks ...


Still, I think some folks who may have since moved on did not feel the love for this game that was necessary or listen to the right group of players and we had all the KOTFE kock-ups that really started to line up the nails for the coffin.


Totally unnecessary. And sad. And I guess I'm gonna record stuff like a madwoman from here on out, just in case. :(


If Anthem Tanks, EA will be down to The Sims.

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I don't get it either. Shooters don't interest me, sports games don't interest me. Smart, intruiging single player adventure/RPG games that engage you emotionally and intellectually interest me. BioWare used to make those, but even Dragon Age is in danger now with these "live" elements. I will not play Anthem, I will not play Dragon Age 4 unless it's a single player game. :mad:


I'm really worried for SWTOR. I just hope that the current storyline with Theron is wrapped up at least and we get all our companions back before the end.

Yeah but it is all about the e-sports games now.. Heck on the news the other night they were talking about how e-sports has finally been legitimized. That is where the money is going to go..

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I dont know how, I thought my sub money and occasional coin purchases signaled my love for the game and my desire to have it developed. But now I’m not even sure my money goes back into swtor but some other game I’ll never even play.


Maybe a “thanks for swtor 💖💖💖” thread? 🙂


I would've thought too. I'd hate to think our money is being used to feed another FPS with an outdated engine. I do like the idea of a love thread for swtor... :)

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I would've thought too. I'd hate to think our money is being used to feed another FPS with an outdated engine. I do like the idea of a love thread for swtor... :)


Luna, in case you've missed it, check out the open source thread.

You've been re-assigned.



Edited by xordevoreaux
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I would've thought too. I'd hate to think our money is being used to feed another FPS with an outdated engine. I do like the idea of a love thread for swtor... :)


Frostbite? Outdated? Ooook then?


Sure it sounds like it was a pain in the *** and then some to get working with different styles of games but it sure isn't outdated.

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I dont know about you guys, but after they have destroyed Mass Effect, if they manage to flop this game (already fine and strong on this road) they will lose me as a customer forever...considering i bought every one of their games from KOTOR 1 , Jade Empire to ME an DA series to SWTOR. I have zero interest in Anthem.


EA has done nothing with the SW licence, so here is hoping somebody at Disney cares enough about this.


EAware should be ashamed of what they have done to this game and the total silence towards its customers. This may look smart now, but I assure you, its not a reputation you want for your future.


I'm in the same boat as you. I honestly feel sorry for BW devs... and I hope Disney gives the SW ip to a company who cares more about "making great games" than making "games as service".


While I've been an avid supporter of BW games in the past (I own KOTOR on 3 different systems & DA & ME on 2), I will not be buying anthem. It reeks of the same logic that gave us SWTOR in the first place.


EA-"hey... people love MMO's.... look at WoW! We should make one! Let's take a company who's known for making great SP RPG's & give them (arguably) the most popular IP on the planet to make our own WoW killer!"


Fail..... :(


EA-" Ok.... that didn't go like we planned. But people love shooters now! Look at Destiny! We should make one! Let's take a company who's known for making great SP RPG's & give them a new ip to work with, and make the Destiny killer! And we can add mtx, and milk it for the next 10yrs!"


Yea... I'm done with EA. I'll keep my sub here even tho I only play once or twice a month because I love Star Wars, and this is the only "current gen" :rolleyes: SW RPG on the market.

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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You know, come to think of it... Disney's deal is with EA. EA owns BW. BWA is the production studio for one of EA's Star Wars game - SWTOR. If BW is allocating resources away from SWTOR for their own title and neglecting the Star Wars title, wouldn't that be grounds for... something? I'm not an attorney so idk the correct term but it does seem logical.


It depends on what the grounds are for EA and Disney's contract. But in court or by any contract that any major corporation i know has terms where a corporation cannot allocate certain amount of their own yearly funds, and put it somwhere else. Say sourcing money and developers to another game if it has such Negative effects on the SW games like EA is doing now.


Of course i don't have the Disney/EA/ Bioware contract on me right now lol. But really, Disney was in a rush in giving EA the contract because it was LucasArts at GL that okayed the contract with what was Bioware, then EA bought Bioware, i think because the biggest reason was the the new Swtor MMO that was being developed, plus Bioware had a good reputation back then.


Then after that, and these events happened really fast. Is that then Disney buys GL's Star Wars which isn't Star Wars anymore, but Disney just gave EA the full contract out of Laziness, because Disney Execs, don't want to get into a pond they don't know as much about as other Gaming companies, and Disney Execs don't feel like putting money into a new gaming only studio's.


But who knows. I would hope that Disney could buy out Swtor at least from Bioware. Lots of money, but....

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