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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Well, I guess Kotaku gave us their own Producer's Note. SWTOR could Shut Down


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this thing is going around in circles. i'm not going to repeat what i already mentioned elsewhere.


he either gets to it and confirm his info or he don't. i've said my bit.


It's the editor's job to verify the source before publishing the article (which is why you can't trust a blogger). They don't have to name the source as it's been verified internally.

Edited by kodrac
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I got a feeling they will run out the clock by giving us the companions we wanted back, but in brief cutscenes like Revel and Risha/Corso


Yeah that thought occurred to me as well. I think Bioware is full onto Anthem to save the Bioware name but I fear putting all their eggs in one basket will be too big of a gamble.


I don't know about you but they've already indicated that in town it's always 1st person view and outside it's 3rd but you're always in your javelin suit. So what does that do to character customization?


I just feel that they are risking everything to appeal to a new crowd that may or may not respond while turning away from their original fanbase. That's such a huge risk and if it fails I am sure EA will pull a Visceral on Bioware as well.


And the BF2 loot crate disaster also throws a spanner in the works...and a big one considering it's still EA behind this.


It's a really strange idea that in 2020 Bioware may no longer exist. :(

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I don't know about you but they've already indicated that in town it's always 1st person view and outside it's 3rd but you're always in your javelin suit. So what does that do to character customization?


If this is true my interest in Anthem will drop significantly, customization of my character is a biggie for me personally.

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well if your don't reveal your sources then you can't confirm it, in which case it's a pile of BS. Either reveal those sources or keep it to yourself.


This is the thing, the man hasn't written anything concrete in his article, most of it is about what might happen which is just speculation and misinformation until it can be confirmed.


Again, thats not how investigative journalism works. As I said Jason has a track record of correct and accurate information with the goings on at BioWare he is not some random making up nonsense. The other reports have proven he has reliable sources inside EA/BioWare.


He is not going to say so yeh I spoke to 'X' at at BioWare Austin because then 'X' at BioWare Austin gets fired and potentially sued and Jason becomes untrustworthy so insider sources don't tell him anything.

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If this is true my interest in Anthem will drop significantly, customization of my character is a biggie for me personally.


They said you could customize your javelin suits, but you never actually get to see your actual character unless fully suited up. So I don't see how they would have any character customization. Maybe you can pick some faces or something. Easier for them, less fun for me...it's a biggie for me aswell.

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I got a feeling they will run out the clock by giving us the companions we wanted back, but in brief cutscenes like Revel and Risha/Corso



THAT is what I have been feeling for months --- glad to see I wasn't the only one ..... and then ... who knows ?

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The last bit was especiallly hitting to me.

People need to stop seeing EA as the evil devil who is only out for people's suffering. I agree with harsh criticism but saying stupid stuff like "Oh the devs all don't care" needs to stop.

And people need to stop being in this abusive relationship with Bioware. A company changes with years. There are many other good games out there to go to.

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It's the editor's job to verify the source before publishing the article (which is why you can't trust a blogger). They don't have to name the source as it's been verified internally.


That and Kotaku is part of Kinja. It's basically a site created for linkbuilding and they piggyback on each others domains in order to get good Domain rankings and links. It's also why they can get away with "journalism" that has titles like "Why I still hate Solas!" and what other stuff the post. (I'm not kidding, they have an article called something like it)


Not saying he isn't right, but the people, who work on sites like these are not as much journalists as they are marketing people - and some semi shady ones at that. It's why they have a deserved click bait reputation and has so much remarketing that even BuzzFeed struggles to keep up. These people are closer to bloggers than you might think, as often their articles are subjective.


Again, not saying that this article/blog isn't credible, just something worth remembering, whenever you read a article from them.


Edit: Also, they delete all negative comments made about their articles.

Edited by Cowoline
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So, basically, you're the suit.

Basically yeah. You get 3 suits to choose from each time you go out. The suits come with different abilities so I guess they are your character classes/roles and you can freely switch between them. But you are the suit. I think you can open the helmet visor but not sure (they showed it in the video once when they just left town). Whether there will be an actuall helmet toggle remains to be seen.


But the game does seem to be entirely built around the suits rather than the characters.

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I just feel that they are risking everything to appeal to a new crowd that may or may not respond while turning away from their original fanbase. That's such a huge risk and if it fails I am sure EA will pull a Visceral on Bioware as well.

I am concerned about this as well. I go to Bioware games looking for story, worldbuilding, and amazing characters. I don't get much of a sense that story will be a huge focus of Anthem. I am willing to consider that I might be wrong. Back when Mass Effect was first in development as Bioware's mysterious original sci-fi IP, I didn't think it would be something I'd care about compared to Bioware's fantasy stuff, but I was wrong. But, allowing that, what I've seen of Anthem so far doesn't interest me. I don't want to lose Bioware. :(

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Basically yeah. You get 3 suits to choose from each time you go out. The suits come with different abilities so I guess they are your character classes/roles and you can freely switch between them. But you are the suit. I think you can open the helmet visor but not sure (they showed it in the video once when they just left town). Whether there will be an actuall helmet toggle remains to be seen.


But the game does seem to be entirely built around the suits rather than the characters.

Jeez... even Division has facial customization and some clothes to mix & match, even if the selection is not big... what the hell is Bioware thinking, a company that was always character/player focused even in their most RPG-less games?!

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I am concerned about this as well. I go to Bioware games looking for story, worldbuilding, and amazing characters. I don't get much of a sense that story will be a huge focus of Anthem. I am willing to consider that I might be wrong. Back when Mass Effect was first in development as Bioware's mysterious original sci-fi IP, I didn't think it would be something I'd care about compared to Bioware's fantasy stuff, but I was wrong. But, allowing that, what I've seen of Anthem so far doesn't interest me. I don't want to lose Bioware. :(


YOu can have the best writer in the world and there is still a chance the story he tells won't find a great enough reception. On the other hand, create a secure revenue system you can guarantee the profit and secure the company's wellbeing.

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Jeez... even Division has facial customization and some clothes to mix & match, even if the selection is not big... what the hell is Bioware thinking, a company that was always character/player focused even in their most RPG-less games?!
To be honest, we haven't gotten much detail but so far it's not looking good. They did specifically state that in town you'll be in 1st person view and outside you'll be in the javelin. That doesn't leave any room for wearing clothes. If you can toggle off the helmet then maybe some facial features but that's unknown at this point.


You can choose a suit each time you go out and there are basically three types. The suits determines your class/role basically. So it will be a single story line for all and you decide each time which role. All will be the same basically and the suit makes the difference. It just all sounds a bit too simplistic for my liking.


I'm going to be following it still for news but I'm not exactly hopeful from what I've seen. We'll see I guess.

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- Server merge !


- Adding finally "Traditional" Jedi robes after 6 years, why so late? :eek:


- Rarely updates. If they add update, it's 1 flashpoints, few companions (playing on players emotions, (romances that players waiting for, and get few minutes on conversation, all this useless stuff for young players, especiality girls - no offence)) maybe 1 new ops boss (lol!) just to shut up us, and cartel pack (games in beta got more updates, giving more content, and not once per few months) Example: Got ,,Rust", played like 3 months ago, steam download like 200mb every week. I've visited last time, many things changed, like optimalization, new content.


- Waiting all the time... Want new content? First must be Roadmap! When roadmap? SOON.

Players waiting for roadmap now instead of new content/expansion buhahaha. Good work Team, how You've trained Your players well... ofc. You still need to pay premium, becouse without that You can do "almost" nothing.

It's a damn STAR WARS. This game should have 2x more players becouse of brand. It's the only (?) official Star Wars game now!


- Reported bugs. One was reported 3 Times during year. Last time reported 2 weeks ago. Still not repaired (they promised in next future update). There's also A LOT older bugs that was not repaired. Example? Last Kuat FP bug. They promised, but in 5.7 still doesn't working. DO THEY EVEN TEST THEIR REPAIRS? No one cares :rak_03:



This and maybe more things, force me to think game is on his last breath. Waiting for annouce that servers going to shutdown. Waiting for that with maybe 10 active guild members, instead of 50 active in past.

Edited by tummiswtor
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Denial? i am asking you to provide more proof, what the heck are you going on about?


The guy who wrote the article and broke this info is the same guy who leaked the entire plot of ME:A (Mass Effect: Andromeda) a year or two before its release and was dead on. He is also the same guy who had the info on ME:A not having any expansions, development/support ceasing on it, and its team being disbanded then moved to Anthem a few months before it happened. He also called it ahead of time when he said Mass Effect was getting shelved indefinitely. He has been extremely reliable and 100% accurate with this kind of info thus far.

Edited by AmyBA
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The sad reality for those who want BioWare to make a comment, is that if it is still up in the air, there may be nothing they should comment on.


Think about it from their perspective. What if they come out and say, " yes, there have been talks but nothing is concrete."


People will jump ship quickly and even if there was a chance to save the game, by confirming it had least has been discussed, they will effectively be putting their own game at risk.


Conversely, if they come out now and say everything is fine, but it turns out that the game does end up getting shut down or put into maintenance mode and is confirmed a few months later, then not only will they have been accused of Lying by a disgruntled leaving population, they will have created an environment so toxic, not unlike that of Star Wars Galaxies in its final years, that the name BioWare would be the same as Sony Online Entertainment, and no one will want to touch Anthem with a ten-foot pole.


No matter which way they comment, until they have something concrete, it ends up badly for them. Either they end up killing the game, or killing their company.


As bad as I would feel for the players if I were developer in that position, I certainly would not comment either. There is absolutely no benefit to it. The only way I would comment is if I was able to obtain confirmation that the game will not be closing down. At least then I could allay fears. But if as a producer or developer I don't have that Assurance I am keeping my mouth shut because opening it may I mean I shoot either my game in the foot or the company in the head.

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And I was gonna sleep tonight... lol


I really enjoyed KOTFE and KOTET story even though that content overall wasn't as balanced and of the same quality as the vanilla game. I was hoping they would slowly change that to something better and was looking forward to the next chapter of this great game... I can only hope they do not do this because SWTOR is the only MMO I like.

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well if your don't reveal your sources then you can't confirm it, in which case it's a pile of BS. Either reveal those sources or keep it to yourself.


This is the thing, the man hasn't written anything concrete in his article, most of it is about what might happen which is just speculation and misinformation until it can be confirmed.


So, you're a journalism major? How it works is something like this:


Reporter gets some info from Source A.

Reporter ( sometimes a different one ) confirms the info from Source B.

Reporter takes article to editor.

Editor considers sources and reporter ( sometimes ) and decides to do further verification, publish, or kill article.


Sources are often left undisclosed.


Read a book. Get a clue. Go away.

Edited by translucentwolf
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