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Well, I guess Kotaku gave us their own Producer's Note. SWTOR could Shut Down


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There is no "other game" to play after SWTOR. I simply wouldn't be able to enjoy any other MMO or game if SWTOR would end ever again, the hole this game would leave behind would be too big. And I am not saying this as dramatizing or something, it's how I'd react. So SWTOR can't shut down, it just can't. To hell with any other game, SWTOR should get resources, developers and new content.


Somewhat agree. I'd finally get around to playing doom and finishing Witcher 2 (and then 3),


But there is no game that will fill the void like this one did.

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If I wanted to play Elves & Goblins; The Old Republic, there's plenty of games like that out there. There are plenty MMOs to turn to if you're simply looking to play an MMO and care less about the setting and lore but I choose SWTOR time and time again because it is Star Wars. No, BDO, Warcraft, Rift, ESO, Destiny, Anthem and whatever else will not fill that hole, it will not be a replacement for losing SWTOR.


Basically, it would be really freakin' nice if a company like EA knew how to nurture and grow their existing titles while working on new titles as well rather than creating new titles at the expense of their existing games.

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I wouldn't even bother with Ashes of Creation. The game flopped in Alpha and the key players on the AoC community are telling everyone to stay away.


Alpha has even happened yet. There was a pre-alpha that very few were a part of, as it was more of a kick starter reward for early adopters. Alpha 1 doesn't even start till later this year, so I think your sources are wrong. Visit the official forums, or the discord to find out the real truth.

Edited by Holocron
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Alpha has even happened yet. There was a pre-alpha that very few were a part of, as it was more of a kick starter reward for early adopters. Alpha 1 doesn't even start till later this year, so I think your sources are wrong. Visit the official forums, or the discord to find out the real truth.


Closed Alpha happened already. Please stay current with your information. Open Alpha is next for the next wave of public donors. Closed Alpha was for the highest game package purchases before they downsized the packs and for friends/family of Intrepid Studio employees. You can watch the recorded streams (if still up) on Youtube and the reviews from the testers. It's a flop and most likely won't change by BETA.

Edited by Renata_Roselli
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I last checked this thread 7 hours ago and it had 8000 readers. Now it’s up to 18000.

Word is spreading and it’s not good for the game’s image. I think if the article isnt true, then Bioware should say something before the damage is done.

If it is true, then I guess we’ll get no response and that will be all the info needed to confirm the rumour.

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Closed Alpha happened already. Please stay current with your information. Open Alpha is next for the next wave of donors. You can watch the recorded streams on Youtube and the reviews from the testers. It's a flop and most likely won't change by BETA.


Alpha 0 (which is the pre-alpha) is the only thing that has happened yet. Yes it was closed, because you had to have a top tier pledge from the kick-start/summer funding, or have been personally invited. Here you can watch a stream of it:

. Open alpha (Alpha 1+) is a misnomer, as it is not really open, and still pretty closed. It's relegated to high tier backers of the game, or hand picked individuals. The general public wont get a real chance at it until it reaches alpha 4 and closed/open beta. You can't say a game is failing when it's just starting to enter it's real alpha phase. You want the real scoop, go to the source. Edited by Holocron
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Livestream just announced that the Roadmap is coming in mid-February.


Without a doubt, that's the most idiotic, asinine and business-killing decision they could make.


Mid-February. Really?


PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO PANIC ABOUT THIS GAME and they can't even give a snapshot preview of what we're supposed to stay subscribed for (and paying their salaries for), for another 3-4 WEEKS?



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Without a doubt, that's the most idiotic, asinine and business-killing decision they could make.


Mid-February. Really?


PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO PANIC ABOUT THIS GAME and they can't even give a snapshot preview of what we're supposed to stay subscribed for (and paying their salaries for), for another 3-4 WEEKS?




Probably just means theyve got nothing and people would just leave even faster in larger numbers.

Edited by Suzsi
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Alpha 0 (which is the pre-alpha) is the only thing that has happened yet. Yes it was closed, because you had to have a top tier pledge from the kick-start/summer funding, or have been personally invited. Here you can watch a stream of it:
. Open alpha (Alpha 1+) is a misnomer, as it not really open. It's still relegated to high tier backers of the game. The general public wont get a real chance at it until it reaches closed beta. You can't say a game is failing when it's just starting to enter it's real alpha phase. You want the real scoop, go to the source.


Exactly, I was correct. Closed Alpha happened. Also, the closed Alpha reviews were terrible. Which again, you just proved that I was correct. I will take the word of the closed Alpha testers about staying away from the game. AoC is dead on arrival. Also, the community has been yelling at the Devs that the combat system is terrible and the animations are horrid. Still no plans on fixing either of them.

Edited by Renata_Roselli
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There is no "other game" to play after SWTOR. I simply wouldn't be able to enjoy any other MMO or game if SWTOR would end ever again, the hole this game would leave behind would be too big. And I am not saying this as dramatizing or something, it's how I'd react. So SWTOR can't shut down, it just can't. To hell with any other game, SWTOR should get resources, developers and new content.


I agree with you, there is no other game like this one. It's the only fully voiced, interactive game with companions and it's Star Wars, nothing or no one is going to fill my need to play a proper Star Wars game but Star Wars. I'm not interested in orcs, elves, muppets, grinders, medievals, or shooters. I've tried all the other games out there and none of them have satisfied me to the levels that SWTOR has. If this folds, I don't have anything else I care to go to. :(

Edited by Lunafox
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Probably just means theyve got nothing and people would just leave even faster in larger numbers.


But the damage has already been done.


While some people are still looking at this as glass-half-full, the entire community -- on here, on Twitter, on Reddit, everywhere -- is buzzing about the Kotaku article.


A business needs to do damage control. They could do plenty of damage control by releasing their roadmap TOMORROW. They don't have to say the game isn't ending... they could just demonstrate that they have stuff in the pipeline for the next 6-8 months.


That would go a long way towards stopping the hemorrhage.


Someone in charge over there is asleep at the switch.

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so according to rumor, we might be getting the ax? thats awful! it had better be wrong!


assuming the worst, and If anthem is indeed the reason for this...


then please understand that I am petty enough to avoid it like the plague.


to put it simply, I will not blindly bend over to them and say :oh dear, swtor is down... shame. oh well looky here I can just sub to their other game anthem instead! nope, not happening. yes that is rather spiteful and childish of me but thats my right lol.

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Right, but corporations also aren't charities. Whether or not BW's staff's hands are tied is irrelevant to me.


I pay for a service. If they don't provide the service I'm happy with I take my money elsewhere. Sorry to be coldly capitalistic, but it is not the player's fault to any degree as you suggested in an earlier post. My loyalty must be earned.


As it turns out, I'm enjoying playing the game and will certainly stay through the Traitor Arc, which I think it is reasonable to say they will release. But for me to pump money into the Cartel Market now absent the Roadmap is foolhardy. And if it does enter true maintenance mode, of course I will leave.




I'm sorry, i didn't mean to attack, as everyone has a right to put their money on whatever, it just worries me, that when this got out, and i already knew about this, this was already public last year..... But the more people un-sub, the more likely EA will say to LucasFilm and Disney, and say This is the reason why we finally shut down Swtor, because everyone left at this month, and obviously these people are not as much a Str Wars fan, or these people would not have left the game.


It would be playing into enemy hands in a way, and excuse for EA to say, Hey, why put anymore money into this game when people have gone Nuts over a developers story, and what some people are going through.


As for people feeling that EA has sucker punched us...... Yeah, that's what they've been doing in the 2,000's, except now EA's intentions are more obvious about just wanting to get into everybody's pocket books, etc.


They have gipped Bioware and taken away what most of Bioware still wants to be, a good story-telling, and action rpg game maker.

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Exactly, I was correct. Closed Alpha happened. Also, the closed Alpha reviews were terrible. Which again, you just proved that I was correct. I will take the word of the closed Alpha testers about staying away from the game. AoC is dead on arrival. Also, the community has been yelling at the Devs that the combat system is terrible and the animations are horrid. Still no plans on fixing either of them.


You're simply wrong. Alpha is still closed, as you can't go sign up and play it. Some of it is still under NDA, and the community has not been yelling at the devs about the combat system, have you even signed up to the forums? Where are all these detractors at? lol. And if you have actually followed the game you would know that a lot of the art and animations are temporary, and not the final product. They've stated that on numerous occasions, and said they have a few more passes, and then a final revamp of it once it's actually closer to beta/launch.

Edited by Holocron
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I agree with you, there is no other game like this one. It's the only fully voiced, interactive game with companions and it's Star Wars, nothing or no one is going to fill my need to play a proper Star Wars game but Star Wars. I'm not interested in orcs, elves, muppets, grinders, medievals, or shooters. I've tried all the other games out there and none of them have satisfied me to the levels that SWTOR has. If this folds, I don't have anything else I care to go to. :(


I'm the same way, there isn't another MMO for me, and if EA tried to make another kind of Star Wars MMO, i would not sub to it because I know how bad of a company EA is, and they are never willing to go all the way with any Star Wars game and stand by them financially without trying to get into peoples pocket books for thousands of dollars.

Edited by MandFlurry
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But the damage has already been done.


While some people are still looking at this as glass-half-full, the entire community -- on here, on Twitter, on Reddit, everywhere -- is buzzing about the Kotaku article.


A business needs to do damage control. They could do plenty of damage control by releasing their roadmap TOMORROW. They don't have to say the game isn't ending... they could just demonstrate that they have stuff in the pipeline for the next 6-8 months.


That would go a long way towards stopping the hemorrhage.


Someone in charge over there is asleep at the switch.


That's what They Have to do, if EA really cares, they should do something NOW.!!!

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The only way EA will be moved to do anything is if all players stood together via a petition, a reddit (a la SW BF), or a massive drop in subs and even then there's a chance they'd shrug and simply close the game down rather than invest further. And I do mean all, not just the forum goers. A united front to make enough noise that even Disney will raise a brow and demand EA deal with things. I'm not sure the SWTOR community is big enough to cause the sort of uproar folks caused with the Lootboxes stuff but anything less than that won't reach or bother EA. I also don't think BW turning to EA and saying "Hey, people are really unhappy" will do much. Their EA guy will likely tell them to smooth us over with a placating gesture and then that's it.


No, I have no faith in EA.

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The only way EA will be moved to do anything is if all players stood together via a petition, a reddit (a la SW BF), or a massive drop in subs and even then there's a chance they'd shrug and simply close the game down rather than invest further. And I do mean all, not just the forum goers. A united front to make enough noise that even Disney will raise a brow and demand EA deal with things. I'm not sure the SWTOR community is big enough to cause the sort of uproar folks caused with the Lootboxes stuff but anything less than that won't reach or bother EA. I also don't think BW turning to EA and saying "Hey, people are really unhappy" will do much. Their EA guy will likely tell them to smooth us over with a placating gesture and then that's it.


No, I have no faith in EA.


Sadly, there aren’t enough swtor players left for that to even register on their radar

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