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Add solo(story mode) to ALL operations.


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I am not judging, so I'm sorry if I offended. I didn't mean to phrase anything to doubt you, so I apologize that I expressed it in a way that made you feel like I did mean that. And of course I can't understand what it's like because I am not a sufferer of that type of anxiety myself. That doesn't mean that I don't empathize with you by trying to put myself in those shoes even though I'll never truly know 100%, or sympathize and have compassion for people who suffer it. You don't have to defend yourself to me, and I'm sorry I made you feel like you did. I'm a live and let live person, so none of my opinions about solo content or group content is a reflection on how I feel about the people who play either type of that content. Heck, I play both.


So when I say the story chapter only content nearly killed the game, I don't blame the solo players for this. But it does mean that I think development that focuses on providing more of that is a bad idea in my opinion. And hey, it's just my opinion.


I didn't bail even though I was extremely bored with it. Choices didn't matter. The story was really bad over all, though it improved some in KotET... there weren't enough companion returns (like, all of them) and so many plot issues it made me want to scream as I was playing through. None of that is any player's fault. Quite the contrary, we put up with it.


I've been here since Beta, too. And it's fine for you to ask for something if you're not getting it: like more story line chapters as the story has been super light. The rightful return of important companions. Something meaningful to immerse yourself in. But chopping the group out of group content is not the way forward, and spending what little development time we have on doing something ELSE to old content isn't the way. Go forward, produce new content for both solo players AND group players, the way expansions used to be.


Quit remaking the wheel.


Thank you for making clearer your feelings about the anxiety issues. Sometimes it just doesn't quite translate in text how someone feels and sometimes it comes across like an abrupt dismissal of people who have issues and a lack of understanding about why they'd want to play a game like this. I appreciate you addressing this, because one of the first things in making a person feel more comfortable in a setting is to help them realize that they're not being attacked or dismissed, that they matter. :)


I think we can agree there were a few issues at play, as to why the game did poorly for quite a while there, and I think much of it, can be placed squarely on the devs as well. They didn't talk to us, they didn't address the issues for a long time, and this might even be, because there are only a handful of people working on the game, I don't know.


I think we can also agree, that new material is always welcome and preferred. I would love more stories (that don't suck, cause some of the parts of Kotfe/et sucked...(and I felt ripped off about the companions and their returns, still do, but that's another topic altogether.) The thing is though, the new stuff we crave, like the chapters, and even though I'm not into it, the stuff for group people and pvpers, is that it seems to be a time consuming and expensive proposition to make this stuff. I'm not programmer or dev, but I was of the mind that making a pre-existing thing in the game into something available to soloers, would be easier and cheaper and help keep things going in the interim. I really appreciated when they made the FPs soloable leading up to SoR, it really deepened my enjoyment for the game, and love for the characters they introduced at that time, like Theron and to a lesser degree Lana.


So for this reason, I figured, well, it's easier cause it already exists and it would open up a segment of the game I've not been able to do. Just drop in a god bot, change the loots to something less (because I get that groups that work through this stuff deserve more/better things), make the mobs a bit easier and there you go.


I don't think we'll agree, because I like the idea of opening up the ops content to soloers and you don't, but I think we're more alike than different in that we love the game and want it to thrive. :)

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The issues I see is that we can not select an operation, and go.

We have to PUG a group, on certain "less popular" operations this more or less NEVER happens.


What I am asking for is that IF a MAIN STORY, as in class+MANDATORY content, not anything optional slike a planetary quest or chain, leads to an operation that never anyone ever want to pug, and that is not actually mandatory but can not be aborted for some outright retarded reason, or lack of reason rather prevents the player being stuck waiting for the never coming PUG for the operation that was not mandatory but given regardless nd unabortable, allow a story mode, let the player continue and move on....or allow to abort any and all missions and operations.


IF the operation is MANDATORY for a story, lets say Oricon......that IS NOT part of the main story but optional story continuation etc etc. If then the operation that is argued 100% here by "you" all as mandatory for the oricon line, well then you abort but can not finish.


However the Iokath Operation is ONLY part of the Iokath PLANET story line and not the isolate MAIN Quest of the outlander, and thus since it is NOT a mandatory part as we have the continuation and have played it ( not the operation, but the outlander story after iokath) then we should either be allowed to abort it freely, or be given a solo mode, get it completed and done with and be "allowed" to move on, and get it out of the way.


Naturally, any form of story/solo mode would and should and MUST give significantly less and lower tier rewards.



so since we can't abort, and it is would b unreasonable to wait days and weeks and months for a pug that actually bothers, then a story/solo mode and be done with it should be reasonable, or?

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This is just a suggestion and I apologize if someone made it already. I stopped reading all the responses when things started turning nasty. I want to learn to do ops, but I'm not comfortable with random groups, additionally I'm in a small guild with only four or five active players. More than one of us would like to learn to do ops but if you have four or five people who don't know what they're doing I'm guessing it would mess things up for a random group. Maybe there could be a mode where a regular four person group could be supplemented with companions. Don't dumb it down or anything, just let the remaining slots be filling with companions. Now, the issue here is that comps like to stand in stupid so that could present a real problem.


Anyway, it would present a place for smaller groups to learn without creating a really dumbed down level. Bear in mind, this is coming from someone who has not been able to run an op yet, but genuinely wants to try it and to learn.


Converting them to "flashpoint-like" content probably is something that is doable but would require a lot of recoding and some of these OPs have very convoluted code because they are quite old. The other issue is that despite how "powerful" people keep saying companions are (and they are certainly more powerful than they used to be) they do not have very sophisticated AIs which makes it difficult for them to respond to what happens in an OPs. You would be better off probably coding a whole new boss than trying to downgrade one.


I am all for reusing old content to generate new content so I think this is a good idea but I would not want to put it ahead of adding real story/RPG content (or even more group content just not one or the other)

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I don't disagree with you on Flashpoints or Operations but I guess for a different reason. Spending the time turning those into "solo" modes is a waste of time that could be spent creating real storylines (or even creating storylines that follow what is in the OPs but without the bosses). What I disagree with is the notion that just because something can be soloed it ceases to become "MMO content". What you are talking about as "MMO content" is a subset of the "MMO content". It is sort of like Nightmare raiders complaining that "PVP nerfs" are making it harder for them to complete their operations and then turning around and saying operations are too easy.


Seems like you did misunderstood me, I never said that content which can be soloed in a MMORPG-s is not counted as a content ( even WoW has that type of the content to some degree ) but I pointed before only that I differ the type of the content which can be mostly essentially soloed from the content which is made for the groups, which encourages group activities and which is especially important for the MMO type of the games and the way how they work , that's all.

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I didn't really mean to attack people with actual socail anxiety in gereral. OP is not a person with social anxiety imho. He is some other kind of perosn. So what I was really criticizing between the lines was the obvious pathetic attitude of the OP like "Everybody except me is an ******e so give me something where I can be with myself, the only person of value". That is egocentric and ignorant beyond description.


Thank you for acknowledging that and explaining your thoughts. It can be pretty dehumanizing to feel like people dismiss problems like anxiety.


It's not really for me to judge why the OP made the request, only that to me it sounded reasonable enough to want to convert a pre-existing thing in the game so that soloers can do it as well. I like the idea and figured it was cheaper and faster to do this, to keep things going, while we wait, for hopefully more new stuff to come along. The new stuff seems to be time intensive and expensive to make. I welcome new content for sure, I live for more stories and hope that the next batch if they give us some will be really good.

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Converting them to "flashpoint-like" content probably is something that is doable but would require a lot of recoding and some of these OPs have very convoluted code because they are quite old. The other issue is that despite how "powerful" people keep saying companions are (and they are certainly more powerful than they used to be) they do not have very sophisticated AIs which makes it difficult for them to respond to what happens in an OPs. You would be better off probably coding a whole new boss than trying to downgrade one.


I am all for reusing old content to generate new content so I think this is a good idea but I would not want to put it ahead of adding real story/RPG content (or even more group content just not one or the other)


Oh, I absolutely think new stuff should come first! Something like this can not possibly replace new playable content. Also, yeah, comps are kind of dumb when it comes to reacting to the situation, lol. My guild has been working on doing harder content a little bit at a time. We've started running veteran mode fps and while they are slightly harder than story mode. they haven't been a serious challenge. So then a couple of use decided to try one of the lower level fps on mm. The jump was drastic once we hit the first real boss. It seems like the learning curve is a bit unbalanced, sloping gently from sm to vm, then an abrupt increase from vm to mm. We're still working at it, we're tiny but determined, lol.


Perhaps another option would be to have a "join forces" option for smaller guilds. Maybe a public listing where a guild can sign up to team with another guild for ops, etc. It would be more refined and less stressful than a completely random queue.

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They already nerf FP mechanics and SM Operation mechanics to the point, most people CANT run HM FP or HM Operations, cause said mechanics that were there to TEACH people needed thing for HM got removed.


I think BW needs to reinstate ALL the mechanics they remove from FP and SM ops that were there in first place to TEACH people mechanics

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They already nerf FP mechanics and SM Operation mechanics to the point, most people CANT run HM FP or HM Operations, cause said mechanics that were there to TEACH people needed thing for HM got removed.


I think BW needs to reinstate ALL the mechanics they remove from FP and SM ops that were there in first place to TEACH people mechanics


The thing is that the people asking for this are not going to run HM Operations or HM Flashpoints anyway so their learning mechanics won't help you at all. I don't think they should make them solo, but a flashpoint variant might be a decent compromise. Finding the resources to do it would be the issue, since if you were going to keep "bosses" they would all need to be recoded.


On a similar note, there are several KotFE and KotET chapters (or combinations of chapters) that might make passable flashpoints or even with some additional coding Operations. Turning the battle against Arcann and the one against Vaylin into Operations would seem to be interesting and could probably reuse a lot of the models thus reducing its cost and time to completion.

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They already nerf FP mechanics and SM Operation mechanics to the point, most people CANT run HM FP or HM Operations, cause said mechanics that were there to TEACH people needed thing for HM got removed.


I think BW needs to reinstate ALL the mechanics they remove from FP and SM ops that were there in first place to TEACH people mechanics


This is maybe the worst possible reason, mostly because it almost never works. Across many games as a raid leader, I've introduced maybe 100 or so new players to hard mode dungeons/instances/raids, and I cant think of a single time a player was actually prepared based on a lower-difficulty fight.


Even if it's the exact same mechanic, the circumstances are different. Take the basic mechanic of "don't stand in fire". In the lower-difficulty fight, what happens is that if they stand in the fire for 3-4 ticks, the consequences are trivial. Maybe a healer gets angry at them. Maybe they actually die and eat a repair bill. Either way, because the fight is tuned lower, the group probably still wins.


In the hard mode fight, because everything is tuned so much tighter, the same fire is entirely different. The difference between 1-2 ticks and 3-4 ticks probably means you die, and it probably means the group doesn't have enough DPS now to actually win. In the easier fight, what they actually learned was "I can finish this cast before I move". What they needed to learn was "If I don't stop everything I'm doing and strafe (not backpedal) out of this fire right the hell now, we're all going to die."


Basically, somebody will either learn how to beat a hard mode fight by doing hard mode fights, or they won't learn it. Running normal mode content teaches them how to run normal mode content.

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I don't ever take stats from these forums very seriously unless it comes from the mouth of a developer.


Every FP that has a solo mode was developed for that. It's fine to continue to develop them that way.


Operations are not designed to be done solo. They would require considerable reworking to become that way. To spend that considerable amount of time to convert group activities into solo activities would mean lack of development of new story line, or any group content.


You really think that's a good investment? I'm sorry. We're going to have to agree to disagree if you truly do. I can think of no bigger waste of time that would likely kill the remaining population of this game than to not put NEW content for ALL types of players into the game this year. And the sooner the better.


If they announced that no new raids were going in for another year while they reworked the old operations into solo content, my sub would be instantly cancelled. I doubt I'd be alone. This seems like a "maintenance mode" suggestion, at best.


New Content. Move Forward, not Backwards.


I'm talking about flashpoints, at this point. Not the Ops. Retooling the Ops would take considerable work, which is why I think something like the 'tourist' or 'ghost' mode mentioned, where someone can just see what is happening. is a good idea.


Oricon, as everyone has mentioned, was a bit of a bait and switch so it's a different kettle of fish. Some sort of solo closure or a way to complete those Ops solo would be nice for that quest line, especially since - as some are theorizing - the story is headed there again in the next installment.


Retooling the flashpoints would mean adding a God Droid, in most cases, and IMHO that could possibly be doable.


If they spend another year focusing on nothing but group content and ten minutes of story, with nothing but a few flashpoints for solo players to do, my sub is getting cancelled this year. At the end of the day we both ask for what we want most in the game, which is understandable.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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We all have our issues but maybe the forums are not the best place to be


Which makes the lesson "don't put yourself in social situations that might cause you to struggle with your anxiety".


.....which is pretty much precisely the entire point.


Which is it? Avoid the forums, because you might encounter toxicity you can't deal with, or suck it up and group?

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Here is why?

People are scared of grouping up even for heroics and FPs.


I remember waiting for days for oricon pos for the star fortresses, nobody wanted to group up because it could be done solo IF........


People complain about the PUG groups, yet they want to group up go figure.......


I would LOVE to do many operations, but I won't ever even queue up for them due to the behviour of other players.

I don't care if I win or lose if i try to learn, it is 100% a gain to me. and less of a loss to others when my skill grows.


The OPERATION issue in this game is ONLY that we see issues with groups, not really the content.....

Making it harder or easier don't solve the AIDS of being in a group that do not have the mental capacity to understand that in a MMO there re those wo do things for the first time, or so rarely thay can't remember it all.


Not all guilds are large enough to have 8-16 on at a time doing the same operation, leaving puging ot GF with AIDS s the result.


Before asking for any nerfing of Operations, how about including the masses in them and you all will see a living raid community with players wanting it and the skills of the new blood increasing.....THAT is a solution, keeping to the less than 40 Raiders left in the game after having chased away everyone else and then catr to them is not the way to go


The only way around this is story mode on any and all operations, doable with companion and combat droid only, or behave like people towards the new blood-


And add a working abort button


I am fairly sure this has been said... but... I will anyway...


..if you don't want to group, don't... but don't ask that all group content be made available to you.


I really don't get why you think, in what is supposed to be an MMO, you should be able to do it all solo.


That rant done, I will address the bigger problem with your "idea":


Operation bosses have specific mechanics that preclude any kind of solo mode. They just do. Asking BW, with their limited resources, to redesign them all for some solo content just seems asinine.


My 2cents.

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Retooling the Ops would take considerable work, which is why I think something like the 'tourist' or 'ghost' mode mentioned, where someone can just see what is happening. is a good idea.


That wouldn't work because: spacebar!!1!!!

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It is going to be in the update right after with one that introduces solo PvP.


LOL Pretty much this! You can't turn mechanics heavy group content into solo content. The OP just needs to watch a let's play on Youtube if he wants to know what happens in the story or suck it up and queue for group finger ops after watching a video or two on the GF op of the day.


Regarding the OP's gross generalization about "others' behavior" in group content, as one who does a lot of Guild progression raiding and PUGing for Operations in GF on SS, SF and DM on raid off nights most of the accused "bad behavior" from Operations Groups occurs when inexperienced PUGs refuse to admit that they've never done the content before and by extension don't ask questions, then don't listen to the guy explaining the fight to the guys who did admit that they never ran it before, then refuses to follow the already explained fight mechanics or just Leeroy Jenkins the boss while the explanation is ongoing causing multiple wipes. At that point after several attempts at helping the PUG they are unceremoniously kicked from the group. In 5+ years of raiding on multiple servers I've never witness a general toxic behavior as described by the OP in Operations, in PVP yes but not in Operations.

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Well he ain't wrong about grouping. I rarely group with people I don't know simply because I don't trust them to have the patience to explain boss fights. I main a tank you see so knowing what to do is important. Having returned to the game (again) just over a month ago I was approached by an old acquaintance to tank master Umbara. I was in 230s at the time and had never done that FP but the guy insisted I could so it since he'd played with me before and knew I was a decent enough tank. To compound things we had a disconnect and had to run most of the instance in a 3 man + companion group... And guess what?! We managed to do it anyway. The guy was patient enough to explain what I had to do for each boss fight and we cleared it. This is with no previous experience and under geared according to most people. In fact I'd wager most would not even have given me the chance to tank it when they saw I was in 230s and had never done it before... And therein lies the problem with running PUGs imho...


Everything that you describe is an issue with YOU not an issue with Ops or the Community as the OP says. It is your own lack of trust for your fellow players holding you back from raiding not the community and not the group content. I've been in many GF Ops where we had two undergeared noob tanks who have never raided before and because we explained what to do step by step and I kept them healed up we slowly but surely completed the Op with a minimum of wipes. Does it suck leaping into the abyss of the unknown invGF? Heck yes even for someone like me who's raided for years and know my class and fight since I never know the quality of the group that will pop in GF but that's not an excuse to not to do what you want to do.


The best thing that you can do is find a guild who has a starting level progression raid team. They will help you out and make you confident. Watching the Operations walk through on youtube is also another great resource to give you a leg up, and Dulfy.net is an awesome resource to use to gear and learn your rotation to be the best tank you can be. You can also roll a DPS toon while you're learning as it's not as it's not as stressful as tanking.

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LOL Pretty much this! You can't turn mechanics heavy group content into solo content. The OP just needs to watch a let's play on Youtube if he wants to know what happens in the story or suck it up and queue for group finger ops after watching a video or two on the GF op of the day.


Regarding the OP's gross generalization about "others' behavior" in group content, as one who does a lot of Guild progression raiding and PUGing for Operations in GF on SS, SF and DM on raid off nights most of the accused "bad behavior" from Operations Groups occurs when inexperienced PUGs refuse to admit that they've never done the content before and by extension don't ask questions, then don't listen to the guy explaining the fight to the guys who did admit that they never ran it before, then refuses to follow the already explained fight mechanics or just Leeroy Jenkins the boss while the explanation is ongoing causing multiple wipes. At that point after several attempts at helping the PUG they are unceremoniously kicked from the group. In 5+ years of raiding on multiple servers I've never witness a general toxic behavior as described by the OP in Operations, in PVP yes but not in Operations.


Toxic behavior


Groupfinder Operations: No (too much time investment there to be a total jerk)

Groupfinder Flashpoints: Yes

PVP: Definitely

Chat: A lot


Edit: Pretty much depends on the time investment. The more time invested the less likely there is going to be toxicity.

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It could be done with a God droid and some kind of bolster perhaps.


I might put prerequisites in place, however, and remove some of the rewards. I would probably be ok with materials that dropped, but the gear rewards that drop (or should drop but do not because of Command changes, that is another topic) should not be available to solo players.


I am interested in promoting solo mode for these missions so folks could experience the story, as it would provide more story content to many folks that have never experienced it. I would question, however, whether it would be something that would be interesting enough to entice players to return.

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IAnd please don't blame solo content for nearly killing the game. It was soloers like me that stuck it out when all the pvpers and ops people got bored and bailed. What nearly killed it was that there were too many vacant servers and queues weren't popping fast enough for group people. They left. It was solo schlubs like me that stuck it out through the hard times and kept the lights on and stayed loyal. Heaven forbid we ask for something.


Nope you had 2 years of dedicated goodies only for you as a solo player, now BW is bringing back the multiplayer aspect the MMO and solo players are having a conniption fit because they think they are being ignored. Anxiety or not follow master Yoda's mantra "Do or do not, there is no try", so either to the Ops as they are intended to be or find content that fits you but don't ask for a waste already super limited dev resources when the latest Operation in 3 years isn't even finished.


Many raiders like myself stayed subbed through the single player non-sense just to continue our progression raiding so don't act like solo players saved the day in SWTOR.

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It could be done with a God droid and some kind of bolster perhaps.


I might put prerequisites in place, however, and remove some of the rewards. I would probably be ok with materials that dropped, but the gear rewards that drop (or should drop but do not because of Command changes, that is another topic) should not be available to solo players.


I am interested in promoting solo mode for these missions so folks could experience the story, as it would provide more story content to many folks that have never experienced it. I would question, however, whether it would be something that would be interesting enough to entice players to return.


No it couldn't, droids don't do raid mechanics that 8-16 members have to do and Operations are very mechanics heavy. Solo players whine on the forums when a non-mechanic heavy flashpoint requires any effort at all, can you imagine a solo player repeatedly dying because he or she forgot to cleanse himself in an op and was unable to finish it? If solo players want to experience the story then they need to go to Youtube because even after 4.0's massive nerf to SM ops mechanics there's no feasible way to dumb an Op down enough to be completed by one person unless every boss is nothing more than a tank and spank with no differences like we saw in KOTET.

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This "ghost mode" could be interesting, especially if you could queue to gf as a "ghost", since you could see the ops before actually queueing to it and having to do it. I've personally always found it hard to learn all the ops tactics before the ops, and if there are many phases, not confusing one phase with another. Getting to watch how it's done would probably make it easier (for me, at least) to try it out myself later.


Unfortunately, watching most PUG groups may or may NOT give you any idea of what's going on there. Watching a group enrage a boss or wipe to mechanics wouldn't be helpful to anyone in any way and would be more frustrating than it's worth, again sacrificing precious development time that we just do not have to spare.

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Nope you had 2 years of dedicated goodies only for you as a solo player, now BW is bringing back the multiplayer aspect the MMO and solo players are having a conniption fit because they think they are being ignored. Anxiety or not follow master Yoda's mantra "Do or do not, there is no try", so either to the Ops as they are intended to be or find content that fits you but don't ask for a waste already super limited dev resources when the latest Operation in 3 years isn't even finished.


Many raiders like myself stayed subbed through the single player non-sense just to continue our progression raiding so don't act like solo players saved the day in SWTOR.


if anything, the regular OPs people are more consistant subs, and income. Where as, a good number of "solo only story players" may sub a month here and there to getthe latest chapters and that is it. Which I am sure BW learned the hard way when they decided to focus on them exclusively.

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It could be done with a God droid and some kind of bolster perhaps.


I might put prerequisites in place, however, and remove some of the rewards. I would probably be ok with materials that dropped, but the gear rewards that drop (or should drop but do not because of Command changes, that is another topic) should not be available to solo players.


I am interested in promoting solo mode for these missions so folks could experience the story, as it would provide more story content to many folks that have never experienced it. I would question, however, whether it would be something that would be interesting enough to entice players to return.


As I posted before, there isn't much story to be had (maybe 30 minutes tops) between EV and DP. And any conversational bits are done with the mission givers (if it's not taken from a terminal), and these are one-off conversations. There may be a few very short cinematics (like loading into Novarre Coast), with absolutely no interactions. At the very start of EV you click an escape pod and can watch the pod, from a side angle, fall for 20 seconds. Yeah, that's very exciting. And that's it. No more cinematics throughout. You miss so much. :rolleyes:


KP: It's been a while, but I think you actually get to say something to Karagga before he dumps your group into the rancor pit. Then you get to watch the old slug come out in his big spider droid. That's the extent of the cinematics. So maybe 2 minutes worth of cinematics total.


EC: A 30 second cinematic for Firebrand and Stormcaller. Woohoo! Gotta watch that every time. :rolleyes:


I could go on, but blah. This thread is a ridiculous pipe dream.

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This "ghost mode" could be interesting, especially if you could queue to gf as a "ghost", since you could see the ops before actually queueing to it and having to do it. I've personally always found it hard to learn all the ops tactics before the ops, and if there are many phases, not confusing one phase with another. Getting to watch how it's done would probably make it easier (for me, at least) to try it out myself later.


Except that mode would also show how people wipe and wipe again depending on the group one gets and maybe never see the end of the story. But the positive thing would be that they'd see that all of the rumors about toxicity in Ops is utter horse manure.

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We all have our issues but maybe the forums are not the best place to be


Maybe not, but it's the only place to make our thoughts about the game known. And the forum is a different beast than the game, in the sense that I have time to consider what I want to say to people and I feel that I have a good grasp on the written word, so I'm able to articulate better here, than on the fly. Having to make split second decisions under pressure, where other people are depending on me, is not the environment I'd choose for myself, because I'd not respond well to that. It's not for me. Here, no one is depending on me, I'm not going to mess up anyone's afternoon or wasted their time because I didn't jump out of the right hoop at the right moment. My words are just words, read them or not, agree or not, it's just how I think/feel about things.


Being here is a bit like therapy for me...and it's probably the closest to a social life I have, sad, I know.

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