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Sorc healing- Ranked


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Hey Everyone.


Name is Jim, play on the Darth Malgus Server. I am fully geared and augmented. I've recently starting doing team ranked again, after not playing it since pre-season and s1. I'm not terrible *(current rating is 1503), some say I'm actually alright! But I'm not amazing nor that notable imo. I'd like to improve, but the guides out there don't really cover specifics on how to improve at the higher level.


I have a question for the sorc healers out there.


My current situation is that i am reasonably good at playing against hard switch compositions presuming I have a decent tank with me who can switch guard etc.


However -The current Meta is obviously going full cleave/dotageddon with PTs, Snipers etc. What I find is that I am completely unable to keep up with the healing required, against bad teams that play this comp I am fine, as they do no cc me and let me freecast and heal the crap out of my team. However when I am cc'd constantly, I completely fail. Then I get the usual "buff your hps", "Healer ***" etc etc.


I know that against the best teams playing this spec its unlikely I'll win as it is not possible to keep up with 2 DPS and a tank going full derp aoe. But I want to know after the game that I did everything I could to succeed and we didn't lose due to my 'badness'.


So if any of you have any top tips to help improve my game I'd be very greatful!


(FYI- I'm not looking for Dulfy links, or basic guide videos)

Edited by jimalexblack
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If by CC you mean soft CC you need to be standing as much on top of your team as possible. Force them to choose between mezzing you and continuing to spam AOE. If by CC you mean hard CC then you already know the main problem by the sound of things - you largely need to improve your HPS. That being said, keep in mind that surviving is also on your DPS to use their DCDs well and your tank to be on point with guard - staying alive is a team effort.


I'll let people who are better at corruption than I am advise on the HPS situation.

Edited by yellow_
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Thanks for that info.


The problem is, if I stack on my group- thats the whole team getting wrecked by aoe :s. So if I do that, I'll have to be able to pump out more hps than there overall dps. Tricky.


HPS wise, I reguarly put between 8.5k and 9.5k with 1 or 2 games being more and some less.

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The problem is, if I stack on my group- thats the whole team getting wrecked by aoe :s. So if I do that, I'll have to be able to pump out more hps than there overall dps. Tricky.
Usually still better than being mezzed out and often you only need to catch a little AOE. If you're up against an engi sniper, and you very likely are, you just need to dip a toe into plasma probe. You needn't purposefully eat any AOE beyond that really. Also, if you catch a dot you can stay out of cleave until it falls off.


HPS wise, I reguarly put between 8.5k and 9.5k with 1 or 2 games being more and some less.
You really can't be expected to do much more HPS than that. If you're losing to pressure doing that much HPS then it's a DPS/tank and DCD problem. Edited by yellow_
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Usually still better than being mezzed out. Also, if you catch a dot you can stay out of cleave until it falls off.


You really can't be expected to do much more HPS than that. If you're losing to pressure doing that much HPS then it's a DPS/tank and DCD problem.


Probably misled with my hps ...was giving those figures as examples in games where I have been cc'd less as a way to show that I do know how to heal on my sorc and I'm not having rotation issues or something.


In the cc fest matches it is probably closer to 6k. Which is the problem.

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With the HPS was giving those figures as examples in games where I have been cc'd less.


In the cc fest matches it is probably closer to 6k. Which is the problem.

My gut reaction to that is that, again, you can't be expected to do much more HPS than that if you're being mezzed very well although I'm not 100% sure about that.


It's sort of the point of CCing you out.


edit: expanded on the staying in cleave advice a bit in the previous post

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Probably misled with my hps ...was giving those figures as examples in games where I have been cc'd less as a way to show that I do know how to heal on my sorc and I'm not having rotation issues or something.

If that is genuinely true my honest opinion is that you are absolutely not going to find the advice you need on this board. I'd seek out the top group ranked healers directly and ask them for advice.
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Hey Everyone.


Name is Jim, play on the Darth Malgus Server. I am fully geared and augmented. I've recently starting doing team ranked again, after not playing it since pre-season and s1. I'm not terrible *(current rating is 1503), some say I'm actually alright! But I'm not amazing nor that notable imo. I'd like to improve, but the guides out there don't really cover specifics on how to improve at the higher level.


I have a question for the sorc healers out there.


My current situation is that i am reasonably good at playing against hard switch compositions presuming I have a decent tank with me who can switch guard etc.


However -The current Meta is obviously going full cleave/dotageddon with PTs, Snipers etc. What I find is that I am completely unable to keep up with the healing required, against bad teams that play this comp I am fine, as they do no cc me and let me freecast and heal the crap out of my team. However when I am cc'd constantly, I completely fail. Then I get the usual "buff your hps", "Healer ***" etc etc.


I know that against the best teams playing this spec its unlikely I'll win as it is not possible to keep up with 2 DPS and a tank going full derp aoe. But I want to know after the game that I did everything I could to succeed and we didn't lose due to my 'badness'.


So if any of you have any top tips to help improve my game I'd be very greatful!


(FYI- I'm not looking for Dulfy links, or basic guide videos)


1850 ranked sorc heals here.


I feel your pain. Time is your enemy against a decent cleave comp as a sorc healer; especially if you are running a hard swap comp. You have to cycle through 2-3 soft CC hard switches with little to no mistakes to start catching people without their breaks. I can usually manage 2-3 minutes, but then its struggle bus healing with your entire team at less than 20% health.The honest truth is healing through cleave is an op healer's game. They are much better at standing in the middle to avoid being soft CC and can very easily pull 10k hps +. I've seen upwards of 12-13khps from ops healing cleave.

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Truth is it probably isn't your fault. Too many people blame the healer because they don't look up from the keybinds. They probably aren't cleansing themselves as needed, standing in the AOE and not pulling the area apart, not mezzing the other healer, or generally playing re-actively to the opposition.


But remember as a sorc you have 2 stun breaks so you shouldn't be mezzed for long. It's one of the many big advantages to being a sorc. If they are a dot team use your bubble, they must single target you then, not good for an aoe team. You have more than enough defences to make up for it. When your targeted they should be on the sniper, and you should be bubble stunning. Just one differing tacitc to try. The reasons sorcs are the go to healer in pvp is because they have so many options. Out of mez and roaming mend is a life saver.

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Thanks for all the tips guys.


I suppose when I think about it, I do tend to win the majority of matches. I just get disappointed when I face the better teams on my server (Mostly teams from Sync Queue on DM).


As I said I'm sitting at around rating, so as long as I get up to 1600, I should get silver rating which is what I want.

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Hey Everyone.


Name is Jim, play on the Darth Malgus Server. I am fully geared and augmented. I've recently starting doing team ranked again, after not playing it since pre-season and s1. I'm not terrible *(current rating is 1503), some say I'm actually alright! But I'm not amazing nor that notable imo. I'd like to improve, but the guides out there don't really cover specifics on how to improve at the higher level.


I have a question for the sorc healers out there.


My current situation is that i am reasonably good at playing against hard switch compositions presuming I have a decent tank with me who can switch guard etc.


However -The current Meta is obviously going full cleave/dotageddon with PTs, Snipers etc. What I find is that I am completely unable to keep up with the healing required, against bad teams that play this comp I am fine, as they do no cc me and let me freecast and heal the crap out of my team. However when I am cc'd constantly, I completely fail. Then I get the usual "buff your hps", "Healer ***" etc etc.


I know that against the best teams playing this spec its unlikely I'll win as it is not possible to keep up with 2 DPS and a tank going full derp aoe. But I want to know after the game that I did everything I could to succeed and we didn't lose due to my 'badness'.


So if any of you have any top tips to help improve my game I'd be very greatful!


(FYI- I'm not looking for Dulfy links, or basic guide videos)



You dont need to blame yourself..


This new meta with pt skank, dot mara sniper, is kinda hopeless when they are on voice and are from good guilds too...


Unless you can pull up 15k hps, it's impossible to win it.


They will stun you to death and your team will die from slow AOE death. I don't know who you are on Malgus, but I;m pretty sure it wasn't your fault. ;)


I am ashamed to admit that I never won vs this combo. I think only once when they were bads and another time when their healer got lag spikes and got dc-d.


Pretty sure u are pretty good. We might have even played together. Good luck

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  • 3 weeks later...
hey Jim, I am experiencing the same challenge with the aoe pressure comp trend thats happening in ranked atm. Find it challenging to pump out the raw hps needed to counter while maintaining healthy force pool, and as others have mentioned, it also has to be a team effort. 8.5-9.5k hps consistently on a sorc is impressive tho, gj. Only pushing 8.5k myself atm in full 248 so if you got any tips/good vids/guide, do share! ;)
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1950 rated sorc with multiple 1800 rated sorcs too.


Pressure comps with a Pt tank is the hardest counter to sorc healing right now. It wasn’t really as bad before the nerf where you could smash your face on the keyboard and do 10k hps, but the nerfs to innervate, roaming mend, and force management were pretty brutal.


Sorc heals against pressure basically is playing on a timer. Your team is going to die eventually, and they need to get a kill before that happens. The real struggle comes with maintaining revivification 100% of the time while also managing force. Basically you consume once, and then hard cast reviv, then consume the vindicate buff to make sure you’re Force positive. That’s something I guess.


With pressure, positioning is just as important as healing, if not more so. NEVER stack too much. You mentioned engi snipers, so basically stand in the very edge of the engi probe where you can’t be mezzed but outside of the Pt tank cancer trauma spam. There’s probably more I could say but I’d have to see what you’re playing against/how you’re playing rn.


Tl:dr you have to play with a team that can get kills fast

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