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Whats the point of having any account security!


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All the purchases are for today. All that stuff is 'bound' for 36 hours or so. So, it's still in your inventory, or your storage locker.


Nothing's been stolen, since you changed your account info before it unbound. Lucky thing you logged in today though. In a couple of days, that stuff would be gone.


Good luck with the credit card charge reversal.

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That may be true but the person ordered cartel coins on my account, that account is attached to my credit card. My credit card company isn't going to honor those charges, so I think I'm just going to have to wait till I can contact support in the AM.


You have a few felonies that goes along with what this person did up to and including fraud.


Right now I'm not so much worried as I am pissed.


I want the person that did this to go to jail and I want to put a support rep in the unemployment line.


More than likely they where given a temporary password and my security key was removed ... I get the feeling that let them into the account but they couldn't reset my password without knowing the original and/or the security answers. But they still had access to everything else including the email setting which they changed ... to e********@yahoo.com (that's all I could see on my end)


EA should have the phone number of the person that called in, a recording of that call, and the email of the person that called. The servers have a record of everything the did and Support can easily roll everything back.


Unfortunately Support is contracted out to call centers in third world countries 8( so EA probably can't fire the rep responsible.


All the purchases are for today. All that stuff is 'bound' for 36 hours or so. So, it's still in your inventory, or your storage locker.


Nothing's been stolen, since you changed your account info before it unbound. Lucky thing you logged in today though. In a couple of days, that stuff would be gone.


Good luck with the credit card charge reversal.

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How does that work with Paypal then? Does it automatically log in with payments?


And I have to say it's a bit odd they waited till xmas day to do this. As you already explained they've had access to your account a few days at least.


No need to answer it here but it might be worth thinking about what could've made a difference in the last few days that gave them access to making purchases rather than already having access. I just find it weird that they waited for you to come back to your account after being away and then make CC purchases when they already had access to your account before you logged in a few days ago. That's just odd in my undoubtedly limited view.

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Any chance your kids got their hands on any of this?


This situation is just odd. Several days ago you made a thread stating you were quitting because you lost your stuff. Today you post 5K CC went missing (when in fact it's about 16K since you had 19166CC around the time of your 'Quit' announcement and today you're left with 2566CC, and that's not counting the several 5500CC purchases). You make it sound as though the missing CC (among other missing stuff) is a reason you're quitting except you didn't know about the missing CC at the time of your 'quitting' post.


It's also strange you're insisting on blaming Customer Support for this while you have no way of knowing whether said hacker indeed misled CS. It's nothing but a mere assumption yet you're practically burning them to hell already with such conviction.


Something just feels off and maybe I'm being overly skeptical right now, in which case I do apologize, but the situation is weird. You've already created a scapegoat for yourself without having anything to indicate CS is responsible. You already kinda 'predicted' they may have purchased things via your account in your OP while at the time you hadn't even checked your transaction history and then post again with a 'oh look yup they used my creditcard!'. It just... something doesn't add up.


Also, why would a hacker hack your account while you weren't playing, cause your gear to go missing, your in-game credits spent or missing, then leave your account alone and come back today to suddenly rob you of all your Cartel Coins and make insane purchases? Why didn't they do any of that right away the first time they got into your account? I'm not familiar with hacker stuff but I'd think if you're going to be a bonehead and rob someone, you do it all in one go and take everything.


Again, apologies for the skepticism but all of this is just seriously odd and feels questionable.

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I'm ready to call b.s. on this entire thread, now that I've read this:


They ordered about 250 bucks worth of cartel coins today. They managed to switch my payment information from paypal to my credit card.


That means not only did they somehow in an unverifiable way get through all of the security precautions cited by the OP's opening post, but now also apparently the "hacker" has the 3-digit security code printed on the back of the OP's credit card.


Too many incredulous circumstances here.

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your welcome to your opinion but ... Nope my my account was set up for monthly payments I have both my paypal and one of my credit cards attached to my account for several years. I pay for my subscription threw papal, so all the perp had to do was change my preferred payment from Paypal to the credit card I had on record.


I'm assuming they did this because you can't buy anything on paypal IN GAME from the CLIENT software. It is possible that EA defaults to one for my subscription and one for purchases and I happened to used my credit card the last time I purchased anything (Which I probably did)


All they had to do was get into my account with a temporary password. They didn't need to change my password, or my E Mail (They did change the email) There was no way some one could do this even if they knew me personally without going threw EA support.


Even if they did know me personally and had physical access to my computer and credit card.


I have security questions that no one would know the answer to not even my wife ... and I have a security key that stays on me all the times. Even if I got fished or hacked or it was one of kids THEY STILL HAD TO HAVE THE SECURITY KEY and GET PAST THE SECURITY QUESTIONS.


My kid have their own accounts they pay for and they have security keys.


If I'm not mistaken if you have a security key on you're account you have to Go threw customer service to bypass the key otherwise your completely locked out.


But than again why would even matter to you? ... Your not the one that got hacked if you think I'm full of crap why don't just close your pie hole and move on?



I'm ready to call b.s. on this entire thread, now that I've read this:




That means not only did they somehow in an unverifiable way get through all of the security precautions cited by the OP's opening post, but now also apparently the "hacker" has the 3-digit security code printed on the back of the OP's credit card.


Too many incredulous circumstances here.

Edited by Major_Mayhem
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Yea, you don't need to call CS to remove a security key anymore:




And when you're in your account on the site, you can do it straight from the Security Key selection:


Remove your Security Key

Your account has been secured with a Security Key! Security Keys protect your Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ account against theft and hacking as well as grants unique game content.


To remove your Security Key:


Click Send One-Time Password below.

An automated email will be sent to the email address associated with your account. If the email does not appear in your inbox within a few minutes, please check your spam and/or junk folders in case your email client has incorrectly blocked the One-Time Password email as spam.

This automated email will contain your One-Time Password.

Type the One-Time Password exactly as it appears, or copy and paste the code into the field and click Continue.

Lastly, click Remove my Security Key.

Send One-Time Password

Send One-Time Password

Need help? Security Key FAQ

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So like, did your email account get hacked too? Because don't they send that One Time password for things that you gotta check your email for to get?


I think maybe no one stole your stuffs. When you came back after September you incorrectly remembered what you had gear and credits wise and made a lotta noise about nothing. Then today you were all "Hark the angels falalala" and went on a spending spree buying CC, getting yourself hypercates looking for shineys and sparkles but then you were hit by buyers remorse which is very unfortunate, or maybe your wife spanked you for spending so much, so now you were "hacked" and :(


I've been drinking so there's a 50% chance I'm making a lot of sense or just none at all but I smell something funky and it ain't Batman.

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If I'm not mistaken if you have a security key on you're account you have to Go threw customer service to bypass the key otherwise your completely locked out.


Your mistaken it can be removed per this guide all account security does rely on the email account being secure. this is why it sends OTP emails for certain actions like to proceed with removal of the security key.

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So like, did your email account get hacked too? Because don't they send that One Time password for things that you gotta check your email for to get?


I think maybe no one stole your stuffs. When you came back after September you incorrectly remembered what you had gear and credits wise and made a lotta noise about nothing. Then today you were all "Hark the angels falalala" and went on a spending spree buying CC, getting yourself hypercates looking for shineys and sparkles but then you were hit by buyers remorse which is very unfortunate, or maybe your wife spanked you for spending so much, so now you were "hacked" and :(


I've been drinking so there's a 50% chance I'm making a lot of sense or just none at all but I smell something funky and it ain't Batman.


I think you're making complete sense. Dude's wife looked at theJanuary bills and realized they won't make ends meet now that he's burned credit on swtor, or the OP tossed his account to a friend/child/etc./etc. and wasn't expecting the person to clean him out.


The entire post just smells of marlarky. If anything, the OP needs to drop the thread and worry about customer service, and yes, OP, if you're reading this, Owen Brooks is a community contact and he knows what he's talking about and the OP should listen to that.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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You get an email that looks like the below ... However when you select the link for ...


"If you did not request this change, or if you need assistance with your account, please contact a member of our Customer Service Team."


That link goes to ...




Which is a page that states ....


All Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ support is now located at EA Help. Please visit help.ea.com for assistance.


There is nothing on EA help that lets me report some one trying to get into my account. All I can do is call as long as I'm a subscriber (10 days) but no one is answering the phone today even in India.


I got one of these Thursday and one tonight about an hour ago I've already changed Email accounts attached to my account and I've changed my security questions.


But why am I explaining it to a troll like who doesn't think before he or she opens their pie hole.


If I wanted to pull a fast one on my wife it's already done. My Credit card company hasn't even received the charges yet and I'm protected against fraudulent charges any way. I'm not paying for this ... I want my toons restored and if a support rep was involved or responsible I would like them to loose their job.


So i all honesty other than the headache I'm sitting on a bunch of gear that hasn't been transferred yet and I have about $250 worth of premium cartel coin gear I'm not paying for. If EA doesn't take the gear back I'm dumping it on my guildies any way. I'VE ALREADY STOPPED MY CREDIT CARD COMPANY FOR PAYING FOR THIS!






This is the email BTW


We have received your request to reset your password for the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ website. To complete this request, simply click here to reset your password.


Remember, if you have a linked EA account, it will be reset with the new password.


If you did not request this change, or if you need assistance with your account, please contact a member of our Customer Service Team.


May the Force be with you,

The Star Wars: The Old Republic Team

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This is on EA Help https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/account/i-think-somebody-hacked-my-origin-account-what-can-i-do-now/ not sure why you refer to india, Swtor CS is in Ireland.


You have a linked EA account to that swtor account i would look at that as well , see this link to talk to an EA advisor, see if live chat is available


Edit - add help article at this link that explains there is an EA account linked

Edited by OwenBrooks
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Sorry about the India cracks I've worked in IT and Support for a few major ISPs .... Most of the tier ones are oversees mostly in India the PI and Central America. To be fair they're hit and miss and are all contractors working for a company contracted to support another companies products.


Ya I checked my origin account as well nothing was touched but my SWTOR. It also changed my EA login on PS4 games. I spun all my passwords and changed email addresses any way just to be sure.


I also changed my email on my account and spun the Password on the original email ... they all have at least 2 layers of authentication. mostly a security key or at least a text message authentication.


This was either server side, an exploit, or I pissed some one off at support when I canceled (I was pretty nasty about canceling my account)


By the way If you have a Twin brother I think we know each other.


This is on EA Help https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/account/i-think-somebody-hacked-my-origin-account-what-can-i-do-now/ not sure why you refer to india, Swtor CS is in Ireland.


You have a linked EA account to that swtor account i would look at that as well , see this link to talk to an EA advisor, see if live chat is available

Edited by Major_Mayhem
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If I have a twin brother i dont know about it, so no twin sorry :)


CS can be called by F2P/Preferred or Subscribers for any account issues especially like this issue.

ordinarily phone support is 7 days a week , except I believe public holidays when everyone is home with their family.


It Sounds like you have done what you can for now, timing is certainly bad being on xmas day , when you can get through to CS on the phone they will assist getting this sorted and purchases refunded as needed.

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What is the point of having all the account security.


I have security questions.


I have a security key.


I have my home phone number attached to my account.


Yet some one called into customer service and duped a support rep into opening my account so some one could steel most of my cartel coins (about 5K) and stole all my crap.


I hope they didn't order anything off of my account.


Real good job EA. You really are the weakest link ... No really your the reason my account got hacked!


If you call customer service regarding your account they will have make sure first of all that's they are talking to you, the legit owner of that account.


They will ask you the security questions if you have them and they will send you a code to your email which you will have to recite them back by logging in to your email as well.


So whoever hacked your account knew your email password as well because they there is no other way for them to "dupe" CS and I think its it's highly unlikely they hacked your account via CS.


It could be two reasons:


1. You saved your Acccount and Email passwords to your browser which they will make them easily hackable but I am not sure how they god past your security key.



Bottom line is I think your two children are responsible for this. Maybe check there before blaming EA/Bioware for low security.


Also, saving your credit card to your account is a big mistake... Better to always type in the numbers whenever you purchase something.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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I've been drinking so there's a 50% chance I'm making a lot of sense or just none at all but I smell something funky and it ain't Batman.


Maybe OP was drinking too, did all this to himself in a weird drunken rage over quitting the game (as per his post a couple of days ago) and can't remember doing it.

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I stopped reading when I saw this. I don't think it's too far fetched to assume these are the probable culprits who "duped" CS. Someone would have had to know SOME info of yours, after all.


That, and the fact that OP's password wasn't changed the moment the account was accessed.


If there was pure malicious intent behind this then the account would be completely hijacked and OP wouldn't be able to post this thread (and access the game to see his gear stolen). Or maybe it is the hijacker itself posting and he hopes to get more free stuff out of the situation :eek:

Edited by Eli_Porter
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But than again why would even matter to you? ... Your not the one that got hacked if you think I'm full of crap why don't just close your pie hole and move on?

Erm, that's your own fault really. This is the general forum and you decided to bring it up here, so you know what you can expect.


There is nothing you can get out of this thread because we can't fix it for you and you will need to go through CS to sort things.


So the only thing you can get out of this, if anything, is a chance to vent. But we're not a support group so when you bring accusations that you cannot provide evidence of, then naturally some people will doubt your story or call bs.


Clearly the simplest solution, which by the way you seem to refuse to acknowledge, is that someone in your real life circumstance has done this. Doesn't mean that's the truth of it, but it's a definite possibility and the easiest way for someone to bypass the security is someone who has access to your computer and knows where your passwords are. Of course it would have to be someone who really is ticked off at you for whatever reason. Only you can comment on that.


Now if it was an external hack of some sort, then it's also a strange situation. They apparently hacked your account days ago and ransacked the account itself but waited till xmas to buy cartel coins via the website I assume, meaning that either they have your paypal log in or it's set to log in automatically. I never used paypal for swtor so I can't comment but does SWTOR do automatic log ins or did you set your paypal account to log in automatically (which I think is a bad idea for exactly this type of reason)?


But why would they ransack your account, wait a few days and then make purchases via your paypal account? It's just very odd.


However, we'll never know the truth. In fact we don't even know if what you describe is true to begin with. You must understand that anybody can fake a story on the internet. So ask yourself what you think you can get out of making this thread. But don't get pissed when people think you're bs'ing here. Plenty of bs going around on this forum for years, so it wouldn't be the first time and it won't be the last time either. So naturally people are sceptical.

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I've only been playing since beta.


Except if you had been "playing" since Beta, you wouldn't have lost your name in the server merge. You may have had an account since Beta, but you obviously haven't been an active subscriber or player all of that time and had a big enough chunk of inactivity time that you lost your name and didn't even know your account had been hacked until you came back and logged in.


Being hacked is horrible, and I am sorry if that is what truly happened to your account. I have had friends who suffered the same fate, but they were active players and got with CS after it happened immediately and were restored fairly easily. If there has been any lapse of time between when you were actually hacked and now, it will be tougher, but they are typically good about trying to restore people's accounts in these cases.


Although, if you are quitting the game I suppose there isn't any point in going through all of that.

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Yet some one called into customer service and duped a support rep into opening my account so some one could steel most of my cartel coins (about 5K) and stole all my crap.

There is a procedure that happens when you need to verify that an account is yours. This involves needing several pieces of information such as your game-code, names of characters, etc, etc.

In order to know that info, someone probably needs to know you quite well, or have access to some of your personal data. I'd look around at people close to you for the culprit. :cool:


It's unfortunate that you got hacked, but then again, there has to be a way for people to legitimately regain their account.

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There is literally nothing any of us can do about this.


I have no interest in your personal problems. You should be on the phone with CS, not trying to convince us of how much of a victim you are.


Because life happens. Either you're lying or you're not - either way, me caring would in no way help either of us.


Fix your problems and stop pandering like a public spectacle, is my advice.

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Ya think that this may be part of the reason?


I thought I lost my credits and gear in the server change (The name yes, but the credit and stuff no) I didn't realize what had happened until I notice I lost about 5K in cartel coins I've been saving as a subscriber since the introduced cartel coins.


I'm canceling because support sucks ... obviously!


good chance that cs were the ones that did it.

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