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Jaesa Willsaam not being back is a crime.


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I don't see any difficulty in them bringing both versions back.


Let's say they were only able to book an hour session with her voice actor. Do they spend that hour focused on one version of her to make it as good as can possibly be or do they split the time between DS and LS and potentially end up with something less good on both sides as a result.


Same goes with coding, scripting, etc, interactions with her character. They only have a finite amount of time and resources to execute on things which comes back to the question of do they focus their resources on a single version of her or spend that same amount of time making multiple versions of her.


If they focus on a single version of the character they can do more. If they try and do both it can potentially be a worse experience as a result.

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Let's say they were only able to book an hour session with her voice actor. Do they spend that hour focused on one version of her to make it as good as can possibly be or do they split the time between DS and LS and potentially end up with something less good on both sides as a result.

The second option is definitely a much better solution. It's like you have an apple and two kids. Would you give the whole apple to one of them so he can have a better experience while the other one gets shafted? Or you would cut the apple in half so both kids can experience something?

Edited by Trollokdamus
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Let's say they were only able to book an hour session with her voice actor. Do they spend that hour focused on one version of her to make it as good as can possibly be or do they split the time between DS and LS and potentially end up with something less good on both sides as a result.


Same goes with coding, scripting, etc, interactions with her character. They only have a finite amount of time and resources to execute on things which comes back to the question of do they focus their resources on a single version of her or spend that same amount of time making multiple versions of her.


If they focus on a single version of the character they can do more. If they try and do both it can potentially be a worse experience as a result.


Ok so why not just change her to the dark side? It is not like that is so far off from her char.


I mean her light side was because of the warrior. Without him, she is an unstable mess. She could easily fall to the dark side with her rage of losing him.



It is not that hard to figure her out.

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It's like you have an apple and two kids. Would you give the whole apple to one of them so he can have a better experience while the other one gets shafted? Or you would cut the apple in half so both kids can experience something?


No, that's not what the situation is like at all, that's a terrible analogy. That's the type of logic people use when they say DLC for a game is like buying a car and not getting the wheels. We're not talking about a child going hungry versus another one not. You're trying to make the situation hold more weight than it actually does.


The second option is definitely a much better solution.


No, it isn't.


Whatever the next story update is that uses/adds her could be a dark side focused plot or something that benefits from her being a dark side character. Having her be both LS and DS in that some plot line would either result in her character or the plot line suffering and potentially the gameplay in some aspect as well because you'd then have to devote engineering, scripting, etc, resources to having both versions of the characters.


Lets say you could chose between a single 8 hour story that is shared between all classes or those same resources could be spent on unique class story content. You'd and many others would probably choose the unique class story content however you'd be trading an 8 hour single experience for about 20 mins (if even that) for unique class stuff because the more unique and varied you make each separate path that's more time you have to spend on generating new art assets, recording separate dialogue, scripting 8 different sequences vs 1, etc. In other words the more varied/unique the class specific stuff would be in that scenario the less gameplay time there would be. Some people would stupidly assume "Oh well it would be 8 different 1 hour experiences instead of 8 straight hours." but that's not how game development works.

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Ok so why not just change her to the dark side? It is not like that is so far off from her char.


I mean her light side was because of the warrior. Without him, she is an unstable mess. She could easily fall to the dark side with her rage of losing him.



It is not that hard to figure her out.


They've already confirmed that it's the DS version of her character coming back and that's probably not only due to the reasons stated already but no doubt also because I'm sure Bioware's metrics show that an overwhelmingly large majority of picked DS over LS with her character.


I can see there being an option at the very end of the quest that allows you to restore her to the LS but it will literally be the last part of the new quest/story at which point the version of her you get back would basically be like just getting her back from the terminal.

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well the writing team painted themselves into this corner - they extricated themselves out of the Khem Val dichotomy by bringing back a deshade, but not the original one. - It'd be easier for them to have her ( Jaesa) die early in the encounter, - possibly by the traitor.- but then choices wouldn't matter I suppose.


- 2 years and counting to fulfil a promise is beyond belief - just shows how little they can afford the resources to deal with a timely return of all the companions.....


Shame we had so many cookie-cutter ones in the meantime that so few people actually care for. - I'm sure that was a winning strategy, which brought in 100s of 1000s of loyal paying subs to SWTOR who gorge on the CM and boosted profits through the stratosphere.



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And Consular got only useless Qyzen that was not even a part of Alliance (no missions except short recruiting) how I should feel as Sage?:D


Anyway i think there's reason they keep not bringing "main" force-sensitive companions like Nadia, Kira, Ashara and Jaesa. Maybe important role in future update? Who knows :rolleyes:

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well the writing team painted themselves into this corner - they extricated themselves out of the Khem Val dichotomy by bringing back a deshade, but not the original one. - It'd be easier for them to have her ( Jaesa) die early in the encounter, - possibly by the traitor.- but then choices wouldn't matter I suppose.


- 2 years and counting to fulfil a promise is beyond belief - just shows how little they can afford the resources to deal with a timely return of all the companions.....


Shame we had so many cookie-cutter ones in the meantime that so few people actually care for. - I'm sure that was a winning strategy, which brought in 100s of 1000s of loyal paying subs to SWTOR who gorge on the CM and boosted profits through the stratosphere.




The following quote is probably one of the best summaries I've seen about what happened with SWTOR...


I think the thing that people tend to miss is that there are real limits, practical, and financial to the differences between SWTOR at release and SWTOR during the expansion period.


1) Before release, the creative teams were as large as they were ever going to get. Probably a team for each starting planet and teams for class-story, etc.


2) They had lots of time. Perhaps five years, or more. The budget was as big as it was ever going to get -- to pay for all of that (and so. much. more, not even remotely related to story, or creative).


Post-release, expansion content tightened storywise to include two stories (essentially). One per faction. After Rise of the Hutt Cartel an alternative was tried that gave one story for both factions with a single class-based quest for each of the eight.


When the Eternal Throne was released we have, essentially, one story and I think it all comes down to (s) the size of the teams, and (2) the amount of money they can budget for an expansion, given sub rates, cartel coins, and purchased expansion retail costs.


I know this is an uncomfortable subject for most people, but a realistic understanding of how a business works, (especially when operating under an external license) is crucial.


This is why players like the OP ask for/demand more two-faction content and why players like myself have 30+ alts (and usually only stick around for 3-6 months at a time with a year or more "off" in between:


Eight individual stories with light and dark side options (and I would argue, to a tiny extent -- "grey" options, if only between the ears of the imaginative player) funneled into a single overarching story. Because it was easier. And cheaper. And inevitable.


Now Q regs, kk thx.

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No, that's not what the situation is like at all, that's a terrible analogy. That's the type of logic people use when they say DLC for a game is like buying a car and not getting the wheels. We're not talking about a child going hungry versus another one not. You're trying to make the situation hold more weight than it actually does.

Let's say I'm a LS/neutral Warrior who picked LS Jaessa back in the day. Sometime later, Bioware decides to take her from me for story reasons. Same happens to a DS Warrior who picked DS Jaessa. We are the two kids who have nothing at this point. Then, Bioware decides to give us Jaessa back, but only the DS one. That's cool for a DS Warrior, but not so much for a LS/neutral one. In fact, for the latter it's worse than getting nothing - he's getting something that blatantly contradicts his story choices. Or, in other words, breaks up his story. So, we got one kid who got the whole apple and is satisfied, and another kid who got nothing but a sour taste in his mouth. Thus my analogy is absolutely correct.


Whatever the next story update is that uses/adds her could be a dark side focused plot or something that benefits from her being a dark side character. Having her be both LS and DS in that some plot line would either result in her character or the plot line suffering and potentially the gameplay in some aspect as well because you'd then have to devote engineering, scripting, etc, resources to having both versions of the characters.

Then they probably shouldn't write their story in a way which invalidates a huge chunk of the previous story and discover other ways for it to move forward.

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Somewhat related, I think I know why Quinn is no longer Malavai Quinn; in certain circumstances, Quinn becomes your companion because you side with the Empire. In others, he does not become your companion because you side with the Republic.

...in one, possible instance, when you are a Sith Warrior who joins the Republic, Quinn may come to you, and resign his commission with the Imperials.


Why I think this matters (and why it would impact Jaesa) is that because his base parameters (who is he, what does he do, how is he flagged) can change too drastically they needed to bring in a nearly identical, but actually entirely different version of himself.

...the same reason your Zakuul Expansion companions no longer have a Approve/Disapprove rating for "old content."

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I really don't want a DS Jaesa :(


It's one of the choices or alignment matters outcome but I guess I can see it in the trashcan now.

Well, of my 13 toons, 8 finished Knights of the Eternal grind. I honestly tried each class to see if by chance there was a difference. Of those 8, 4 finished Iokath. Of those 4 3 did the new flashpoint... though in 2 of those cases it was spacebar through the convos and mash the "1" key while drinking tea. The first two runs were before the patch and by then I was burned out.


I can certainly accept that she might have fallen to the dark side, especially if the toon isn't a LS SW. Done right it could be very interesting if you have the chance to redeem her a la Vader. If however, my options are DS Jaesa or no side Jaesa.. If she is an alert, I'll ignore it.. Hexid is enough of a homicidal sith for me. If she comes back in the story, my SW is done with the story... and likely so are my Jedi. IN head-canon "You wake from a start and realize that everything after Ziost was just a bad dream."

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Let's say I'm a LS/neutral Warrior who picked LS Jaessa back in the day.


Then you'd be in the extreme minority of people who played a SW which is a big part of the reason why they're going with DS Jaesa.


Why devote resources to LS when such a low number of people used the option.


It's like with the classes. Let's say they can/could make more unique class content. Does it really make a lot sense to devote a bunch of resources to whatever the least played class is in that situation? Or does it make more sense to focus on what's best for a larger percentage of the population?


Sometime later, Bioware decides to take her from me for story reasons.


Along with every other companion from every other class, not to mention doing away with class storylines and faction storylines, but I can totally see how DS vs LS is the big deal your making it out to be the in the context of everything else that's happened.


We are the two kids who have nothing at this point.


No, you're not. You're just like all the other kids on the play ground who had all their apples, and all of their lunches taken away from them.


LS vs DS Jaesa isn't a special thing. It was in the vanilla game, but it hasn't mattered since and given how little the returning companions matter post KOTFE there certainly isn't anything special to them anymore.


Again, you're trying to inflate the situation to something more than it really is.


Then, Bioware decides to give us Jaessa back, but only the DS one. That's cool for a DS Warrior, but not so much for a LS/neutral one. In fact, for the latter it's worse than getting nothing - he's getting something that blatantly contradicts his story choices. Or, in other words, breaks up his story. So, we got one kid who got the whole apple and is satisfied, and another kid who got nothing but a sour taste in his mouth. Thus my analogy is absolutely correct.


No, not at all, because the LS version of Jaesa could have fallen to the DS without the LS SW their to guide her thus negating everything you just said.


Then they probably shouldn't write their story in a way which invalidates a huge chunk of the previous story and discover other ways for it to move forward.


Too bad, because that's what KOTFE and KOTET are and there's no getting around that at this point until that storyline with us being the Outlander/Commander wraps up.

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LS vs DS Jaesa isn't a special thing.


Maybe. But they never tried such a thing for the Republic side. Ever. The most interesting and most experimental things were *always* tied to the Empire side only - and by this you can see where the creativity was focused on.


Maybe that was due to marketing research : "Boys love top play ******. They're more passionate about it and thus will stick longer with the game, so we get more money from them ", maybe something like this ?


To me, it is clear that the marketing research thought that the Empire side would be a so much better subscription base ... There wouldn't have to be put so much creativity into the Republic side, because "ood side players will be / play there regardless, because of Jedi". My thought is that they believed / knew that "because of the Jedi" they just wouldn't have to put so much energy and creativity in it - "Jedi" was the perfect "hook, line & sinker" anyway !


And now, we don't even get Kira. Or most of the other "Jedi" companions.

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Then you'd be in the extreme minority of people who played a SW which is a big part of the reason why they're going with DS Jaesa.

How do you know these people are the extreme minority? And how do you know this is a factor in them having made such a decision? Any statistics or official posts or something to back up your claims?

I for one have seen just as many vids of LS Warrior and Jaessa on Youtube as of DS ones, if not more.


Along with every other companion from every other class, not to mention doing away with class storylines and faction storylines, but I can totally see how DS vs LS is the big deal your making it out to be the in the context of everything else that's happened.

Well, all the other classes (except Inquisitor) eventually got back exactly what had been taken from them. The Jaessa case is an entirely different matter.


No, you're not. You're just like all the other kids on the play ground who had all their apples, and all of their lunches taken away from them.


LS vs DS Jaesa isn't a special thing. It was in the vanilla game, but it hasn't mattered since and given how little the returning companions matter post KOTFE there certainly isn't anything special to them anymore.


Again, you're trying to inflate the situation to something more than it really is.

Once again, all the other kids were getting their apples back over time. With the exception of Inquisitors, who got a plastic model of their apple, and LS Warriors, who got nothing (or a different fruit to which they were allergic).

Next, LS vs DS Jaessa has always been a special thing, even post vanilla. They have different looks, different quotes when you click on them, different battle cries, etc. All these things are felt no matter what content you are playing.


No, not at all, because the LS version of Jaesa could have fallen to the DS without the LS SW their to guide her thus negating everything you just said.

Sure, but then go ahead and explain it story-wise in-game. And give us an option to refuse her, or at least to make her "moderate" DS like Lana. It would still feel extremely bitter to LS Warriors with their past choice having been made meaningless, but not as devastating and plainly game-breaking at least.


Too bad, because that's what KOTFE and KOTET are and there's no getting around that at this point until that storyline with us being the Outlander/Commander wraps up.

There's always a way, you just have to be creative about it. I personally can think of several ways to avoid this situation right off the bat. I'm sure that Bioware story writers can see even more of them since it's their job to write coherent stories, they just seem not to care enough to deliver quality anymore.

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First let me state that I have played two SWs one LS and one DS and I prefer Jaesa LS. Jaesa DS is a barely controllable psychotic monster.


The primary issue with Jaesa's personality be it light or dark comes down to a single moment in time: when the SW faces off against her falling master. Her master falls to the dark side because of his obsession with destroying the Sith. The SW takes that moment and lures her into the Empire. Regardless of light or dark she is now "property" of the Empire. And over the course of five years - when she is not being watched by the SW - things change. Either...


she is caught trying to influence the Empire into the light and is then turned dark

she is caught trying to kill someone of importance because she senses light in them and is tempered.


Either way, she is now DS but maybe not as psychotic and murderous as before. And if that is what happens I can accept that. If she comes back as the murderous version they better have a good explanation for those who played LS SWs.


My ideal scenario would have been that the four lady jedi (Kira, Nadia, Ashara, and Jaesa) find each other and become some sort of team unto themselves. But that would all but require Jaesa returning to the light.

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How do you know these people are the extreme minority? And how do you know this is a factor in them having made such a decision? Any statistics or official posts or something to back up your claims?


Every once awhile they will share their metrics about X thing. For instance when the game launched it was stated that the Imperial Agent wasn't the least played class but the highest recommended by players. They've shared information about how more Jedi Knights have been created in the game's life span than any other class.


I for one have seen just as many vids of LS Warrior and Jaessa on Youtube as of DS ones, if not more.


How is that any sort of gauge? If anything I would expect there to be more vids of LS Jaesa due to it being the least popular of the two choices thus people are going to want to see the other option(s)


Well, all the other classes (except Inquisitor) eventually got back exactly what had been taken from them.


Oh they got back their class quests and faction quests did they?


The Jaessa case is an entirely different matter.


No it isn't. The new story and returning companions have all been treated poorly so them handling Jaesa poorly would be par for the course.


The quality of the KOTFE saga isn't all of a sudden going to jump up. There are too many negative elements of it at this point that they will always heavily overshadow any minor good moments it has which is why KOTFE is basically a lost cause. Whatever comes after has the potential to be infinitely better, but as long our character is the Outlander/Commander there is no positive up shot.


Once again, all the other kids were getting their apples back over time. With the exception of Inquisitors, who got a plastic model of their apple, and LS Warriors, who got nothing (or a different fruit to which they were allergic).


No, they're not because that "apple" you keep talking about is from a time when the game had 200 people working on it and a blank check of a budget. Nothing that has come after has been remotely on the same level.


Next, LS vs DS Jaessa has always been a special thing, even post vanilla. They have different looks, different quotes when you click on them, different battle cries, etc. All these things are felt no matter what content you are playing.


All of those things are from the vanilla game. She's no different than she's been since the game launched.


The vanilla game was something special. Everything that's come after hasn't been and can never and will never match that for various reasons.


Sure, but then go ahead and explain it story-wise in-game.


That's something that could be explained a single line of dialogue. It wouldn't/won't be satisfying but it's easy to do.


See your mistake is believing that there is quality to be had here even though historically BW has made many bad decisions with the story to the point that you really shouldn't be expecting what you're expecting given what all has happened.


And give us an option to refuse her, or at least to make her "moderate" DS like Lana. It would still feel extremely bitter to LS Warriors with their past choice having been made meaningless, but not as devastating and plainly game-breaking at least.


Oh you'll probably get a LS option with her at the very end of the quest that brings her back to the LS and basically restores her LS version to you as a companion but it'll basically be a single line of dialogue before she's given to you.


And once again, that won't be satisfying but what has been story wise or companion wise post KOTFE?


There's always a way, you just have to be creative about it. I personally can think of several ways to avoid this situation right off the bat.


I doubt you can think of several ways that are both time and cost effective.


I'm sure that Bioware story writers can see even more of them since it's their job to write coherent stories, they just seem not to care enough to deliver quality anymore.


Oh I'm sure the Bioware writers can and have come up with plenty of amazing stories however executing those stories with the skeleton crew of a team they have on an engine that is difficult to develop for probably doesn't work in their favor.


I'll quote it again, but this is one of the best summaries of what happened with SWTOR


I think the thing that people tend to miss is that there are real limits, practical, and financial to the differences between SWTOR at release and SWTOR during the expansion period.


1) Before release, the creative teams were as large as they were ever going to get. Probably a team for each starting planet and teams for class-story, etc.


2) They had lots of time. Perhaps five years, or more. The budget was as big as it was ever going to get -- to pay for all of that (and so. much. more, not even remotely related to story, or creative).


Post-release, expansion content tightened storywise to include two stories (essentially). One per faction. After Rise of the Hutt Cartel an alternative was tried that gave one story for both factions with a single class-based quest for each of the eight.


When the Eternal Throne was released we have, essentially, one story and I think it all comes down to (s) the size of the teams, and (2) the amount of money they can budget for an expansion, given sub rates, cartel coins, and purchased expansion retail costs.


I know this is an uncomfortable subject for most people, but a realistic understanding of how a business works, (especially when operating under an external license) is crucial.


This is why players like the OP ask for/demand more two-faction content and why players like myself have 30+ alts (and usually only stick around for 3-6 months at a time with a year or more "off" in between:


Eight individual stories with light and dark side options (and I would argue, to a tiny extent -- "grey" options, if only between the ears of the imaginative player) funneled into a single overarching story. Because it was easier. And cheaper. And inevitable.


Now Q regs, kk thx.

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Every once awhile they will share their metrics about X thing. For instance when the game launched it was stated that the Imperial Agent wasn't the least played class but the highest recommended by players. They've shared information about how more Jedi Knights have been created in the game's life span than any other class.

Still waiting for the exact metrics supporting your previous claims.


How is that any sort of gauge? If anything I would expect there to be more vids of LS Jaesa due to it being the least popular of the two choices thus people are going to want to see the other option(s

Just sharing my experience having seen people show interest in LS Jaessa. If she's all over Youtube, that may mean something. On the other hand, I still haven't seen any evidence supporting your "extreme minority" argument.


Oh they got back their class quests and faction quests did they?

What do quests have to do with the discussion about companions? The two things are of entirely different nature. No need to grasp at straws.


No it isn't. The new story and returning companions have all been treated poorly so them handling Jaesa poorly would be par for the course.

Jaessa is basically two companions. It's one thing to have a returning companion treated poorly, but another one to not have a returning companion at all.


No, they're not because that "apple" you keep talking about is from a time when the game had 200 people working on it and a blank check of a budget. Nothing that has come after has been remotely on the same level.

Not sure what you're trying to prove with this sort of argument. Are you implying that for them to remove "good apples" from the better days of the game and not giving them back for whatever reason to a select few "kids" is justifiable in any shape or form? I'm sorry but I disagree.


You know, to me it seems that the whole point of your arguing is that things are bad, and they will stay bad, so we should all silently support that and quietly hope for the state of things to improve in some distant future. Speaking out against current decisions and critisizing them contradicts your view which you seem to consider to be the only legitimate one.

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Still waiting for the exact metrics supporting your previous claims.





Just sharing my experience having seen people show interest in LS Jaessa. If she's all over Youtube, that may mean something.


Uhm no, there's a better chance that it means exactly what I said. There are more LS videos because that's what people want to see given that most people picked LS Jaesa. You know that makes absolute sense. You just don't want to admit it.


On the other hand, I still haven't seen any evidence supporting your "extreme minority" argument.


You mean aside from the fact that they stated that it was Dark Jaesa that they were bringing back?


What do quests have to do with the discussion about companions? The two things are of entirely different nature. No need to grasp at straws.


No, you said that people had gotten back what they had taken away, which isn't true or rather is a flat out lie.


Jaessa is basically two companions. It's one thing to have a returning companion treated poorly, but another one to not have a returning companion at all.


Oh you'll get both versions of her back, but chances are it will play out exactly like I said. DS Jaesa will be the focus of the new story content and then you'll have an option at the very end to get back LS Jaesa but it'll basically be a single line of dialogue and won't satisfy you.


Not sure what you're trying to prove with this sort of argument. Are you implying that for them to remove "good apples" from the better days of the game and not giving them back for whatever reason to a select few "kids" is justifiable in any shape or form? I'm sorry but I disagree.


Except you see you're continuing to lie about them taking away these "apples" and not giving them back because everyone has the option of getting their companions back via terminal. Nobody took your "apples" away, they just got moved, but you're too whiney and lazy to get them or you've decided you want someone to hand feed you the apples now.


You know, to me it seems that the whole point of your arguing is that things are bad, and they will stay bad, so we should all silently support that and quietly hope for the state of things to improve in some distant future. Speaking out against current decisions and critisizing them contradicts your view which you seem to consider to be the only legitimate one.


No genius it's more like realize what they're actually capable of, how they've been doing things, why they've been doing things the way they have and then go from there. By all means complain but realize what it is that you're actually doing or accomplishing.


Btw where are those several ideas of your that they could easily do that would totally be quick, easy, cost effective, etc, for them to do with Jaesa?

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The picture has no info related to the topic, I've no idea why you linked it at all. As for the video. Firstly, it's from 2011, so any statistics mentioned there don't reflect how things are today in any way. Secondly, I'm sorry but I'm not watching a 32-minute video just to find your evidence there somewhere. You could have pointed out the exact moment where the interviewees are supporting your claims.


Uhm no, there's a better chance that it means exactly what I said. There are more LS videos because that's what people want to see given that most people picked LS Jaesa. You know that makes absolute sense. You just don't want to admit it.

OR that's because more people are actually interested in acquiring LS Jaessa and just post their walkthroughs. Who knows.


You mean aside from the fact that they stated that it was Dark Jaesa that they were bringing back?

They bring DS Jaessa = an extreme minority has taken the LS one? What kind of warped logic is that? Just your assumption, nothing more.


No, you said that people had gotten back what they had taken away, which isn't true or rather is a flat out lie.

From the very beginning, I was talking about companions only. Nothing else. And what I was comparing to apples was companions and only companions. Your sorry attempt to bring something else into the argument makes it clear that all you really want is to derail it.


Oh you'll get both versions of her back, but chances are it will play out exactly like I said. DS Jaesa will be the focus of the new story content and then you'll have an option at the very end to get back LS Jaesa but it'll basically be a single line of dialogue and won't satisfy you.

Just another assumption of yours which holds no grounds.


Except you see you're continuing to lie about them taking away these "apples" and not giving them back because everyone has the option of getting their companions back via terminal. Nobody took your "apples" away, they just got moved, but you're too whiney and lazy to get them or you've decided you want someone to hand feed you the apples now.

Oh, so now you've resorted to the terminal. Funny. The terminal will surely return most of the companions to you, but not story-wise. Getting a companion back this way and using it is actually breaking the story for you. I guess not wanting for my story to be broken makes me whiny and lazy. Oh well.


Btw where are those several ideas of your that they could easily do that would totally be quick, easy, cost effective, etc, for them to do with Jaesa?

It's quite simple, really. Just don't use a "two-in-one" character as a major figure in your story if you can't handle writing two separate storylines. Use Ashara. Or Kai Zykken. Or whoever else is more plausible in your eyes. If you're really bent on making DS Jaesa a major character for whatever reason, it's also possible to make it work but would require much more effort on your part.

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The picture has no info related to the topic




They've shared information about how more Jedi Knights have been created in the game's life span than any other class.


Still waiting for the exact metrics supporting your previous claims.




^C'mon get it together genius. You asked me to back up my metrics. There's something I stated plain as day.


I've no idea why you linked it at all.


Because you apparently can't even keep up with your own BS.


As for the video. Firstly, it's from 2011, so any statistics mentioned there don't reflect how things are today in any way.


Oh no, you don't get to play it that way. You asked me to back up what I stated and now because you don't want to admit to your own ignorance and lies you're grasping at what ever you can to make it seems like it doesn't count.


Secondly, I'm sorry but I'm not watching a 32-minute video just to find your evidence there somewhere.


Again, you don't get to play that card when that's the info you asked for.


You could have pointed out the exact moment where the interviewees are supporting your claims.


No liar I couldn't because I remember the interview, not the time stamps.


OR that's because more people are actually interested in acquiring LS Jaessa and just post their walkthroughs.


Nice try but there are far more YouTube videos and views of game related videos based on the paths that people didn't take than there are of the ones that did.


Why do you think there are more views for the secret endings of games like Arkham Knight, Kingdom Hearts, etc, than there are for the amount of people that actually accomplished the task?


Who knows.


Not you apparently.


They bring DS Jaessa = an extreme minority has taken the LS one? What kind of warped logic is that? Just your assumption, nothing more.


Nice try but everybody knows that's exactly why it's happening and knows that Bioware is cutting corners because of that reason.


From the very beginning, I was talking about companions only.


Except that's not what your words say liar.


And what I was comparing to apples was companions and only companions.


But that's not what the situation is. You've constantly been trying to make the situation into something it's to simply try and validate their own opinion.


You're like the people that idiotically say "ruining my childhood" even though an adults childhood can't be ruined in the present tense. All you can do is disappoint an adulthood.


Just another assumption of yours which holds no grounds.


Where as all of your lies and everything else you've stated have been cold hard facts?


Oh, so now you've resorted to the terminal.


Nope, cause the terminal has been there the whole time and it's yet another of numerous examples that break your ridiculous apple logic.


The terminal will surely return most of the companions to you


Try all of them liar, with the except of Khem.


Getting a companion back this way and using it is actually breaking the story for you.


Ah but story has nothing to do with apples now does it? Your analogy was always a lie.


It's quite simple, really. Just don't use a "two-in-one" character as a major figure in your story if you can't handle writing two separate storylines. Use Ashara. Or Kai Zykken. Or whoever else is more plausible in your eyes. If you're really bent on making DS Jaesa a major character for whatever reason, it's also possible to make it work but would require much more effort on your part.


Once again, what is it about the post KOTFE content that makes you Bioware is capable of such a thing? You're just lying to yourself at this point.


They're bringing DS Jaesa back and we know that for flat out fact, and you can call it an assumption but it's not going to be satisfying. Even if they 100% nail the DS Jaesa character people are either still going to be unsatisfied with the story over all, whatever new gameplay content it's tied to, etc, etc.

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Who the hell would want LS Jaesa? She's boring, she doesn't enjoy killing people and, most importantly, she doesn't give up the skins. The whole idea of LI companions is that you can eventually boink their brains out in every room on the ship.


Darkside Jaesa is awesome, IMO she's the best companion in the game [no accounting for taste of course], and she's funny as hell in a morbid, bloodthirsty, twisted kinda way, which as a Sith Warrior you should cherish in a companion. What possible value could a LS Jasea be to a Dark Lord Of The Sith??


As far as which side Jaesa will be when she returns - I don't recall where they said it, but they did say something to the effect like if you use a token to create a Sith Warrior it assumes you are a darksider and thus Jaesa is, by default a darksider as well. So those people, if they want to play a former Sith who fell to the Lightside are pretty much screwed because Jaesa is darkside by default and you can't change that. Just like Theron is Lightside whether your a cold blooded sith tyrant or some Jedi wannabe.


When she returns in the storyline it's not going to matter one way or the other because companions are the same alignment when you get them back as they were before they went away. The storyline is going to be completely unaffected by your companion's temperament as BW doesn't make alternate storyline variations depending on temperament. You might get a scowl instead of a smile, but the storyline [in substance] is gonna end up the same pretty much no matter what you do. They don't even let you decide which companion you can use when doing Eternal Empire storylines, you use whichever companion they wrote into the storyline for that chapter.


Those sorts of things only effected storylines in vanilla, and you probably won't even be allowed to use her in a chapter as a companion other than the one she returns in to the storyline.


Besides, Jaesa is the hottest peice of ...'ahem' in the galaxy, why would you not want to hit that? Lightside Jaesa is just a waste of a great rack.

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^C'mon get it together genius. You asked me to back up my metrics. There's something I stated plain as day.

Not too bright, aren't we? I've never asked you to back up the fact that Jedi Knight has been the most prevalent class created. I asked you to back up these claims:

Then you'd be in the extreme minority of people who played a SW which is a big part of the reason why they're going with DS Jaesa.

If you haven't realized that, then it seems it is you who:

apparently can't even keep up with your own BS.



Oh no, you don't get to play it that way. You asked me to back up what I stated and now because you don't want to admit to your own ignorance and lies you're grasping at what ever you can to make it seems like it doesn't count.

So are you saying that any data collected back in 2011 is somehow still representative in 2017? Don't be ridiculous.


Again, you don't get to play that card when that's the info you asked for.

No liar I couldn't because I remember the interview, not the time stamps.

"The info I asked for"? It's a 32-minute video from 2011 which may or may not contain something to back up your claims. I have no way of knowing without watching the entirety of it. And I'm certainly not going to do that since it's your job, not mine. The burden of proof is on you.


Nice try but there are far more YouTube videos and views of game related videos based on the paths that people didn't take than there are of the ones that did.

When it comes to SWTOR, I believe most people upload their walkthroughs just to share them with others, very few do so to actually show a potential audience something unusual. But then again, it's your opinion vs my opinion so this particular argument is pointless. It just annoys me how you try to paint your opinions as facts.


Not you apparently.

And certainly not you. Get off your high horse.


Nice try but everybody knows that's exactly why it's happening and knows that Bioware is cutting corners because of that reason.

Is this "everybody knows" statement supposed to somehow strengthen your assumption? If so, it failed since an assumption is still an assumption until there's actual proof behind it.


Except that's not what your words say liar.

Uhm, learn to read then? That is exactly what my words say. It is you who decided to bring in quests and stuff to derail the discussion about returning companions.


Where as all of your lies and everything else you've stated have been cold hard facts?

Oh, so we now resort to whataboutism? Cute. You're still wrong, however, since unlike you I'm never afraid to admit that my opinions are just opinions when they actually are.


Try all of them liar, with the except of Khem.

Now that's just pathetic. It's clear that you have no interest in constructive discussion, you'd rather pointlessly bicker about every little thing.


Nope, cause the terminal has been there the whole time and it's yet another of numerous examples that break your ridiculous apple logic.


Ah but story has nothing to do with apples now does it? Your analogy was always a lie.

Nope, my analogy still stands. The terminal has always been outside the actual story. Disregarded it. Broke it. But the people who used to have LS Jaessa and who are now going to get shafted actually do care about the story. Why do you think people, in general, are so excited when yet another returning companion is announced if they could simply claim them all via terminal? The story matters.

I guess I have to make my definition of apples more clear then. An apple is a companion as part of the story.


Once again, what is it about the post KOTFE content that makes you Bioware is capable of such a thing? You're just lying to yourself at this point.

They are incapable of using any other character but Jaessa to move their story forward? No, I don't think so.



All that said, with each post you're growing more and more desperate. You're starting to resort to bickering and personal attacks instead of trying to have a constructive discussion and staying on topic. It's both amusing and sad to observe.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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