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Jaesa Willsaam not being back is a crime.


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You mean to tell me that, a person who you invest time and resources in turning to whatever side you want them on. Your apprentice and the rule of two should still be part of the lore in this time. The first thing a sith lord would do once you can, is to send top people to track down her, and put her in check. She is a powerful tool, and the fact that she is still not part of the story line puts shame to the sith code, and breaks immersion on who the sith are. Edited by Teladis
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You mean to tell me that, a person who you invest time and resources in turning to whatever side you want them on. Your apprentice and the rule of two should still be part of the lore in this time. The first thing a sith lord would do once you can, is to send top people to track down her, and put her in check. She is a powerful tool, and the fact that she is still not part of the story line puts shame to the sith code, and breaks immersion on who the sith are.


Yea, but you have to also remember there was a voice actor strike going on at the time, and it wasn't a given whether or not her voice actor would be available, plus she's a mom now

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They already said she's coming back. The list they posted included most of the original class story companions. It's just a matter of time, now.


I understand, I am just shocked it has not happen sooner. I take a year break, and come back to see her not around is just crazy to me.

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So many Republic Side companions not being back is a crime, too.


To me, you just sound like someone raging about luxury problems.


I agree that republic side companions also is a crime, but the luxury problem? That comment you can shove it. As a consumer, it is myduty to let a company know when I am not happy. I take a year break, for a reason..and the bad combat, and chars that i invested in not part of the story is one of them.

Edited by Teladis
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You mean to tell me that, a person who you invest time and resources in turning to whatever side you want them on. Your apprentice and the rule of two should still be part of the lore in this time. The first thing a sith lord would do once you can, is to send top people to track down her, and put her in check. She is a powerful tool, and the fact that she is still not part of the story line puts shame to the sith code, and breaks immersion on who the sith are.


Khem Val devoured her.

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Despite constantly saying they understand how important players companions are to them in all of 2017 we have seen 3 companions returned.


I think its a safe bet that striping back the story to be a one size fits all and 4 companions to be the only ones with any connection to the story was a bad choice. But they have no interest in changing it, take 5.2 both the returning companions were identical in how they acted. It seems to have been too much work to even give them more interesting or varied roles in the chapter. So just because they say companions are one day going to return if they keep up the current pace it will be 5 years before they are all back and that will be a 3 or 4 line cut scene with some generic quest tagged on.

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Whoever did the writing really should have pulled up a list of companions, and rated their importance. Consider...


Jedi Consular:

Both of the Consular love interests are still MIA. To my mind, the most interesting Consular companion was Theran Cedrax, who is also still MIA. Of course, I'm biased because I went Shadow (Tank) back when you couldn't change companion roles; Cedrax was my dedicated healer. Zenith is also still missing. To my mind, Qyzen Fess is the least interesting Consular Companion... although, I confess to being biased (all the reasons I leveled almost exclusively with Cedrax, are the same reasons I couldn't ditch Qyzen fast enough).


Jedi Knight:

Both Love Interests still MIA. Lord Scourge is also missing... and in a lot of ways, Scourge is the most important Knight companion. Given the Emperor fixated nature of the Zakuul expansions and the Emperor fixated nature of Lord Scourge his continue absence represents a massive story writing fail.

...the one thing the writers did get right, is bringing back T7 first. In a lot of ways, T7 is the heart of SWTOR; or at least in that he's analogous to R2D2, who is the heart of Star Wars.




The smuggler has three potential Love Interests, and all three are still MIA. Whether Corso or Risha is someone your Smuggler romanced or not, both of them are without a doubt the most important companions in the Smuggler story. The fact that they're both missing is a jaw-dropping oversight on the part of the writers.



...actually made out OK. I mean, took Elara TOO LONG to be written back in, and her reintroduction was kinda lacking. I understand that they're not really planning on bringing Tanno Vik back, because his voice actor passed away, but the Trooper at least, can just recall him from the Odessan Terminal.


Now... a look at the Imperial classes...



For some bizarre reason, it looks like we don't get our Morose Monster back at all. The Dashade we bound way back on Korriban "has to be" replaced with Ac'ghal Usar ... because Dashade are so common it makes sense that a Sith might bind two in their life. :rak_02:

...Both Love Interests are still missing.



Took far too long to bring Quinn back. Lack of Jaesa definitely troubling.


Bounty Hunter

...also made out pretty well. But, let's be honest. Mako is 100% the most important Bounty Hunter companion, romanced or not... and her continued absence is definitely disappointing (and disappointing is a definite understatement).



Vector, the female Love Interest still MIA. The Agent companions got a lot of "star treatment" in the Zakuul expansion, so Agent players should be fairly happy about this. Although, Agents who romanced Temple did have to wait a long, long time to get her back.

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So just because they say companions are one day going to return if they keep up the current pace it will be 5 years before they are all back and that will be a 3 or 4 line cut scene with some generic quest tagged on.


This, some of my favorites are still MIA but knowing they'll most likely get a lackluster return before going silent on me forever makes it hard to look forward to them coming back at all.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Kira Carsen not being back is a crime too!!!! :eek:


Kira and Scourge made more sense for a return during KotFE and KoTET than any other companion in the game. They both had a personal connection to the Emperor.


Yet neither returned while we got entire chapters devoted to characters with no connection to the emperor, like Gault and Vette, because Bioware.


I like Gault & Vette, in fact Gault is one of my favorite characters. It just made no sense for either one to return before Kira or Scourge. Neither of them had a story hook from the class stories that tied them into the events of KotFE or KoTET.


Jaesa should also have returned before Vette.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Sad thing is..I have not caught up with the story yet as I have much more to do. But I see on the main page.


"A traitor among the chiss."


I was just thinking you know what would come in handy? A person who had an ability to discern any being’s true nature and uncover a person’s most secret intentions. You know how helpful that would be in building a army?! A person like that would be so handy that top resources would go into tracking them down.

Edited by Teladis
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They already said she's coming back. The list they posted included most of the original class story companions. It's just a matter of time, now.




You were jesting right?


And they added in the Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor companions only as an afterthought when someone called them out on it.


KOTFE was released over two years ago. KOTET was released just over 1 year ago. Prior to Iokath there were 17 missing companions. Since then we've had 3 returns over a course of almost exactly 12 months from the release of KOTET. This leaves 14 companions unaccounted for. At that rate of return you can expect to have all companions returned or otherwise accounted for sometime in August of 2022.


Yes, technically that still qualifies as "just a matter of time," but it's not what any customer is referring to or likely what you have in mind either. When KOTET was cobbled together from the scrapped season 2 and 3 of the KOTxx saga, they left a lot undone and without a firm plan. They've yet to own up to their mistakes or make good on their promises or even provide anything resembling a timeline.


Don't count on many returns, its just not happening anytime soon.


Still missing:



Jedi Knight

Kira (LI)

Doc (LI)

Lord Scourge


Jedi Consular

Nadia (LI)

Felix (LI)





All returned or accounted for.



Corso (LI)

Risha (LI)

Akaavi (LI)


Sith Warrior

Jaesa (LI)


Sith Inquisitor

Khem Val

Andronikos (LI)

Ashara (LI)


Imperial Agent

Vector (LI)


Bounty Hunter

Mako (LI)

Edited by Keta
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Yes the Troopers companions have done well at "Making their way back" vs the other class's. Boyd was the/one of the big writer(s) for the Trooper story. Boyd was also a High Name in the writing of the Zakuul story. He said in one of their shows he likes trains so now we have a Train. I don't recall any Trains....ever in this Genre. I'm still a firm believer our Companions *Were planned but as they said, but with the sizeable percentage of our disapproval with the KotFE the comp's were pushed back as the story was rearranged and that again with so many changes, companion set backs and the V.A. strike at that time the comps were relegated to somewhere between "Not now" and "Oh I forgot about them" despite the forums consistent reminding of their absence. I still don't believe they're a particularly High priority with the dev's. Elara and Malavie's return were minimal and B.W. even with their proclamation of "Returning Companions" still don't seem particularly *Exited with this. We'll see How Long it takes and how much *Attention B.W. puts into this.
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Yes the Troopers companions have done well at "Making their way back" vs the other class's. Boyd was the/one of the big writer(s) for the Trooper story. Boyd was also a High Name in the writing of the Zakuul story. He said in one of their shows he likes trains so now we have a Train. I don't recall any Trains....ever in this Genre. I'm still a firm believer our Companions *Were planned but as they said, but with the sizeable percentage of our disapproval with the KotFE the comp's were pushed back as the story was rearranged and that again with so many changes, companion set backs and the V.A. strike at that time the comps were relegated to somewhere between "Not now" and "Oh I forgot about them" despite the forums consistent reminding of their absence. I still don't believe they're a particularly High priority with the dev's. Elara and Malavie's return were minimal and B.W. even with their proclamation of "Returning Companions" still don't seem particularly *Exited with this. We'll see How Long it takes and how much *Attention B.W. puts into this.




I just went to the Odessan terminal on my FEET characters and brought them ALL back. Including Vik. BW isn't bringing them back. None of my newer characters will ever do the FEET series.There is NO plan.


The VA strike didn't help but it wasn't the sole factor. Some of those actors were under contract for the KOTxx series before the year long strike. Or we'd have had NO returned companions.

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I also don't think the strike was the biggest factor; infact I believe since the end of KotFE there were "No Plans" to bring them back at all. They side stepped or gave very ambiguous replies every time that came up when it couldn't be Conveniently Not heard. Whats happened in that subject since seems very "Put together quickly" and this delay only shows there was no "Ongoing Rapport" from the original quests and now with those actors. Like so many have said the Companions from the Terminal arnt at all the same mostly just a Placeholder in lieu of the Real Comps from before the zakuul story started. Maybe if the Stories/Characters actually seemed to be "Moving on" or "Going Anywhere" I'd return but ever since Valkorian's virtual defeat this game's seemed to be just paddling around in circles in a very small pond; no plans, nowhere to go or anything to do.
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Yes, technically that still qualifies as "just a matter of time," but it's not what any customer is referring to or likely what you have in mind either. When KOTET was cobbled together from the scrapped season 2 and 3 of the KOTxx saga, they left a lot undone and without a firm plan.


Hopefully when they came up with the wonderful idea of TAKING AWAY our companions they also had a plan/strategy/roadmap on how they COME BACK. Perhaps events and the general KOTFE and KOTET reception caused the overall plan to change and that plan was abandoned. So it appears that there is no plan or there never was a plan (i.e., poorly thought out original plan). I sure would like to see a 2018 roadmap that calls out the return of the remaining companions with something better than "I didn't know if it was safe to contact you" or "I wasn't sure it was really you" type of lame excuse.

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Thankfuly i main an Assassin now so i have a peace of mind. I no longer care. :cool:


I wouldn't mind if we are finally gonna be able to turn the togruta to the dark side fully though, if/when she returns.

Edited by Kaedusz
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