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Marauders in PvP


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The goal of the 200% tech and force resist is to prevent accuracy getting in the way, but not every cc in the game is force-based or tech-based, shroud does not protect against everything, you'll still get hit by white damage.

Furthermore, the 1min cd for shroud against a 45sec cd for obfuscate does play in favor of obfuscate, who also prevent white damage to occur. And no, we do not use stealth out just to resist a HS missile with that utility point. Shroud on the vanish is used to make stealth work properly in the first place : making you exit combat, and it don't even work with Hatred right now anyway. Stealth out isn't a combat dcd, it's not something we'll use like a reflect or to absorb an attack, if we use it it's to get away, not keep fighting. It may be the opposite in PvE, but in PvP that's certainly not the case, except on some specific premade. But we're not talking about a specific case anyway.


And it does that very effectively now I think I'd remember a shadow desperately waving their hands with shroud up after my intimidating roar (while a pack of 4+ players chase my guarded target). Or the hardstun I popped just a half second after their shroud goes up worked magically. It's never happened to me, but then I've never been a big accuracy fan. It's possible years ago it was only a 100% chance to resist before being boosted to 200 or it's a server issue at play like DSB.


Obfuscate, no it doesn't prevent white damage vs everyone and yes you can use riposte (white damage) vs it. Assuming you have a bit of accuracy hitting them with yellow attacks is roughly 1 in 3 chance while white damage works so long as you werent targeted or are using riposte.

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It's starting to get tedious how often marauder fanboys bring up niche situations in a single game mode as if it is proof of anything.


You guys love to bring up healerless solo ranked games as if marauder is so bad in this scenario...but it's not. Marauders are better off in this scenario than PT, Jugg, Sorc, and Snipers now that shield heal is bad. They're arguably better even than assassins and operatives too but I needn't go there to make my point. Which is that marauders are in the top of the pack at literally everything in this game. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.


They're *at least* even in the top half of this specific niche that you guys always bring up, ignoring how "top half" doesn't even come close to describing how good they are in just about every other scenario.


"I demand to be top tier in regs, group ranked, tank/heals solo ranked, AND no healers solo ranked!"

and pve but who cares


Ask yourself, what is wrong with this picture? A skilled team focuses one class hard and then counter his escape and he dies. Sounds like this is how the game is supposed to work to me.


Imagine for a moment how classes like juggernaut or sniper feel when they are hard focused in 4 dps games. It's exactly the same story except for the part where you get to use camo and pred to run like 60+ meters away, guaranteeing you a significant amount of wasted time at the very least....instead you just die.


I dislike credmining myself but you brought it up so I will play ball. Marauder is one of my most played classes...I'm just not a fanboy. I was 2600 last season.



Your facts are thin. Snipers have damper defense utility with 3 stacks when they use cover, a small self-heal (even though it was nerfed), a huge ballistic shield which with proper utilities from legendary tier can reduce a significant amount of damage, dodge for 4 seconds (with proper utility), cc immune (entrench), defense screen (which can be buffed with proper utility) etc. Engin snipers (which is always chosed for sr) are puting probes and traps around, stunning and slowing meele classes which makes very difficult to kill when you are playing on meele classes. I saw many fights when meele classes failed to kill engin or killed him but died because they spent too much hp while killing him. SKILLED engin sniper can survive as long as mara and cause more damage thanks to aoe.


Yes, Mara is close to merc, sniper, oper and sin in sr now but not so special for starting whining on it. Same crying can be done about opers who roll around, causing damage, cc'ing targets, offhealing group members and themselves; mercs who have great self-heals, defenses, make good cc and offheals. Nothing special about mara.


I checked the leaderboards from previous season, and what i see? R1 mara is 2786, r 2 Is 2681, r3 2465 WHILE ALL OTHER SPECS HAVE 4247-3000. So yeah, call mara the real gods in pvp lol with such "opped" statistics.


Nothing to read in this thread, just bunch of players here are mad about "poor sins".The "poor" sins who even in this season are having more overall rating in sr than mara (2770-2374 for sins as opposed to 2326-2144 for maras). Iam out.

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Your facts are thin. Snipers have damper defense utility with 3 stacks when they use cover, a small self-heal (even though it was nerfed), a huge ballistic shield which with proper utilities from legendary tier can reduce a significant amount of damage, dodge for 4 seconds (with proper utility), cc immune (entrench), defense screen (which can be buffed with proper utility) etc. Engin snipers (which is always chosed for sr) are puting probes and traps around, stunning and slowing meele classes which makes very difficult to kill when you are playing on meele classes. I saw many fights when meele classes failed to kill engin or killed him but died because they spent too much hp while killing him. SKILLED engin sniper can survive as long as mara and cause more damage thanks to aoe.


Yes, Mara is close to merc, sniper, oper and sin in sr now but not so special for starting whining on it. Same crying can be done about opers who roll around, causing damage, cc'ing targets, offhealing group members and themselves; mercs who have great self-heals, defenses, make good cc and offheals. Nothing special about mara.


I checked the leaderboards from previous season, and what i see? R1 mara is 2786, r 2 Is 2681, r3 2465 WHILE ALL OTHER SPECS HAVE 4247-3000. So yeah, call mara the real gods in pvp lol with such "opped" statistics.


Nothing to read in this thread, just bunch of players here are mad about "poor sins".The "poor" sins who even in this season are having more overall rating in sr than mara (2770-2374 for sins as opposed to 2326-2144 for maras). Iam out.


Please try playing group ranked verse good teams, as a sin dps, op, ap pt, jug dps then play as a mara dps. Then come back and tell me the differences. I can tell you straight up mara is literally the most stupid out of all of them. I been healing a sniper, mara this season and sniper is the first to die with how easily it is to get kills on them. Mara has so many escapes and ways to mitigate damage it's insane, compared to any other class. Not only is the survivability that good but also the fact that they can upkeep damage while being tunneled better than any other class as well.


This is what happens in teams:

Oh they are switching to mara? *pops mad dash* he is fine

switching to mara? *puts obfuscate on a dps* he is fine

switching to mara? *pops force camo* he is fine

switching to mara? *pops undying* he is fine

By the time they switch again he has all his DCDs up again.


The differences between healing a mara and sniper (or any other class) are so universally different its crazy. Once a healer is in the mix maras are broken. Anyone who argues any different spent too much time in regs or such a fanboy they don't want their baby to be nerfed.


To put maras more in line with other melee dps changes need to be made to the length of their DCDs (so they cannot cycle them so easily) and Obfuscate needs to be nerfed.

Edited by kissingaiur
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This thread is talking about Marauders and I brought up the relationship between them and other melee DPS; no where is it relevant to bring up tanks in the discussion. As a melee DPS Marauders are the most tankest and if someone truly thinks that the other melee DPS are as competitive in surivability verse the amount of damage they can pump out, they are out of their mind.


I mentioned it because someone else did lol.


The reason people bring tanks into this discussion is because of skanks. They see the damage board at the end and go oh that tank had over a million damage! That's what i should go do!


These people don't seem to understand that properly played a skank is basically a PvP tank, not a wannabee dps.

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I mentioned it because someone else did lol.


The reason people bring tanks into this discussion is because of skanks. They see the damage board at the end and go oh that tank had over a million damage! That's what i should go do!


These people don't seem to understand that properly played a skank is basically a PvP tank, not a wannabee dps.


All I got out of those posts: Just the thought of someone comparing tanks to maras, speaks for itself.

Edited by kissingaiur
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Please try playing group ranked verse good teams, as a sin dps, op, ap pt, jug dps then play as a mara dps. Then come back and tell me the differences. I can tell you straight up mara is literally the most stupid out of all of them. I been healing a sniper, mara this season and sniper is the first to die with how easily it is to get kills on them. Mara has so many escapes and ways to mitigate damage it's insane, compared to any other class. Not only is the survivability that good but also the fact that they can upkeep damage while being tunneled better than any other class as well.


This is what happens in teams:

Oh they are switching to mara? *pops mad dash* he is fine

switching to mara? *puts obfuscate on a dps* he is fine

switching to mara? *pops force camo* he is fine

switching to mara? *pops undying* he is fine

By the time they switch again he has all his DCDs up again.


The differences between healing a mara and sniper (or any other class) are so universally different its crazy. Once a healer is in the mix maras are broken. Anyone who argues any difference spent too much time in regs or such a fanboy they don't want their baby to be nerfed.


To put maras more in line with other melee dps changes need to be made to the length of their DCDs (so they cannot cycle them so easily) and Obfuscate needs to be nerfed.


Once again Hottie spinning the truth. Mara' are easily the MOST broken class in the game right now.

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We didn't have enough nerfs, didn't you guys learn anything?


All this weeping about Maura is just going to get Operatives nerfed.


Operatives should always be nerfed, thats a given. Sneaky little $#%@*& always stabbing me in the arse... that hurts!

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mara is fine. ruthless aggressor is not.

This (hi Picksix, seen you around)

But it's justifiable cause:

It can't heal, it can't bring people back from the dead, it doesn't have perma-stealth, it can't off-tank, it can't off heal, it can't role switch, it can't skank tank, it can't guard anyone, it can't taunt and reduce the damage done to them by 30%, it doesn't have a good CC package, it has no passive CC-immunity[Except for Fury], it can't chuck people, it can't pull people, it can't knock people back, roots for a melee spec make no sense anyway because that person can still attack them, they can't teleport, they can't leap to friendly targets, and ranged has as much of a field day with them [Except for Fury] as any other melee spec.

If you're having trouble with mara, it's because we can't do literally anything if we aren't playing Fury. So yes, Fury does need a nerf, but Marauder as a whole? Just focus them and it's game. Obviously that changes if they have a great healer, but then again, a great healer does wonders for all the DPS classes in the game.

Edited by Bird_of_Thunder
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1 mara isn't something to worry about, but as soon as there are 2 - 3 the (almost) permanent speed boost is definitely something that breaks an entire match, if you can't deal with 1 I'm definitely on your side, but having more than one makes a whole team worth 12 people instead of 8 and that for (almost) 100% uptime
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1 mara isn't something to worry about, but as soon as there are 2 - 3 the (almost) permanent speed boost is definitely something that breaks an entire match, if you can't deal with 1 I'm definitely on your side, but having more than one makes a whole team worth 12 people instead of 8 and that for (almost) 100% uptime


Multiple of any class can be game breaking if they all stay together.


2-3 healers for example

2-3 Snipers

2-3 stealths

2-3 shanks

2-3 Mercs

Even 2-3 PTs


Every class brings some sort of multiplier to the match. Stealths by themselves bring a big multiplier because you never know where they are. One healer can make a huge difference if the other side doesn’t have one. And so on...


People are now reaching for straws and looking for anything to blame Mara’s for. I guess the hate Mara nerf squad is out because too many people need to L2P or have tall poppy syndrome since their classes had changes.

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