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Which new planet would you like to see next? (TFA, RO, TLJ)


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Even though I'm not an huge fan of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, I really like the new planets they've brought. Their aesthetics are quite nice to look at.


Personally, I would love to see Jedha. Investigate more about kyber crystals and the Force. It would be nice to learn more about monks who trust in the Force while at the same time aren't exactly part of the Jedi Order. Ooooor... anything related to the planet that was a thing back during the Old Republic era.

Edited by TheRandomWolf
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They should only use planets from the 9 movies or other Disney cannon sources. There's also plenty in the movies that they haven't used yet to have great choices.


I think we need to get the bad force doctrine of 4.0 and 5.0 expansions overwritten as fast as possible. Time for Ach-to or Jedha.

Edited by annabethchase
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I want absolutely none of the planets from Rogue One or the new trilogy. They're all boring. Rocky planet, other rocky planet, planet with some grass and some rocks, planet with an island, a planet with salt on it....


Give us more Prequel/Clone Wars era planets that are insane to look at, like Felucia, Umbara (and I mean besides the flashpoint), Kamino, Cato Niemodia, Mygeeto, Mustafar, stuff like that with interesting environments and structures.

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The majority of the planets from the new movies are not really inhabited by anything, so they'd be boring. Jakku, which is basically like Tatooine, the place Han takes them with the weird little alien goblin lady, and then that Casino place in the latest movie (no thanks) are the only real options so far. I would like them to focus on adding iconic places, maybe even revisiting planets that are already there, as well such as Alderaan, and Hoth, with new zones and things to see.


Ultimately, if they are ever going to add "full fledged" planets again, and they have said they'd really like to, then they really need to focus on building a high quality planet that is worth exploring for once, which has never been something they've actually done. Even huge ones like Alderaan and Tatooine don't feel particularly "alive" and explorable in the way modern MMO players are accustom to from newer games, so I would really like them to at least try and push themselves with this sort of thing in the future. Overall just an updated and relatively ambitious design for their next planet would be nice.

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I would personally love to see something on Nathema, similar to what is on Ziost. But short of that, if it had to be a new planet I would prefer to see something like Kashyyk or Dathomir.


Would love to hunt Rancors on Dath :)


One thing I will say is that I was disappointed with Iokath. I liked the first time to visit the planet (or dyson sphere if you prefer) in the storyline, with the moss covered ruins and the like, but the current daily area is a bit too....clean...for my tastes. The original area had a better feel IMO.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Give us more Prequel/Clone Wars era planets that are insane to look at, like Felucia, Umbara (and I mean besides the flashpoint), Kamino, Cato Niemodia, Mygeeto, Mustafar, stuff like that with interesting environments and structures.


This! So much!

Though I personally doubt they have the ability or the desire to even create one proper planet with huge open areas side quests, planetary quest and so on.

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I think there are plenty of planets out there, this is a galaxy with hundreds of thousands of systems, to go to. It'd be nice to see others and where they were so far back. As much as it would be good to see Jedha in the game, from the movie it appeared to basically be one big city and a bunch of desert. So, fairly similar to Tattooine.


Kashyyyk could be a cool thing to see,, if there's a worthwhile storyline with the wookies.


I'm surprised there aren't more planets from Star Wars that haven't been added.

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Integrating Universes won't work and would nullify the entire point of Disney's retcon of the entire franchise. Keep Disneyverse out of the EU and vice verse, please and thank you.

Nah, Canon and Legends each have their own versions of Malachor, Ryloth, the Chiss Ascendancy, Concord Dawn, and plenty of others -- to say nothing of Tatooine, Hoth, Geonosis, etc. obviously existing in both. We've seen the Canon take on Legends locations like Dathomir, I'd like to see a Legends take on some Canon locations.


Lothal (from the Rebels cartoon), Hosnian Prime, and a Flashpoint set on Jedha would be my list.

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I'd choose a planet that wasn't in the films.




Besides being the homeworld for one of SWTOR's playable aliens, it would make for an interesting setting because the Twi'lek live in underground cities. It has five moons and is tidally locked to it's parent star (one side is locked in permanent day, the other permanent night) with the night side of the planet dotted by luminescent forests of crystalline trees and plants. If done right Ryloth could look very exotic and quite visually striking.


If I had to choose a planet from the films I'd go with Jakku. We've had plenty of Sithy worlds already so it would be nice to get another planet tied to the ancient Jedi and other light side Force cults.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Scarif is a little too much like Rishi and Rakata Prime.


Jakku is very Tatooine and it wouldn't have the battlefield graveyard aspect in SWTOR time frame.


Hosnian Prime is Coruscant at night.


D'Qar is boring grass and hills.


The planet hollowed out for Starkiller Base is Alderaan mixed with Hoth. Could be OK with some new fauna.


Takadona might be good because of the forest ruins and lakes, but might feel a bit like Yavin 4.



Crait would be really cool. The unique color palette and cool fauna (crystal foxes), crimson crystal caves and the salt flats all looked great.

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