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Yavin PVP map - great map; ruined by cross faction


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I took my new Sent from CXP 1 to CXP 50 in about 5 hours of pvp. I expect to have her to 200 in a few more days and 300 before the end of next week.


Although pvp forum - if you want to farm faster go nar shaddaa and shoot the overheated droids with snowballs and use a cxp boost, you get 20 levels in like 1 hour plus deco and snowboxes ^^


Also - crossfaction good - your comment with different lightsabers and stuff \o/

Met so many "jedi" in exterminator robes (i think they are called that way - the black sith armor robes) with red lightsabers... it's ridiculuous - same the other way around of course. If you don't look at the signs above their names you can't even tell the difference.


And even if you look, sometimes you have to look 4 times to see the difference (operative - scoundrel for example) and I really have other worries than identifying peoples faction in pvp, like keep them from dying ^^

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Although pvp forum - if you want to farm faster go nar shaddaa and shoot the overheated droids with snowballs and use a cxp boost, you get 20 levels in like 1 hour plus deco and snowboxes ^^


Also - crossfaction good - your comment with different lightsabers and stuff \o/

Met so many "jedi" in exterminator robes (i think they are called that way - the black sith armor robes) with red lightsabers... it's ridiculuous - same the other way around of course. If you don't look at the signs above their names you can't even tell the difference.


And even if you look, sometimes you have to look 4 times to see the difference (operative - scoundrel for example) and I really have other worries than identifying peoples faction in pvp, like keep them from dying ^^


I’m sitting at Nar Shad between matches :D

I have 400 trees now, lol, I’ve know idea what to do with them all now :cool:


I didn’t think CXP boost worked during events? I know mine say they don’t stack, so I didn’t want to waste them. Can you confirm that they work?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I’m sitting at Nar Shad between matches :D

I have 400 trees now, lol, I’ve know idea what to do with them all now :cool:


I didn’t think CXP boost worked during events? I know mine say they don’t stack, so I didn’t want to waste them. Can you confirm that they work?


They do work.

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I’m sitting at Nar Shad between matches :D

I have 400 trees now, lol, I’ve know idea what to do with them all now :cool:


I didn’t think CXP boost worked during events? I know mine say they don’t stack, so I didn’t want to waste them. Can you confirm that they work?


holy moly thats not a bad idea at all lol, capture all the trees! throw all the snowballs!

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Map is alright. Cross faction is total fail on this map.


Have yet to have even a remotely close game, just non stop 8 man premades mysteriously all landing on the same team on a map that is suppose to be cross faction. Some serious bullcrap.



Edited by DenariusJay
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Map is alright. Cross faction is total fail on this map.


Have yet to have even a remotely close game, just non stop 8 man premades mysteriously all landing on the same team on a map that is suppose to be cross faction. Some serious bullcrap.




You can’t have an 8 man premade ;)


Also, it seems premades are getting less pips of this map than solo players. I think I’ve only seen couple of premades and none of them were even 4 man premades, so I am sceptical that you saw a double premade in one match, let alone multiple matches.

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Cross faction bad, because premades? o_O


Besides the fact that I've never seen anything like that until now (and I pvp quite a lot), how exactly is that a point for split faction? Wouldn't the chance for premades increase?


I do think that if 8 people queue sync and at the same time 8 random people queue, priority goes to the 8 random people - since you know, you can't put 4 people into a group where the system already put 5 people in a wz.


Also, whenever I queued with my girls, we usually waited a lot longer for a pop than queueing solo.

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You can’t have an 8 man premade ;)


Also, it seems premades are getting less pips of this map than solo players. I think I’ve only seen couple of premades and none of them were even 4 man premades, so I am sceptical that you saw a double premade in one match, let alone multiple matches.


Sure you can, its called que syncing.


I'm just saying, I been very unlucky on this map. I keep seeing premade after premade. I rather just play another map tbh., I leave 98% of my matches on yavin cause most of them I load into the other team has already trippled cap, and I walk down and suprise! Same ol' same ol' familiar names / guilds.


Edit: literally just loaded into a yavin game where the other team has trippled cap'd and and I see premade farming at ledge spawn /yawn. Right after I posted this it happened. Not even gonna bother anymore with this map, treating it like how people treat OPG, insta leave when I see it. Cross faction is garbage.

Edited by DenariusJay
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Liking the cap channel speed power-up - Even a non-stealth idiot like me can CC and cap a node now against a lone defender.




For some reason _ maybe just the more frequent pops, Yavin seems to be a map for quitters- as soon as the other side gets the slightest of leads, people are quitting in droves.


- It telling on the scoreboard when more people have quit than actually started. - We had 17 on our team one match over the weekend. - Yes you read it right: seventeen. - It's almost a challenge to see it get to 20.


There are even quite a few quitters when we pull ahead and only have to hold for a couple more minutes to win....and there they go.....

Ops and FPs have a lockout under varying circumstances.... but in PVP you can troll teams all day, all night, all week..... Is there a hidden achieve I'm missing, or what?



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Have yet to have even a remotely close game, just non stop 8 man premades mysteriously all landing on the same team on a map that is suppose to be cross faction. Some serious bullcrap.


I don't know about premades, but the part about hardly ever getting a close game has been my experience as well. I don't know if there is something about the map or what, but I seem to be involved in a lot more hugely lopsided matches vs. the old maps. Maybe it's just perception, or maybe cross-faction wasn't the holy-grail-of-competive-matches that was expected (I mean, really, the other cross faction map, OPG, was IMO not a very good map to judge how much cross-faction helps balance out things).

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Sure you can, its called que syncing.


I'm just saying, I been very unlucky on this map. I keep seeing premade after premade. I rather just play another map tbh., I leave 98% of my matches on yavin cause most of them I load into the other team has already trippled cap, and I walk down and suprise! Same ol' same ol' familiar names / guilds.


Edit: literally just loaded into a yavin game where the other team has trippled cap'd and and I see premade farming at ledge spawn /yawn. Right after I posted this it happened. Not even gonna bother anymore with this map, treating it like how people treat OPG, insta leave when I see it. Cross faction is garbage.


Its nearly impossible to queue sync this map because it’s crossfaction. That doesn’t mean they won’t end up on the same team. I just haven’t seen any double premades in Yavin. yet.

I will agree after my experience today that there is a bit of a problem with a couple of premades. The one that stands out the most is the double Sorc heals and sin tank combo group are running on SF.

Any match they are in is a waste of time to stay. It’s just one big parsing exercise as no one dies on their team. For some reason unbeknownst to me, it seems we never have 1 healer when going up against this double healer premade.

I was having so much fun yesterday with this map and in one day these guys have made it boring.

I don’t mind premades normally, but I think they ruin cross faction matches like Yavin.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I don't know about premades, but the part about hardly ever getting a close game has been my experience as well. I don't know if there is something about the map or what, but I seem to be involved in a lot more hugely lopsided matches vs. the old maps. Maybe it's just perception, or maybe cross-faction wasn't the holy-grail-of-competive-matches that was expected (I mean, really, the other cross faction map, OPG, was IMO not a very good map to judge how much cross-faction helps balance out things).


Cross faction helps the worse faction significantly more than the better faction. If Pubs were outnumbered and outgunned on your server, then being mixed into the Imp population will benefit you. If you were on Imp side, your teams may be worse with Pubs mixed in. The biggest benefit to cross server is allowing for more possibilities for team distribution, but it does nothing unless additional matchmaking logic is added. Having the freedom to mix factions allows for better distribution of premades and roles across teams. Previously, if there were no premades on one faction or no healers on one faction, there would have been no way to distribute them evenly. With cross faction, that problem is eliminated, but it would require BW to actually do some work related to Pvp.

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I never managed to understand this anti cross faction sentiment. Lore-wise, bro, you are 4 years late. Since SoR we have been cross faction story wise.


Efficiency wise, it reduces faction imbalance and premade issues. It makes ques faster. I am not sure why not every single WZ is converted to cross faction yet.


You wanna RP, please do not do it in a f**kin WZ. This is how PvP ends up with dead weight players which ruins the experience for everyone.


There is not a single downside for cross faction.

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My biggest issue on this map as a Madness Sorc player is that for some reason it makes marauders/Sentinels want to jump on me more than any other map. personal i'd rather play 4v4


The one reason I jump on Sorcs more in that map is because nearly ever second one is a healer. It gets to the point that you stop discriminating between healers and dps and just kill Sorcs.

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The one reason I jump on Sorcs more in that map is because nearly ever second one is a healer. It gets to the point that you stop discriminating between healers and dps and just kill Sorcs.


I focus sorcs when I'm on my DPS for partly the same reason, partly because DPS Sorcs with the absence of a healer to top them up or a tank to guard them are easy kills. I'm helping to defend a node being attacked by a Sorc, a Marauder, a Mercenary, and a Sniper, the Sorc is going to get it first because he or she is the easiest of that bunch to bring down.

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What really ruins this map is how often it pops. I actually liked it at first as there are so many things to like. But the frequency of the pops has left a sour taste in my mouth. You know the saying, “too much of a good thing”.

Now I wish for any other map (besides Odessen) to pop. When I see it’s Yavin, I sigh and a little part of me dies.

They need to reduce the frequency of pops.

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I focus sorcs when I'm on my DPS for partly the same reason, partly because DPS Sorcs with the absence of a healer to top them up or a tank to guard them are easy kills. I'm helping to defend a node being attacked by a Sorc, a Marauder, a Mercenary, and a Sniper, the Sorc is going to get it first because he or she is the easiest of that bunch to bring down.


I always kill the sniper first because they hit the hardest. All you need to do is hardswap your stuns and slows on the Sorc and finish the sniper. Then you can spend your time toying with the Sorc because if the Sorc is any good, they should be much harder to kill. I know on my Sorc I can give people a run for their money, I may not kill them because the dps is weak, but I’m not an easy kill like many Sorcs out there.

Lately I’ve been seeing a Sorc on Star Forge who really knows what they are doing and is extremely difficult to kill.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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What really ruins this map is how often it pops. I actually liked it at first as there are so many things to like. But the frequency of the pops has left a sour taste in my mouth. You know the saying, “too much of a good thing”.

Now I wish for any other map (besides Odessen) to pop. When I see it’s Yavin, I sigh and a little part of me dies.

They need to reduce the frequency of pops.


Agree. The only other map I used to quit right up front was if I had already had 4 or 5 arenas in a row, and here comes another one. I never liked arenas much to begin with. And now Yavin. I've gotten so that I quit out right away, as long as there's a minute or so for the team to get a replacement. I wait to queue up again for a few minutes. I've quit 4 in a row, and then just quit out of the game in disgust a few times. :(

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I always kill the sniper first because they hit the hardest. All you need to do is hardswap your stuns and slows on the Sorc and finish the sniper. Then you can spend your time toying with the Sorc because if the Sorc is any good, they should be much harder to kill. I know on my Sorc I can give people a run for their money, I may not kill them because the dps is weak, but I’m not an easy kill like many Sorcs out there.

Lately I’ve been seeing a Sorc on Star Forge who really knows what they are doing and is extremely difficult to kill.


Don't worry guys, this frequency is temporary! They were very specific about this in the notes as I recall. I suppose it will be reduced in 5.7 or even some in-between patch, and then it will be as frequent as any other warzone (and in cases of very low and faction-imbalanced number of players where only cross-faction is an option, it will share the burden with Odessen ;))

Edited by Rafiknoll
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Cross faction bad, because premades? o_O


Besides the fact that I've never seen anything like that until now (and I pvp quite a lot), how exactly is that a point for split faction? Wouldn't the chance for premades increase?


I do think that if 8 people queue sync and at the same time 8 random people queue, priority goes to the 8 random people - since you know, you can't put 4 people into a group where the system already put 5 people in a wz.


Also, whenever I queued with my girls, we usually waited a lot longer for a pop than queueing solo.


You can have 8 people double premades, but, it's a lot less likely on cross faction maps because there are so many more IMPs quecing than Pubs the chances of getting both pub premades on the same team is less likely. On normal map's it's easier to coordinate because everyone can communicate on fleet/ with each other prior, so they can sync their premades at exactly the same time, making them more likely to get into the same team.


That said, I have yet to see a double premade on the new Yavin Map and it queces 7000 times a day heh. I musta played that map about 25 times in the last two days, it's insane. I know it's temporary having such high map time so I can grim and bare it.


I still see pub double premades on other maps though, but, not quite as much as I use to, but that could just be luck of the draw.


I hate cross faction personally, it's completely unnecessary at this point because pops are constant 24/7 so there is really no need to mix factions. It's Star Wars, I don't want to be fighting next to Jedi, I want to be killing them. =]

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Anyone else seeing an improvement (on SF) with Imps playing objective pvp outside of Yavin?

It seems Yavin cross faction is having a positive affect on some Imps and they are starting to play objectives properly.

I don’t know if these are reps who have switched to Imps or just Imps learning from reps.

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Don't worry guys, this frequency is temporary! They were very specific about this in the notes as I recall. I suppose it will be reduced in 5.7 or even some in-between patch, and then it will be as frequent as any other warzone (and in cases of very low and faction-imbalanced number of players where only cross-faction is an option, it will share the burden with Odessen ;))


It can’t come soon enough. Two weeks would have been enough to make it pop so much.


As for Odessen, I wish they’d just remove that WZ, which they obviously won’t. But it would be good if they dropped its pop chance lower than Yavin when they revert the queues back to normal.

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