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When Ashara does come back...Can we kill her?


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I can understand the feeling, since my first Inquisitor would have loved to stab Ashara every time she said anything along the lines of "don't make me go against my teachings". x.x My Nox did not have patience for that sort of stuff.


However, for me, a kill option would be too little too late. I can't think of any reason why my Nox would have tolerated her so long and would want to kill her now.

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My sorcerer really wants to mentally break her of her jedi teaching. Bend her to submission and put her on the edge of Insanity. He then would watch her vary Viscera, slowly turn into Viscid Rott. Then and only then, thrust the knife that is the DARK SIDE into her light sided SOUL and turn it all Black and Dark. Then, he would set her free.


By killing her.


My Sorc is just that sadistic, and Pure Evil..................

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let's get rid of all of these Kill (X) companion plz. Every time a companion has the option to be killed it then removes the option for that companion to be in the story for those of us who may want that companion. I'm not a ashara fan personally, but it takes away the choice from many players by even having the option to kill off a companion. All companions that have had that option already have 0 lines after that kill option is given, effectively removing them from the story even if you chose not to kill them.
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wonder how many or you will change your minds when she gets here --- ?

remember all the "I want to kill Quinn, please!" people ---- and remember how many of them let him live when it was all over ?

personally, I don't care --- I don't have an Inquis --- but she might come in handy in the story ... so ....

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why not ? If anyone needed a DS companion , it would be the Sorc . Hell , I think she has more back bone then Jaesa and would have been a better candidats to fall (and not go totally retard like DS Jaessa does) . But as a LS , she doesn't fit with a DS .


*shrug* there are some companions some of us didn't even recruit . Like what's his name , Mr PVP...and Qyzen..etc . Some you can kill even if it isn't your class companion :ex . Xalek (yet Quinn got special treatement ) .


I would say give 3 options: Kill , dismiss her for good (release her or send her back to the Jeeday if LS) , or recruit her to stand there and do nothing like the gazillions of companions we have so far .

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I like Ashara's character. She can get on quite well with a moderately DS Inquisitor, and the open dialogue they have throughout the class story regarding one's own interpretation of the Sith Code is wonderful. By the end, she even admits that she's no longer Jedi. Edited by Dracofish
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While not a fan of Ashara, I do not think that is fair considering how BW deals with companions that are killed. Some people like her so unless they can do it where one person can kill her and is written out for that person but not written out for the other.


I romanced Koth but because of people screaming they wanted to kill him, BW did just that and bravo so he is out of those stories but guess what he is out of mine when I didn't want that. So until BW can do the kill companion right where it doesn't write a companion out of someone else's story then I say no more killing of companions until they figure out to do it right.

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While not a fan of Ashara, I do not think that is fair considering how BW deals with companions that are killed. Some people like her so unless they can do it where one person can kill her and is written out for that person but not written out for the other.


I romanced Koth but because of people screaming they wanted to kill him, BW did just that and bravo so he is out of those stories but guess what he is out of mine when I didn't want that. So until BW can do the kill companion right where it doesn't write a companion out of someone else's story then I say no more killing of companions until they figure out to do it right.




And FWIW I think Ashara is a fun character. She ends up quoting both Jedi and Sith codes and approves of a number of DS choices by the time you hit Belsavis; she's a pretty good example of a more gray character IMHO. My Si will be overjoyed to see her again and my SW would probably like to meet her and add her to their team.

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It's not just companions that are killed -- Vette and Torian more or less disappeared after their chapters (had some lines in the last chapter of KotFE as well as Kaliyo and Aric) and only returned when it was their turn to get the kill option. While companion death seems to remove characters like Koth from the story, characters that were never essential part of the story (T7, Gault, Vette, Torian, whatever) seem to disappear after appearing, no matter if they die or not.


So, if you want content with Ashara, better hope she will be an essential part of the story like Scorpio, Senya, Lana, Koth and Theron -- even for a while. If she's not, I'm guessing she's getting the Vette/Torian/Gault/T7 -treatment even if there's no way to banish or kill her.

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I like Ashara's character. She can get on quite well with a moderately DS Inquisitor, and the open dialogue they have throughout the class story regarding one's own interpretation of the Sith Code is wonderful. By the end, she even admits that she's no longer Jedi.


I agree, one of my fav companions

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absolutely not, I quite like Ashara thank you very much and do not find her annoying at all. The only thing that I would like the ability to do is to completely turn her against the jedi and the jedi code and turn her completely to the dark side


^^^ This would be okay, but if she makes one comment about me trying to bring peace to the galaxy through the Sith Empire or Alliance ... she's going out the airlock! :eek:

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First time I played the inquisitor it surprised me the contrast between her and Jaesa. She came off as a bit dark for my light sided Inquisitor. I don't hate her nor do I love her, she is ok. But I tend to think that with alot of the later in the story companions. But then it seems like the inquisitor seems to be one of the few that has mostly dark companions. Edited by LeelaSeventen
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First time I played the inquisitor it surprised me the contrast between her and Jaesa. She came off as a bit dark for my light sided Inquisitor. I don't hate her nor do I love her, she is ok. But I tend to think that with alot of the later in the story companions. But then it seems like the inquisitor seems to be one of the few that has mostly dark companions.


When the game was much younger it was one of the things people including myself appreciated about Ashara.


She was a Jedi who slowly came to see the flaws in both the Sith and Jedi teachings, reasoning that there had to be a middle ground. And whilst she has become steadily more dark-sided at times the transition was more gradual than the sudden and rather jarring change of Jaesa. The story of this transition was better overall as well. The SI studied her, manipulated her, preyed on strengths and weaknesses to draw her in. Over time travelling with SI she transitions towards the dark side more and more.


Jaesa changed so fast in personality and style that it was like watching a 15-year-old going through an emo phase.

Edited by SmileMoar
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She isn't really light sided though. She approves of a lot of brutal decisions and you see her using the dark side during the SoR intro cinematic.


she isn't your perfect LS , true . But she has alot of miles to go before I would consider her dark side . she gave me a 'we gonna save the Jeeday' speech in the end . So hell no , I personally don't consider her dark side . She may not be the perfect LS Jeeday . I think she would fit with neutral maybe ?


well not neutral..more like chaotic good .

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she isn't your perfect LS , true . But she has alot of miles to go before I would consider her dark side . she gave me a 'we gonna save the Jeeday' speech in the end . So hell no , I personally don't consider her dark side . She may not be the perfect LS Jeeday . I think she would fit with neutral maybe ?


well not neutral..more like chaotic good .


I'd say she is more Lawful Evil tbh. She is someone for whom the ends justifies the means. About the whole Jedi thing, she actually says that she doesn't know what she is but she doesn't care. The mail you get from her when you get frozen says that the Sith and the Jedi are failed orders and she (and the Inq) never really belonged to either.


I think Ashara is an interesting character, pity she didnt get a little bit more development.

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