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what stats I'm supposed to have with full gear?


1.5k alac/110 accuracy/40% crit?


I'm so confused

Someone had more power and 100 more alacrity over my stats and did 100k more dps in 4v4.


You dont need 110 acc, 105 at most, u can even run with 0 alac but its good to have a little, I found the happy medium to be about 4-5%

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I have run some +20 parses with a mixture of the new superior augments, and the highest consistent parses was with pure superior alacrity augments. I tried mixing both the new crit and mastery with and without the old overkill and alacrity, but 14 x superior alacrity seems to be performing best. It could be random and perhaps I am sacrificing burst for dps, but it seems to be working.
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I have run some +20 parses with a mixture of the new superior augments, and the highest consistent parses was with pure superior alacrity augments. I tried mixing both the new crit and mastery with and without the old overkill and alacrity, but 14 x superior alacrity seems to be performing best. It could be random and perhaps I am sacrificing burst for dps, but it seems to be working.


Just for consideration -


Alacrity benefits from uptime. The more uptime you have on a target the greater the value of higher alacrity. You will see more benefit from it on a dummy parse given the length of the uptime and concentration of attack based GCDs.


In PVP you very rarely have good uptime on any target, and target switches also effect the benefits of very high alacrity. Also the high amount of CCs that PVP is heir too decrease uptime and attack flow [although that is less the case with regard to Fury].


You are losing a great deal of burst augmentating solely with alacrity. There is, however the benefit of decreased cooldowns, just make sure you haven't hit the alacrity limit wherein you cannot decrease cooldowns any further. At 2200 + alacrity you likely hit that threshold and any access alacrity won't have any effect.


If you find you are doing better in PVP with that much alacrity, than obviously it's worth the loss in burst. Different people have different playstyles so you can't only consider the 'nuts and bolts' of any given build in the absence to practical results of actual game play. You should try lowering the alacrity to the 1850 area and see what kind of results you get from that in PVP. I wouldn't think there would be any real notable difference and you could see a improvement in performance putting some of those extra alacrity points into another tertiary stat like critical or power. The difference in bonus damage would be notable. Much of the difference you find in the alacrity amount builds based on dummy parsing won't translate into PVP performance in equal measure due to the uptime difference.


Just some food for thought.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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My small opinion...


I'm not a huge fan of alacrity. If you think about the typical pvp engagement, is it a long and sustained event in which you can go through your rotation and dish out a couple million total damage? There's a reason why the PvE dummy parsers use the 2.5m dummy, and generally disregard the small 1m dummy parses: it's because even at "only" 1m damage done, crit percentage (luck) plays too much of a factor in your sustained dps.


So if you want to go with the optimal amount of alacrity for a long dummy parse, that's great. But that basically never happens in pvp aside from the occasional arena in which the other team has multiple healers, or if you are in an 8v8 and beating on e.g. a guarded healer for a very long time. Also, how good you are at sticking on a target and keeping your APM up plays a factor. If you can maintain a high APM in a pvp situation, then yes alac will absolutely be a plus over a long duration. It's all about uptime.


In my experience, most of the time you are killing a target pretty quickly, swapping a fair amount, are incapacitated or otherwise broken from your "rotation." As such, I prefer to get bigger individual hits on the target and care less about alacrity.


With all that said, here's what I do. I currently have mostly 248, with a few 246 pieces. With that huge stat budget, I currently have 105% accuracy (roughly), 693 alac (7.06%), 2044 Crit (44.31%), and a bloody lot of power (4775).


I'm definitely open to experimentation. I may try going with more alac, but it's kind of a pain to do that. I suppose I could move augs around, but I don't exactly have a bunch of 248 alac enhancements lying around. I'd have to downgrade to some 240 or 242 enhancements. I'm not too keen on sacrificing many of my power augs in favor of alac.

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for alac i would just go for 750 since that will give you a gcd of 1.4s and for a gcd of 1.3s you need over 1850 alac which is to much imo




So if you want to go with the optimal amount of alacrity for a long dummy parse, that's great. But that basically never happens in pvp aside from the occasional arena in which the other team has multiple healers, or if you are in an 8v8 and beating on e.g. a guarded healer for a very long time. Also, how good you are at sticking on a target and keeping your APM up plays a factor. If you can maintain a high APM in a pvp situation, then yes alac will absolutely be a plus over a long duration. It's all about uptime.




I have 2296 alacrity :p


1860~ is what you aim for if you choose a high Alacrity build. Any more then this and you are clipping the effectiveness of Alacrity because the GCD is not changing. 2296 Alacrity rating is not enough to be rounded to the next GCD percentage, you need roughly like 3K (this doesn't even take in account the massive diminishing returns).


"they're rounded UP, not down:

0-702 Alacrity = 1.5sec GCD

703-1859 Alacrity (7.15+%)= 1.4sec GCD (1.39991)

1860 Alacrity (15.41%) = 1.3sec GCD (1.29971)"


That all being said, the difference between high alacrity and none at all is under 5% at most with perfect uptime and in pvp you are guaranteed to never have perfect uptime. If you are personally seeing a significant differences in your parses, you are most likely looking at them wrong.

Edited by kissingaiur
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what stats I'm supposed to have with full gear?


1.5k alac/110 accuracy/40% crit?


I'm so confused

Someone had more power and 100 more alacrity over my stats and did 100k more dps in 4v4.


I find the more lag you have, the more alacrity you need in case lag causes an ability not to work properly, then your next ability will be up a bit faster to help compensate. But that’s with 250ms lag, so if you are under 100ms, I would go with a small amount and add a little more crit

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I find the more lag you have, the more alacrity you need in case lag causes an ability not to work properly, then your next ability will be up a bit faster to help compensate. But that’s with 250ms lag, so if you are under 100ms, I would go with a small amount and add a little more crit


oh goody more alacrity influences ping propaganda

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I find the more lag you have, the more alacrity you need in case lag causes an ability not to work properly, then your next ability will be up a bit faster to help compensate. But that’s with 250ms lag, so if you are under 100ms, I would go with a small amount and add a little more crit

Alacrity doesn't compensate for or affect your ping; you're misunderstanding its mechanics. If Alacrity somehow affected your ping, you'd be a shoo-in for the Nobel Prize in Physics. :)

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Alacrity doesn't compensate for or affect your ping; you're misunderstanding its mechanics. If Alacrity somehow affected your ping, you'd be a shoo-in for the Nobel Prize in Physics. :)


Well, I think it may compensate in the sense that the GCD is reduced which means that their impression of where a person is on the server will be compensated for instead of having to wait the full 1.5 seconds of GCD to see where a person is going they can make a better judgement within the 1.whatever seconds it is with alacrity.



As a melee player knowing where a person is or is going can help in terms of actually being able to hit them at a point in time, having less GCD means less opportunity for them to move in a direction you don't expect them to with high ping. So honestly, I can see Trixxie's point, as a former player in games with no GCD but significant ping depending on which servers you played on. The less lag you have (artificial i.e. a GCD or otherwise) the easier it is to hit someone or guess where to hit.



*** Warning - if you go full alacrity or even significant amounts of alacrity you WILL hit like a wet noodle.

Edited by RACATW
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what stats I'm supposed to have with full gear?


1.5k alac/110 accuracy/40% crit?


I'm so confused

Someone had more power and 100 more alacrity over my stats and did 100k more dps in 4v4.


Going with 1850 alacrity or more is a personal choice based on your playstyle. If you feel you are better with high alacrity go with it, but be warned that your big hitters will be lower than they should be.


In my view, you should always hit the biggest possible in arenas hence why I think that 750 alacrity with the rest in power or mastery/crit is the way to go.


You will not always benefit from high alacrity as you will be stunned all over the place in arenas, but it might work. it's very situational. Sometimes I find myself in situations where I can't deliver the killing blow because I lack that 1 second in cooldown.. and enemy guy escapes. If Had 1900 alacrity he'd be dead. So yeah. it's a gamble.


It's best to try both and see what's better you. I played with 750 and 1900 and for me both were good.


Now witht he superior augments out you might be able to go with full alacrity built with gaining power as well which I will try out once the sharks lower their damn prices on the GTN.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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oh goody more alacrity influences ping propaganda


Alacrity doesn't compensate for or affect your ping; you're misunderstanding its mechanics. If Alacrity somehow affected your ping, you'd be a shoo-in for the Nobel Prize in Physics. :)


I guess reading is hard for some people. I said it makes you next ability active faster if you have more alacrity, which means if you have high lag like I do and it gets F’d up by something like an ability not working and going on CD without anything happening, then your next ability will be up faster to use. In no way did I say more alacrity fixes lag/ping or makes it go away.

I so often hear people tell me and others with high lag that we don’t understand what we are saying, but none of you play with our sort of lag, so how the “F” do you know what happens.

Come back and have a discussion when you play with 300ms and tell me that alacrity doesn’t help when things got to crap because the lag breaks something.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I guess reading is hard for some people. I said it makes you next ability active faster if you have more alacrity, which means if you have high lag like I do and it gets F’d up by something like an ability not working and going on CD without anything happening, then your next ability will be up faster to use. In no way did I say more alacrity fixes lag/ping or makes it go away.

I so often hear people tell me and others with high lag that we don’t understand what we are saying, but none of you play with our sort of lag, so how the “F” do you know what happens.

Come back and have a discussion when you play with 300ms and tell me that alacrity doesn’t help when things got to crap because the lag breaks something.


There is zero evidence for the possibility for a positive correlation with high ping and high alacrity in a pvp environment. It theoretically doesn't even make sense. Then you go even further and say the opposite must be therefore true. Don't get me wrong, I can see your theorycrafting behind this but that still doesn't make your comments on alacrity to be any less hilariously misguided.


Just think about it. If you don't even know your target is in front of you because of desync or delay how would IMPROVING your gcd help you in this regard? The likelihood you would be hitting your gcds on time would be arguably lower with higher ping. Then think about your statement for the flip side. Why would a player without any delay benefit LESS from alacrity? They have 5 ping they would actually be in the best spot for switching targets and guaranteeing they are able to stay in melee range.


Having more alacrity when you can't even tell your in melee range because of delay from high ping, would be a complete utter waste. In PvP you might as well run 0 alacrity if your ping is warping around players. Having lower ping you are more likely to have no delay therefore you could actually use all your gcds (theoretically making new gcds over time). If you have low ping and you know you are hitting the kiting target next to you, you will be able to use all the gcds in alacrity. Your thoughts are completely backwards.

Edited by kissingaiur
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There is zero evidence for the possibility for a positive correlation with high ping and high alacrity in a pvp environment. It theroically doesn't even make sense. Then you go even further and say the opposite must be therefore true. Don't get me wrong, I can see your theorycrafting behind this but that still doesn't make your comments on alacrity to be any less hilariously misguided.


Just think about it. If you don't even know your target is in front of you because of desync or delay how would IMPROVING your gcd help you in this regard? The likelihood you would be hitting your gcds on time would be arguably lower with higher ping. Then think about your statement for the flip side. Why would a player without any delay benefit LESS from alacrity? They have 5 ping they would actually be in the best spot for switching targets and guaranteeing they are able to stay in melee range.


Having more alacrity when you can't even tell your in melee range because of delay from high ping, would be a complete utter waste. Having lower ping you are more likely to have no delay therefore you could actually use all your gcds (thereorycally making new gcds) therefore higher alacrity fits more with players with lower ping. Your thoughts are completely backwards.


Misinformation on forums is never ending.


You really have zero idea of what I’m talking about. You don’t even bother to ask questions to find out or to clarify anything. You don’t play with anything close to the lag I play with, so you’re the one theory crafting because you’ve got zero experience with the situation.


When you’ve experienced the problems caused by the lag, come back and discuss it. And I don’t mean positioning problems or rubber banding or any laggy type looking things, I mean when the lag breaks the game itself and causes it to bug out. If you had the problem, you might actually understand what I’m trying to say, but you don’t, so anything you say is only theory because you have no first hand experience of it.


Trying to misinform people like you are by putting me down doesn’t help. You’ve no experience with the problem, so I suggest you don’t attack someone who does.

If you want to have a civilised discussion, then don’t attack.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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You really have zero idea of what I’m talking about. You don’t even bother to ask questions to find out or to clarify anything. You don’t play with anything close to the lag I play with, so you’re the one theory crafting because you’ve got zero experience with the situation.


When you’ve experienced the problems caused by the lag, come back and discuss it. And I don’t mean positioning problems or rubber banding or any laggy type looking things, I mean when the lag breaks the game itself and causes it to bug out. If you had the problem, you might actually understand what I’m trying to say, but you don’t, so anything you say is only theory because you have no first hand experience of it.


Trying to misinform people like you are by putting me down doesn’t help. You’ve no experience with the problem, so I suggest you don’t attack someone who does.

If you want to have a civilised discussion, then don’t attack.


Instead of being offended. You should try to comprehend what I am trying to correct you on.


Just think about it. If you don't even know your target is in front of you because of desync or delay how would IMPROVING your gcd help you in this regard? The likelihood you would be hitting your gcds on time would be arguably lower with higher ping. Then think about your statement for the flip side. Why would a player without any delay benefit LESS from alacrity? They have 5 ping they would actually be in the best spot for switching targets and guaranteeing they are able to stay in melee range.


Think about alacrity increasing the time between your abilities. Then think about how higher ping would not always register the target in front of you to be there while your still pressing your melee abilities. If you don't even know if the person you are targeting is there, why would going higher alacrity be beneficial in this moment?


Because you think you might get 1 more ability off before your next lag spike? While your missing 10 more opportunities because you can't re-engage the target because of delay? lol Alacrity benefits plays who can maintain constant uptime on a target. If you can't you will lose almost all the gcds you gain from running high alacrity and you will benefit more from going raw damage. Like i said before the difference between pure alacrity and 0 is under 5% DPS with perfect uptime. There is no significant difference other then high alacrity will provide more damage (vs. power/master) the closer you are to perfect uptime.

Edited by kissingaiur
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