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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

'Tis the season for cosmetic bugs...


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...so if people are getting (rightfully) mad about the eye colors abruptly changing, can we get these other long-standing "cosmetic" (AKA not game-breaking, but still highly irritating) bugs finally fixed?


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=713930 Imperial zabraks, unlocked on the Republic side, have double the skin colors available to them. By that, I mean that they have eight skin color options...and then those eight options repeat. Options 9 - 16 are repeats of options 1 - 8. Republic-side "Imperial" zabraks are also missing one skin color available to Imperial-side "Imperial" zabraks.

This has been, apparently, happening since the game was released.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=927084 Female cathar skin colors are severely messed up. I've provided picture evidence (along with a thorough explanation) in the thread I linked to. This affects every single female cathar player character. It's going on a year now, despite assurances that the issue has been sent on to the dev team. A supposed fix, back in 5.3, did absolutely nothing - there were literally no changes.



  • "Black" hair colors, for most of the newer hairstyles, are not black. They're a sickly greenish brown. Could we have actual black as a hair color?\
    - Similarly, black dyes are often a strange greenish color.
  • Proficient Hitman armor is invisible, both in equipping it and using it in the outfit designer slots. Please give our characters their clothes and dignity back; it's difficult to be intimidating in your underwear. :p
    - Bionic Warrior pants and boots are also invisible.
  • Some armors clip through some body types (for example, Hallowed Gothic vestments clip through body type four females' rears).
    - Similarly, when on a speeder that has the character sitting down (for example, Roche Ice Cat), some armors clip through the characters' rears. This can be...unfortunate...when using a set of pants or robes that is colored very differently from the coat/tunic. This seems to happen with long robes and coats.
  • The "shaggy" hairstyle often clips through the back of the character's head (when the character is moving)...and stays there. This can be "fixed" by jumping, but if the character is in a cutscene...they're stuck. The hair remains clipped forward, leaving a sheaf of hair sticking out through their neck and the back of their head is bald.
  • Default Vector & Scourge STILL wear unitards and bras under revealing outfits. Add the Gamorrean guard to that list now too.
  • Outfit designer no longer lets you dye stamped armor that didn't originally have a dye slot.
  • Companion's matched to chest armor shows up unmatched in cut scenes.
  • Some companions (Lana & Theron) show the wrong faction when wearing faction specific armor. And then show the correct one in cut-scenes.
  • Companion customization for Elara Dorne and Malavai Quinn still do not work in the Iokath storyline.
  • Resolute Guardian, Temple Guardian, Jedi Stormguard, and many similar robes tend to balloon out at the rear.
    This was an issue that was fixed once...and then promptly broken again.
  • The collars on the Dark Advisor and Elegant Duelist chestpieces have a small gap at the bottom of the back where they meet the shirt (on body type 2 females, at least).
  • The Darth Malgus armor has levitating shoulderpads, a chestpiece that is hovering off the chest on the edges, and when the hood is removed the collar is incomplete in the back and floating.
  • Vector's companion conversation "One People" is broken. With a romanced female agent, he is supposed to show her what he looks like without the nest's influence - his pure black Joiner eyes are normal gray ones. Unfortunately, after a recent patch, his black Joiner eyes...remain pure black, despite dialogue indicating they are different.



...and oh yes, could we change the eye colors back? :D


If you think these should go in the bug report forum - they have been posted there already (that's where they were originally posted), and nothing has happened. At least in General Discussion, people might actually see these threads. :/ I'm surprised there's not more people speaking out about it.

Edited by Jagaimee
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I think my biggest complaint about cosmetics right now, is that some of my outfits on my main suffer from "bleed through"

...which is to say, you can see my BT4 Sorceress's bare heiney through her robe; at least in some outfits. Beautiful outfit, spent a fair amount of time grinding rep to get it (Hallowed Gothic Robe from Oricon) and putting together the components I wanted... and I don't like using, because it's ripped through right over both butt cheeks.

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just wanted to add a small quirk thats bothering me sometimes. its when you use the jetboots ability with your blasters drawn or rifles, he/she holds them in their hands and it points inwards instead of outwards.

but thats been around since yoda was a young hot rod rebel.

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BW already acknowledged the eye color bug. Don't need another 30 threads about it.


No, and this thread isn't solely about the eye color bug.

Even if it was - the last time this happened, with shiny eyes, all those threads got results. The bug was fixed. (Even if another bug was introduced in its place.)

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Since the latest update black seems to need a fix overall. Some of my black dyes on clothes are now dark sea green. And my female Inquisitor has a baboon butt (she has red dyed pants under the black trench coat and whenever she gets on mounts like the Aratechs, her butt sticks through it and yeah... baboon butt.). :(
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Since the latest update black seems to need a fix overall. Some of my black dyes on clothes are now dark sea green. And my female Inquisitor has a baboon butt (she has red dyed pants under the black trench coat and whenever she gets on mounts like the Aratechs, her butt sticks through it and yeah... baboon butt.). :(


i need to cleanse my imagination now, cheers.;)

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Since the latest update black seems to need a fix overall. Some of my black dyes on clothes are now dark sea green. And my female Inquisitor has a baboon butt (she has red dyed pants under the black trench coat and whenever she gets on mounts like the Aratechs, her butt sticks through it and yeah... baboon butt.). :(


That's always happened to me with certain things, it's why I stopped riding any speeders where my characters sit down. All I ride are stand up gurian mounts now :( I mean, I like them but "baboon butt" makes the options pretty limited.

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I hope they fix all those, and the problem with the Shaggy hair. It's silly to charge someone Cartel Coins for a hair style and then leave it so buggy. The portion of the hair on the back of the head is always sliding forward to cut the head in half. You can jump around to fix it, unless you're in a cutscene, and then it just looks terrible.
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I hope they fix all those, and the problem with the Shaggy hair. It's silly to charge someone Cartel Coins for a hair style and then leave it so buggy. The portion of the hair on the back of the head is always sliding forward to cut the head in half. You can jump around to fix it, unless you're in a cutscene, and then it just looks terrible.


yea like the dreads in the first hairpack. annoying like hell.

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If you think these should go in the bug report forum - they have been posted there already (that's where they were originally posted), and nothing has happened. At least in General Discussion, people might actually see these threads. :/ I'm surprised there's not more people speaking out about it.


That's because most people that make bug reports aren't specific. They just say something stupid like "My armor's broke. Fix it."

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- Default Vector & Scourge STILL wear unitards and bras under revealing outfits. Add the Gamorrean guard to that list now too.


- Outfit designer no longer lets you dye stamped armor that didn't originally have a dye slot.


- Companion's matched to chest armor shows up unmatched in cut scenes.


- Some companions (Lana & Theron) show the wrong faction when wearing faction specific armor. And then show the correct one in cut-scenes.

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Front page edited to include the companion customizations for Elara Dorne and Malavai Quinn not working in the Iokath storyline. Does anyone know if companion customizations for Raina Temple work when you meet her in A Traitor Among the Chiss storyline?
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- Default Vector & Scourge STILL wear unitards and bras under revealing outfits. Add the Gamorrean guard to that list now too.


Someone put the Gamorrean in a revealing outfit?



That's because most people that make bug reports aren't specific. They just say something stupid like "My armor's broke. Fix it."
I did do a bug report on mine; included character, body type, garment, and what the garment was over. But, as per baboon butt, this is clearly the same bug, just with different clothes.
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