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"thanks" bioware that you force us to play certain content to be able to get mats


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Actually, several have said that.


Haven't seen someone say it's the only way. Maybe the best way. The easiest way. The guaranteed way but maybe there is one out there that thought it was the only way.


People can be bitter all they want. I'm enjoying my new augments from T1 and T2 crates...

You know how I got them? Spending 10 minutes / day in Ziost.

/flex Dasty

Can I get a woot woot! Or however Hutts dance. :rak_03:


Same here. I'll enjoy the augments from RPVP as well as crates if the RNG Gods decides to smile on me enough.

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Far more people care about getting gear upgrades than getting a rare speeder. You don't complain, I'm not even complaining that much right now. It is not us BW needs to worry about, it's those little children. Because they're paying customers.


because customers dont NEED to subscribe to play the game. and they dont need to buy cc's to play the game. Thats a bad road for bioware to lead people down.

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This solution is 50% bad for both nightmare raiders and ranked PvPers, and 100% bad for everyone else - you'll get no argument from me on that point.


Still, at least the materials drop from the GC crates, as well, so any means of farming CXP is also indirectly a means of farming the new mats. It's not all bad, people who do those activities will just get geared faster.

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Well then, why aren't you a developer of this game? Because frankly, you don't get to make any calls either. The developers do. They set up the parametres and we abide by them. We can make suggestions, but in the end the developers are the ones who call the shots.


The developers made the mats obtainable this way, thus that means they want people to earn the mats and thus earn the augments and not get them easily. They gave us alternatives for those who can't or don't want to earn them, thus by default that means the best augments are reserved for the best players (or richest) and aren't needed by regular players, because if they were they would be available at a vendor on the fleet for low prices.


And you are naive to believe real life doesn't have influence over the game. It stems from real life, so it is through that tied to real life whether you want to believe it or not.


Your selfish logic "only best/richest players deserve it" is something negative which respects one group of players and disrespects others. Everyone who plays this game must have excess to best augments within normal period of time. First bioware made best gear difficult to get and now they make same with augments. They want us to grind new augments while using the old, thousand-time used content like old HM ops. Besides, why only group ranked provides mats reward? Solo ranked players doesnt deserve it? They want to put meat in group ranked so that skilled players who play group ranked for rating could have someone to destroy lol since before almost no one was playing team ranked. Literally they treat us like objects rather than players by influencing us to do content THEY want us to do instead of making incentives for doing all content WE want. "-Skilled players dont have anyone to farm in team ranked, -Damn lets force others to play ranked by taking mats reward from regular warzones and solo ranked to group ranked so that group ranked farmer had someone to farm lol" © bioware.


I want to play regular warzones, i want to be competetive but now because of biofail i must play what i DONT WANT TO PLAY or farm dozens of crates/spend millions of credits which i dont have in order to become competetive. This is garbage, and many wont take such attitude for long, but meh lets see what bioware will do when they start to loose players in a game which is already in pre-dying condition.

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What a stupid decision. Hey lets put the matts the crafters need as rewards from doing things they do not want to do. That's a good idea. I am sure the thought process was that it would encourage us to do that content to get the matts. Guess what it won't I do not want to do those ops I do not want to do ranked and if the gtn prices are going to rape me I just won't craft them.


You should actually work for your mats and not be given to you in free-handouts. The game doesn't have a Welfare office.

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You should actually work for your mats and not be given to you in free-handouts. The game doesn't have a Welfare office.


But it’s ok for 4 people to form a group for ranked and then throw matches against their friends so they can just farm mats over and over to farm credits that other people can’t get?

There is no work involved in doing that and it is basically a free hand out to anyone who has 3 unscrupulous friends willing to participate.

Which basically makes group ranked your local welfare office for those not willing to actually earn them properly.

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But it’s ok for 4 people to form a group for ranked and then throw matches against their friends so they can just farm mats over and over to farm credits that other people can’t get?

There is no work involved in doing that and it is basically a free hand out to anyone who has 3 unscrupulous friends willing to participate.

Which basically makes group ranked your local welfare office for those not willing to actually earn them properly.

This has been the case for warzones since 5.0. PvP is a welfare function for almost a year now. It used to be for UCs, now it's the rare material.


The problem also is that you need 2 of those mats instead of 1 but the drop chance from crates is equal so that makes no sense either. I think that the least they could do is reduce the craft requirement from 2 to 1 to at least make it more equal.

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But it’s ok for 4 people to form a group for ranked and then throw matches against their friends so they can just farm mats over and over to farm credits that other people can’t get?

There is no work involved in doing that and it is basically a free hand out to anyone who has 3 unscrupulous friends willing to participate.

Which basically makes group ranked your local welfare office for those not willing to actually earn them properly.


Since I don't do ranked PVP, let alone grouped, can you please explain why people would care if 4 people got together and allowed themselves to be stomped just to get the mats? Why would the other team care if they won the match? Is it due to the ranked leaderboards or some other reason I'm not aware of as to why the winning team cares if the losing team did nothing in the match? Very confused here. :confused:

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Since I don't do ranked PVP, let alone grouped, can you please explain why people would care if 4 people got together and allowed themselves to be stomped just to get the mats? Why would the other team care if they won the match? Is it due to the ranked leaderboards or some other reason I'm not aware of as to why the winning team cares if the losing team did nothing in the match? Very confused here. :confused:


Some people actually play PvP to erm PvP. I know, it's weird.

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Some people actually play PvP to erm PvP. I know, it's weird.


:eek: Really?




On a more serious note though, is that really all it is about though? They're upset because they kill the other team quicker?



PS. please make note of my sig. obviously I have no issue with the opposing team doing nothing. :cool:

Edited by NHBabe
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:eek: Really?




On a more serious note though, is that really all it is about though? They're upset because they kill the other team quicker?


You may have seen threads over the years where people are upset about dumbing the game down in PvE and raids in particular. When it's too easy it gets boring.


This is the PvP version of dumbing down I guess.

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Since I don't do ranked PVP, let alone grouped, can you please explain why people would care if 4 people got together and allowed themselves to be stomped just to get the mats? Why would the other team care if they won the match? Is it due to the ranked leaderboards or some other reason I'm not aware of as to why the winning team cares if the losing team did nothing in the match? Very confused here. :confused:


That wasn’t the point I was trying to make because the people of the other team are queue syncing with them as well,

The point was they are basically gaming the system to get the mats as fast and with the least amount of effort.

From what I’ve heard, they just run in and let the other guys kill them straight away. The whole thing is over in minutes and then they queue again. They are basically making millions by selling the mats at inflated prices because solo ranked players can’t participate and it takes time and effort to do operations.

Personally I don’t give a rats wether they queue sync to get their rank score up, anyone and everyone who plays ranked, knows it happens and it is a complete farce, it’s why we laugh when people take ranked so seriously.

The problem is all the free credits these guys are getting by gaming the system in a way it was not meant to be played.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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That wasn’t the point I was trying to make because the people of the other team are queue syncing with them as well,

The point was they are basically gaming the system to get the mats as fast and with the least amount of effort.

From what I’ve heard, they just run in and let the other guys kill them straight away. The whole thing is over in minutes and then they queue again. They are basically making millions by selling the mats at inflated prices because solo ranked players can’t participate and it takes time and effort to do operations.

Personally I don’t give a rats wether they queue sync to get their rank score up, anyone and everyone who plays ranked, knows it happens and it is a complete farce, it’s why we laugh when people take ranked so seriously.

The problem is all the free credits these guys are getting by gaming the system in a way it was not meant to be played.


Ahhhh, yes, I see and I get that. Ok. But then let me ask this, and not just to you but to others as well.


On the GTN the new Masters Datacron is selling anywhere from 70 mil to 150 mil. How is that not taking advantage? In in fact there is one person that has over 10 listed under their name. Is it because they paid for those via CM that it is seen as ok opposed to what's happening with the mats for the new augs?


In my mind, both are exploiting the situation but because one was garnered via CM, and the other via playable content, one is bad and the other is not? One gets reported and maybe account banned but the other is left alone by BW because it got them cold-hard cash?

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Ahhhh, yes, I see and I get that. Ok. But then let me ask this, and not just to you but to others as well.


On the GTN the new Masters Datacron is selling anywhere from 70 mil to 150 mil. How is that not taking advantage? In in fact there is one person that has over 10 listed under their name. Is it because they paid for those via CM that it is seen as ok opposed to what's happening with the mats for the new augs?


In my mind, both are exploiting the situation but because one was garnered via CM, and the other via playable content, one is bad and the other is not? One gets reported and maybe account banned but the other is left alone by BW because it got them cold-hard cash?


They paid real money to buy those. So if they want to list them at 100000000000 credits, it is their perogative as that isn’t a game exploit. Is it exploitation of market economy, sure, but not of the game.

The other is using a loop hole to basically make free credits.

That’s the difference.

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It's not win trading unless the two teams have an agreement. In this case there is no agreement between to sides so nothing is being traded. It's win giving if you prefer. Not trading though.


Some are queue syncing to make sure there are enough of them in the queue. While it’s not wintrading, there is an agreement there to queue sync so they can farm these parts faster.

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Since I don't do ranked PVP, let alone grouped, can you please explain why people would care if 4 people got together and allowed themselves to be stomped just to get the mats? Why would the other team care if they won the match? Is it due to the ranked leaderboards or some other reason I'm not aware of as to why the winning team cares if the losing team did nothing in the match? Very confused here. :confused:
If one team doesn't even try to win it falls under wintrading, or at least a grey zone which looks very much like wintrading, especially if only two groups are listed and one group is constantly just letting itself get steamrolled. It also goes against the spirit of ranked which is to end up at the rating you belong in, rather than being boosted by people who don't actually want to be there.


Then again, it's BW's own fault for a) allowing losses to count for the quests, and b) gating mats necessary for end-game gearing behind rPvP.

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Some are queue syncing to make sure there are enough of them in the queue. While it’s not wintrading, there is an agreement there to queue sync so they can farm these parts faster.

Well, looks like you already put my answer to this yourself:

How do you report them when they are in premade group ranked teams that queue sync? How do you get the proof to report them 🙄

In the end even if there is a sync agreement, which is not always the case, proving it is another matter entirely.

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On the GTN the new Masters Datacron is selling anywhere from 70 mil to 150 mil. How is that not taking advantage? In in fact there is one person that has over 10 listed under their name. Is it because they paid for those via CM that it is seen as ok opposed to what's happening with the mats for the new augs?


Free market economy on the GTNs. If people list for too high price.. they sit unsold. If they price them right... or people are impatient+wealthy they may sell.


They have been listing fairly consistently at ~35M on SS this week. Yesterday there was a bunch of them for 24-25M on SF and I went on a buying binge as that fits my calculation of fair market price. Today.. they were listing at 45-75M on SF... and I have no idea if they were selling or not.. since I have all I expect to ever need in my cargo holds now. EU servers.. I have no idea as I do not play them, but if they are listing for much above 45M and selling.. why do you care? That is between buyer and seller. Personally, I estimated their fair trade value would settle in between 20-30M after all the early pack opening/sales flurry settles down as early sellers almost always try to scalp the market.. but most players are pretty savvy about what price they can and will pay for an item on the GTN.


It's NOT an exploit.. whether you like it or not because the studio has chosen to make CM items freely tradeable/sellable.


As to somebody selling 10 of them on the GTN.. so what? Unless they duped them illegally (no evidence of this) .. they clearly came from the CM.. were direct purchased and they choose to resell them. Some players use CM purchases to convert to credits because they have limited game play time but plenty of disposable income.. and ANYONE can buy any listing on the GTN. Some players work the hell out of their friend referrals and as such collect thousands of CCs in the process.....every month. More power to them if they are able to do so.. and those CCs were free for them for their efforts.


In my mind, both are exploiting the situation but because one was garnered via CM, and the other via playable content, one is bad and the other is not? One gets reported and maybe account banned but the other is left alone by BW because it got them cold-hard cash?


Your mind is entitled to feel anyway it likes.. but it does not change reality. Reality is: A) they can and will action players reported for throwing matches in Ranked PvP just for some non-PvP goal if the studio confirms the reported behavior in their logs to some level of certainty. Why? Because Ranked actually means something because of season rewards. B) They will NOT action any player who is selling any CM item on the GTN... no matter what the listed price is (because they let the free market forces between players sort out fair market pricing).

Edited by Andryah
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So basically, there is no reliable way for a solo pve/solo pvp player from getting the augments other than praying to the random gods that you get a correct mat drop. I opened 300 crates and got 10 of the mats from PVE but zero of the group rank ones. I also don't have billions of credits to buy them. Of course people are going to say I don't need them because I don't have the skill or time to do nightmare ops or group rank pvp. I could settle for the purple ones but then I have to pray to the random gods again that a augment drops in the flash point and pray that I get win the roll to get the drop. Of course i don't need the augment when in unranked PVp the Haves have better gear.


Thanks for bringing back the pain of pre command crate gear where I played for 5 years and only finally got gear with set bonuses after 5.0.

Edited by ShoranWolf
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