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Has PvP really come to this? How is SS compared to SF


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I don't know about the fellow players on star forge but the amount of RPers I am seeing ACTUALLY RPing inside warzones on star forge is making me want to quit the server. I can't be that unlucky, I've been asking around and it seems everyone on SF is experiencing the frustration of RP in PvP. Not just in terms of actually doing it in a warzone but with how bad the matches are. People at level 70 not knowing what to do, running with one saber as a marauder, standing a corner 1v1ing someone by spamming force storm. Every braindead move the person has a guild with a @EbonHawk attached to it. Its sheer chaos if you're not in a premade. Ranked has been popping round the clock on SF, yes. But its some of the worst quality matches I've ever seen. Does Satele Shan have it any better? At this point Im looking to get away from the EH people, as far far away as I possibly can. SS behave similarly?
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I've seen lots of stupid, horrendous play in warzones on SF, but not one ounce of it has been roleplay.


I'm going to have to go with you are getting trolled, or being a troll. If you're one of those ranting about RPers on fleet, then I could very well see a scenario where an RPer(s) would wreck your PvP match just to mess with you.

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Yeah, never seen any RP in matches on SS yet. Seen a whole bunch of "I'm just playing the way I want to" stuff going on, but that was happening more and more before the mergers, so I don't think it's the mergers. I think it's just the player base getting bored with the WZs.
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The most rp thing I've ever seen is dancing at a node or something like that, but never ever people who are actually rping in a warzone lolz ^^


There are some "pvpers" though who hide somewhere the entire match and talk crap in /1 when they're drunk :p

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I have seen this. People walking, not sprinting. Stealth classes literally never joining the match, just sneaking around like Wile-e-Coyote. Teammates talking like Yoda or Shakespeare for no apparent reason.


You know when you’re in it when instead of someone saying “2 inc east”, some dork shouts out “Alright kid! Get over here, we’ve got company!” SMDH.

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I have seen this. People walking, not sprinting. Stealth classes literally never joining the match, just sneaking around like Wile-e-Coyote. Teammates talking like Yoda or Shakespeare for no apparent reason.


You know when you’re in it when instead of someone saying “2 inc east”, some dork shouts out “Alright kid! Get over here, we’ve got company!” SMDH.


Thank you for confirming this. People are thinking i'm making this up. Maybe its just bad luck or the weird hours I play. But I keep seeing this. I never saw this behavior on EH when I spent a brief ranked season over there. But as others said it also could be certain people just trolling. Either way its BS

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i don't know but personnally since 3 months i did only 3 warzones last week (for the companion) with a merc innovative ordonnace, i didn't played it since the year : and i just didn't die once....


and i didn't use my defensive cooldowns so often, was so easy i said to myself : "what the **** is Pvp now?"


3 warzones 0 death 2 times best dps... full 208 old pvp stuff; there are no good pvper at all now?? (darth malgus server)


after 3 months stopping pvp (since mega cxp boost daily time) i think about retrying for 5.6 with a merc IO but if the level is so weak, well...


and the 3 times i queued, it was not very fast to enter warzones at all, even after new servers.

Edited by Thaladan
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I have seen this. People walking, not sprinting. Stealth classes literally never joining the match, just sneaking around like Wile-e-Coyote. Teammates talking like Yoda or Shakespeare for no apparent reason.


You know when you’re in it when instead of someone saying “2 inc east”, some dork shouts out “Alright kid! Get over here, we’ve got company!” SMDH.


Considering the amount of folks that have no idea what you're talking about, I'm calling BS. I've been playing on EB for years and the worst thing I've seen is a BR guild throwing a game to chat on a point. And no, they weren't RPing.

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Thank you for confirming this. People are thinking i'm making this up. Maybe its just bad luck or the weird hours I play. But I keep seeing this. I never saw this behavior on EH when I spent a brief ranked season over there. But as others said it also could be certain people just trolling. Either way its BS


What they confirmed is that players are doing things that don't contribute to PvP matches. Nothing they said or anything you have said proves that RPers are responsible for what is happening. None of the actions described are specific to RP, beyond that fact that anything we do in game is a form of RP.


Two weeks ago you were blaming "terrible players" and "pubside super groups" along with RPers for poor PvP matches: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9468195#post9468195 Now those other two factors are absent from your accusations. Are you claiming that In two weeks they've all just vanished from PvP leaving RPers as the sole source of problems?

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I haven't come across any of this and I pray I don't. I honestly haven't seen much of RP anything though on SF unless I go near the cantina on the fleet....which I don't. Nothing against RPers, but I just find the entire thing weird and annoying, but as long as they leave me alone I leave them alone. Hopefully they get their own instance at some point.
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I haven't come across any of this and I pray I don't. I honestly haven't seen much of RP anything though on SF unless I go near the cantina on the fleet....which I don't. Nothing against RPers, but I just find the entire thing weird and annoying, but as long as they leave me alone I leave them alone. Hopefully they get their own instance at some point.


Even going near the cantina isn't all that bad, most seem to be using a separate channel other than general. And honestly I think that is the best solution, a dedicated RP chat channel. Creating yet another instance seems like a poor idea in that all those RPers at least make the game feel more alive, and the only issue that RPers really need to tackle is a separate chat rather than a separate game world like PvP vs PvE.

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I don't know about the fellow players on star forge but the amount of RPers I am seeing ACTUALLY RPing inside warzones on star forge is making me want to quit the server. I can't be that unlucky, I've been asking around and it seems everyone on SF is experiencing the frustration of RP in PvP. Not just in terms of actually doing it in a warzone but with how bad the matches are. People at level 70 not knowing what to do, running with one saber as a marauder, standing a corner 1v1ing someone by spamming force storm. Every braindead move the person has a guild with a @EbonHawk attached to it. Its sheer chaos if you're not in a premade. Ranked has been popping round the clock on SF, yes. But its some of the worst quality matches I've ever seen. Does Satele Shan have it any better? At this point Im looking to get away from the EH people, as far far away as I possibly can. SS behave similarly?


Lemme guess, you've lost your dice . . . Roll a d12 and you'll find it ...:cool:

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I don't know about the fellow players on star forge but the amount of RPers I am seeing ACTUALLY RPing inside warzones on star forge is making me want to quit the server


I was on Ebon Hawk before the merge and I have NEVER seen that. I also RP, and RPers don't RP in PVP, Ops, or GF Flashpoints. It's just not something that happens. I could believe this story if maybe it happened once since there is always that one oddball player, but something that happens regularly?


I think you're spinning a tall tale to people who don't know what RP is but want to believe the worst, and will take your bait, hook, line, and sinker. ;)

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Unsure why the butthurt against RPers in general.

If the response are legible and timely and they are playing right, who cares? Let them have their fun and immersion.

Now if it affects the above then its not an RP issue its a bad play issue.

Bottom line i'm not equating RP to the problem, bad play is bad play in any dialect, one doesn't follow the other.

I personally haven't observed this as yet and i don't think its as prevalent on SS as it is SF.

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I don't know about the fellow players on star forge but the amount of RPers I am seeing ACTUALLY RPing inside warzones on star forge is making me want to quit the server. I can't be that unlucky, I've been asking around and it seems everyone on SF is experiencing the frustration of RP in PvP. Not just in terms of actually doing it in a warzone but with how bad the matches are. People at level 70 not knowing what to do, running with one saber as a marauder, standing a corner 1v1ing someone by spamming force storm. Every braindead move the person has a guild with a @EbonHawk attached to it. Its sheer chaos if you're not in a premade. Ranked has been popping round the clock on SF, yes. But its some of the worst quality matches I've ever seen. Does Satele Shan have it any better? At this point Im looking to get away from the EH people, as far far away as I possibly can. SS behave similarly?


Show me on the doll where the bad RPer touched you...

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