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Another new classes thread


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Ok Ok i know what ppl are going to too say, we've talked about this before there will never be a new class in the game...

And yes i agree to make a new class would mean hiring new voice actors at least 4 of them, male and female and republic and empire. not to mention the balancing and issues with story.. so yeah a new full class would be almost impossible.


However, and i did a search and couldn't see any threads about possible New Advance Classes... yes there are 8 now but that how its been since Launch (13th Dec 2011) so coming up to 6 years! no new classes and only 2 new races.


And again yes i don't think we will get any New Advance classes as well but i am just spit balling so to speak.


Anyway the following is just my ideas on what the 'New' Advance classes could be... particularly please of myself regarding the Consular and Inquisitor...


Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior have a class that can wear med armour and use a double bladed lightsaber


Trooper and Bounty hunter maybe have a class that uses Vibroswords still wearing Heavy Armour


Smuggler and Agent , i was thinking the smuggler could use a blaster rife and the agent a blaster pistol. Wearing Light or Med armour


Then the Consular and Inquisitor i was thinking a new weapon like what Snoke in the Last Jedi 'may' be using, a Ring that is powered by a lightsaber crystal that enhances the wearers ability to use the the force. Still wearing Light armour.


Would love to hear what you think and if you have any other ideas what New Advance Class's you wouldn't mind seeing to see.

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However, and i did a search and couldn't see any threads about possible New Advance Classes... yes there are 8 now but that how its been since Launch (13th Dec 2011) so coming up to 6 years! no new classes and only 2 new races.

You might try searching for "Advanced class" with a "D" because that's what they are called. And you should have found *posts* talking about it because I mention it every time I weigh in on "new class" threads.

And again yes i don't think we will get any New Advance classes as well but i am just spit balling so to speak.


Anyway the following is just my ideas on what the 'New' Advance classes could be... particularly please of myself regarding the Consular and Inquisitor...


Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior have a class that can wear med armour and use a double bladed lightsaber


Trooper and Bounty hunter maybe have a class that uses Vibroswords still wearing Heavy Armour


Smuggler and Agent , i was thinking the smuggler could use a blaster rife and the agent a blaster pistol. Wearing Light or Med armour


Then the Consular and Inquisitor i was thinking a new weapon like what Snoke in the Last Jedi 'may' be using, a Ring that is powered by a lightsaber crystal that enhances the wearers ability to use the the force. Still wearing Light armour.


Would love to hear what you think and if you have any other ideas what New Advance Class's you wouldn't mind seeing to see.

Looks vaguely feasible. I'm not entirely convinced about adding another weapon that's restricted to just one class pair.


I'd also point out that Vibroswords come with "Force Power", and a trooper/BH uses weapons with "Tech Power". Perhaps finally a use for Techblades. (But then again, that would become a one-class weapon for players as well.)

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I think many of us would enjoy a kind of Generic Advanced Class. Whatever it may be called... that would allow us to tailor any class to use melee weapons, ranged weapons, or other instead of the Class natural weapon/s of choice. We've pretty well been pleading for that kind of thing since the game was being Beta tested.


I don't think we'll get it at this point. There is just too much going on to hope for that this late given how SWTOR has gone. EA seems to be having a bit of a pickle right now too and who knows how Disney is reacting to it yet.


Having said that, I can always point back to SWG as a guideline in so far as allowing you to "design" the character YOU want. I'm sure allowing for switching out weapons and keying certain animations to still work with a melee option, rifle option, etc... could work. But it'd be time consuming for them to implement. If they were to consider it they'd flat out tell us that I believe. As in.... don't gripe when nothing else gets done for at least (random number out of thin air) six months for us to do this!


But I know several BHs that'd love to use a Rifle instead. Or switch to Melee later on. They really could do a lot with a Generic Advanced Class applied to all Classes. It'd also up the use of basically all weapons in game to all players. I can only see that as a neat idea.

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When they complete the transition out of the alliance story line and back into normal Sith/Jedi faction warfare, there could be a window to add a new class that starts their story at that point. They don't have to go back and try to shoehorn it into the original story. Precedence for this has already been long established. If resources are slim they could even start the class in a neutral faction (like the Hutt Cartel or something new) and have the player choose their faction after a bit of story. Precedence for that has been long established too in other games and would save them the need to double voice actors and graphic work within the mirror class system.
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Honestly if they had done Iokath properly and split into 3 player factions (Infinite Empire, Republic, and Sith) then we could have had a whole new class introduced from the point: Zakuul Knight.


Gonna go really nuts here and say I'd also like to see a Sith Alchemist/Republic Technophile (or something of the like) but we all know we're not going to get any sort of new classes. Its still fun to dream though :p

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I did have, kind of, an idea about new Advanced Classes...


It used to be, Jedi Knights had a Force ability that allowed them to put Droids to sleep. Also, in the Knight Story, the Jedi encounters another Knight that has droid companions that she believes "might be" Force Sensitive. I'm thinking of a Jedi advanced class that once again uses the Force in conjunction with Droids.


Also, from the Knight story, the Jedi confronts a pure-blood Sith who uses the Dark Side to control a pair of Jurgorans. There are other instances of Sith using Beasts to fight for them, as well.


...both of the above examples seem to be Warrior/Knight based classes, but I honestly see this as more of a Sorcerer/Sage kind of thing.


The biggest problem I see with this sort of class, is SWTOR characters already get a companion. Having a companion, PLUS a droid or droids (beast or beasts) might get to be a wee bit unwieldy.

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I would love to have new classes! But what I would love even more is to have a new "class" system, or better to call a "classless" system. We should be train and learn any kind of combat skill that exists in game. The role's force or tech power should be based on the amount of force or tech related skills that it uses. The options for usable weapons should be based on force or tech power requirement. (example: only nearly pure jedi coul be able to use the highest rate lightsaber, but it would not meant, that he could not handle a low rate energy gun under low magnitude)
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The current classes need all kinds of fixing and balance changes. For example the retarded 10 m range for PTs and Vanguards + fix the squishiness.

New classes would mess up the balance to an even bigger extreme.


Not to mention that if they create a new advanced class they will have to do it for every class, not just 1. And if they create a whole new class from scratch they will have to pay a whole bunch of new voice actors and design a lot of other **** that comes with it. It's hardly happening any time soon if ever.


I would rather them focus on new mmo content and balance.

Edited by Kaedusz
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A great new class would be "Class balancing Dev." It could be a hacker/programmer, who plays games and balances the various classes to the point where the game is fair and fun. It could use droids as companions, and wouldn't need a class story really. They could just sit in a room and do their job.


Maybe after this new "Class balancing Dev" becomes playable, they could look into some more classes after that.

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