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Help make Imp side PvP great again


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Hey guys,

So i've been doing some thinking. I have not been satisfied with the efforts of Star Forge Imp side PvP. What appears to have happened is most of the big league guilds that PvP'd have changed, dissolved, or moved on. A lot of folks are running around with 1 or 2 of their buddies only, in guilds that are dead besides them.

I've been wanting to find a guild that (Imperial side) that is focusing on PvP. Ranked, GRanked, Duels, events and Premade Regs. No such guild exists anymore that i'm aware of. So i'm going to ask everyone if they would be interested in helping me get one together. I'm going to start one if enough interest is around.

So I created a poll you can vote on, and ill be creating some on the forums. For right now the requirements of this guild would be to have your manhunter title. This does not mean everyone with a manhunter is good. It just means that they have experience in PvP to be valuable and trainable. I've met so many people (good players) that are just floating around trying to pick up games with whoever they can find since the merge has brought in all sorts of new experiences. Pub side is organized and already has strong premades. So if you are a Ranked player, PvP is mostly your focus, or you want to reconnect with skilled players I am proposing to create a guild with these very intentions. I have a discord set up, we can create a new PvP custom channel. I just need to know if people are interested? The manhunter thing is just to get the ball rolling, once there are a few core players that are proven skilled they can scout talent, and everyone can invite. I'm not looking for a take everyone type of guild. Just for the hardcore PvPers among us. I'd be willing to give almost everyone invite privileges and it would totally be up to the guild to help recruit, organize events, and put a stomping on those dirty dirty Pubs :). The main goal is to create a guild that PvPs constantly together in any form. Primarily 18+ but it would be on a case by case basis. If youre cool, willing to PvP, and have skill, youre in.

Please help me make Imp side PvP great again.

Here is the poll http://www.strawpoll.me/14386377

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Having a PvP guild has been pointless since the time they removed 8v8s. To be honest, it takes a pug and 2 good players to beat the pub premades that bother to get 4 players together (ahem... stim Addicts). Also, good players are mostly interested in solo ranked, and so far it's been dominated by q'syncing pubs. If this goes on, the PvP community is probably going to continue fading after the merge hype wears off, unless some of the remaining good imps from former Harbinger come to this server.


I predict that, unless they introduce cross faction arenas and warzones, the remaining imps on SF will transfer to SS. Then it will be like this: Satele Shan becomes the imp hub for both ranked and regs, while the pubs dominate Star Forge.


This was bound to happen, which is way many told Bioware to just merge the two remaining east servers together. Now we are stuck with faction imbalance until the servers die again and we finally get the last merge before they shut down the game.


You are correct. I've been advertising this idea across a bunch of different mediums and everyone has said the same thing. If you want PvP go to SS. Nobody wants to play Imp side PvP on star forge. They'd rather switch to Republic with their super groups. Its super lame. Basically Star forge has turned into an Enhanced Ebon Hawk. Tons of terrible players, RPers, and pubside super groups, that only win because they have 4 healers on a team. Any imp teams either queue solo ranked to get it popping then switch to their Pub alts and super group. All the PvPers went to Harbinger, and then stayed for merges. I will be transferring also when they are available.

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I don't know what you are talking about pubs being dominant or what not. Since the merge I have only witnessed few pub wins (less than 1/10 games). And the pubs that won were either double premades or they won by very little. In regs, imp seem to completely stomp pubs. In solo ranked it's been pretty even depending on comp and time of day.
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I also haven't played solo that much just 10 games on each side which probably explains why I haven't encountered them but I did notice a few matching guild tags pub side. However I have encountered absolutely awful players imp side solo ranked and much less awful pubs. Sorcs that don't bubble, players with no stims in 230 gear, mercs that forget they have dcds. It is kind of a shame but expected in the early merge days.
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There are many solid pvp guilds imp side... some of the top ranked players in the game play imp side...


That being said, there are tons of mid-tier try hard pub premades running so your chances of encountering them in regs are fairly high.


As far as solo ranked there is only one group that is attempting to sync (or bait imps into queuing and then swapping factions), the true issue is that there are less average/below average players queuing on pub side so when solos are popping on both factions you are more likely to be grouped with below average players on imp side and placed against above average players on pub side; unless bioware implements cross-faction solos the only way to address this is to queue on pub side (or get more below average players to queue on pub side...).


If you think SS is an imp solo ranked haven think again, there is a group of players who sync pub side there and the average player on SS is just as bad as the average player on SF... solos on SS this past saturday were some of the worst solos I have ever experienced and they were all imp vs imp (and if you don't believe me feel free to ask Doc).


Of course the best way to address this is to find a group of players and form a team for team ranked, SF has had 5 different groups queuing over the past few days and the potential for group ranked on SF is much higher than the potential for group ranked on SS.


If you're interested in group ranked or trying to find new people to play with in regs I would suggest joining these two discord servers:




Cross server discord (sorry, I don't have a permanent link, you'll have to ask around fleet for this one)

Edited by alexsamma
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If you think SS is an imp solo ranked haven think again, there is a group of players who sync pub side there and the average player on SS is just as bad as the average player on SF... solos on SS this past saturday were some of the worst solos I have ever experienced and they were all imp vs imp (and if you don't believe me feel free to ask Doc).


My adventures this weekend:

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Faction imbalance / balance aside, what kind of qualifications do you have, OP?


Have you led guilds before? How much PVP have done done before? Why should veteran PVPers ditch their decidedly-old but still beloved guilds (even if theere's only 3 people in them) and join you?


I played my first game of regs in several months, impside SF. I saw a tank actually tanking, i saw a healer actually healing, and I saw a team getting absolutely farmed by two viru snipers, which was really amusing even if I was on the receiving end of it. I don't think impside is altogether bad - there are derps both factions.


But I ask again, why should we band around OP?

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There are many solid pvp guilds imp side... some of the top ranked players in the game play imp side...


That being said, there are tons of mid-tier try hard pub premades running so your chances of encountering them in regs are fairly high.


As far as solo ranked there is only one group that is attempting to sync (or bait imps into queuing and then swapping factions), the true issue is that there are less average/below average players queuing on pub side so when solos are popping on both factions you are more likely to be grouped with below average players on imp side and placed against above average players on pub side; unless bioware implements cross-faction solos the only way to address this is to queue on pub side (or get more below average players to queue on pub side...).


If you think SS is an imp solo ranked haven think again, there is a group of players who sync pub side there and the average player on SS is just as bad as the average player on SF... solos on SS this past saturday were some of the worst solos I have ever experienced and they were all imp vs imp (and if you don't believe me feel free to ask Doc).


Of course the best way to address this is to find a group of players and form a team for team ranked, SF has had 5 different groups queuing over the past few days and the potential for group ranked on SF is much higher than the potential for group ranked on SS.


If you're interested in group ranked or trying to find new people to play with in regs I would suggest joining these two discord servers:




Cross server discord (sorry, I don't have a permanent link, you'll have to ask around fleet for this one)


I appreciate this I didn't know that discord was available. I finally found the top group ranked players. They changed names and dropped old guilds. I thought they went to SS. SF is shaping to be the go to server for everything. As others said the sheer amount of tryhards are drowning matches. I'm gonna stick around and get a team around. Most of the great players are remaining guildless on purpose

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Faction imbalance / balance aside, what kind of qualifications do you have, OP?


Have you led guilds before? How much PVP have done done before? Why should veteran PVPers ditch their decidedly-old but still beloved guilds (even if theere's only 3 people in them) and join you?


I played my first game of regs in several months, impside SF. I saw a tank actually tanking, i saw a healer actually healing, and I saw a team getting absolutely farmed by two viru snipers, which was really amusing even if I was on the receiving end of it. I don't think impside is altogether bad - there are derps both factions.


But I ask again, why should we band around OP?


No need to be rude. I am just trying to organize to help SF be a great place for ranked. After speaking with people I realize there are some already formed mediums for this so my original post doesn't apply anymore. Ranked is poppin and that's great. My idea was for people that had no where to go to create a home. All I care about is trying to make things the best they can be now

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As far as solo ranked there is only one group that is attempting to sync (or bait imps into queuing and then swapping factions), the true issue is that there are less average/below average players queuing on pub side so when solos are popping on both factions you are more likely to be grouped with below average players on imp side and placed against above average players on pub side; unless bioware implements cross-faction solos the only way to address this is to queue on pub side (or get more below average players to queue on pub side...).


That's not a match-maker issue, that's a player-issue.


As for the OP, there are A-Ranked/S-Ranked PvPers on both factions if you know where to look.

Edited by Pzhang
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No need to be rude. I am just trying to organize to help SF be a great place for ranked. After speaking with people I realize there are some already formed mediums for this so my original post doesn't apply anymore. Ranked is poppin and that's great. My idea was for people that had no where to go to create a home. All I care about is trying to make things the best they can be now


And yet, you did not answer my question: what relevant PVP experience do you have? What are your character names? What server did you play on? What experience do you have leading./running guilds?


If you consider the asking of questions to be rude, how do you expect to both lead a guild on the internet, and play yolos where every other person is going to call you a fialure, hacker, or a failed hacker, and tell you to never queue again in your life?


A GM has to show qualifications or a strength of character.


I will not speak for others, but when I join a guild, I like to know that what I am joining is well thought-out and will last for a while.

Edited by NikSunrider
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That being said, there are tons of mid-tier try hard pub premades running so your chances of encountering them in regs are fairly high.


As the Treasurer of the Mid-tier try hard pub's, I endorse this message.


But seriously though... If you want to run regs with "good" PVP'ers then be prepared to loose on objectives... Because I have yet to meet a "good" pvp'er that cares as much about winning the match as they do about their damage/healing numbers at the end. I highly recommend finding average pvp'ers who will work with you on strategies to win matches.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Valor 100 since 2012 and no manhunter achievement. Feelsbadman.


I am a huge proponent of shaming people into becoming better PvPers. I think its working good so far. Every time I come out of stealth everyone wants to give me a hug.

Edited by Nizel
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#1 the whole "make <insert literally anything here> tag line is over done at this point :)


#2 you need to define what you mean by "good PvPers. Most that put up huge damage numbers only play TDM style on every map and their contributions tend to be peripheral to the outcome.

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And yet, you did not answer my question: what relevant PVP experience do you have? What are your character names? What server did you play on? What experience do you have leading./running guilds?


If you consider the asking of questions to be rude, how do you expect to both lead a guild on the internet, and play yolos where every other person is going to call you a fialure, hacker, or a failed hacker, and tell you to never queue again in your life?


A GM has to show qualifications or a strength of character.


I will not speak for others, but when I join a guild, I like to know that what I am joining is well thought-out and will last for a while.

But you are trying to speak for others. Besides, you're not currently even in a guild. You clearly don't have any of the above qualifications, so take your rude comments elsewhere. Please and thanks.

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