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Beta tested.. and pre-ordered this game back in 7/21/2011.... and I lost my name


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Submitted a ticket for a refund on my subscription renewal yesterday..after I found out I lost my character name

Kinda weird.. how I managed to keep my name through a couple server mergers and............



now its gone.. :confused:




beta - pre purchased pos model box.. to this crap.

Edited by Ouardajason
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Submitted a ticket for a refund on my subscription renewal yesterday..after I found out I lost my character name

Kinda weird.. how I managed to keep my name through a couple server mergers and............



now its gone.. :confused:




beta - pre purchased pos model box.. to this crap.


Looks like you wasnt playing long enough.

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Submitted a ticket for a refund on my subscription renewal yesterday..after I found out I lost my character name

Kinda weird.. how I managed to keep my name through a couple server mergers and............



now its gone.. :confused:




beta - pre purchased pos model box.. to this crap.


Instead of me asking a ton of questions about the name to satisfy my curiosity here

Will you just tell me it?

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So if we apply some logic... your time playing this game, enjoyment of it, allegiance, etc was all based on a character name?


Or, you're punishing Bioware somehow for forcing a name change based off the criteria set prior to the merge by unsubbing? And that hurts who?

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i feel ya, the chracters i made on Christmas 2011 lost their names to this shoddy transfer... the ones i associated with the most, i was most attached to... of course i don't expect those 50+++ character people to understand something like Character Attachment and Identity...
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Submitted a ticket for a refund on my subscription renewal yesterday..after I found out I lost my character name

Kinda weird.. how I managed to keep my name through a couple server mergers and............



now its gone.. :confused:




beta - pre purchased pos model box.. to this crap.


Were you actually subscribed on 8th?

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Through three forced mergers, I have only lost a total of 3 names. I'm a bit of an altaholic and have over 50 toons at level 65 (or higher).


The reason you lost "your" name is because it wasn't as unique as you thought it was (obviously). I'm NOT saying that that is your fault, there are only so many "good" names out there per language.


The purge should have hit any collided name with a dormant subscription. If they arent paying customers, they should not get to keep the name.

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This is good tho, you would only lose your name if you had played less time than whoever you "collided" with, sure it might suck for you but in reality, this is a very fair system.


How is it fair?


You don't pay per hour played. You pay a flat rate. She got it first and pays the same subscription fees. Although I think it's sounds a bit rash to quit over a name, it is hardly fair. First come first serve is fair in this scenario.

Edited by Dayshadow
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First come first serve is fair in this scenario.


Disagree. It's always going to suck when you lose a name you like, but IMO a character actively played >>> than a "retired" character gathering dust on the roster , regardless of how attached you are to the name.


Not saying the OP's character was gathering dust, of course. For all I know it might have been a really close thing, but as a general principle I would definitely argue that active play time should count for more than how long you have been sitting on the name.

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If you were not subbed on the 8th of November 2017 -- yes, the chances increased losing your name ...

I still subbed -- again -- before that date ( and I was a beta tester and founder too, but I still did it ) ...

I kept all my names .... it is luck, just luck .... ( and I know two of my names were fairly popular )

If you to quit because of this, that is your right ... but I am sure you're not the only one who lost names

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How is it fair?


You don't pay per hour played. You pay a flat rate. She got it first and pays the same subscription fees. Although I think it's sounds a bit rash to quit over a name, it is hardly fair. First come first serve is fair in this scenario.


It's fair because assuming you are both subscribers (as in paying customers), Bioware puts you at equal footing and the only thing that matter is how much you have invested into the game in terms of time, money is not a factor. It's true that she got it first, but that is irrelevant in this context as that is not a factor either, sure it might suck that this person who only uses those two old characters for crafting will quit, but on the other hand, there is most likely two other active subscribers that we keep.


If the name of the characters was the only factor that kept OP playing I he would have stayed subbed for long, so perhaps it's better for both sides.

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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Anyway you can't be sure if the other person created his/her character later than you. It wasn't transfer to a bigger server merge like the previous one ("first come first serve"), there were all the servers merged to a different new ones. The person from the different server can be a beta/pre-order player as well, with a toon name from that exactly times, just being more active all the time through.
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Well I wasnt aware of this, I had to submit another subscription last night.. to find out about the name change. Lol so I may of lost my name due to a few days off to the renewal date... People may think its silly to quit... but i only played this character .. only one main... I did make alts... just to get the character buffs.. i searched my email for any swtor ea warnings..i saw none... Was this sub or loose your name only posted on tge website....?? I will miss my sisters from DOD :(



It's fair because assuming you are both subscribers (as in paying customers), Bioware puts you at equal footing and the only thing that matter is how much you have invested into the game in terms of time, money is not a factor. It's true that she got it first, but that is irrelevant in this context as that is not a factor either, sure it might suck that this person who only uses those two old characters for crafting will quit, but on the other hand, there is most likely two other active subscribers that we keep.


If the name of the characters was the only factor that kept OP playing I he would have stayed subbed for long, so perhaps it's better for both sides.

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Well I wasnt aware of this, I had to submit another subscription last night.. to find out about the name change. Lol so I may of lost my name due to a few days off to the renewal date... People may think its silly to quit... but i only played this character .. only one main... I did make alts... just to get the character buffs.. i searched my email for any swtor ea warnings..i saw none... Was this sub or loose your name only posted on tge website....?? I will miss my sisters from DOD :(


Yes it was clearly outlined on both the FAQ, blogpost as well as in several Dev forumposts, and it's not that you instantly lost it if you were not a sub, it's just that if a sub had the same name as you, you would lose it regardless of player time, it's hardly surprising that paying customers gets priority over non-paying.


Perhaps you can contact the person with the names and offer to pay them a small sum of 20-30 million credits + a name change to get your name back, I managed to keep all of my 80 characters names and have been contacted by a few people who apparently lost their name to me, and I sold a few of them back for 50-60mil + a name change token.

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Well I wasnt aware of this, I had to submit another subscription last night.. to find out about the name change. Lol so I may of lost my name due to a few days off to the renewal date... People may think its silly to quit... but i only played this character .. only one main... I did make alts... just to get the character buffs.. i searched my email for any swtor ea warnings..i saw none... Was this sub or loose your name only posted on tge website....?? I will miss my sisters from DOD :(


Can't really comment on the loss other than to say the system would have given it to someone else based on hours played, not earliest date of creation. The other person could have had 31 days worth of playtime while you might have had 30.


But you make a good point about big changes not being communicated. Bioware has an email system that can send out announcements, cartel coin grants, surveys to all who subscribe to the newsletter (remember when they rewarded us for just clicking on the newsletter acceptance?).


How hard would it be for Bioware to put a simple link into an email and send to everyone? A large majority of the players do not comb the forums daily, weekly, monthly, or ever. A large majority do not follow the game on Twitter, Reddit, or other forms of social media.


A lot of us in the forum are quick to jump on the "you should have known" bandwagon and mock posters for not knowing everything beforehand, but that's simply not a realistic expectation, and Bioware DOES have the power to let more people know through a simple email with the link to things like the official roadmaps, events, major changes that could affect most people, etc.


If Keith is reading this, I hope he considers using the email system to break major news. The goal is to improve the game population, but if you make big announcements and only 10% of that population hears about it (until it's too late, in some cases), you risk alienating 90% and the unnecessary loss of subs and potential subs.

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Well I wasnt aware of this, I had to submit another subscription last night.. to find out about the name change. Lol so I may of lost my name due to a few days off to the renewal date... People may think its silly to quit... but i only played this character .. only one main... I did make alts... just to get the character buffs.. i searched my email for any swtor ea warnings..i saw none... Was this sub or loose your name only posted on tge website....?? I will miss my sisters from DOD :(

They did state that you need to be subbed during the transfer to have priority. When you say that you submitted another subscription last night...did you mean that you were not subbed at the moment the transfers happened?


To be honest, this is an MMO and things change regularly. If you do not check their twitter, facebook, these forums or dulfy or any source of information at least regularly, then yes, you will miss things. They started announcing this stuff at the beginning of October. If you stayed away from social media in the last month, then yeah, you missed this.


I personally play a lot of alts, therefore my main's name was at risk because I don't play all my hours on her, but I was able to keep all my names just the same.


But yeh...the way you worded this post, it sounds like you weren't subbed at the moment the transfers happened and then you automatically lose out.

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Well I wasnt aware of this, I had to submit another subscription last night.. to find out about the name change. Lol so I may of lost my name due to a few days off to the renewal date... People may think its silly to quit... but i only played this character .. only one main... I did make alts... just to get the character buffs.. i searched my email for any swtor ea warnings..i saw none... Was this sub or loose your name only posted on tge website....?? I will miss my sisters from DOD :(


I get most of my official SWTOR news from their FB page. You can follow them on twitter too. Then you don't have to worry about an email.

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Most of the names I had to tweek were alts. I just added a ' to the name and thereby 'kept' it even if it's a little changed. But I've been subbed since 2011, no broken subs, I play alot (cept recently, school and work) and I am kinda bored when there's no new content. I do the current stuff so much I can almost quote it all word for word. Plus, I had toons on other servers come to me, and I had to rename them due to that.
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If you were using a canon name, or a very common name like Emily or Henry, it should really come as no surprise that it was overwritten in a merge. Made up names, or obscure ones are much more likely to make the cut, because the chances of two people coming up with a long combination of the same letters, much less the same combination with the same surname or apostrophe placement/alt codes is pretty astronomical.


It does suck that you lost the name, but rather than quitting outright, you could look at this as a creative challenge? There's still a chance you might be able to achieve the same name (or name aesthetic) via alt codes, or you could use it as an opportunity to come up with a totally new one and give the character an identity all their own.


Either way, sorry you lost a name, I hope you can figure out a way to make the situation better for yourself.

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