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How to make IA gameplay bearable?


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wow....thats a lot more complicated than any of the other classes. I have a Sith warrior and Inquisitor, bounty hunter and smuggler (though I rarely play him as the combat is just as boring as IA) and I can play those characters with one arm behind my back and still get a good amount of dps from them.


Sorry if I made it seem more complicated than it is. It really isn't. You're mainly pressing two keys if you are one target. It's just lac, lac, lac, shiv, lac, lac, lac and then the only other things you have to worry about is keeping your DoT up, and using backstab and volatile substance on cooldown. Obviously there's more to it when you need to be mobile or CC a target or heal yourself but when you're behind a boss with a healer and a tank, the rotation is quite boring. In solo play everything dies really quickly. For tougher heroics the tools are there is you want to use them but it's not really mandatory.


There are much tougher classes with way more active abilities and buffs you have to watch don't drop off or certain abilities that you should only use under a certain buff so you have to delay it and come up with something else. The tactical advantage mechanic is just like the rage/focus mechanic but it has a smaller maximum. You use one ability to build it up and another ability to spend it. Energy management isn't an issue unless you're trying to use everything on your bar at once to burn down a target and if that happens you have a cooldown to deal with that.


Edit: I should add that for me, it's part of the playstyle of concealment that you're zipping from one target to the next, killing, swapping, killing, swapping. It's part of the fun. If you want a zerg spec where everything just dies in your AoE, go with marksmanship, set your comp to tank and just use suppressive fire on everything. The single target rotation is a bit more complicated than concealment but if you just want to play though the IA story, you can basically press anything and the target will die in a few global cooldowns. If you want to play that spec better, I'm not the best one to ask, but there is a good guide here.

Edited by ForjKlahaa
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wow....thats a lot more complicated than any of the other classes. I have a Sith warrior and Inquisitor, bounty hunter and smuggler (though I rarely play him as the combat is just as boring as IA) and I can play those characters with one arm behind my back and still get a good amount of dps from them.


Sniper's easier too. Instead of Knives, you get a Sniper Rifle and a set of Probes. Very nice. I'm just not a fan of Cull animation. You surely wouldn't think a Sniper Rifle would repeat like that. More of a Series of Shots is like it.


Sniper's almost so easy I could play it blindfold.


Can't stand Warrior / Knight resource mechanics though.

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Sniper's easier too. Instead of Knives, you get a Sniper Rifle and a set of Probes. Very nice. I'm just not a fan of Cull animation. You surely wouldn't think a Sniper Rifle would repeat like that. More of a Series of Shots is like it.


Sniper's almost so easy I could play it blindfold.


Can't stand Warrior / Knight resource mechanics though.

yeah, tho I tried playing a sniper build and as this thread is based on I mentioned how practically EVERY ability takes time to actually activate instead of being insta-cast and thus makes combat way longer than it should be.

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It's taken me a while to get a character through the agent story, and I'm honestly not enjoying it as much as the Sith stories.


Six years on and I still haven't finished IA or Consular. I just found them extremely boring overall (the Consular's fem VA also helped kill it for me, reading every line in a monotone) in spite of the IA's initial draw of being "techy", which is saying a lot considering I finished Trooper. I'm trying new ones now to see if I can make it through (and a male Consular this time).

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yeah, tho I tried playing a sniper build and as this thread is based on I mentioned how practically EVERY ability takes time to actually activate instead of being insta-cast and thus makes combat way longer than it should be.


Kinda like sorcs and their cast times? What a concept.

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Was my initial thought, the character face palmed after...I guess it wasn't a pleasant experience?

Oh well.:rak_03:


I like to think it was just disappointing. :D


"Was it good for you babe?". "Yeah, sure." /facepalm


I'm trying new ones now to see if I can make it through (and a male Consular this time).


Oh my god, he's even worse. Good luck.

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The male Knight has a flirt on the starter world.


The male smuggler has at least as many casual boneage encounters overall.


Bangin is not what makes the agent awesome (though it doesn't hurt:D)


For the Zabrak flirt, I always headcanon she black widows the dude- bangs him and kills him quietly afterwards. Why attract attention by shooting someone in public when you can discretly remove him in private (and still have some fun, if that's what you're into)?


As for gameplay, I play an op healer. Not only could I not resist stealth+heals when I first picked it, but op healing is what got me into doing more group content for fun.

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For whatever reason, I have to chime in here because I have heard over literally years how people love the agent storyline...


...I hate it. I mean I. Hate. It. The end sucked; hell, I think the whole chapters 2 and 3 pretty much just sucked so bad. I also didn't like how



Imperial Intelligence is disbanded, like, right off the bat. I mean ***.



Idk people, I'm an avid reader but the only saving grace about the agent story was Imperial Intelligence on DK. I found keeper and watcher two and the rest inside there interesting. Kind of wish they had more to do with it. Oh, and I guess



all the stuff that happens on Nar Shadaa is pretty cool



For that matter, Trooper story sucked too. Consular story was....meh (I think it could've been WAYYY better).


In my personal opinion, the best story in this game by leaps and bounds is the Sith Inquisitor. Every bit of it was amazing. Sorry, I just felt compelled to say this because every time I see someone extolling the IA story it always makes me want to scratch my head and go, "are you *********** serious???" Lol and I've seen it so much on the forums. Just had to say something.

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So I've heard from practically....well...everyone that the IA has the best storyline out of all the classess. Trouble is that I find the IA gameplay sooooo boring due to how they don't have any fancy force powers and seemingly all their abilities need time to actually activate i.e u have to wait till the bar fills up before they shoot. Are there any IA subclasses where most of the abilities are insta-cast?


Same issue with the smuggler too, I'm enjoying the story but the gameplay/combat is a different story.


Lies, I say!


I was soooooo disappointed in the IA story after reading all the hype about it. Honestly, it is near the bottom of the heap, IMO. Smuggler was also terrible. Trooper would have been by far the worst, except I played it DS, so the reactions were fun. :t_tongue:

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In my personal opinion, the best story in this game by leaps and bounds is the Sith Inquisitor. Every bit of it was amazing. Sorry, I just felt compelled to say this because every time I see someone extolling the IA story it always makes me want to scratch my head and go, "are you *********** serious???" Lol and I've seen it so much on the forums. Just had to say something.


I completely agree! :t_biggrin: SI was by far the best story. That's why it's the only one that I'm taking the time to play through again!

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Lies, I say!


I was soooooo disappointed in the IA story after reading all the hype about it. Honestly, it is near the bottom of the heap, IMO. Smuggler was also terrible. Trooper would have been by far the worst, except I played it DS, so the reactions were fun. :t_tongue:


Lol yes. I agree. So much this.


Sorry OP I know this is technically offtopic from your question....I just had to speak up. I...I couldn't take it anymore.

Edited by Sangetorix
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So I've heard from practically....well...everyone that the IA has the best storyline out of all the classess. Trouble is that I find the IA gameplay sooooo boring due to how they don't have any fancy force powers and seemingly all their abilities need time to actually activate i.e u have to wait till the bar fills up before they shoot. Are there any IA subclasses where most of the abilities are insta-cast?


Same issue with the smuggler too, I'm enjoying the story but the gameplay/combat is a different story.


Roll an operative. Snipers are the worst.

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