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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do NOT Empty Your Legacy Bank


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The first line from that post: "I am not making the case for others to follow suit, just providing the steps I am taking"


Or: Your thread is pointless and ridiculous, and causes drama where none existed.


Edit: You see all these people calmly explaining what they are doing and why they are doing it, and instead of disagreeing, they're being accused of acting like the sky is falling, or of acting paranoid. They once more explain calmly what their reasoning is, and you start talking about the overflow feature like it's the second coming.


If you're not just trying to make waves, you should maybe step back a bit and re-read things.

Edited by cyrusramsey
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Just wanted to educate in the face of false news based on fear mongering. A lot of people do not even know about this feature.


The rest is all in your head, it is just the forums, you don't have to take everyone who doesn't agree with you as some personal attack or trolling attempt.

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Just wanted to educate in the face of false news based on fear mongering. A lot of people do not even know about this feature.


The rest is all in your head, it is just the forums, you don't have to take everyone who doesn't agree with you as some personal attack or trolling attempt.


Except there is no fear mongering, there is people discussing what they are doing, and then there is you dramatically declaring everyone else to be dramatic. Silly.

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Funny, I'm ex-military and a software engineer and I am saying: Don't panic and if you have a lot of stuff in more than one legacy don't WASTE this chance to get more storage on FEAR mongering.


Preparing for the worst is all well and good, but if it involves denying yourself access to a feature like Legacy Overflow you have to think, is this really that risky?


Because my cargo bay is empty and I have numerous extra char slots :rolleyes:


Also with overflow you can access it anytime any toon, using alts cargo bays means you have to login/out to get something.


First off, the overflow is not a feature. It's meant as a temporary fix to prevent players from losing items currently stored in their legacy storage.


Secondly, if you're stuffing your legacy storages to purposefully have an overflow then that, in my book, is borderline exploitation of the system.

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Well, since I will not run into an overflow but I do have two legacy banks merging I opted to clear them out just in case there is a weird little hiccup during the merge. I'd rather just deal with a teeny bit of hassle on my own than run into an issue that requires submitting a ticket since customer service is already experiencing a backlog. I know this because I put a ticket in for a minor glitch and it took three days to get a response telling me that they were backlogged. This is a big merge, there will probably be a few bumps during the process. Hopefully it won't be anything more than minor annoyances that are easily fixed, but it will probably create an increase in the backlog for a little while.


I think people should do or not do whatever they want to feel prepared. For some that means cramming legacy, for others it means clearing it out. Just do what you think is right for you and let others do the same. I'm not really sure why people are getting worked up over what someone else does with their own account. Fingers crossed for a smooth merge for everyone so we can all get back into the game and have fun.

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My opinion on this? Better safe than sorry. I mean, come on, this is the same company that still can't fix the 'sorting a full tab of your character's bank often makes random items disappear' bug after how long, 4 years now? EA has borked up the majority of the patches it has ever put out for this game, and in the past two years it's been almost every patch that's been borked, often in game-breaking ways.


If there's items in your legacy bank (for any legacy) you would hate to lose (for whatever reason), it's safer to clear it out and put it in character storage, rather than risk this 'legacy bank overflow' process glitching out. Sure, it's a little extra work, but again... better safe than sorry.

Edited by AscendingSky
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There are threads going around telling people to do this.




If you have more than one legacy and too much stuff you will get an expanded space in your Legacy.


If you take all your stuff out it will not trigger an expanded space.




Of course some will tell you the new feature won't work, if you assume the worst just sell EVERYTHING and keep the credits :rolleyes:


On Darth Malgus I can't seem to find any items I stored in TOFN legacy cargo, only those that were in TRE. Any special place to get them?


On TRE my cargo wasn't full, no item appeared from TOFN on the free slots.


And this is the exact reason I took everything out of Legacy cargo and then got all my mail on 100+ toons.


Oh look, it was broke and had to be fixed. Hope they got all the peoples stuff back

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There are threads going around telling people to do this.




If you have more than one legacy and too much stuff you will get an expanded space in your Legacy.


If you take all your stuff out it will not trigger an expanded space.




Of course some will tell you the new feature won't work, if you assume the worst just sell EVERYTHING and keep the credits :rolleyes:


Feel like taking responsibility for your advice?

You have caused harm to people if anyone took your recommendation. Hope you will appropriately compensate anyone that has lost temporarily access to their stuff because of you.

Of course you won't

Edited by exfell
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Feel like taking responsibility for your advice?

You have caused harm to people if anyone took your recommendation. Hope you will appropriately compensate anyone that has lost temporarily access to their stuff because of you.

Of course you won't


Oh FFS. CS will have a record. Be patient. The items will be replaced. Relax.


And besides, I had no issueso I guess not everyone had a problem. You'll get the items back. Submit a ticket in the meantime

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Oh FFS. CS will have a record. Be patient. The items will be replaced. Relax.


And besides, I had no issueso I guess not everyone had a problem. You'll get the items back. Submit a ticket in the meantime


Erm. I can't get any items back because I have not lost any.

Nice to know you think it's ok to publicly give ***** advice without any responsibility for it. Some people just don't have any backbone. In this case he was explicitly telling people to forgo sensible precautions they were taking, that's not ok.

Edited by exfell
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Erm. I can't get any items back because I have not lost any.

Nice to know you think it's ok to publicly give ***** advice without any responsibility for it. Some people just don't have any backbone. In this case he was explicitly telling people to forgo sensible precautions they were taking, that's not ok.


I didn't give any crap advice, thank you, but it's not the person's fault and it will be resolved. Flaming the person does nothing. Seriously. So stop.

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There are threads going around telling people to do this.




If you have more than one legacy and too much stuff you will get an expanded space in your Legacy.


If you take all your stuff out it will not trigger an expanded space.




Of course some will tell you the new feature won't work, if you assume the worst just sell EVERYTHING and keep the credits :rolleyes:

I pulled everything. For two reasons;


1. I expected there to be glitches with the merge and I wanted to make sure it was all available right away (only did this to my main server)


2. The expanded overflow you can only pull from and not add to. Which is great.... except you can't put anything back into it and if somehow you can (ala crafting materials) they will most likely fix it.


If you had extra items pre-merge and wanted those to go into the storage tab that's great, awesome win for you because now you (might) have those go to overflow, but for me the 'I want these as soon as server comes up' items like gear I pulled. Not paranoid, I just wanted my stuff and wanted it now with no chance of glitches making me wait to have any of it.



Also; Looks like the 'paranoia' paid off.

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Bet the OP feels pretty silly about stuffing his legacy banks right about now, and telling everyone to follow his example. Just gotta say I.... Hahahahaha.... Sorry, that just slipped out.


Yeah hopefully that's the last time he makes predictions about how anything is going to work that Bioware announces that it will be doing.


We've learned in this game long ago that you never know until you know, and it's always best to play it safe.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I didn't give any crap advice, thank you, but it's not the person's fault and it will be resolved. Flaming the person does nothing. Seriously. So stop.


I did not say you did but you do seem to think such action is acceptable. Holding someone accountable for their words is not flaming. I do agree that it will do nothing though and Bw will resolve this in time.

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Erm. I can't get any items back because I have not lost any.

Nice to know you think it's ok to publicly give ***** advice without any responsibility for it. Some people just don't have any backbone. In this case he was explicitly telling people to forgo sensible precautions they were taking, that's not ok.




Do what you want but don't give bad advice to others.


Don't cry on the forums when your combined legacy items won't fit in your legacy bank because you defeated the Legacy Overflow feature.


Whose giving bad advice? The only one was you.


When it comes to bioware it's always best to take precautions. Always best to be better safe than sorry as players are now finding out.


and they can only hope they get their stuff back.

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There are threads going around telling people to do this.




If you have more than one legacy and too much stuff you will get an expanded space in your Legacy.


If you take all your stuff out it will not trigger an expanded space.




Of course some will tell you the new feature won't work, if you assume the worst just sell EVERYTHING and keep the credits :rolleyes:


Uhm mine went to 5 different emails labeled legacy overflow etc. Are you sure they are not just still in transit for you?

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Given the multiple threads now on the forums with people reporting they didn't receive items from their legacy bank... I hope OP is ready to eat a heaping helping of crow after his little "You're all fearmongering!" fit. At the very least he should come on and admit he was wrong to discourage people from taking reasonable precautions. Edited by AscendingSky
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If anyone's gotten any stuff back, hasn't hit me yet. I've flipped through 50+ toons, no mail, no red blinking item in legacy or personal inventory.


Luckily I ignored Foambreaker's advice completely and I took all the non-stackable items like my Dark Vs. Light armor and my legacy gear and all that and transferred them all to one server before the transfers ended, so by performing my own pre-merge, I've reduced my headache quite a bit. Only wish I had had the cartel coin to move all the mats over. 6 tabs of mats. Should have created more side-guilds to hold everything. Oh well.


Hopefully everyone will get restored soon.

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