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gearing up for endgame is disgusting


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For that post: I'm a PVPer who isn't doing any PVE Stuff at all but maybe some PPL who are just playing Story or heroics could've the same problem: I'm CXP LVL 300 (Bought full 246 from GTN) and opened now over 150 crates of t4 crates and i really expected that im close to have full 248 gear but i basicly got seriously nothing out of it. the result of fcking 150 cxp crates was 1 relic,3 chests (already had so 3 useless pieces of gear) and bracers. so the way to get gear is just by rng crates,alone that fact is embarrassing.



I think im speaking for EVERYONE in this game and i know from LOTS OF PEOPEL that they just hate the cxp sytem. its just rng and thats the point:

-give us better drop charces for 248 gear (or generally 236,242,248)

-just remove the system and bring the vendors back,they worked in every patch perfect even that you could buy the mods and enhancement whitch you wanted/needed to create the "perfect gear" was a good fact. and i think everybody would be happy

-make a system that we can't get gear duplicated so we all won't have that ****** problem

-get self ideas its not really our job we are just the players who criticize you guys for that system of gearing



If i see nothing is happening,i'll say goodbye to the sub of the game,please think abaut it ;)

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For that post: I'm a PVPer who isn't doing any PVE Stuff at all but maybe some PPL who are just playing Story or heroics could've the same problem: I'm CXP LVL 300 (Bought full 246 from GTN) and opened now over 150 crates of t4 crates and i really expected that im close to have full 248 gear but i basicly got seriously nothing out of it. the result of fcking 150 cxp crates was 1 relic,3 chests (already had so 3 useless pieces of gear) and bracers. so the way to get gear is just by rng crates,alone that fact is embarrassing.



I think im speaking for EVERYONE in this game and i know from LOTS OF PEOPEL that they just hate the cxp sytem. its just rng and thats the point:

-give us better drop charces for 248 gear (or generally 236,242,248)

-just remove the system and bring the vendors back,they worked in every patch perfect even that you could buy the mods and enhancement whitch you wanted/needed to create the "perfect gear" was a good fact. and i think everybody would be happy

-make a system that we can't get gear duplicated so we all won't have that ****** problem

-get self ideas its not really our job we are just the players who criticize you guys for that system of gearing



If i see nothing is happening,i'll say goodbye to the sub of the game,please think abaut it ;)


You're about 11 months late to the party ;):p


Your point is valid nonetheless, and I agree with what you are saying. It's just that we've beaten this dead horse now since 5.0 was released.


Believe it or not, there are still some white knights who will defend the CXP/GC/RNG system. Mind = blown.


Anyway, even Keith, who when he first became lead producer people thought he would be this game's savior, said early on in so many words that he's not interested in removing the CXP/GC/RNG system. He will only tweak it.


It's been tweaked, and 5.6 will tweak it one more time (UC for disintegrating stuff ). Some white knights will even go so far as to say that we have no basis for our argument because of all the stuff that's been done to tweak it.

Those kinds of statements make me face palm.


Oh, well.

Edited by SolarSaenz
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I quit evequest 2 because of the "disgusting" endgame gear grind. I realized the only reason I was playing was so I could get the gear to keep on playing. I couldn't do it any more. Even going back through old content just didn't seem to have a point. I got tired of the gear/stat chase after a while, I suppose.


The one thing separating EQ2 from SWTOR in that regard is that EQ2's grind for gear is harder.

Here I can do dailies and heroics and get the gear, eventually. There, if I don't have a group for certain content, I"m not getting gear, period.

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I seem to remember all the ranting about this when the system was announced.


It is just as bad as advertised.


I still don't know if I'll ever get a character to 300. I'm not too worried about it. I just don't PVP Ranked anymore. And I die more in unranked. No big deal.


But, this is probably the biggest (and worst) change that they've made that literally no one asked for.

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I seem to remember all the ranting about this when the system was announced.


It is just as bad as advertised.


I still don't know if I'll ever get a character to 300. I'm not too worried about it. I just don't PVP Ranked anymore. And I die more in unranked. No big deal.


But, this is probably the biggest (and worst) change that they've made that literally no one asked for.


I have 1 a 300 and a few in the 100's. Compared to EQ2, I much prefer this gear grind over that one. This one I can solo.

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Two wrongs don't make this one right. :t_eek:


Easy is better than hard. I'd rather solo through this gear grind that scrape together a group to (maybe) get 1 piece of gear in EQ2.


Guess just means I'm lazy. here is more lazy (a mod I made for Skyrim SE)

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It's been tweaked, and 5.6 will tweak it one more time (UC for disintegrating stuff ). Some white knights will even go so far as to say that we have no basis for our argument because of all the stuff that's been done to tweak it.

Those kinds of statements make me face palm.


What you call a "tweak" some of us call a fundamental revamp. I've read dozens of your posts Solar and you have consistently failed to explain how disintegrating items enabling you to purchase specific items is even remotely a RNG-based system.


If the conversion rates stink (and they may well) -- I'll happily hop on that bandwagon and complain.


But the new system is the antithesis of RNG -- by its very definition -- except for the chance to get a great item you don't even have to purchase. I just don't see how you can't grasp this concept.



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and esp. cuz gear means anything in this game is it important that you'll get it by playing it. not by rng random cxp crates. im just trying to change something in this game with that post and i hope much ppl can agree with it.
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and esp. cuz gear means anything in this game is it important that you'll get it by playing it. not by rng random cxp crates. im just trying to change something in this game with that post and i hope much ppl can agree with it.


I've gotten used to the crates, especially getting 8 or 9 at a time after completing the Yavin weekly. It's like woohoo Christmas. And now that there's cxp boosts inside the crates, crates beget crates.

It's not as hideous as it used to be given the crate count.

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and esp. cuz gear means anything in this game is it important that you'll get it by playing it. not by rng random cxp crates. im just trying to change something in this game with that post and i hope much ppl can agree with it.


Gear rating barely means anything anymore with almost every content being bolstered (PvP bolster got buffed up to 242 recently).

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here's the thing. If gearing is to easy, people will leave anyway because there isn't anything to dp. Personally the GC grind is nothing. I have 13 rank 300's now, and 2 more I'm working on. It's not hard, but it is a time sink. Not to mention the main point for GC Since 5.2 is to get people to do ALL content PvP, and PvE to gear out the fastest anyway. Doing only Operations or PvP exclusively will slow done your gear progression big time. It's less about RNG, and more about do Operations get 242's, then do PvP/GSF for components to upgrade those 242's to 248's. (tho after 5.6 you'll be able to get UC's from Disintegration so this is about to change again anyway). Edited by Toraak
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Gear rating barely means anything anymore with almost every content being bolstered (PvP bolster got buffed up to 242 recently).


This sort of side-tracks the thread to talk about bolster, but bolster isn't what it used to be.

At one point, bolster took into consideration your gear, meaning your stats were gear stats + bolster.

People were taking off their gear, getting bolstered, then putting their gear back on and having higher stats than intended.


Doesn't work that way now. Stats on gear are ignored, so all you get is the bolster.


That is why for my guild's raids, we have gear requirements. Our newbie ops require 178 rating, our more serious ops require 232. Bolster doesn't cut it.

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here's the thing. If gearing is to easy, people will leave anyway because there isn't anything to dp.
We're in complete disagreement here. I don't know a single player who has left this game because gear was "too easy" to get. Even during 4.0 I didn't see people quit because of it. People quit because 4.0 and 5.0 were terrible and lacked any "MMO" content. Lack of new development is what has killed SWTOR, not easy gearing.
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We're in complete disagreement here. I don't know a single player who has left this game because gear was "too easy" to get. Even during 4.0 I didn't see people quit because of it. People quit because 4.0 and 5.0 were terrible and lacked any "MMO" content. Lack of new development is what has killed SWTOR, not easy gearing.


I saw many guildies leave once they had full 224's in the 1st few weeks of 4.0. They had nothing else to strive for with no new Operations, so YES gearing to easily can drive people away.

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here's the thing. If gearing is to easy, people will leave anyway because there isn't anything to dp.


I absolutely, 100%, completely, entirely, how else to say it, disagree with your premise.

Casual players aren't going to run away from this game just because gear is easy to get. That makes no sense. Casuals also have more to do in this game than grind gear. You don't RP, you don't love decorating your stronghold, etc. etc. You sound to me like a PVP or ops-only player, only getting his kicks from hard-to-get gear drops. Sorry but guess what, that's not the end-all and be-all of this game.

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I saw many guildies leave once they had full 224's in the 1st few weeks of 4.0. They had nothing else to strive for with no new Operations, so YES gearing to easily can drive people away.

And you equate that to them gearing up too fast??? You even said "with no new operations"...it wasn't the gear my friend, it was the lack of development in 4.0 and 5.0 that have killed this game. Getting gear too fast isn't the issue...having nothing new is.

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I absolutely, 100%, completely, entirely, how else to say it, disagree with your premise.

Casual players aren't going to run away from this game just because gear is easy to get. That makes no sense. Casuals also have more to do in this game than grind gear. You don't RP, you don't love decorating your stronghold, etc. etc. You sound to me like a PVP or ops-only player, only getting his kicks from hard-to-get gear drops. Sorry but guess what, that's not the end-all and be-all of this game.

Agreed! x1000+

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I absolutely, 100%, completely, entirely, how else to say it, disagree with your premise.

Casual players aren't going to run away from this game just because gear is easy to get. That makes no sense. Casuals also have more to do in this game than grind gear. You don't RP, you don't love decorating your stronghold, etc. etc. You sound to me like a PVP or ops-only player, only getting his kicks from hard-to-get gear drops.


Not at all. I do Operations, I seldom do ground PvP, I do lots of GSF. Yes I'm not an RP player personally, but that doesn't mean I bash them at all. To each there own, I also have nothing against SH's, just not my cup of tea. I do however enjoy going through the 1-50 storyline as I do have almost 100 characters spread out on multiple servers so saying I'm a PvP or Ops only player is sinply a WRONG assumption.


I never once said anything about Hardcore or Casual players in my post btw. Yes Casual players may not leave once geared (it'll also take them longer to get fully geared, which is why they are called casuals they don't spend as much time in game due to RL whether families, work etc). From My experience however I did see many of my guildies leave in 4.0 because they got geared in full 224's in only a couple of weeks, and had nothing else to do. This caused them to get bored and leave.

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Not at all. I do Operations, I seldom do ground PvP, I do lots of GSF. Yes I'm not an RP player personally, but that doesn't mean I bash them at all. To each there own, I also have nothing against SH's, just not my cup of tea. I do however enjoy going through the 1-50 storyline as I do have almost 100 characters spread out on multiple servers so saying I'm a PvP or Ops only player is sinply a WRONG assumption.


I never once said anything about Hardcore or Casual players in my post btw. Yes Casual players may not leave once geared (it'll also take them longer to get fully geared, which is why they are called casuals they don't spend as much time in game due to RL whether families, work etc). From My experience however I did see many of my guildies leave in 4.0 because they got geared in full 224's in only a couple of weeks, and had nothing else to do. This caused them to get bored and leave.


It wasn't the gearing that bored them, it was the lack of new operations maps. THE TWO ARE NOT THE SAME.

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And you equate that to them gearing up too fast??? You even said "with no new operations"...it wasn't the gear my friend, it was the lack of development in 4.0 and 5.0 that have killed this game. Getting gear too fast isn't the issue...having nothing new is.


Tux yes that had something to do with it, however they specifically said I'm Min/maxed in so short of a time, I have no reason to stay to do even NiM content anymore. It may not have been 100% of the reason they left but it sure was a key reason. To be fair, not many people leave a game for only 1 reason.

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