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Xi'Niris thoughts on Ferocity Change :(


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Hopefully BW is paying somewhat attention to the forums and seeing the problems within the new mechanics for the ferocity window. As it stands, right now without clipping or berserk I can easily fit 3 abilities within the 3sec ferocity window. This is simple math. Running a high alacrity build you are able to push the GCD to where you can easily fit 3 abilities. for instance ferocity>ravage>gore>DV. DV is an instant cast and therefore with the .2 or so seconds left as long as you can get it precasted to cast as soon as your gcd is over it will fit. You can also achieve this by activating ferocity halfway through your ravage gcd and picking up with gore>DV if your ping is meh. As far as clipping goes, I can see how it takes a higher level of skill and sometimes a decent ping, which can allow for 4 abilities to be fit into one ferocity with berserk. ok. I get that may be a problem for BW, but its been around for a LONG time and is nothing new. If they wanted it changed to begin with they've had ample time. Regardless, it is perfectly reasonable to say that we should have at least 3 stacks from ferocity post patch because it is not hard to achieve with the set mechanics now. Also, not allowing ravage in the ferocity is a huge problem. As of right now it contributes A LOT of DPS because of the subsequent ataru procs that come from all of the melee hits. Which now will also not get the armor pent if proced in ferocity. This also gives us less choices of freedom of what we can use now in the window. With these changes you are basically restricting the way we can play the spec to only one way. which is going to kill the fun of carnage.
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I'm from NZ, and like you, I can get 3 in the window, 4 with clipping and that's all with 200 constant ping, bringing it up as a "latency" issue is just a lazy way of saying "it's over performing" imo.


If it were to go through, 3 maybe even 4 stacks of ferocity and no limitations on what can use it will be a better choice.

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If the changes stand a buff to Ravage damage would be necessary IMO


I completely agree. By removing abilities rather than simply allowing all to most abilities within a zen/berserk window, you destroy more creativity within this class and limit it more and more to making it a one way street to how damage is "best" achieved. I won't argue that there's more than several methods to achieving good and great numbers, cause there is. But for this class spec in general, being that precision/ferocity is the basis of how sents/maras achieve their damage that sets them apart, it goes without question any sort of nerf or change at this point and time to that direct ability is a huge compromise to this popular class and something I believe most people are against as far as this decision goes.


I just hope Bioware opens their eyes to these recent posts and reconsiders, especially for the loyal players that still care about this game and its future no matter how long or short. This may be in vain, but at least we can say we tried.

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  • 2 weeks later...
While I appreciate that BW reverted the limitation on abilities, carnage burst has still been cut in half. Going from 4 abilities per ferocity use to 2 is a huge nerf to PVP burst and sustained DPS in PVE. Surely more stacks will be granted or a buff to our heavy hitters will ensue. The performance will not be there if it goes live as is.
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While I appreciate that BW reverted the limitation on abilities, carnage burst has still been cut in half. Going from 4 abilities per ferocity use to 2 is a huge nerf to PVP burst and sustained DPS in PVE. Surely more stacks will be granted or a buff to our heavy hitters will ensue. The performance will not be there if it goes live as is.


It'll definitely be a nerf to Carnage's overall sustained dps yes. But now with berserk granting a third stack, you can fit all heavy hitters inside a window (Devastating Blast, Gore, Ravage in one, Devastating Blast, Vicious Throw in the other), so really all you're losing is a buffed Dual saber throw and (if you're clipping it, which was not intended anyways) and some buffed Massacres. But this new stack mechanic will make it much harder to shut Carnage down in pvp, as the stacks will last through getting stunned, whereas now a burst window can get wrecked by a well timed stun or even a push.


I think overall this might even be somewhat of a small buff in pvp, while being somewhat of a nerf in pve, which is warranted with how high Carnage is parsing.

Edited by AdjeYo
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It'll definitely be a nerf to Carnage's overall sustained dps yes. But now with berserk granting a third stack, you can fit all heavy hitters inside a window (Devastating Blast, Gore, Ravage in one, Devastating Blast, Vicious Throw in the other), so really all you're losing is a buffed Dual saber throw and (if you're clipping it, which was not intended anyways) and some buffed Massacres. But this new stack mechanic will make it much harder to shut Carnage down in pvp, as the stacks will last through getting stunned, whereas now a burst window can get wrecked by a well timed stun or even a push.


I think overall this might even be somewhat of a small buff in pvp, while being somewhat of a nerf in pve, which is warranted with how high Carnage is parsing.


This. There'll be a DPS dropoff forsure, but burst-wise it'll be roughly the same. I still think we'd need a buff to Gore, Ravage or DB to make up for the massive DPS loss this is gonna cause tho, 800-1k dps is a pretty big hit.

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