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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unpopular SWTOR opinions


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-I love the development of Valkorian being Vitiate and think it works well (and is consistent) for the character -- making him one of the best villains in all of Star Wars. (With one exception: Charles Boyd said Valkorian was still active during the three or four years Vitiate was "dead" -- I think that is a pretty bad inconsistency, but since it's never stated in-game I just ignore it.)


-Tapping Timothy Zahn for a story in the Chiss Ascendancy sounds great, but what I really want is for BW to use their writers to develop established, but not fully fleshed out, Legends cultures and conflicts to tell new stories -- the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium, the Nagai, the ancient Hapans, etc.


-I am in favor of older Sub rewards being made available again for new players (and I say this as someone who has every single one already).


-Overall, I like the KotFE characters better than the original companions.


-While I think SoR was the best expansion overall, I liked KotFE's content model best.


-I care about class balance and server merges insofar as they affect my fellow players and the overall health of the game, but personally neither issue matters to me at all.

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I like the whole CXP system as it is now or will be after next major update (with the unassembled components). I think we prodded them in the right direction with our constant nagging. Nagging works! :cool: Only small caveat is that NiM op drops are apparently only 246, which should be 248.


I like the new hairstyles. They're wacky, but I like wacky. Especially the one that looks like some exotic bird landed on your head (Unisex hairstyle 2)


I think if you're grinding for CXP even though you hate grinding for CXP, it's entirely your fault. Forget about ranking to 300 and just play the damned game!


*dons asbestos underpants*

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- I don't like seeing old subscriber rewards recycled. Not because I don't want new people to have them, but because it leaves older players without new rewards. It's kind of like giving older subscribers the finger when they could do a quick re-color and a new name so everyone gets a reward.


- I still don't buy the Valkorion is Vitiate bit even after Charles's blog. It read like a clumsy retrofit rather than a planned out plot. I've read better arguments for aliens building the pyramids.


- I don't want the FE/ET textures on my characters. They are too exaggerated and ugly. I like my characters to be attractive, not like the before pictures of Biorè & Chapstick ads.


- I see no problem adding SGR to returning companions. In most cases we know so little about their pasts & interests there would be no conflict.


- I really miss sidequests. They gave the game context which FE/ET is sorely missing.


- Kira is irritating and I'm happy she didn't have a roll in the expansions. (Unlike Scourge who absolutely should have been in Sor & FE/ET!) Romanced Mako comes across and nothing but a gold digger and the ending makes me want to barf.


- Old fashioned tank and spanks are more fun than choreographed ops boss fights. (Mosh pit vs. folk dance,)


- Story through flashpoints is not a good solution for content for everyone. It's ok filler until proper story is released.


- Don't bring back companions until they can be brought back well. Better to wait than be shafted. (Yes, I'm very better about the crappy Quinn return!) Don't restrict new returns to original class like rumors suggest. I like collecting companions and there are some I'd really like to group in my stronghold and not have as holograms. (Getting rid of the stupid hologram switching companions would be a step in the right direction. How about each companion having two decos? 1 holo, 1 normal?)


- I like opening blind boxes. (for fluff, not gear)

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Yay for Lana fans. :) My OTP is Lana x my character but other than that ITA. :)


he he It's nice to see I'm not alone ;)

There never will be enough Lana in this game!!!!


I understand, my OTP is Lana x my character too. She's a consular and I love the Jedi/Sith dynamic^^

Which class is your main character?


oh, and back to the topic:

- I would like to be abble to create a female character without makeup in the character creator. My jedi/trooper/inquisitor/etc. are not divas or pom pom girls.... unfortunatelly the option does not exist. It's silly.

Edited by Doloriss
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Actually I'm a her, and I don't think Malgus is bad I just don't find him unique. He's a very average stereotypical Sith. Marr, Valron, and Jadus have unique perspectives and personalities.


My apologies. I'm just gently trolling a particular someone else here :)

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he he It's nice to see I'm not alone ;)

There never will be enough Lana in this game!!!!


I understand, my OTP is Lana x my character too. She's a consular and I love the Jedi/Sith dynamic^^

Which class is your main character?


oh, and back to the topic:

- I would like to be abble to create a female character without makeup in the character creator. My jedi/trooper/inquisitor/etc. are not divas or pom pom girls.... unfortunatelly the option does not exist. It's silly.


If this game was all Lana, all the time, I'd be incredibly happy, although I think that many on this board would bring out the pitchforks and torches for Bioware.


My girl is a Sith Warrior. She tends to lean lighter, but she's still very much a Sith, much like Lana. :)


I agree about the makeup, FWIW. There are a few choices that are lighter, but there's no option to make them totally bare-faced, and there should be.

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Well, mine might not be popular but I think the game would improve if we just got rid of the Sith completely and even perhaps if the Empire was gone too. I think the Sith are beyond idiotic in the way they act with all this blood and crap when no one is using a knife. That gets me every time. But the Empire being populated by what basically sounds like a herd of sheep just make them so stupid to me. All the Republic has to do is contain these two and they'll end themselves faster than they could. To think they actually managed to conquer half the galaxy is straining the disbelief. I'm not that crazy with the idea of the Jedi all working as Vulcan cos-players either but the Sith in this game I just can't take seriously. Especially as a threat. The Republic has enough infighting and backstabbing to take care of any conflict needed within the game that I'd rather we get rid of these Empire clowns.
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The 18 hour alignment thing is working really well for me, I'm getting lots of tokens now :o


Me too!!!!!


If I play light side


Thexann >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Arcann


Vaylin should stay gone.


Also level sync sucks.

Edited by orangenee
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