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Thanks! My ping improved! No lag spikes.


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I'm sorry if I am not allowed to enjoy myself and my time on this game. Didn't mean to offend you.


I'm not offended. I find it sad that you lack empathy for other human beings. I'm not like that. I have empathy for what the APAC players are going through. I think they've been getting the short end of the stick from EA for years now. I don't see how caring about other people's experiences hurts me (or you) at all.

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I'm not offended. I find it sad that you lack empathy for other human beings. I'm not like that. I have empathy for what the APAC players are going through. I think they've been getting the short end of the stick from EA for years now. I don't see how caring about other people's experiences hurts me (or you) at all.


In my older post I did state I feel for the APAC players, but it shouldn't impact my enjoyment of a game.

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I'm talking about the APAC players. West coasters will adapt.


Sadly, you can adapt to 100-150ms (even though you shouldn’t have too)... the trick is anticipation... knowing the enemies class and abilities intimately (it’s why I have 200+ toons)... then learning their rotations... the best way to find the counters if people have problems is to play on that class against someone good with lower ping... you can pick up on those counters very quick...

Then all you need to do is reduce your activation time to 2.5 seconds because if you have it higher you will miss more often because of lag (that’s from my experience)... and start activating abilities before they do... sometimes you’ll guess wrong, especially if you play someone unorthodox like me (that’s another trick with high lag)... but after a while you get your guesses right more often than wrong...

I think the hardest thing for people to get used to is the reduced dps you do... it’s a change in mind set and need to use tactics and brains to get good numbers because the old death match way won’t work the same as it did when there was lower ping...

Seeing as I’m 99% sure I’m leaving for good after the sub runs out (that’s a sad thought 😢)... I’ll offer up something I do to mitigate my lag disadvantage... (and have never told anyone else)

Don’t play in an orthodox way... don’t follow set rotations/priorities and counters... people know all of those and if you are up against someone of equal skill who knows them and has better ping.., then you’ll lose everytime... if you confuse the **** out of them... they can’t counter and you get the upper hand because you still know what they’ll do... but they have no idea what you’re up to ;)

More interrupts early and slows before they activate their abilities and you will stop them in their tracks... and LOS... I can’t emphasise how much more you need to do this with high lag... even on melee classes...

And lastly, disengage earlier than you would now... if you think you can last another 2 secs now.. sadly you won’t be able to if you ever go from 30ms to 150ms... better to disengage and heal... than force a bad position.

Eseentially you need to become a gypsie fortune teller with a light sabre that tells the future 😉

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Just to give one example... when 5.0 dropped, Galactic Command was set to be the ONLY way to receive end game set bonus gear, period, end of story. The players revolted. Ben Irving went all "RNG is EXCITING!!!" on multiple livestreams and tried to hype up the random garbage crate system as the best solution. Players didn't buy it. People protested on the forums, and started unsubscribing in droves. Lo and behold, after a few months they started adding PvE and PvP methods to gain end game gear back to the game.


Now EA will see the APAC players, and probably some West Coast players as well, go the voting with their wallet route as well as posting their issues on here. EA has made changes before under public pressure, they can do it again.


Game mechanics and designs are one thing. Physical server farm locations are just a bit different. If I were EA, I would have chosen the central US if I was going to consolidate locations. However, I am not EA, nor am I privy to their various server farms and contracts. The Bean Counters have spoken. I, for one, do not fault the Bean Counters for doing their job it's because of them that businesses stay in business. This was a business decision, like it or not. EA is not a charity, and as much as I despise them (and the former SOE for that matter), they are here to make money. That doesn't necessarily jive with those who see only the entertainment side of the equation, but that's capitalism for you.


So has the playerbase...

Come on TUX, I expect better of you. If APAC was even remotely close to being half of the playerbase, we would still have a dedicated server for them, and not the mess we have now. EA/BW have made some poor decisions over the years. This however, I can't include with them (except for not communicating the details of this operation). If we want to take them to task for something, then let's take them to task for all those other poor decisions that slowly decreased the playerbase over time and forced this issue upon us.

Edited by BJWyler
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Come on TUX, I expect better of you. If APAC was even remotely close to being half of the playerbase, we would still have a dedicated server for them, and not the mess we have now. EA/BW have made some poor decisions over the years. This however, I can't include with them (except for not communicating the details of this operation). If we want to take them to task for something, then let's take them to task for all those other poor decisions that slowly decreased the playerbase over time and forced this issue upon us.

Relax BJ...it wasn't meant to be literal.

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